优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 将下面英文翮译成中文.
                  Football is the world's most popular and favorite sport. It is a game played by two teams with eleven members each. The game lasts for a total of 90 minutes. The team which scores the most goals is the winner.
            • 2.

                (1)The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west.When the sun rises, It is morning. When the sun sets, it is evening.(2) When the sun is shining, it is day. Morning is the time between sunrise and twelve oˈclock,or between sunrise and lunch. At twelve oˈclock, the sun is the highest in the sky over our heads.(3)中午,太阳在我们头顶上。The sun shines during(在……期间)the day. The moon and the stars shine during the night. When the sun rises,it is light. Itˈs light during the day. During the night, if the moon is not shining, it is dark. (4) What are the days and nights like in summer? In summer the days are longer and the nights are shorter. What about in winter? (5)冬天,白天短夜晚长。

              (1) ____________________________________________________________________________

              (2) ___________________________________________________________________________

              (3) ___________________________________________________________________________

              (4) ___________________________________________________________________________

              (5) ___________________________________________________________________________

            • 3.

              My name is Wangwang, a good name for a dog. I’m very lucky(幸运), my host(主人)is Jack. He likes me very much. He is very cool and very nice. But he doesn’t like sports, 67. he only watches them on TV. 68.他总是和我一起玩游戏. He often(经常) cooks(煮) food for me. Sometimes(有时)I eat eggs for lunch. Because he likes them. I also like them, 69. I think they’re very healthy. But I don’t want to eat too much.70. 因为我不想变胖.How about you? Do you agree(同意)with me? And what’s your favorite food?






