优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              as long as possible, hope for, throw away, be harmful to, find out

              (1) Reading in the sun ________________________ our eyes.
              (2) We all ________________________ a healthy environment.
              (3) Don't ________________________ the waste that can be recycled.
              (4) We should use things ________________________.
              (5) The twins look the same and we can't ________________________ the differences between them.
            • 2.


              (1) – Who can answer the question?

                        ( Nobody / Every body ), because it is too difficult.

              (2) Mary           ( lent / borrowed ) a dictionary from me last Monday.
              (3) I hate             ( work / working ) on weekends.
              (4) –Who is the           ( stronger / strongest ) of all the boys in your class?  – Tom , I think.
            • 3.

                    What do people, plants and animals have in   (1)    ? We all need water. All   (2)       thin    gs must have water to survive, whether they get it from a river, a rain cloud or a water bottle.

                     (3)  water, your body would stop working properly. Water makes up more than half of your body    (4)  and a person can’t survive for more than a few days without it. Why? Your body needs water to do many important jobs. For example, your blood contains a lot of water. It    (5)      oxygen (氧气) to all the cells (细胞) of your body. Without oxygen, the cells would   (6)     and your body would stop working.
                    Water can also help you fight off   (7)    . You need water to digest (消化) your food and get rid of waste, too.   (8)  water is so important, you might wonder if you’re drinking enough. In fact, there is no certain amount of water that you need to drink every day.
                    ​You can help your body by drinking when you’re  (9)      and drinking extra water when the weather is hot, especially   (10)  playing sports or exercising. Then your body will be able to do all of its important jobs and you’ll feel great!

            • 4.


              sun,     play,     listen,     others,     talking , 

              Sunday,  hospital,   because,    students,    help, 

              Today is   (1)  . It’s also a   (2)   day and lots of people go out to enjoy the sunshine. Lisa and her classmates are    (3)   in the park now. Linda and Jack are   (4)  to the music . Tom and Bob are boating(划船)in the river. They are having a good time. What about Lisa and the   (5)  ? They are talking about their lives in the future(将来). Jimmy would like to be a teacher   (6)  he wants to   (7)   more people. Jenny likes writing and   (8)  with people,so she wants to be a reporter(记者)and works for a magazine(杂志). Lisa wants to be a doctor and works in a   (9)   . She wants to help sick people(病人)get better. All of the   (10)   are having fun.

            • 5.

              短文填空  选择恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。(有两个多余的选项)

              first,  coming,  idea,  last,  more,  stronger,  make,  couldn’t,  asking,  could

              One day James Watt was sitting at the fire in his grandmother’s home. He was watching the fire and thinking about things. A teapot was over the fire. Soon the lid (盖子) began to move up and down “What makes it move up and down?” the boy asked himself. He looked under the lid, but he   (1)   see anything. “Grandma, what’s in the teapot?” he asked. “Water, my child, nothing   (2)   water.” “But I know there is something more. And what makes the lid up and down?”

              His grandmother laughed and said “Oh, that’s only steam (蒸汽). You can see it   (3)   out of teapot”. “Why my dear, it comes out of the hot water. The hot water makes it.” The grandmother began to think that the boy was   (4)   too many questions. “The steam must be very strong to   (5)   the heavy lid move up and down” said the bright boy to himself. “Well, if the steam comes from a lot of water it must be much   (6)  . Why can’t we use steam to work for us?” The   (7)   grew with him as he grew up. He tried out his idea and failed, then tried again, failed again. But each time he learned something new. Some people laughed at him.

              “ Don’t be foolish (愚蠢的)”, they said. But he went on trying and at last he reached his goal and gave the world the   (8)  ​ team engine (蒸汽机).

