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            • 1.

              As the old saying goes,he who doesn’t reach the Great Wall isn’t a true man.The Great Wall is regarded as a symbol of the Chinese nation. It has attracted lots of tourists from all over the world every year. US President Barack Obama visited the Badaling section of the Great Wall in Beijing on Nov. 18th, 2009. The Great Wall was the second sightseeing program for Obama during his first visit to China.

              The Great Wall today has become one of themust-seeplaces for visiting foreign lead­ers to the country in the past sixty years. “ I’m inspired(鼓舞)by the majesty of the Great Wall and gratefu1 for the warmth of the Chinese people,” Obama said after his half-hour tour.

              “It's magical,” Obama said when walking along the Great Wall, “it reminds you of the sweep of history and our time here on earth is not that long. We better make the best of it.”

              “I brought back the admi­ration(钦佩) for the Chinese civilization(文明), I bring here the greetings of American peo­ple.” Obama said when climbing a watchtower to enjoy a distant view at the Badaling section of the Great Wall.

              Obama is the fifth US president to visit the Great Wall. Richard Nixon visited the Great Wall in 1972, Ronald Reagan in 1984 and Bill Clinton in 1998,In 2002, former US President George W. Bush and his wife Laura toured the same sections Obama did.

            • 2.

              Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You shouldn't be  (1)   if your English friends don't invite you home. It doesn't mean they   (2)   you.

                 Dinner parties usually start between 7 pm and 8 pm and end at about 11 pm. Ask your host   (3)   you are supposed to arrive. It's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine.

                 Usually dinner starts   (4)   drinks and snacks. If you want to be polite, say how   (5)   you like the room or the pictures on the wall. But remember not to ask about the   (6)   of the things.

                 In many families, the host sits at one end of the table and the hostess sits at  (7)   end. They eat with their guests.

                 You'll probably start the meal with soup or  (8)   small. Then you'll have meat or fish with vegetables, and then desserts, followed by coffee. It's polite to   (9)  everything on your plate and to take some more if you want.

                 Did you enjoy the evening? Call your host the next day, or  (10)   a short "thank you" letter to the family. British and American people like to say "thank you" all the time!

            • 3.

               Can you cut an apple with a playing card? Can you write with one hand and draw with ____  (1)  ____? Well, some people ____  (2)  ____, and they all show their talents on the TV program China's Got Talent.

                 The TV program is getting more and more ____  (3)  ____ in China. Many people watch it every week because they ____  (4)  ____ how talented one can be.

                 Talent shows began in Britain. And now there are similar shows in lots of countries ____  (5)  ____ the world. China's Got Talent is a new one, but it is special and ____  (6)  ____ others. When people show their talents, they also ____  (7)  ____ their stories. Most of them don't want to be ____  (8)  ____ or popular. They ____  (9)  ____ want to make their family and others happy.

                 Everyone has a ____  (10)  ____. It may be big or small. What's your talent? Maybe you can be the next star on China's Got Talent!

            • 4. At the start of a new year,students will usually write articles to review last year's work and set goals for the coming year.Well,the Chinese government does this too---it writes the Government Work Report.
              Every year in spring,the National People's Congress (全国人民代表大会) meetings are held in Beijing,and big issues (议题) of the country are discussed.At one meeting on March 5th,Premier Li Keqiang brought out this year's Government Work Report.This year is quite special because 2016is the beginning of the 13th Five-Year Plan.Thus,this report lays out (制定) a big plan,which China will follow over the next five years.
              For a long time,China has seen fast economic development.Both the country and its people have been becoming richer and richer.But last year,China saw the slowest economic growth speed in the past 25years.The report pointed out that people don't have to worry because China is welcoming a"new economy".Goals for the economy are always one of the most eye-catching parts.
              China used to rely(依靠)a lot on industries like making clothes and toys,which don't need much science or technology.But now China is changing.It will focus more on developing high-tech companies and service industries like tourism,according to the report.
              The report also plans to help people have better lives.The government needs to make sure that city air is clean 80percent of the year.China will also help more people get good medical care,and they want to increase the average person's lifetime by one year.
              Although facing different kinds of problems,the report believes in a bright future for China."From the start,China has been developing while dealing with challenges.There is no difficulty we cannot get beyond,"wrote the report.
              76.How often are the National People's Congress meetings held in Beijing?    
              77.How have the people of our country been becoming with the rapid economic development?    
              78.Why will our country let people get good medical care?    
              79.What will our country pay more attention to according to the report?(请考生根据短文内容,自拟一句话作答)    
              80.What do you want to do for our country after reading the passage?(请考生根据自己的想法,自拟一句话作答).    
            • 5. Daming想在国外eBay网上购买CD,但他从网上搜到"淘淘"经验有点杂乱,请帮助Daming将这些杂乱的信息整理成一副购物流程图,完成购物,第一步已给出.
              A.Compare the CDs in the list.You can look at the prices or other customers'opinions.This can help you decide which one you want to buy.
              B.Go to www.eBay.com and create an eBay account.You need to fill in an online form with your information.To pay for your order,you also need to get one on PayPat.
              C.After you have an account,you can look for the CD you want.Type the name of the CD in the search box.You will see a list of CDs.
              D.When you decide which one to buy,you can click"Buy It Now"and then finish your order with the correct address(better both in English and Chinese),your telephone number and suitable ways of post.Finally.pay for it and you will receive it in about 20 to 30 days.
              E.However,if you are not satisfied with it,it is possible to return the CD in 5 working days.I hope this step is never needed.
              F.Once you receive the CD,check it carefully.If you are satisfied with it,you can go back to eBay website and give your opinions on it.
            • 6. Women make up 50percent of world's population and yet they are not treated equally.They hold less than one-fifth of the all parliamentary (议会) seats around the world,occupy less than 19percent of board (董事会) seats in Fortune 500companies and earn 17percent less than men for similar skills and positions.As a group,they are passed over and looked down on.
              On March 8 every year,millions of women around the world celebrate International Women's Day.It is possible that you may not have heard about the International Women's Day in the United States.Yet Women's Day had its origin in the United States.
              Women's Day was first celebrated in February 1909in the US to mark the one-year anniversary of the New York Garment Worker's Strike of 1908.Women used the chance to fight against warring and fight for women's vote rights.
              Did you know that it was a Women's Day protest in St.Petersburg in 1917,which led to the revolution (革命) for bringing down the Russian empire?After the Russian revolution,Women's Day came to be celebrated as a communist (共产主义的) or socialist (社会主义的) holiday.As a result,the United States government didn't accept it as a holiday.
              Today Women's Day is celebrated in places such as China and Russia as a sort of state-approved Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.The tradition in these countries is to give flowers and gifts to the important women in one's life.
              In 1975,the United Nations officially announced March 8as International Women's Day.Since then,it has been a practice to suggest an annual theme for each year.The theme for 2016is"Pledge For Parity."It calls on women and men to challenge the present state and inspire positive change in their communities and workplaces.
              There is a lot that needs to be done.As a society,we need to offer women and girls chances to make their dreams come true,have equal chances for leadership,respect and value differences,and develop a better work environment.This day challenges and reminds that everyone can be a leader in their own small way and can take positive steps to bring about gender equality.
              Our world can truly be balanced when we use the potential that women have to offer.As we prepare children for the future,it is important that girls and women not be left behind.

              Women's present situation Women make up (56) ______ of the world's population.
              Women get(57) ______ chances and less money while working.
              (58) ______ of Women's Day It was first celebrated in the US in 1909.
              The Women's Day protest in 1917(59) ______ the revolution in Russia.
              It was not(60) ______ as a holiday in the United States.
              The United Nations (61) ______ March 8th as International Women's Day in 1975.
              Ways of celebrating Women's Day Being(62) ______ as a sort of state-approved Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.
              Flowers and gifts are(63) ______ to the important women in one's life.
              (64) ______ of Women's Day To help(65) ______ women and girls'dreams.
              To help women get chances for leadership equally.
              To develop a better work environment for women.
            • 7. In New York City public school,176 different languages are spoken (86)a ______ more than one million students.For 160000 children,English is not their first language.New York’s Department of Education makes learning (87)b ______ for these students by providing dual-language (双语)programs.Students are taught in two languages,English and (88)a ______ one,such as French,German or Japanese,Math,social studies,science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages.And they learn about the (89) ______ /'kʌltʃə(r)/of the other country.
              Milady Baez,a headmaster,says these dual-language programs will help children succeed in the future.”The jobs of the future (90) ______ /n'kwatɔ(r)/that our students know more than one language.They’re going to travel (91) ______ (在国外)and communicate with people from all over the world.This will open doors for them.”
              Shuya Zhang (92) ______ (教)a dual-language class.She says,”America started economic relationships with China.Lots of factories were (93)b ______ .companies moved to China.They need people with both language skills.”
              Anna,a Russian girl came to America (94) ______ she was two years old.She says the Russian.English program keeps her connected to her heritage and her parents happy.
              Nowadays,more and more (95) ______ (外国人)come to China.Perhaps in the future your school will also provide them with the dual=language program.
            • 8. In each country, there are some places of interest, like Big Ben in Britain, the Great Wall in China and so on . So you must(一定) (1)  the Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔). But do you know why it leans (倾斜)? It leans (2)  a mistake(错误). In 1173, people of (3) wanted to build a bell tower. They wanted the tower to be (4) bell tower in the country. Before people finished (5) the third floor of it, the tower began to lean. People tried to make the building(6) again. However, as they added (增加) more floors, the tower only got   (7) .
                It (8) almost 5 years to finish the tower. Today, the Leaning Tower has eight floors. It’s 54.5 meters tall, and it leans about 5 meters to one side(边). If someone can’t think out a good way (9)   the tower, like all (10) old buildings, it’ll fall apart(倒塌) in the future.
            • 9. 第一节判断正误 阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的写(A),不符合的写(B).(共5小题,计10分)
              Taobao,China’s largest online shopping site(网上购物网站),has become an important part of Huang Xinhui’s life.She spends lots of money on Taobao.
              A large number of Chinese Internet users like Huang have found the joys of online shopping.Most online shoppers are students and young workers.More women shop on line than men.Clothing and household products(家用产品) are the most popular on line.
              It was reported that more than 300billion(十亿) yuan was spent on online shopping last year,80% through Taobao.
              Taobao means“looking for treasure”in Chinese.People can find almost everything they need on Taobao,from clothes to books,from candies to DVD players.
              You may question the security(安全) of online shopping,Huang Xinhui said,“It’s very safe and convenient(便利的).If you don’t receive the products from the sellers or you are not satisfied with them,the shop owner will not get the money.You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.”

              41.China’s largest online shopping site is Taobao.    
              42.Most online popular products are clothing and household ones.    
              43.300billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year through Taobao.    
              44.People can only find three kinds of things on Taobao.    
              45.If you are not satisfied with the products,you can return them.    
            • 10. “The British government will offer£1,000,000to anyone who can solve the world’s biggest problem-whatever it might be,”said Prime Minister(首相) David Cameron at a science conference.In an unusual competition,the Government will ask people to find out the greatest challenge(挑战) today,such as finding a replacement(替代) for oil,producing low cost food or curing AIDS/HIV.When the toughest problem has been decided,the Prime Minister will give away£1,000,000to the person who successfully works out the answer.The competition follows the example of the Longitude Prize started by the government in 1714,which offered£20,000 (worth£6,000,000today) to anyone who could discover how far east or west ships had sailed.Sailors could work out their location north and south,and were able to decide their local time from the sun.However,they needed to know the time at a reference(参照) point in order to find out how far they had travelled east or west.Many people thought the problem was impossible to solve,but the prize was finally won by John Harrison,an ordinary worker.He did this by designing a clock that kept accurate(准确的) time at sea and made it possible for sailors to work out their location.Almost exactly 300years on,Mr Cameron will have a group of scientists collect suggestions and draw up a short list of problems facing the world.He will then start a race to solve the most difficult problem.A government officer said,“We want people to think big:what does the world need and how can we achieve that?We are looking for the next penicillin(青霉素),airplane or World Wide Web.Something that is going to really change what we do and how we live our lives-sending us ahead in the global race.”According to Mr Cameron,it is important to“encourage new ideas”and“attract back the best and the brightest”to Britain.

              32.The British government promises£1,000,000to any person who    
              A.can solve the biggest challenge facing the world
              B.can find how the next penicillin works on illnesses
              C.can think of the most difficult problem in the world
              D.can help the Prime Minister run his government better
              33.The Longitude Prize is mentioned mainly to    
              A.explain why the government set up the prize in 1714
              B.show John Harrison was a great success as an inventor
              C.show that the government is very grateful to John Harrison
              D.explain what gave Mr Cameron the idea of starting the competition
              34.We can infer(推断) from Paragraphs 4and 5 that    
              A.ships no longer get lost at sea with Harrison’s invention
              B.clocks on ships kept good time before Harrison’s invention
              C.sailors found it hard to work out their location north and south
              D.the sailing industry was very important in Britain around the 1700s
              35.Which of the following is true according to the text?    
              A.John Harrison was sure that he would win the prize.
              B.The million pound prize will go to a British scientist.
              C.The British government pays special attention to the nation’s creativity.
              D.A replacement for oil is considered as the toughest problem by the scientists.
