优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a good king. The people of the kingdom were very __(1)__ as they were wealthy and had no problems.

                  Once, the king decided to travel and visit faraway places of great historical importance. He chose to travel on foot, __(2)__ he could talk to his people. People of distant places were very happy to have a __(3)__ with their king. They were proud that their king had a kind heart.

                  After several weeks of travel, the king __(4)__ to the palace. He was quite happy to have visited many places and seen his people. __(5)__ , he felt a lot of pain in his feet as it was his first trip on foot covering a long distance. He __(6)__ to his ministers that the roads were covered with stones and werenˈt __(7)__ . He said that he was very __(8)__ about the people who walked along them.

                  He ordered to cover the roads in the whole country with__(9)__ in order that the people of his kingdom could walk comfortably. The kingˈs ministers were very surprised to hear his order as thousands of cows would have to be__(10)__ for leather, And it would also cost a lot of money.

                  Finally, a wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that he had a __(11)__ idea.

                  The minister said, “Instead of covering the roads with leather, why not just have a piece of leather cut in the right__(12)__ to cover your feet?”

                  The king was__(13)__ by is idea and praised the minister. He ordered a pair of leather shoes for himself and requested all his countryman also to wear shoes.

                  Changes are unavoidable, and they should __(14)__ us. We cannot or should not__(15)__ others to make them. That means, instead of trying to change the world, we should try to change ourselves.

              (1) A. crazy       B. polite       C. happy      D. smart

              (2) A. as if        B. so that    
              C. even though    D. ever since

              (3) A. business      B. trip     
              C. discussion     D. conversation

              (4) A. came      B. returned      C. hurried       D. headed

              (5) A. Besides       B. Also     C. However      D. Instead

              (6) A. shouted     B. apologized   
              C. explained   D. complained

              (7) A. safe      B. comfortable    
              C. straight     D. convenient

              (8) A. worried     B. careful     C. serious    D. certain

              (9) A. dirt       B. sand         C. wood    D. leather

              (10) A. killed     B. sold        C. raised     D. exchanged

              (11) A. better      B. clearer      C. closer    D. deeper

              (12) A. place      B. position     C. shape     D. order

              (13) A. interested    B. disappointed   
              C. shocked     D. moved

              (14) A. wait for    B. come from    C. look for    D. go with

              (15) A. depend on     B. work with   
              C. turn to    D. believe in

            • 2.

              The teachers are worried that young children are becoming “addicted(沉溺)” to tablets(平板电脑). They can’t make easy things   (1)   hands as they use computers. They can’t make toys themselves or help   (2)   dinner with mom.

              “Many children can play with tablets or phones   (3)   they can’t make things. Many children can’t talk with otherchildren but   (4)   parents are proud of(以……而自豪)them because they are good at using a tablets or a   (5)  ,” said Colin Kinney, a teacher.

              Many children spend too much time   (6)   at home and quietly play on a tablet. If children do not learn to stay with others, it can become   (7)   for them to learn how to make friends when they get together.

              It is important to know   (8)   to use tablets or telephones in today’s world, but it is still very important for children to learn to make   (9)   with others. If they do, they can live  (10)   when they grow up. Teachers should help their students know how to live happily.

              (1) A. with     B. before C. after   D. under
              (2) A. take      B. eat      C. cook   D. try
              (3) A. and       B. but      C. or       D. so
              (4) A. they      B. their    C. them   D. theirs
              (5) A. phone   B. book   C. pen     D. radio
              (6) A. playing  B. staying       C. working     D. studying
              (7) A. easy     B. happy  C. difficult      D. small
              (8) A. what     B. when  C. where D. how
              (9) A. boys     B. girls    C. teachers     D. friends
              (10) A. angrily  B. luckily C. happily       D. sadly
            • 3.

              In a town, there lived an old farmer and his donkey.   The donkey was very   (1)  too.   One day the donkey fell into a useless well  ( 井)  in  the village  and   (2)  not come out.   All the villagers tried their best to help it,    (3)   they couldn’t make it. They didn’t want to see anything like this happen again, so they decided to    (4)   the well with the  donkey  in  it.

              At first, when they   (5)   throwing soil ( 土) into the well, the donkey was afraid. But later, as the soil fell

              onto the donkey’s    (6)  , it shook the soil off and climbed onto the soil.  After some time, as the soil in the well rose ( 升起)  (7)   , the donkey was closer and closer to the mouth of the well.  (8)   , it walked out of the well. Everyone was   (9)  and very happy. So, when you are in trouble, don’t be   (10)   .

              What happens to you is up to how you react to it.

              (1) A.   young                   B. tall                    
              C. old

              (2) A.   need                     B. could                               
              C. should

              (3) A.   and                        B. but                   
              C. so

              (4) A.   put                         B. fill                     
              C. keep

              (5) A.   stopped               B. finished          
              C. started

              (6) A.   teeth                     B. heart                               
              C. back

              (7) A.   shorter and shorter        B. higher and higher      
              C. faster and faster

              (8) A.   At last                   B. At first            
              C. On time

              (9) A.   angry                     B. surprised       
              C. worried

              (10) A.   afraid                    B. happy             
              C. bored

            • 4.

              My name is John. I am   (1)   English boy. I’m   (2)   years old and my cousin is twelve, too, but he is in England. I am a student in a junior high school in China. My mom and dad are   (3)   in the school. They teach English. I   (4)   a good friend in my class.   (5)   name is Lin Tao. He   (6)   from China. He has a long face and a   (7)   mouth. My mouth is wide, too. He   (8)   big eyes. His eyes are small. Lin Tao likes blue very much.   (9)  ! The boy   (10)   blue is him. He looks cool.

              (1) A. a       B. an        C. the         D. /

              (2) A. twelve  B. thirteen   C. fourteen   D. fifteen

              (3) A. actors  B. teachers    C. students    D. friends

              (4) A. am       B. is        C. have         D. has

              (5) A. My      B. Her       C. Your      D. His

              (6) A. come    B. is         C. does       D. do

              (7) A. wide    B. fine       C. long      D. small

              (8) A. don’t has  B. don’t have 
              C. doesn’t have    D. doesn’t has

              (9) A. Look        B. See      C. Find.      D. Look at

              (10) A. from      B. at          C. of         D. in

            • 5.

              Several months ago, a couple with a little girl moved in next door to me. The girl seemed too quiet to make any noise, while the parents were always   (1)  her loudly. Whenever we met my new neighbors, I always spoke, but the only   (2)   I ever got was a hello from the 4-year-old girl.

              I usually go out for breakfast and one day when I returned, they were just coming from their home and the little girl was holding the door open for others. I stayed in the car doing unnecessary things as I wasn’t in a   (3)  . The parents were telling her to get into the car immediately. I looked up and saw the little girl was still holding the door open, waiting for me.

              As a disabled man, I can’t hurry at   (4)  , but I hurried as much as I could and thanked her. She was smiling like a lovely angel. I was so    (5)  by her small act of kindness. That afternoon I was shopping and I saw a white bear. I thought of the girl and said to myself. “I believe she would like that” so I bought it.

              The next day there was a knock on the door and it was the little girl and her parents. She was so    (6)   of her bear and thanked me as if I had never been thanked before. The mother and father both thanked me. 

              Now when we meet, we all speak, and in a friendly manner I might add. As time passes, I don’t hear that shouting as often.    (7)  , hardly at all.

              Last night we had about four inches of snow. I looked out at my car and wondered   (8)   I was going to keep my doctor’s appointment(约会). When I opened the outside door, there was my car with all the snow cleaned. I can’t express how I felt at that moment. The man next door was the only person I knew in the whole building,   (9)  when I saw him the next day, I asked him if he was the good man that cleaned my snow. He said No. He wanted to but his wife said she wanted to do it.

              Isn’t it amazing that a 4-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? It is said that good things usually come from   (10)  .

              (1) A. shouting at     B. worrying about 
              C. playing with        D. laughing at

              (2) A. answer                B. sound               
              C. act                      D. present      

              (3) A. mood B. mess             
              C. hurry               D. surprise

              (4) A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

              (5) A. worried               B. moved         
              C. surprised                D. enjoyed

              (6) A. proud                    B. afraid               
              C. short                   D. full

              (7) A. In all          B. After all       
              C. In fact         D. For example

              (8) A. why                 B. how                 
              C. where                     D. that

              (9) A. but B. so C. or D. yet

              (10) A. small acts      B. nice presents          
              C. little children          D. neighbors

            • 6.

              Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came out. She pointed to something and asked Mike what it was. Mike felt very ___(1)___ , but he told her it was a sparrow (麻雀) and got back to reading.

              Several minutes later, his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same question again. Mike got a little angry but ___  (1)  ___ answered her question. After a little while, his mother did the same thing once more. This time Mike could not ___  (2)  ___ his anger. He shouted at her for asking him the same thing again and again. The old lady silently ___  (3)  ___ an old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Mike. Though he was a little ___  (4)  ___, Mike began to read it.

              “Today, I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a bird on the ___  (5)  ___ and asked me what it was. I ___  (6)  ___ at him, said it was a sparrow and kissed him. After a while, Mike asked me what it was again. I ___  (7)  ___ answering his question and kissing him every time.”

              Something gently ___  (8)  ___ Mike’s heart. His face turned red with ___  (9)  ___ for being so impatient with his mother, and he hugged (拥抱) her tight. Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, but you may not realize that until they are gone.

              (1) A. angry                              B. lonely                         
              C. surprised

              (2) A. still                                B. always                           
              C. already

              (3) A. show                                B. control                                  
              C. discover

              (4) A. set out                            B. put out                                  
              C. drew out

              (5) A. awkward                   B. impatient                        
              C. joyful

              (6) A. grass                                   B. square                            
              C. playground

              (7) A. laughed                      B. shouted                          
              C. smiled

              (8) A. continued                      B. stopped                          
              C. tried

              (9) A. touched                        B. hit                                 
              C. captured

              (10) A. interest                         B. happiness                       
              C. shame

            • 7.

              One Sunday morning, I go to the zoo to see  (1)  with my friend, Amy. At 9:30, we meet  (2)   at my home. At 9:50, we go to  (3)   . We see  (4)   monkeys. I give them  (5)   bananas to eat. Monkeys are  (6)   favorite animals. They are so  (7)  . They can act  (8)   men. Then we see elephants. Elephants are Amy’s favorite animals. They are so kind and they have long   (9)  . We see many other animals, too. At 11:30, we say  (10)   to the animals and go home.

              (1) A. shoes B. books C. animals D. doctors

              (2) A. other       B. each       
              C. them          D. each other

              (3) A. the shop B. the zoo C. the hospital D. the office

              (4) A. many B. much C. a little D. little

              (5) A. any B. a C. some D. a lot

              (6) A. I B. me C. mine D. my

              (7) A. clever      B. strong       C. short          D. tall

              (8) A. to         B. at C. like D. of

              (9) A. eyes B. noses C. arms D. eye

              (10) A. hello B. goodbye C. sorry D. no

            • 8.

              Henry was a boy of nine. He was born in a   (1)   family. His father was often ill and couldn’t go to work.   (2)   his mother worked in a factory. She worked hard and hoped to give her four children and husband(丈夫)   (3)   food and clothes. But she failed. Her family were sometimes   (4)  . Of course, she couldn’t send Henry to school. She was   (5)   it but she didn’t know what to do. The boy was very clever and taught himself to read and write and   (6)   at home in the evening. And in the daytime he was polishing(擦)shoes in the street, so he could make some   (7)   for his family.

              One afternoon the boy saw a young man’s shoes were   (8)  , so he said to him, “Let me polish your shoes.”

              “No, thank you,” the young man said and walked   (9)  .

              “You may pay me only one dollar, sir,” the boy shouted   (10)   him. But the young man said no again. Then the boy   (11)   for a while and told him that he would polish his shoes for nothing. The young man   (12)   to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. The man   (13)   the other shoe to the boy, but the boy said no to polish it if he wasn’t paid two dollars for his work. The young man refused(拒绝) to   (14)   anything on it and went away.

              But his shoes were so different that he had to   (15)  . He turned back and gave the boy two dollars. In a very short time the shoe was as bright as the other one.

              (1) A. happy            B. lucky              
              C. rich                D. poor

              (2) A. Only             B. Except(除了)     
              C. Or                 D. Because

              (3) A. much                  B. little               
              C. enough             D. no

              (4) A. full              B. hungry             
              C. happy               D. pleased

              (5) A. afraid of          B. sorry for            
              C. useful to            D. friendly to

              (6) A. play             B. swim               
              C. count               D. sleep

              (7) A. books            B. clothes             
              C. shoes                 D. money

              (8) A. dirty             B. clean              
              C. old                  D. new

              (9) A. over            B. away              
              C. out                  D. in

              (10) A. under           B. above             
              C. in front of            D. behind

              (11) A. thought          B. read               
              C. wrote                D. saw

              (12) A. liked            B. agreed            
              C. worried              D. surprised

              (13) A. threw           B. passed             
              C. kicked               D. showed

              (14) A. pay              B. cost               
              C. spend                D. give

              (15) A. stop             B. run                
              C. work                D. think

            • 9.
              There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n)   (1)   came and said, "Oh, give me a blank(空白的) wall in your palace and let me   (2)    a picture on it. It will be more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before." The king happened to have a big new hall. So he   (3)  the artist to work on one of the walls.
                    At the same time, another artist came and said “Oh, King! Please allow me to work on the   (4)  wall. I shall make exactly what that man makes on the wall   (5)  looking at his work.” The king decides to give this young man a chance.The following day they began to work. The first artist brought in some common things, like paint, oil, water and so on. The second one came with a   (6)  and a bucket (桶). 
                   A month later, they both finished the works. The king went to   (7)  the first artist’s wall. It was great. He was   (8)   with it and gave the artist a lot of money. He went to the second man----the same painting was on the opposite wall. The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money. However, he   (9)    how the second man had made it.
                   "I just polished the wall with the cloth," the man said. The wall was made of white marble (大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. The reflection (倒影)of the first painting showed up on it!
                   It is said the   (10)  is a reflection of you,too. If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy, the world will be happy.

              (1) A. musician     B. artist        
              C. server               D. actress

              (2) A. put              B. copy         
              C. paint              D. get

              (3) A. allowed     B. realized    
              C. warned             D. decided

              (4) A. same           B. similar             
              C. opposite            D. common

              (5) A. with            B. under        
              C. upon              D. without

              (6) A. mirror      B. cloth         
              C. stick              D. pencil

              (7) A. see            B. touch        
              C. research            D. cover

              (8) A. busy             B. cross         
              C. popular             D. pleased

              (9) A. knew             B. noticed      
              C. wondered       D. agreed

              (10) A. story             B. world        
              C. king               D. painter

            • 10.

              Welcome to Beijing Zoo! There  (1)  many animals in the zoo. Let’s see the koalas first. Koalas are  (2)  Australia. They are quiet,   (3)   and cute. Children like them very much. The kangaroos(袋鼠)are also from  (4)  . They are quiet and interesting.  (5)  they are not friendly.

              The giraffes come from Africa. They have a  (6)  neck(脖子). They like to eat leaves. The lions are also from Africa. They are a little  (7)  . Many people don’t like  (8)  . We also have pandas . They are from China. They are very cute and friendly, but they are very shy. So please be  (9)  .

              You can also see many other animals in the zoo. Have  (10)  here! Just come and see!

              (1) A. has              B. have           C. are        D. is

              (2) A. at               B. from          
              C. in         D. with

              (3) A. friendly B. successful C. ugly D. difficult

              (4) A. Canada           B. Australia        
              C. America     D. China

              (5) A. or               B. but            C. and        D. so

              (6) A. short              B. big           
              C. long       D. small

              (7) A. smart            B. clever          
              C. shy        D. scary

              (8) A. it                B. you          
              C. us         D. them

              (9) A. busy             B. clean         
              C. quiet       D. new

              (10) A. music B. fun C. dinner D. food

