优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              To protect the environment,China has put a ban(禁令) on thin plastic bag (plastic bag thinner than 0.025mm).From June 1,2008,China stopped the production,sale and use of these plastic bags to the public.
              Plastic bags can cause"white pollution",because they can take 400-1,000years to break down.They pollute the soil(土壤) and water.Plastic bags also cause a serious danger to animals.Animals often mistake plastic bags for food.Thousands of them die each year after eating plastic bags.
              So what kind of bags will be the best to use when we are shopping?Recently some students made their own shopping bags.Most students used old clothes to make their bags.They painted pictures like the Olympic rings on them.But Li Mei had a more traditional way to make her hag.She weaved(编织) a bamboo basket.It was not an easy job.With her grandfather's help,Li Mei spent the whole afternoon making it.
              What can we do?Refuse plastic bags and persuade(说服) people to use environmentally-friendly (对环境无害的) shopping bags instead of plastic ones.Try to recycle the ones we have.
              61.Did Li Mei make her shopping bag by herself?
              62.Why do plastic bags cause a serious danger to animals?
              63.What kind of material did most students use to make their shopping bags?
              64.When did China stop the production,sale and use of these plastic bags?
              65.According to the passage,what can we do to protect the environment?(One example is OK.)
            • 2.
              The undersea world is very beautiful.Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secrets there.Scuba diving is a new sport today.It can take you into a wonderful undersea world.
              You will find many strange animals in the sea.Some are as large as a school bus.Many sea animals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.
              (3)在白天,有足够的光线,在那里一切都是兰色和绿色.When fish swim nearby,you can catch them with your hands. (4)When you have bottles of air on your back,you can stay in deep water for a long time.However,you can't dive too deep.And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.The deep sea is not an easy place to live in.It's cold,and it's dark,too.The deeper it is,the less sunlight there is.At about 3,000feet,there is no light at all.It is dark in the sea.Many fishes have no eyes.Some have big eyes.A few have eyes on one side.
              Besides (除了) the cold and darkness,deep-sea animals face a third danger---
              other animals.Animals eat!They must find food to eat.Many animals eat plants.However,some Animals eat meat.This means these sea animals have animals have two big jobs.They need to find animals as food,and they have to try not to become other animals'meal.
              (1) Why do people want to dive in the sea?
              (2) How many dangers will animals meet in the deep sea?
              (3) 将(3)处画线的句子译成英语.
              (4) 将(4)处画线的句子译成汉语.
              (5) What is the main idea of the passage?
            • 3.
              The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world.The big cat weighs about 363kilograms and is about two meters long.
              Tigers wait until it is dark,then they go out to find their food.① When a tiger sees an animal,it moves very quietly,then jumps on the animal to kill it.② Sometimes it can take several days for a tiger to finish eating its kill.The tiger eats until it's had enough,then it covers the dead animal with leaves.Later,when the tiger is hungry again,it comes back to eat some more.Tigers are different from others in the family:they like water,and they often jump into rivers to swim.
              Some tigers live in very cold places-in parts of North Korea,eastern Russia,and Northeast China.③                                  tigers live in warmer places-in India and parts of Southeast Asia.
              All tigers are in danger.People killed them to use their skins for clothes,and their bodies for medicine.In addition,there is also less and less land for tigers to live ④                    .But now people know that tigers are in danger and have made plans to protect them.
              66.Which animals in the cat family like to swim according the passage?
              ③ ______    ④ ______
              70.Why did people kill tigers?
              ______ .
            • 4.
              We all know that robots are very smart.Because robots have their own computer brains.There are many different kinds of robots in the world.They can help people to work in dangerous places to do many difficult jobs.Some of them have been into space,into oceans and so on.They never get bored,tired or afraid.
              It's not difficult to think of the future of robots.It the future,robots will be in many places,and many of them can talk,sing,dance like people.Even some of people want to have robotic (机器的)friends.
              But it must be very hard for scientists to make robots have emotions(感情).
              A professor called Steels says,"At present,there are some robots like actors-They may show emotions,but they don't feel them.(45)We ______ (将尽最大努力)to change that"
              How people wish to have such prefect robots in their lives in the future!
              (1) What do you think of robots? ______
              (2) What kind of brains do robots have? ______
              (3) Who can do the most dangerous work instead of(代替)people? ______
              (4) Some robots can feel emotions now,can't they? ______
              (5) 汉译英填空.
