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            • 1.

              Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turing to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After  (1)  into a store, you see that Huawei smart phones are  (2)  sale.

              But you’re not in China---you are in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see similar things in many other  (3)  . Chinese products have been going global.

              Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. To meet local   (4)   tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes. “One example is the meat,” said Yin Hang, who  (5)  at the University of Wollongong in Australia now. “We like to eat meat with the bone in, but people here   (6)  . So Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish.”

              Some Chinese brands are also becoming  (7)  than before. In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers, according to Reuters. 

              More than half of US-owned drones are Chinese models, according to China Daily. They’re not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the country.

              In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and  (8)  . But now, things have changed greatly. “Made in China” becomes cool.

              More people trust Chinese brands. “They are beautiful and offer some unique features American phones don’t have.” an article on CNN once  (9)  about Chinese smart phones. With the  (10)  of the technology, we will see more and more Chinese products around the world.    

              (1) A. walk                            B. walking                   
              C. walked            D. walks

              (2) A. in                                 B. at                        
              C. with                     D. on

              (3) A. city                              B. cities                
              C. a city               D. citys

              (4) A. people                          B. people’s                  
              C. peoples               D. peoples’

              (5) A. will study                     B. study                      
              C. is studying           D. is study

              (6) A. do                               B. don’t                   
              C. are                  D. aren’t

              (7) A. popular                        B. more popular         
              C. less popular        D. most popular

              (8) A. possible                        B. impossible           
              C. reliable           D. unreliable

              (9) A. said                             B. say                  
              C. says               D. saying

              (10) A. develop                        B. developed             
              C. development        D. develops

            • 2.

              Travelling has been a good way to relax. But this is not_____  (1)  ___ for Xiao Lin (not her real name).

              In November 2016, Xiao Lin took a trip to Lijiang, a tourist city in Yunnan Province, and had dinner at a restaurant. She had a fight with a group of local people because they made a joke about her while she was eating. Later, they beat her  (2)  ___and her face was hurt badly, reported CCTV.

              This made ____  (3)  __ very angry. In fact, she is not the _____  (4)  ___ person to be hurt at famous scenic spots(景区) in China. In Februry this year, the National Tourism Administration(国家旅游局) gave ____  (5)  __  warnings to three national 5A scenic spots. It also asked them to change and  ____  (6)  __ in six months.

              The three spots are the Old Town of Lijiang, Jingpo Lake in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, and Laohutan Ocean Park in Dalian, Liaoning. According to People’s Daily, the three spots received the ____  (7)  ____ complaints from visitors during this Spring Festival.

              “We’re sorry ___  (8)  __  our bad work,” the Old Towm of Lijiang government wrote on its Sina Weibo account. “We are open to tourists’____  (9)  ___ and will make it right.”

              If the three spots don’t correct themselves in six months, the National Tourism Administration will remove them from the 5A scenic spots,reported Guangming Daily.

              “I’m glad to hear that the spots will improve themselves,” said a Sina Weibo user, who once went to Lijiang but had a bad_  (10)  __ there. “ I hope they will change into better ones.”

              (1) A. relaxed                 B. true                       
              C. excited                  D. faulse

              (2) A. heavy                    B. serious                 
              C. heavily                   D. strong

              (3) A. the public             B. the local people    
              C. The reporters         D. the province

              (4) A. first                       B. one                       
              C. right                       D. poor

              (5) A. angry                     B. necessary              
              C. powerful                 D. serious

              (6) A. warn                     B. beat                      
              C. spread                    D. improve

              (7) A. first                       B. most                     
              C. best                        D. fewest

              (8) A. to                         
              B. of                          
              C. for                        
              D. about

              (9) A. telephones            B. reports                  
              C. suggestions            D. warnings

              (10) A. experience            B. spot                      
              C. month                    D. Sina Weibo
            • 3.


              M r.Lin is a farmer who lives in western China with his wife and two kids.Two months ago,he was told that he had cancer and he needed an operation(手术)   (1)  .And he knew he would spend a lot of  (2)   on the operation.It was too much for Mr. Lin’s family.They had no jobs and both their children were at school. The situation seemed  (3)  

                  After two weeks,  (4)  ,Mr. Lin got a piece of good news.He was told about a health care project which provides medical treatment for  (5)   patients in western China.They need to pay only half the cost or even less.  (6)  the project,he was able to receive an operation just in time to stop the illness from getting  (7)  .Now he has returned to his family.

                  The goal of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in  (8)  China.So far,the project has helped more than 5,000 people to  (9)  medical aid.The Chinese government is also working together with other   (10)  and international organizations to do this.They hope to develop a new health care model for China.

            • 4.

              阅读短文,然后根据内容从A、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

              Rebecca wants to know more about trees and how they help us. She is   (1)   Dr Jones about trees.

              Rebecca:   (2)   do trees help us, Dr Jones?

              Dr Jones: They help us in many ways. They keep the air cool and clean. They take in   (3)   gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe. They’re major   (4)   against air pollution.

              Rebecca: I know trees   (5)   make our lives more convenient. Many of the things in our daily lives come from trees. For example, paper and pencils.

              Dr Jones: You’re right, Rebecca. In fact, we get   (6)   more from trees. We get fruit and oil from them. Tea also comes from the leaves of trees. Look around this room. A lot of the furniture is made   (7)   wood. Trees are really important in our daily lives.

              Rebecca: I can’t   (8)  a world without trees.

              Dr Jones: But we   (9)   millions of trees every year. We should stop   (10)   this if we don’t want a world without trees.

