优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ______
              A. Advantages of Living Without Technology
              B. Different Ways of Life Around the World
              C. Living Traditionally in a Modern World
              D. Technology Makes Life Much Easier
              A.Advantages of Living Without Technology
              B.Different Ways of Life Around the World
              C.Living Traditionally in a Modern World
              D.Technology Makes Life Much Easier
            • 2. What's the writer's opinion according to this passage? ______
              A. Music is as simple as it looks.
              B. Music classes should be cut in some schools.
              C. Music is a big part of our lives.
              D. Music isn't a very important life skill for us.
              A.Music is as simple as it looks.
              B.Music classes should be cut in some schools.
              C.Music is a big part of our lives.
              D.Music isn't a very important life skill for us.
            • 3. Which of the following might be the best title for the text? ______
              A. Future Education
              B. Smart Cities
              C. Government Services
              D. Famous companies
              A.Future Education
              B.Smart Cities
              C.Government Services
              D.Famous companies
            • 4.
              It is reported that some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China.Such a thing can be founded every day although it is against international laws.Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000kilograms of broken computers,TVs and phones send from Japan.
              Things like these are called electronic waste,or e-waste.Dealing with is not an easy job because dangerous poison like mercury(汞)and lead (铅)can be found in them.Every time an old computer breaks down,it needs to be deal with safely.But at present,broken computer parts are usually buried.It may be hundreds of years before they are really goes in the earth.
              Many places in China are polluted by e-waste.Guiyu in Guangdong province is one of them.This town is named as"the e-waste capital of the world".It has to deal with 1.5mllion kilograms of e-waste each year,from which it makes 75million years.But it comes at a cost.Many of the poison in e-waste find their way into the environment.Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers,Greenpeace,an environmental group,has found the air,the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.
              The Chinese government wants the country to develop,but in a way that doesn;t do harm to the environment and people's life.This year,China presents a new protection law,the strictest one we have ever had.Computer complies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers.This is because the complies that make computers know best to deal with them safely.Hopefully,the problem with e-waste will be solved in near future.
              (1) The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from ______ .
              A. France
              B. Japan
              C. Germany
              D. Australia
              (2) The underlined word buried probably means ______ in the passage.
              A. 焚烧 B. 障碍 C. 回收 D. 掩埋
              (3) The town of Guiya in Guangdong Province ______ .
              A. is the e-capital of the world
              B. has serious e-waste pollution
              C. Deals with e-waste safely
              D. speeds much money on e-waste
              (4) This year,the Chinese government ______ .
              A. tried to change people's life
              B. closed some computer complies
              C. make a new environment protection law
              D. asked people to hand in their old computers
              (5) The passage is mainly about ______ .
              A. the way in deal with e-waste
              B. the cost of burning e-waste
              C. the e-waste problem in China
              D. the need to pass a law against e-waste.
            • 5.
              What do you do to relax? Do you watch TV? Do you read a book? Or do you listen to music? How many of you play a musical instrument? How many of you go to concerts? How important is music in your lives? What kind of music do you like? The survey shows the music habits of a few of our readers.
              Musical Habit Questionnaire(调查表)
              Do you play a musical instrument?
              Yes 14    No 6
              How often do you practise your instrument?
              0-3hours per week  10
              3-6hours per week  4
              6-9hours per week  0
              The best instrument to play is guitar: eight people say it is their favourite instrument to play. Another four people like playing the piano and two don't like playing the violin or the piano as they think they are too difficult.
              Pop concerts are always popular, but, in this survey, only eight people say they like going to concerts: six to pop concerts and two to jazz concerts.
              Eighteen people say they like listening to music as they find it relaxing. Only two people don't like listening to music at all.

              (1) Among twenty people, ______ people play a musical instrument.
              A. 4
              B. 6
              C. 10
              D. 14
              (2) Eighteen people like listening to music, because they think it's a way to ______ .
              A. relax themselves
              B. get tired
              C. practise music
              D. form good musical habits
              (3) As the survey shows, ______ is the most popular musical instrument.
              A. violin 
              B. piano
              C. guitar 
              D. flute
              (4) Of the people who play musical instruments, ______ practise 3to 6hours per week.
              A. none 
              B. about 20%
              C. about 30% 
              D. about 40%
              (5) Which of the following is WRONG? ______
              A. Six people don't play musical instruments.
              B. Not many people like to go to the pop concerts.
              C. Only two people don't like listening to music.
              D. Two people don't like playing the violin or the piano because they think they are too boring.
            • 6.
              On May 5, 2017, China's home-made passenger aircraft(飞机) C919completed its 90-minute first flight and landed safely back at Pudong Airport in Shanghai.
              C919is developed by COMAC, a Chinese aircraft company. It is designed to compete with Boeing 737and Airbus A320. The first C919aircraft can carry 168passengers and is able to fly a distance between 4,075and 5,555kilometers. It is reported that a C919costs around 50million dollars, less than half of a Boeing 737or an Airbus A320. Up to now, more than 570aircrafts have been ordered from 23customers, mostly Chinese, but also American and Thai companies or airlines. COMAG aims to take one fifth of the world's narrow-body aircraft market and one third of the Chinese market by 2035.
              The name C919has its special meanings. The letter C stands for both "COMAC" and "China". The number 9is pronounced as jiu in Chinese, which means "forever". And the number 19refers to its capacity(容量) of 190passengers.
              The large passenger aircraft is praised as "the flower of modern industry". It is a symbol of the nation's industrial and technological standards as well as the comprehensive(综合的) power. In order to realize the century dream of flying in the sky and the strategy(战略) of the nation, COMAC bears the nation's dream and people's trust. China considers it as a national pride.

              (1) C919is produced by ______ .
              A. Boeing
              B. a Thai aircraft company
              C. Airbus
              D. a Chinese aircraft company
              (2) Which of the following is TRUE about the first C919aircraft? ______
              A. It can carry 190passengers at most.
              B. It can only fly a distance of 4,075km.
              C. It costs less than half of a Boeing 737.
              D. It costs more than half of an Airbus A320.
              (3) The letter C in C919stands for ______ .
              A. "company"
              B. both "COMAC" and "China"
              C. "customer"
              D. both "cost" and "capacity"
              (4) The news report is written mainly to ______ .
              A. introduce the design of C919
              B. describe the first flight of C919
              C. explain "the flower of modern industry"
              D. show China's achievements in aircraft industry
            • 7.

              Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turing to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After  (1)  into a store, you see that Huawei smart phones are  (2)  sale.

              But you’re not in China---you are in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see similar things in many other  (3)  . Chinese products have been going global.

              Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. To meet local   (4)   tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes. “One example is the meat,” said Yin Hang, who  (5)  at the University of Wollongong in Australia now. “We like to eat meat with the bone in, but people here   (6)  . So Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat without bones, even for fish.”

              Some Chinese brands are also becoming  (7)  than before. In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers, according to Reuters. 

              More than half of US-owned drones are Chinese models, according to China Daily. They’re not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the country.

              In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and  (8)  . But now, things have changed greatly. “Made in China” becomes cool.

              More people trust Chinese brands. “They are beautiful and offer some unique features American phones don’t have.” an article on CNN once  (9)  about Chinese smart phones. With the  (10)  of the technology, we will see more and more Chinese products around the world.    

              (1) A. walk                            B. walking                   
              C. walked            D. walks

              (2) A. in                                 B. at                        
              C. with                     D. on

              (3) A. city                              B. cities                
              C. a city               D. citys

              (4) A. people                          B. people’s                  
              C. peoples               D. peoples’

              (5) A. will study                     B. study                      
              C. is studying           D. is study

              (6) A. do                               B. don’t                   
              C. are                  D. aren’t

              (7) A. popular                        B. more popular         
              C. less popular        D. most popular

              (8) A. possible                        B. impossible           
              C. reliable           D. unreliable

              (9) A. said                             B. say                  
              C. says               D. saying

              (10) A. develop                        B. developed             
              C. development        D. develops

            • 8.

              For thousands of years, poetry(诗歌) has been one of the favorite types of literature(文学) in China. There were many famous poets in Chinese history, and many of their poems are still read and loved today.

              Recently, a popular TV show — Chinese Poetry Competition attracts many people. Now let’s interview some people and listen to what they said.

              I like Wu Yishu very much. She studies at the High School Afliated(附属) to Fudan University in Shanghai. She came out on top. She can recite(背诵) more than 2000 Chinese poems fluently(流利地). I really admire her knowledge of poems. She is tall and beautiful, and she always stays calm whether the questions are easy or hard. 

              The woman that impresses(给……以深刻印象) me is Bai Ruyun. She comes from a village in Xingtai. She is a farmer. She is not rich and she is badly ill in hospital, but she has been so confident in herself since she began to read and recite Chinese poems.

              Among the competitors(选手), I like Wang Zilong best. He is 34 years old. He teaches Chinese in Shijiazhuang College . He said when he was only two years old, his parents began to teach him to recite Chinese poems.

              Do you know the young boy? He is Ye Fei, 13, from Anqing No. Two Middle School in Anhui . In one competition, he answered all the questions correctly. Now he is a young star in his school because of his love of Chinese Poems.


              (1) Who came out on top in the Chinese poetry Competition?

              A. Wu Yishu.           B. Bai Ruyun.       
              C. Wang Zilong.            D. Ye Fei.

              (2) How long has Wang Zilong learned to recite Chinese poems?

              A. 34 years.           B. 2 years.            
              C. 36 years.           D. 32 years. 

              (3) Which of the following is TRUE?

              A. Ye Fei is a thirteen-year-old student in Anhui.

              B. Wang Zilong teaches maths in Xingtai college.

              C. Bai Ruyun is from a rich family in Shijiahuzang.  

              D. Wu Yishu will feel nervous if the questions are hard.

            • 9. Which of the following is true according to the passage? ______
              A. You only need to use math skills to play Sudoku.
              B. Japanese people began to play Sudoku in early 2005, but it wasn't popular.
              C. The more you play Sudoku, the faster you can be.
              D. Playing Sudoku can make people cleverer, so lots of people are addicted to it.
              A.You only need to use math skills to play Sudoku.
              B.Japanese people began to play Sudoku in early 2005, but it wasn't popular.
              C.The more you play Sudoku, the faster you can be.
              D.Playing Sudoku can make people cleverer, so lots of people are addicted to it.
