优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A: Excuse me.    (1)  

                 B: Yes, I do. I have a girl pen pal.

                 A:   (2)  

              B: She is from Sydney.

              A: Where is Sydney?

              B: It’s a city in Australia. 

              A:    (3)  

              B: Yes. Koalas are from Australia. They sleep in the day and get up to eat leaves at night. 

              A: That sounds interesting. And    (4)   

              B: It’s warn in winter and cool in summer. 

              A:   (5)  

              B: You’re welcome.  

              (1) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (2) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (3) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (4) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (5) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
            • 2.

                                                          Information Card



              Too ____(1)___ to speak in class.

              To make ____(2)___ friendly friends and play games in ____(3)___ time.

              Had an argument with the best friend.

              To____(4)___with her.

              Too nervous to sleep well as the exams are coming.

              To eat some food is good for ____(5)____.

              (1) ____________
              (2) ____________
              (3) ____________
              (4) ____________
              (5) ____________
            • 3.
              A:Hi,can I help you?B:Yes,please.(51) ______
              A:What club do you want to join?B:(52) ______
              A:Can you draw?B:No,I can't.
              A:(53) ______ B:Yes.And I can play them well.
              A:(54) ______ B:Great!Then I can know much about music.
              A:Here is a card.(55) ______ B:OK.Thanks.

              A.You can join the sports club.
              B.I think you can join the music club.
              C.Please write your name and phone number.
              D.I want to join a club.
              E.What can you do?
              F.Can you play the drums?
              G.I don't know.
            • 4. His grandfather died of________(ill).
            • 5. Mike:Hello,Gina!(66) ______
              Gina:Fine,thank you.And you?
              Mike:I'm fine,too.(67) ______
              Gina:It's a photo,my family photo.
              Mike:(68) ______
              Gina:No,he isn't.He is my cousin.
              Mike:(69) ______
              Gina:His name is Frank
              Mike:(70) ______
              Mike:Thank you.
            • 6.
              A.What's your trouble?
              B.I don't feel very well.
              C.She's not feeling well.
              D.Perhaps she's caught a cold.
              E.You'd better stay in bed till tomorrow.
              F.I want to drink some water.
              G.You should drink more water.
              Mother:Why don't you get up,Kate?It's time for school.
              Kate:Sorry,Mum!(66) ______
              Mother:Oh dear!(67) ______ Kate:I've got a headache and a cough.
              Mother:(68) ______ Father:What's wrong with Kate?
              Mother:(69) ______ I told her to stay in bed till tomorrow.
              Father:Nothing serious I hope!
              Mother:(70) ______ .
            • 7.
              Gina:I'm going to the school party tomorrow.
              Alan:Me,too.And I will bring some potato chips and chocolate.
              Gina:Oh, (1)
              Alan:Really?Why not?
              Gina: (2)
              Alan:What will you wear to the party?
              Gina:I'll wear my jeans.
              Alan:That's not a good idea.If you do that,our teachers won't let you in. (3)
              Gina:I see.How will we go there?
              Alan:I think we will take a bus.
              Gina:I don't think so. (4) Why not take a taxi?
              Alan:Good idea. (5)
              Gina:Yes.lf we don't have our ID cards,we can't go to the party.
              Alan:I see.See you tomorrow.
              Gina:See you.
              (1) A.It's a good idea. B.Come to the party with your friends.
              C.You can't do that. D.What an interesting party!
              (2) A.If you do that,the teachers will take them away. B.Because it's not funny.
              C.I don't want to go there by bus. D.We don't like eating them.
              (3) A.Let's have a look. B.You can wear your smart trousers.
              C.What about your sunglasses?D.We'll meet at the school gate.
              (4) A.Let's take a bus. B.How long will it take us to get there?
              C.If we do that,we will be late. D.How can we get there on time?
              (5) A.What shall we have to bring with us?B.We have to buy the tickets early.
              C.Shall we get there at 2:00?D.Should we bring our ID cards?
            • 8.
              A:Good morning,Miss Wang.
              B:Good morning,Alice.(1) ______
              A:No,it's only about 1kilometer.
              B:How do you come to school?
              A:(2) ______ It takes about 10minutes.What about you?
              B:I drive my car.
              A:(3) ______
              B:About 6kilometers.
              A:How long does it take by car?
              B:(4) ______
              A:Well,you are so nice and teach well.
              B:(5) ______

              A.How far is it from your home to our school?
              B.I usually ride my bike.
              C.About 20minutes.
              D.Thank you.
              E.Is your home far from our school?
            • 9.
              Jenny:hello?(1) ______ .
              Laura:Jenny.(2) ______ .
              Jenny:Oh,hi,Laura.(3) ______ ?
              Laura:Not much.I'm just washing my clothes.(4) ______ ?
              Jenny:I'm watching TV.Do you want to join me for dinner?My parents aren't at home.We can eat out.
              Laura:Yeah.(5) ______ .
              Jenny:Let's meet at my home first.Come at half past six.
              Laura:OK.See you then.
            • 10.
              A:What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
              B:(56) ______
              A:Where did you fly the kites?
              B:(57) ______ A lot of children were flying kites there.
              A:(58) ______
              B:Yes,but the wind wasn't strong.The weather was good for flying a kite.
              A:(59) ______
              B:Li Lei and Chen Yang.They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.
              A:(60) ______
              B:Yes,we played there for about three hours.
              A.Did you have fun?
              B.By the river.
              C.Whom did you fly kites with?
              D.Was it windy yesterday?
              E We were flying kites.
