优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A: Hey, Henry.   (1)  

                  B: I have no idea. What about you?

                  A: I want to go to the zoo with my sister.   (2)  

                  B: Of course. I like animals.

                  A: Really?   (3)  

                  B: I like elephants best.

                  A:   (4)  

                  B: Because they’re friendly and they can help people work. How do we get to the zoo then?

                  A:   (5)  

                  B: That sounds good.
              (1) A. Do you want to go with us?

              B. Why do you like them?

              C. What do you want to do this weekend?

              D. Let’s take the bus there.

              E. Where is the zoo?

              F. What animals do you like best?

              G. How many zoos are there in our city?

              (2) A. Do you want to go with us?

              B. Why do you like them?

              C. What do you want to do this weekend?

              D. Let’s take the bus there.

              E. Where is the zoo?

              F. What animals do you like best?

              G. How many zoos are there in our city?

              (3) A. Do you want to go with us?

              B. Why do you like them?

              C. What do you want to do this weekend?

              D. Let’s take the bus there.

              E. Where is the zoo?

              F. What animals do you like best?

              G. How many zoos are there in our city?

              (4) A. Do you want to go with us?

              B. Why do you like them?

              C. What do you want to do this weekend?

              D. Let’s take the bus there.

              E. Where is the zoo?

              F. What animals do you like best?

              G. How many zoos are there in our city?

              (5) A. Do you want to go with us?

              B. Why do you like them?

              C. What do you want to do this weekend?

              D. Let’s take the bus there.

              E. Where is the zoo?

              F. What animals do you like best?

              G. How many zoos are there in our city?

            • 2.

              For teenagers , growing up is a good thing . But it is also a painful (痛苦的)experience in their life . Many changes happen in those short years . Including physical and emotional(身体和情感) changes .   (1)  Well , what are the changes ?

                (2)  There is an increase in height and weight , changes in voice

              and skin and so on . They begin to worry about all these changes in their bodies , and to check whether they are developing normally .   (3)  

              In primary school , children usually wore what their parents gave them . And never thought

              about the style of the clothes .  (4)  

              They will have a strong wish to look good and be admired by others . And sometimes they will even have arguments(争论) with their parents about the clothes they should wear.

              Teenagers hope to be accepted(接受) by others and want to have several true friends .Whether they are popular or not will become a very important part in their life.  (5)   

              However, as teenagers , whatever problems you have , remember to talk to your parents , teachers , friends or anyone who can share your worries and give you advice . Teenage life is a wonderful period of time . Enjoy it !

              (1) A. They will feel confused and afraid , and even lose confidence (自信心).

              B. Sometimes they will compare with each other to see who has the most friends .

              C. But now , they will think about how they look in others’ eyes . 

              D. They will continue comparing themselves with other teenagers .

              E. Teenagers will find a lot of small changes in their bodies.

              (2) A. They will feel confused and afraid , and even lose confidence (自信心).

              B. Sometimes they will compare with each other to see who has the most friends .

              C. But now , they will think about how they look in others’ eyes . 

              D. They will continue comparing themselves with other teenagers .

              E. Teenagers will find a lot of small changes in their bodies.

              (3) A. They will feel confused and afraid , and even lose confidence (自信心).

              B. Sometimes they will compare with each other to see who has the most friends .

              C. But now , they will think about how they look in others’ eyes . 

              D. They will continue comparing themselves with other teenagers .

              E. Teenagers will find a lot of small changes in their bodies.

              (4) A. They will feel confused and afraid , and even lose confidence (自信心).

              B. Sometimes they will compare with each other to see who has the most friends .

              C. But now , they will think about how they look in others’ eyes . 

              D. They will continue comparing themselves with other teenagers .

              E. Teenagers will find a lot of small changes in their bodies.

              (5) A. They will feel confused and afraid , and even lose confidence (自信心).

              B. Sometimes they will compare with each other to see who has the most friends .

              C. But now , they will think about how they look in others’ eyes . 

              D. They will continue comparing themselves with other teenagers .

              E. Teenagers will find a lot of small changes in their bodies.

            • 3.

              Everyone Can Change the World

              A friend wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. He felt hopeless at the time. He ended his letter with the question: “  (1)  ” I replied to him and started my own letter with these words: “Yes, we most certainly can!”

              I can still remember someone who changed my world. She was the music teacher at my primary school.   (2)  . I really wanted to impress(给人印象)her. However, I did not know how to play any instruments.

              One day, she let me try playing her guitar. I did my best, but could only stumble along. (断断续续地弹奏). When I was finished, I put my head down. “  (3)  ,” I told her. She looked at me with her kind eyes, smiled at me and said, “We are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good at. Then, you can share it with the whole world.”

                (4)  . They planted a seed (种子)in my soul which continues to grow to this day. They made me realize that I had something good inside of me. I just had to find it and share it. 

              Can you change the world? Yes, you can! You can change it through one choice, one person and one kind act at a time. All you have to do is share your goodness. Mother Teresa once said, “God does not ask us to do great things, only small things with great love.”   (5)  .

              (1) A. I guess I am not very good

              B. So make your love great

              C. Those simple words changed me

              D. She was good at playing the guitar

              E. We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?

              (2) A. I guess I am not very good

              B. So make your love great

              C. Those simple words changed me

              D. She was good at playing the guitar

              E. We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?

              (3) A. I guess I am not very good

              B. So make your love great

              C. Those simple words changed me

              D. She was good at playing the guitar

              E. We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?

              (4) A. I guess I am not very good

              B. So make your love great

              C. Those simple words changed me

              D. She was good at playing the guitar

              E. We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?

              (5) A. I guess I am not very good

              B. So make your love great

              C. Those simple words changed me

              D. She was good at playing the guitar

              E. We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?

            • 4.

              A:Excuse me. I am a reporter from CCTV. Can I ask you some questions?

              B:Yes, of course.

              A:  (1)  

              B:Yes,. She said that they were hard-working and she loved them very much.

              A:What did Yang Lei eat every day at school in Gansu Province?

              B:She ate porridge three times a day.

              A:  (2)  

              B:She said the school was 2,000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick.

              A:  (3)  

              B:She said most of their families were poor and they didn’t have enough money for education.

              A:  (4)  

              B:She said she couldn’t do anything about that, but she could open up their eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.

              A:  (5)  

              B:Yes, she liked it very much. She said that when her school year was over, she would return to the area after finishing her studies.

              A:Thank you very much.

              B:You’re welcome.

              (1) A. Do you like your students?

              B. Did Yang Lei like her students?
              C. What did she do to help them?
              D. Did you enjoy your work here?
              E. What did she say about the children there?
              F. Did she enjoy her work as a volunteer?
              G. How did she feel when she first got to school?
              (2) A. Do you like your students?
              B. Did Yang Lei like her students?
              C. What did she do to help them?
              D. Did you enjoy your work here?
              E. What did she say about the children there?
              F. Did she enjoy her work as a volunteer?
              G. How did she feel when she first got to school?
              (3) A. Do you like your students?
              B. Did Yang Lei like her students?
              C. What did she do to help them?
              D. Did you enjoy your work here?
              E. What did she say about the children there?
              F. Did she enjoy her work as a volunteer?
              G. How did she feel when she first got to school?
              (4) A. Do you like your students?
              B. Did Yang Lei like her students?
              C. What did she do to help them?
              D. Did you enjoy your work here?
              E. What did she say about the children there?
              F. Did she enjoy her work as a volunteer?
              G. How did she feel when she first got to school?
              (5) A. Do you like your students?
              B. Did Yang Lei like her students?
              C. What did she do to help them?
              D. Did you enjoy your work here?
              E. What did she say about the children there?
              F. Did she enjoy her work as a volunteer?
              G. How did she feel when she first got to school?
            • 5.
              Li Lei: hey, Bruce. I’m going home this weekend.
              Bruce:   (1)  
              Li Lei: To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
              Bruce:   (2)  
              Li Lei: It is an important time for family.
              Bruce:   (3)  
              Li Lei: We’ll have dinner together, watch the moon and eat mooncakes.
              Bruce: Mooncakes? Are they delicious?
              Li Lei: Yes.   (4)   We can celebrate it together.
              Bruce:   (5)   Thank you!
              Li Lei: You are welcome.
              (1) ______
              A. Well done!
              B. For what?
              C. That's great!
              D. What kind of festival is it?
              E. I have never tasted them.
              F. How will you celebrate it?
              G. Would you like to go with me?
              (2) ______
              A. Well done!
              B. For what?
              C. That's great!
              D. What kind of festival is it?
              E. I have never tasted them.
              F. How will you celebrate it?
              G. Would you like to go with me?
              (3) ______
              A. Well done!
              B. For what?
              C. That's great!
              D. What kind of festival is it?
              E. I have never tasted them.
              F. How will you celebrate it?
              G. Would you like to go with me?
              (4) ______
              A. Well done!
              B. For what?
              C. That's great!
              D. What kind of festival is it?
              E. I have never tasted them.
              F. How will you celebrate it?
              G. Would you like to go with me?
              (5) ______
              A. Well done!
              B. For what?
              C. That's great!
              D. What kind of festival is it?
              E. I have never tasted them.
              F. How will you celebrate it?
              G. Would you like to go with me?
            • 6.

              Nowadays, e-hongbao is quite popular in China. It is considered that e-hongbao comes originally from "lucky money" for the Spring Festival.   (1)   People hope to get good luck from it.

              People send e-hongbao not only on festivals but in other situations as well. On birthdays, for example, people may get e-hongbao from family, relatives and friends, especially when they are not in the same place.   (2)  On that day, to express love, Chinese lovers prefer to send each other e-hongbao of 5.20 yuan, 9.27 yuan or 13.14 yuan.

              People like playing e-hongbao games on smartphones.   (3)  Some of the lucky ones might receive much while some get only a few cent. No matter how much money they get in the end, they want to try their luck. Usually, the person who gets the most money will send e-hongbao one more time. In fact, whether they get much or little, they have lots of fun. And the games bring people closer together.

                (4)   If you forget to take a wallet with you when shopping or eating in the restaurants, donˈt worry. A smartphone can help you nut. Thatˈs great, isnˈt it? However, each coin has two sides. Some people complain e-honghao is just a way to make customers spend more money. And paying by e-hongbao can be dangerous sometimes.   (5)   Safely always comes first.

              (1) A. Money from e-hongbao can be used to pay.

              B. In the game, people all hope to get more money.

              C. Itˈs a new convenient way to send greetings and wishes.

              D. For another example, February 14th is special to lovers.

              E. Be careful not to give away personal information like your ID card.

              (2) A. Money from e-hongbao can be used to pay.

              B. In the game, people all hope to get more money.

              C. Itˈs a new convenient way to send greetings and wishes.

              D. For another example, February 14th is special to lovers.

              E. Be careful not to give away personal information like your ID card.

              (3) A. Money from e-hongbao can be used to pay.

              B. In the game, people all hope to get more money.

              C. Itˈs a new convenient way to send greetings and wishes.

              D. For another example, February 14th is special to lovers.

              E. Be careful not to give away personal information like your ID card.

              (4) A. Money from e-hongbao can be used to pay.

              B. In the game, people all hope to get more money.

              C. Itˈs a new convenient way to send greetings and wishes.

              D. For another example, February 14th is special to lovers.

              E. Be careful not to give away personal information like your ID card.

              (5) A. Money from e-hongbao can be used to pay.

              B. In the game, people all hope to get more money.

              C. Itˈs a new convenient way to send greetings and wishes.

              D. For another example, February 14th is special to lovers.

              E. Be careful not to give away personal information like your ID card.

            • 7.

              A: Excuse me.    (1)  

                 B: Yes, I do. I have a girl pen pal.

                 A:   (2)  

              B: She is from Sydney.

              A: Where is Sydney?

              B: It’s a city in Australia. 

              A:    (3)  

              B: Yes. Koalas are from Australia. They sleep in the day and get up to eat leaves at night. 

              A: That sounds interesting. And    (4)   

              B: It’s warn in winter and cool in summer. 

              A:   (5)  

              B: You’re welcome.  

              (1) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (2) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (3) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (4) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
              (5) A.       Thank you for answering my questions.
              B.       Where are koalas from?
              C.       Do you have a pen pal?
              D. What’s  the weather like in Australia?
              E.      Where is she from?
              F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals?     
              G. What about you?
            • 8.

              Hi, everyone! Welcome to No.6 Middle school.   (1)   All the things here are new. The life here is a little different. I think you must know what you can do and what you can’t do. It can help you study well and live happily.   (2)  

              You have to come to school from Monday to Friday. You have to wear our school uniforms on weekdays. You can learn some important subjects, such as Chinese, math, English, geography, history and so on. Classes begin at 7:30.   (3)   Then you have to have lunch in the school dining hall. You can’t eat in the classroom. Classes are over at 4:30 in the afternoon and then you can join your favorite clubs to have fun.   (4)   You can do sports on the playground, but you can’t play balls or run in the classroom and hallways. You must follow these rules.   (5)  Thank you.

              (1) A. You have four classes in the morning.

              B. You can listen to music everywhere.

              C. I really hope you will have a happy life here.

              D. There are lots of clubs in our school like a sports club.

              E. Now you are students of a middle school.

              F. Here are some rules of our school.

              (2) A. You have four classes in the morning.

              B. You can listen to music everywhere.

              C. I really hope you will have a happy life here.

              D. There are lots of clubs in our school like a sports club.

              E. Now you are students of a middle school.

              F. Here are some rules of our school.

              (3) A. You have four classes in the morning.

              B. You can listen to music everywhere.

              C. I really hope you will have a happy life here.

              D. There are lots of clubs in our school like a sports club.

              E. Now you are students of a middle school.

              F. Here are some rules of our school.

              (4) A. You have four classes in the morning.

              B. You can listen to music everywhere.

              C. I really hope you will have a happy life here.

              D. There are lots of clubs in our school like a sports club.

              E. Now you are students of a middle school.

              F. Here are some rules of our school.

              (5) A. You have four classes in the morning.

              B. You can listen to music everywhere.

              C. I really hope you will have a happy life here.

              D. There are lots of clubs in our school like a sports club.

              E. Now you are students of a middle school.

              F. Here are some rules of our school.

            • 9.

              A: Hello, Bob! How is it going?

              B: Hello, Kate!   (1)   And you?

              A: Very well. What’s your plan for the summer?

              B: I had a Chinese course last year, and I’d like to go on with it this summer.

              A: How was the course?   (2)  

              B: Yes. It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier.

              A: You were the best in the class, right?

              B: I did get an A. Well, could you tell me your summer plan?   (3)   

              A: No, not this summer.  (4)  

              B: That must be very interesting. Can I go with you?

              A:   (5)   Oh, there comes the bus! Good-bye!

              B: Bye-bye!

              (1) A.     I plan to go to Africa next summer.
              B.       Will you travel somewhere interesting?
              C.       Where do  you come from?
              D.      Is Chinese very difficult?
              E.       I’m OK。
              F.       Traveling is very expensive.
              G.      No problem. 
              (2) A.     I plan to go to Africa next summer.
              B.       Will you travel somewhere interesting?
              C.       Where do  you come from?
              D.      Is Chinese very difficult?
              E.       I’m OK。
              F.       Traveling is very expensive.
              G.       No problem. 
              (3) A.     I plan to go to Africa next summer.
              B.       Will you travel somewhere interesting?
              C.       Where do  you come from?
              D.      Is Chinese very difficult?
              E.       I’m OK。
              F.       Traveling is very expensive.
              G.      No problem. 
              (4) A.     I plan to go to Africa next summer.
              B.       Will you travel somewhere interesting?
              C.       Where do  you come from?
              D.      Is Chinese very difficult?
              E.       I’m OK。
              F.       Traveling is very expensive.
              G.      No problem. 
              (5) A.     I plan to go to Africa next summer.
              B.       Will you travel somewhere interesting?
              C.       Where do  you come from?
              D.      Is Chinese very difficult?
              E.       I’m OK。
              F.       Traveling is very expensive.
              G.      No problem. 
            • 10.

              A: Excuse me, where’s the Forest Park?

              B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask that old man.

              A:   (1)  

              B: You’re welcome.

              A:   (2)  

              C: Go along this street. Then turn left at the second turning. It’s on your left.

              A:   (3)  

              C: It’s about thirty minutes on foot.

              A: Can I take a bus?

              C: Of course, you can.

              A:   (4)  

              C: The No.51 bus.

              A: Where is the bus stop?

              C: It’s on the other side of the street.

              A: Thank you very much.

              C:   (5)  

              (1) A. How long is it?   
              B. Which bus can I take?
              C. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Forest Park?
              D. That’s right. 
              E. Thank you all the same.  
              F. That’s all right. 
              G. How far is it from here?
              (2) A. How long is it?   
              B. Which bus can I take?
              C. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Forest Park?
              D. That’s right. 
              E. Thank you all the same.  
              F. That’s all right. 
              G. How far is it from here?
              (3) A. How long is it?   
              B. Which bus can I take?
              C. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Forest Park?
              D. That’s right. 
              E. Thank you all the same.  
              F. That’s all right. 
              G. How far is it from here?
              (4) A. How long is it?   
              B. Which bus can I take?
              C. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Forest Park?
              D. That’s right. 
              E. Thank you all the same.  
              F. That’s all right. 
              G. How far is it from here?
              (5) A. How long is it?   
              B. Which bus can I take?
              C. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Forest Park?
              D. That’s right. 
              E. Thank you all the same.  
              F. That’s all right. 
              G. How far is it from here?
