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            • 1.

                  In recent years, more Chinese people have been travelling at home and abroad, but some of them don't have good manners.

                  For example, on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, there is chewing gum (口香糖) in almost every corner. And newspapers show photos of a child peeing (撒尿) outside a restaurant at Hong Kong Disneyland. In foreign countries, things are sometimes even worse.

                  Some hotels in Singapore are upset with Chinese tourists. This is because some of them spit in their rooms and smoke in bed.

                  Zhang Lei is a tour guide from Shanghai. Once Zhang led a group of three Chinese tourists to Europe. On the train, the group talked and laughed very loudly. Some of them even took off their shoes, and one coughed loudly without covering his mouth. Lots of other travelers moved away from them.

                  "Bad manners hurt China's' international image (形象)”, explained Zhai Weihua, a Chinese government official.

                  So, in mid-August, the government started an educational program so that travel agencie can teach good manners to tourists at home and abroad

              (1) Why are some hotels in Singapore upset with Chinese tourists?

              A. They throw chewing gum everywhere.

              B. They let children pee outside the hotels.

              C. They spit in rooms and smoke in bed.

              D. They laugh and talk very loudly.

              (2) Zhang Lei is________________.

              A. a Chinese tourist
              B. a tour guide from Shanghai

              C. a government official
              D. a traveller from Beijing

              (3) The group of Chinese tourists did the following things except ________ on the train.

              A. talking and laughing loudly B. taking off their shoes

              C. coughing loudly D. chewing gum

              (4) Why did the government start an educational program on good manners?

              A. Because bad manners hurt China's international image.

              B. Because some countries feel upset with bad manners.

              C. Because National Day is coming soon.

              D. Because lots of Chinese travel abroad.

            • 2.

              Many Chinese people who have been to the United States think that Americans pay a little part of their money for food each day. Yet, in the latest 13 years, food prices have gone up 30% for most American families. Everyone agrees that the cost of feeding a family has risen sharply. But who is really responsible(有责任的)?

                Many people say the farmers who produce the vegetables, fruit, meat, and eggs are responsible. But farmers say that the rise in food prices is very small compared to (和…相比) the rise in their cost of living. Farmers think middlemen have got much more money than they do. Middlemen are those people who stand between the farmers and the people who buy and eat the food. For example, truck drivers, owners of food stores and so on. Are middlemen really responsible for higher food prices?

              Economists(经济学家)don’t think so. They have found that the money that meat packers and food stores get is less than 1% in all. They say that food costs more now because modern housewives have jobs outside the home. They have less time for cooking after a day’s work. They like to buy food which has already been prepared before it reaches the market. They want to buy many kinds of food that can be put on their dining tables easily and quickly. But of course they must be prepared to pay for the services of those who make their work easier.

              It seems that the answer to the question of rising prices is not an easy one. Quite a number of people share the responsibility for the sharp rise in food costs.

              (1) Farmers speak for themselves because _____.

              A. the middlemen have had the biggest share of profit(利润)

              B. the cost of their products have risen sharply too

              C. their cost of living has gone up a lot, too

              D. they’ve got very little in the rise of food prices

              (2) Economists blame (责怪) _____.

              A. farmers B. middlemen C. housewives D. storeowners

              (3) What’s the writer’s opinion?

              A. He agrees with the economists.       

              B. He doesn’t think farmers are responsible.

              C. He thinks the middlemen might get a lot of profit.

              D. He thinks all those people should be responsible.

            • 3.

              It is possible that the UK will have its first police cat in the future. The five-year-old girl, Eliza wrote to the police station recently and asked why they only used police dogs. She thought cats could be as useful as dogs because cats can climb trees to help people.

              A police officer, Mr. Barton replied to Eliza. He said they were thinking about it, although they didn’t decide yet what a police cat can should do. He also drew a picture of his own cat Joey on the letter.

              Eliza’s mother said she was surprised to receive the reply letter from the police station. “It’s amazing. They took Eliza’s advice seriously. She is smart and she came up with three ideas about what police cats could do. She thought cats could find out danger easily and they could climb up trees to help people. Also, they are good at finding their way home. So they could help people find the places they want to go. ”

              (1) What can we know from the first paragraph?.
              A. There are police dogs in the UK.             
              B. Eliza is in the fifth grade now
              C. Eliza has some cats at home
              D. Dogs are good at climbing trees.
              (2) Who is Joey according to the passage?
              A. It is the first police cat.                  
              B. It is Mr. Barton’s dog.
              C. It is Eliza’s pet cat.                     
              D. It is Mr. Barton’s cat.
              (3) Eliza’s mother thinks Mr. Barton’s reply is _____.
              A. serious             B. boring         
              C. amazing     D. difficult
              (4) which of the following isTRUE?
              A. Eliza is good at making up stories.   
              B. Eliza’s mother thinks Eliza is smart.
              C. Eliza likes writing to police station
              D. Eliza wants to be a police officer in the future
            • 4.

               The day was warm and the sun shone down like a new beginning in my life. I was waving goodbye to my son, the last one of my children to leave home and go to a new place — university. I felt so light-hearted after spending many years looking after my four children — cooking, washing, ironing, teaching them hew to look after themselves and manage many other things — that I actually thought "At last, I was free".

                 But, as I watched my last one leave, although it was joyful, I realized I had not been really prepared for this day. I was too busybringing upthese adults of the future to realize that they would all leave the nest and live by themselves.

                 At first I didn't know what I wanted to do. I tried a part-time job, the result of which was that I ran out in tears. I started another business, but that didn't work, either. I grew my own vegetables and fruit, which lasted 3 years. But one day my doctor advised it was not fit for me to do this because of the pain of my feet.

                 I began wondering whether I had a future of my own. I cried for the life I was used to, and hadn't known or wanted anything different.

                 Then one day I saw an advertisement for foster(代养的) parents. I discussed it with my husband who was always behind everything I tried and then I rang up the number. A week later, a girl named Tracy became a member of my family.

                 I now laugh and sing with my 14-year-old foster daughter, even when my kitchen is dirty and in a mess and my bathroom is totally out of order. I now know, 8 years later, the meaning of my doing all these things with the spare hours, days, and weeks when my last child flew the nest. The sun shines once again in my home.

              (1) How did the mother first feel when her last child went off to university?
              A. Lonely. B. Worried C. Relaxed D. Unhappy.
              (2) In the third paragraph, the poor mother did all the things just to ________ .
              A. live a greener and healthier life
              B. make more money for her kids' education
              C. turn her attention away from being lonely
              D. start her own gardening business
              (3) What did the mother think of her husband?
              A. Successful. B. Supportive.
              C. Warm-hearted. D. Open-minded.
              (4) The underlined phrase "bringing up" means ________ .
              A. raising B. growing C. working on D. looking out
              (5) Thanks to the foster daughter, the author ________ .
              A. got rid of her busy work
              B. forgot her other children
              C. found a suitable job
              D. knew what she really wanted
            • 5.

              “I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and I surf the net.”

              “I often check my e-mail forty times a day.”

              “I often spend more than three hours during one time on the net.”

              “I spend more time in chat rooms than with my ‘real-life’ friends.”

              Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addiction. Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. The use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug(毒品) use. People lose control of the time they spend on the Internet

              For example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried, and they called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab,he was surfing the net for several days straight.

              Studies show that about 6 to 10% of Internet users become addicted. And people worry about the teens because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them. They spend more time in cyberspace(网络空间)than in the real world of friends and family.

              Is “surfing the net” a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have these symptoms:

              ●You do not go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you like to spend hours on the Internet.

              ●You can’t wait for your next online time.

              ●You plan to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours.

              ●You go out with your friends less and less.

              (1) What does the beginning of the passage tell us?
              A. How to become an Internet addict.
              B. What an Internet addict usually does
              C. Where to find an Internet addict.
              D. Why to write this passage.
              (2) How does the writer describe the addicts’ use of Internet?
              A. It is something like keeping drugs.
              B. It is a way of producing drugs.
              C. It is like taking drugs.                               
              D. It is terrible to imagine.
              (3) Why do people worry about the teens?
              A. The teens are wasting too much money.   
              B. They used to work on the Internet.
              C. The playing field of the teens will disappear.
              D. More and more of the teens wil1 become addicted to the Internet.
              (4) What is the writer trying to tell us at the end of the passage?
              A. Don’t be addicted to the Internet.             
              B. Go to family activities more often.
              C. Do things as you have planned                 
              D. Stay with your parents as often as possible
            • 6.

              These days , more and more Chinese teenagers find   (1)   more difficult to live without their parents. They don’t know how to do   (2)   . Because their parents do almost everything for them at home. This is a big problem.

              Alice is a 14-year-old girl. One day her parents went out for work , so she had to stay at home   (3)   . At first she thought she would be happy   (4)   her parents were not in. She could do   (5)  she liked to. But it was six o’clock in the afternoon , she felt   (6)   . “Oh, it’s time   (7)  dinner. Where can I get my food?” She said to   (8)   . Later she found some food in the fridge, but she   (9)   know how to cook. At that moment , she missed her   (10)   very much. At last she could only go to the supermarket and   (11)   some food to eat.

              Many of teenagers are   (12)   as Alice . So I think they should learn some normal life   (13)   ,like cooking , cleaning up their rooms or taking   (14)   care of themselves. Do you   (15)   me?

              (1) A. it                              B. them                      
              C. that                   D. they
              (2) A. their homework          B. some shopping        
              C. the business       D. housework
              (3) A. alone                          B. lonely                     
              C. happily             D. sadly
              (4) A. so                              B. because                   
              C. but                  D. until
              (5) A. how                           B. what                      
              C. where               D. when
              (6) A. hungry                       B. tired                       
              C. excited              D. bored
              (7) A. having                        B. have                       
              C. to have              D. had
              (8) A. her                            B. herself                   
              C. she                   D. himself
              (9) A. couldn’t                   
              B. didn’t                    
              C. might not         
              D. wou ldn’t
              (10) A. cousin                        B. aunt                        
              C. brother              D. parents
              (11) A. made                          B. bought                          
              C. gave                 D. saw
              (12) A. the same                         
              B. difficult                  
              C. different           
              D. similar
              (13) A. chores                       
              B. stress                      
              C. skills                
              D. interests
              (14) A. good                          B. well                        
              C. quickly             D. slowly
              (15) A. think                          B. disagree                  
              C. agree                D. agree with
            • 7.

              In the Olympics, star athletes always get the public’s attention. Especially under China’s State-run sports regime(体制), gold medalists are seen as representatives (代表) and are highly valued. But this year is a little different for Chinese people because some of their most-loved athletes haven’t won championships.

               Swimmer Ning Zetao, didn’t enter the finals of his sports. Fu Yuanhui, a bronze medal winning swimmer, has become a new hero of Chinese people.

                On Aug.8th, after learning that she got a new personal best in the women’s 100m backstoke(仰泳) semifinal in Rio, Fu said, “I’v already ….used my prehistorical powers (洪荒之力).”And when being asked about her expectations about the final the next day , Fu Yuanhui, “I don’t have many expectations. I am satisfied about myself.”

                Fu’s straightforward(直率)and happy personality won her millions of fans on the Internet overnight. People call her the “Prehistorical Girl”

               “‘Prehistorical Girl’and the netizens who appreciate her have taught all of us a lesson: Sport is about the struggle and , especially, enjoyment, but most definitely not about gold,”wrote People’s Daily in a commentary on Aug.9th.

              Winning used to be everything for China’s Olympians. Athletes who get gold have fame and fortune(财富), while those who disappoint often get ignored or even criticized.

              Hurdle champion Liu Xiang became a national hero at the 2004 Athens Olympics. But four years later at the Beijing Olympics, when an injury forced him to give up just before running his first race, he was bitterly criticized.

              Now , China is ready to welcome a sports star without a gold medal. “Public attitudes toward competitive sport and the Olympics have lifted to a higher level,” commented People’s Daily.

              “As we mature(成熟) in mentality, learn how to appreciate competition , and become able to calmly applaud(喝彩) our competitors, we’d show the confidence and tolerance(宽容) of a great country,” said CCTV in its weibo post.

              (1) Who isFu Yuanhui?
              A. She is a bronze medal winning swimmer in the Rio Olympic games. 
              B. She is a gold medal winning swimmer in the Rio Olympic games .
              C. She is a bronze medal winning ping-pong player in the Rio Olympic games. 
              D. She is a gold medal winning basketball player in the Rio Olympic games.
              (2) What is sport about?
              A. Giving athletes chances to get gold.
              B. Learning how to win a competition .
              C. A kind of hard work with many expectations. 
              D. The struggle and enjoyment, but most definitely not about gold.
              (3) Which is RIGHT according to the passage?
              A. At the Beijing Olympics , Liu Xiang gave up just after running his first race. 
              B. People call Fu Yuanhui the “Prehistorical Girl” .
              C. China likes to welcome a sports star with a gold medal. 
              D. Fu Yuanhui got a new personal best in the women’s 200m backstroke semifinal in Rio.
              (4) What’s the main idea of the passage?
              A. The Confidence and Tolerance of a Country. 
              B. Use the Prehistorical Powers .
              C. A New Kind of Hero. 
              D. Be Satisfied with Oneself.
            • 8.

               Who’s building the new China? It’s not the factory owners or the businessmen. It’s the people who have left their homes to follow their dreams ,the dreams of a better life.

                 We can see them every day, on every street corner, on every construction field(建筑工地) in cities, They work day and night even in the terrible working conditions and weather. They build the roads, the theaters the cinemas, and the supermarkets. They ever clean up our rubbish. They’re China’s migrant workers. Young and old, men and women are building the new China.

                 More than 140 million migrant workers have left their homes in the countryside to look for jobs in big cities all over China. They hope to be rich, but they realize there will be many difficulties such as prejudice(偏见) and discrimination(歧视) from the people in cities.

                 So many things need to be changed. The first is discrimination! They may not make as much money as some people in cities, they may not have everything people in cities have, but they are good and honest people just trying to live better. These worker are very important and necessary to China’s economic development and have become an important force for the change of Chinese society. They’ re building the new Child. So we should lend our hands and help them.

              (1) The writer thinks     are building the new China.
              A. the factory owners of China
              B. the business men and women
              C. the migrant workers of China
              D. the office workers in the building
              (2) The words “migrant worker” mean _______.
              A. 房地产开发商 B. IT业人 C. 农民工 D. 工厂工人
              (3) When and where do the migrant workers work to make their dreams come true?
              A. Every day and everywhere in the countryside.
              B. Every day and everywhere in big cities.
              C. On weekends in the factory.
              D. On weekdays in the factory.
              (4) Which of the following is NOT true about China’s migrant workers?
              A. They should be helped by us.
              B. They want to make more money in the cities.
              C. More than 140 million migrant workers have been in cities in China.
              D. They are not welcomed by all the people in cities.
              (5) What does the report mainly tell us?
              A. Though migrant workers work hard, their condition is not bad.
              B. The condition of the migrant workers needs to be changed.
              C. The people in cities aren’t polite to the migrant workers.
              D. The people in cities are more important than the migrant workers.
            • 9.

              Most of us in China are used to paying for almost everything with our phones. But for foreign visitors who aren’t familiar with this method, it may seem strange. According to the country’s Prime Minister Lee HsienLoong. During Singapore’s National Day on August 20, Lee told the people about his first experience with Chinese payment methods.

              Lee was waiting in line to buy chestnuts at a street stall in Shanghai and saw other customers show their phone and take the chestnuts without giving any cash. Soon after, he realized that the customers were using WeChat Pay, reported the Straits Times.

              Lee pointed out that Singapore lags behind in mobile payments. “When visitors from China find that they have to use cash here, they ask, ‘How can Singapore be so backward?’,” Lee said.

              With more and more Chinese tourists going abroad, lots of foreign companies and agencies accepted Chinese mobile payment, like WeChat Pay and Ali Pay. According to Xinhua News Agency, WeChat Pay has covered in 13 foreign countries and regions and Alipay over 200. So it is common to see a blue or green QR code in the mall of some foreign countries.

              Maybe in the near future, when you travel to other countries, what you have to take is your smartphone.

              (1) How did the customers pay the chestnuts?
              A. with cash                   B. with smartphone  
              C. with nothing                   D. with Alipay
              (2) which does the underlined words “lag behind” mean?
              A. 落后                       B. 后退
              C. 先进                       D. 超越
              (3) which one is the blue QR code?
              A.     B.  C.  D. 
              (4) which of following sentences is right?
              A. Foreigners get used to paying with phone.
              B. Most of the countries have accepted the Chinese mobile payments.
              C. You don’t need to take money but your smartphone when you travel to other countries.
              D. Ali pay has covered in over 200 countries and regions.
            • 10. Lots of women don’t have breakfast and they have a lot of different excuses for that. Some say they don’t have time, some think they’re losing weight, and others just don’t like breakfast.
              But the fact is that eating in the morning is very important, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all. If your pizza is added with vegetables, that’ll be better.
              Breakfast is one kind of meal that one should never miss; even one is trying to lose weight.
              Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from eating too much later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that those who don’t have breakfast have a bigger chance of getting fat than those who have a morning meal every day.
              So if you want to lose weight, you should eat something in the morning. Anything is OK. Having only coffee or orange juice or having no breakfast does harm to your health.
              I have a good idea here. I sometimes eat last night’s leftovers for breakfast. It may sound crazy, but it really works for me! I find if I tell myself, “You can eat them tomorrow.” I will put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it yourself. You may save some pre-bedtime calories. Keep it and see how healthy you will be!
