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            • 1.

              As the old saying goes,he who doesn’t reach the Great Wall isn’t a true man.The Great Wall is regarded as a symbol of the Chinese nation. It has attracted lots of tourists from all over the world every year. US President Barack Obama visited the Badaling section of the Great Wall in Beijing on Nov. 18th, 2009. The Great Wall was the second sightseeing program for Obama during his first visit to China.

              The Great Wall today has become one of themust-seeplaces for visiting foreign lead­ers to the country in the past sixty years. “ I’m inspired(鼓舞)by the majesty of the Great Wall and gratefu1 for the warmth of the Chinese people,” Obama said after his half-hour tour.

              “It's magical,” Obama said when walking along the Great Wall, “it reminds you of the sweep of history and our time here on earth is not that long. We better make the best of it.”

              “I brought back the admi­ration(钦佩) for the Chinese civilization(文明), I bring here the greetings of American peo­ple.” Obama said when climbing a watchtower to enjoy a distant view at the Badaling section of the Great Wall.

              Obama is the fifth US president to visit the Great Wall. Richard Nixon visited the Great Wall in 1972, Ronald Reagan in 1984 and Bill Clinton in 1998,In 2002, former US President George W. Bush and his wife Laura toured the same sections Obama did.

            • 2.

                Look at the picture. Do you know this   (1)  ? His name is Sun Zijian. He is from Shaoyang, Hunan. Sun Zijian can do many   (2)  . He is really great. Let me tell you   (3)   he can do. He can do kung fu, play the piano, play the flute (笛子), sing   (4)   dance. Of all the things, kung fu is his favorite.

                 His father   (5)  him kung fu. He learns (学习) kung fu every day when he is   (6)  . He is very smart (聪明的). After years of learning, he can do it   (7)  now. His family and friends always see him on TV. When he   (8)   his talents (才艺) in New York, the US, people there  (9)   him very much.

                 Now Sun Zijian is 14 years old and he is a student  (10)   a middle school. We are sure that he will be better (更好的) in the future.

            • 3. When I was a child,my father had to do three jobs for a family of seven.Every time I saw him come back late,looking tired,I promised myself that someday I would show my (16)     to my father for what he had done.
              Over the next twenty years,my father worked hard to (17)     our big family and suffered (遭受)a lot from a heart problem.One morning,my father's old car (18)     and he asked me to pick him up after his medical examination.He had (19)     refused when I offered to replace(取代) his old car.He said that he did not want something that he was unable to pay himself.
              As he stepped out of the doctor's office,he looked unusually(20)    .We drove in silence and he made me promise to keep the medical report as a (21)    .I did this with a heavy heart.
              At that time,I was(22)     a new car.I asked my father to go with me to pick one out.(23)      I started talking with the salesman,I noticed my father admiring a brown car.I (24)     chose a white car.My father took one final look at the brown car and seemed kind of  (25)    before leaving I heard him muttering (嘀咕) to himself,"Really like that car.Wish I could   (26)     it.
              Several days later,I asked my father if he could go with me to pick up (27)     new car.As we arrived,the salesman  (28)     him a key to his new car-the brown one-and explained that it was for him,(29)    me.My father looked at me in great(30)    .I explained it was my childhood promise and smiled at this man,who had given up everything for his family.

              18.A.set offB.came backC.broke downD.went by
            • 4. It's four o'clock in the afternoon.Some students(61) ______ (talk) about the future.Here is one of their predictions.
              I believe we will be able to live in the space.There(62) ______ (be) many big clean hotels in the space.We can fly our rockets to the space hotel there.And also we (63) ______ (play) sports and enjoy all kinds of interesting food in the sky.-John.
            • 5. The Vietnam (越南) War broke out.The young husband(16)     the army and died in the war.His wife and son began to have a (17)     life after that.Even though their life was very hard and sometimes they didn’t have enough food to eat,the(18)     still decided to raise her son by herself.
              Several years later her son immigrated (移民) to America (19)     finally became an engineer.He often sent letters to his mother with much money.However,with many excuses,the son (20)    to come back home to visit his mother.
              (21)     his mother died,the son returned.But he didn’t cry.His mother left a box behind.During the funeral (葬礼),the son opened the box and(22)     cried and shouted,“Mom!Mom!”(23)     looked at each other and then looked at the box.It was full of $100bills and a piece of paper.
              It read,“Son,I don’t spend too much money.I miss you a lot.Every time I heard a motorcycle(24)    ,I ran out of the door but it wasn’t you.I saved money(25)     you in case (以防) you get sick.”

              16.A.joined     B.moved    C.found       D.sent
              17.A.comfortable B.easy    C.hard         D.happy
              18.A.son        B.father    C.husband      D.wife
              19.A.but         B.and      C.so           D.or
              20.A.refused   B.agreed     C.asked        D.offered
              21.A.Before     B.When     C.While         D.As
              22.A.slowly  B.hardly      C.quickly      D.suddenly
              23.A.Nobody  B.Anyone      C.Everyone     D.Somebody
              24.A.passing by B.going awayC.showing up   D.running off
              25.A.with   B.on            C.to    D.for.
            • 6. “It’s raining cats and dogs!”Grandpa shouted.
              Little Richie came running to the window.He wanted to see the (36)    falling from the sky.He looked out of the window,but is was (37)    that there were no cats or dogs.He only saw small pools of water on the ground.
              “Man,it’s really coming down out there!”Uncle Bob agreed(38)    he looked out of the window,too.Richie scratched his head(挠头).What was coming down?First they talked about cats and dogs that(39)    be seen.Now someone said it“it”.What was going on with these (40)    
              “Wow!”Aunt Susie shouted as she looked out of the window.“It’s raining really hard.”
              Richie(41)    his aunt.“It is raining hard,”he agreed,“but (42)    are the cats and dogs?”
              Grandpa laughed.“Richie,that just(43)    it’s raining really hard.”
              “So why didn’t you just say that?”Richie(44)    .It was irritating (恼人的) when people like they were not speaking English at all.
              “We did.You just didn’t understand these(45)    .”Richie’s cousin said with a big smile.
              “Well,now I do.”Richie said.

              36.A.tigers and lions   B.pigs and sheep C.cats and dogs   D.chickens and ducks
              37.A.important          B.possible       C.necessary       D.strange
              38.A.unless             B.after          C.till            D.though
              39.A.couldn’t          B.shouldn’t      C.needn’t        D.mustn’t
              40.A.days               B.animals         C.ideas          D.people
              41.A.shouted at         B.looked at       C.laughed at     D.pointed at
              42.A.what               B.how             C.where          D.who
              43.A.explains           B.proves          C.means          D.shows
              44.A.ordered            B.thought         C.repeated       D.asked
              45.A.saying             B.questions       C.objects        D.stories.
            • 7. Have you ever offered a helping hand to those who are in trouble?
              One day,two     (46)were walking along the road to school when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of pears.They thought the woman looked very     (47).They went up to her and said,“Are you going to town?If you are,we will help carry your basket.”
              “Thank you,”     (48)the woman,“you are very kind.You see I’m weak and ill.”Then she told them that she was now going to market to     (49)the pears which grew on the only tree in her little garden.
              “We are all going to the     (50).”said the boys.“Let us have the basket.”And they took hold of it,one each side.They walked     (51)with the heavy basket,but happily.
              The other day,I saw a little girl stop and     (52)a piece of orange peel (皮),which she threw into the dustbin (垃圾桶),“I wish     (53)would throw that on the sidewalk,”said she.“Someone may step on it and fall.”
              Perhaps some may say that these are not     (54)things.That is right.But such a little thing shows that you have a thoughtful mind and a feeling heart.We must not wait for the     (55)to do great things.We must begin with little things of love.

              46.A.boys          B.girls          C.men          D.women
              47.A.bored         B.tired          C.pleased      D.surprised
              48.A.asked         B.told           C.replied      D.spoke
              49.A.bring         B.buy            C.take         D.sell
              50.A.town          B.market         C.garden       D.school
              51.A.weakly        B.quickly        C.slowly       D.quietly
              52.A.take out      B.cut off        C.put down     D.pick up
              53.A.nobody        B.everybody      C.somebody     D.anybody
              54.A.little        B.good           C.great        D.bad
              55.A.pay           B.time           C.advice       D.love.
            • 8. At a day care centre in Texas,Jessica McClure was playing outside.Jessica’s mother,(31)    worked at the day care centre,was watching her.Suddenly Jessica(32)    and disappeared.Jessica’s mother cried and ran to her.
              The well in the yard was only eight inches across,and a rock always(33)    it.But children had moved the rock.(34)    Jessica fell,she fell right into the well.
              Jessica’s mother ran to a phone and called 911 for (35)    .Men from the fire department arrived.They (36)    that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well.Then they told Jessica’a parents their(37)    .“We can’t go down into the well”they said,”It’s so small.So we are going to dig a hole(38)    well.We’ll dig down about 20 feet.Then we’ll dig a tunnel(通道) across to Jessica.When we reach her,we’ll bring her through the tunnel.Then we’ll bring her up through our(39)    .”
              The men began to gig the hole on a Wednesday morning.Two days later,on Friday morning,they were(40)    digging.And Jessica McClure was still in the well.
              All over the world people waited for news of Jessica.They read about her in newspapers and watched her rescue(营救)on TV.Everyone(41)     the little girl in the well.
              At 8:00p.m.On Friday,the men(42)     reached Jessica and brought her up from the well.Then doctors rushed her to the hospital.Jessica was badly injured but she was still(43)    .A doctor at the hospital said,“Jessica is lucky she is very(44)    .She’s not going to remember this very well.”
              Maybe Jessica will not remember her days in the well.But her parents,her rescuers,and many other people around the world will not forget(45)    
              After Jessica’s rescue,one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well.On the cover he wrote,“To Jessica,with love from all of us.”

              31.A.she          B.who            C.whom              D.which
              32.A.fell         B.slept          C.stooped           D.rose
              33.A.broke        B.hid            C.covered           D.opened
              34.A.Because      B.Although       C.If                D.When
              35.A.advice       B.money          C.help              D.information
              36.A.promised     B.discovered     C.hoped             D.agreed
              37.A.dream        B.study          C.lesson            D.plan
              38.A.next to      B.along with     C.far from          D.out of
              39.A.well         B.tunnel         C.hole              D.yard
              40.A.still        B.already        C.always            D.almost
              41.A.looked after B.worried about  C.made friends with D.stayed away from
              42.A.immediately  B.usually        C.quickly           D.finally
              43.A.alone        B.asleep         C.alive             D.afraid
              44.A.young        B.popular        C.clever            D.pretty
              45.A.it           B.them           C.him               D.us.
            • 9. Years ago,while I lived in England,part of my college task was to help the children with special needs.I was chosen to(16)     in a school with disabled children.The teacher asked me to(17)     Nancy,a ten-year-old girl.One of (18)     hands could not move.At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement (19)     she was able to put on her own coat.But I saw more in her.She had always wanted to put a string(20)     the hole of a key.
              For the 5 years Nancy was in the school,the teachers always (21)     to help her,but always ended up doing all the work for her.I knew Nancy could do(22)    ,so I encouraged her to do something herself.At first Nancy often failed and got very(23)    .Sometimes I wanted to give up too.(24)    ,after a week Nancy was able to do(25)     she had wanted to alone for so many years.Her teachers cried (26)     when they saw the thing she was able to do with just some encouragement.
              Disabled people should(27)     be told they can’t do this or that.With just some encouragement they can do it.The look(28)     that girl’s face when she was able to do it herself meant (29)     to me I hope everyone will encourage people to do all they want by themselves(30)     telling them they can’t do it.

              16.A.read         B.study     C.work      D.visit
              17.A.look after   B.look for  C.look at   D.look over
              18.A.his          B.her       C.my        D.your
              19.A.before       B.through   C.if        D.until
              20.A.through      B.across    C.over      D.into
              21.A.failed       B.refused   C.agreed    D.tried
              22.A.less         B.more      C.nothing   D.anything
              23.A.excited      B.pleased   C.unsafe    D.unhappy
              24.A.And          B.However   C.But       D.So
              25.A.which        B.that      C.what      D.how
              26.A.in danger    B.in fear   C.with care D.with joy
              27.A.never        B.always    C.often     D.sometimes
              28.A.of           B.in        C.on        D.at
              29.A.the earth    B.the sun   C.the moon  D.the world
              30.A.instead of   B.because   C.together with D.more than.
            • 10. It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home.I tried to(56)    my wife by ringing the door-bell,but she was very deeply asleep.So I got a ladder from the shed in the garden,put it against the wall,and began climbing towards the bedroom (57)    .I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said,“I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.”I(58)    and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman.“I enjoy(59)    at night,”I said,but I immediately felt sorry about(60)    in the way I did.
              “So do I,”answered the policeman in the same tone.“Excuse my interrupting you.I hate to interrupt a man when he's busy working,but would you(61)     coming with me to the station?“
              “Well,I'd prefer to stay here,”I said.“You see,I've forgotten(62)    .”
              “Your what?”he called.
              “My key,”I shouted.
              Fortunately,the shouting woke up my wife.She opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.

              56.A.wake up             B.hurry up             C.give up
              57.A.door                B.wall                  C.window
              58.A.climbed up           B.looked down           C.ran away
              59.A.climbing ladders      B.cleaning windows       C.opening doors
              60.A.doing               B.climbing              C.answering
              61.A.enjoy               B.like                  C.mind
              62.A.my key              B.the ladder             C.the door-bell.
