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            • 1.

              There are many classic (经典的) cultures in China. All of them have a very long history. Here we introduce some of them.

              Chinese Handwriting

              Chinese handwriting is a special art to Asian culture. Brush handwriting is much loved around the world. Wang Xizhi is very famous for his handwriting. He made a great difference to the development of Kaishu.

              Chinese Folk Music

              China has a colorful culture. It is connected with Chinese ancient stories. Chinese folk music has a long history. One of the classics, Shijing,included some folk songs in 15 different areas from the West Zhou to Spring and Autumn Dynasty. Traditional Chinese musical instruments include guqin, guzheng, pipa, erhu, xiao and so on.

              Chinese Painting

              Chinese painting is one of the oldest traditional Chinese painting forms in the world. Most of the Chinese paintings in ancient China were done on paper or silk. Traditional Chinese painting includes mountains and water, figures (人物), flowers and birds. The highest form of Chinese painting is mountains and water.


              Weiqi, called “yi” in ancient China, is a smart board game between two players with a history for over 3,000 years. The game can be treated as the beginning of all ancient chess games. It was introduced to Korea about 2,000 years ago and was popular among the higher classes.

              (1) A. Chinese handwriting             
              B. Chinese folk music 

              C. Chinese painting                 
              D. Weiqi

              (2) The ______ is a traditional Chinese musical instrument.

              A. guitar B. violin C. piano D. erhu

              (3) The highest form of Chinese painting is ______.

              A. birds          B. mountains and water 
              C. oil painting       D. flowers

              (4) The underlined word “ classes” means ______ in Chinese.

              A. 班级               B. 阶层              
              C. 课堂          D. 种类

              (5) Classic Chinese cultures ______.

              A. have a long history              
              B. are not welcomed by the higher classes:

              C. are popular only in China     
              D. are the beginning of the world culture

            • 2.
              Americans use many expressions (习语) with the word “dog”. Many people in the United States love their dogs and treat them well. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. However, dogs without owners live a different kind of life. The expression, to live a dogˈs life, describes a person who has an unhappy life.
                Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. That means many people are competing for the same things, such as good jobs. They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog. This means they have to work very, very hard.
                Still, people say that every dog has its day. This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life. To be successful, people often have to learn new skills. Yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.
                People also use dog expressions to describe the weather. The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. A rainstorm may cool the weather. But we do not want it to rain too hard. We do not want it to rain cats and dogs.
              (1) What does“every dog has its day”mean?
              A. A person has to work very hard.
              B. A person won’t change his way.
              C. A person doesn’t like to learn new things.

              D. Every person enjoys a successful period.

              (2) Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

              A. American people like keeping dogs a lot.

              B. If a dog has no owner, its life will be hard.

              C. People can use the word“dog”in many ways.

              D. People can use the word“dog”to describe the house.

              (3) Whatˈs the passage about?
              A. Dogs’ lives. B. Ways to walk dogs
              C. Expressions about dogs. D. Reasons that people have dogs.
            • 3.

              The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asia. People reached these different places along these roads. Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world, the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers. It went from Rome to China, which is from the West to the Far East.

              Merchants travelled along the Silk Road to carry silk, of course. They also carried and traded other things like spices(香料), cloth, jewels and gold.

              Along and around these ancient paths have come many fascinating and mysterious stories.

              It is said that Roman soldiers who lost a war travelled through central Asia. They decided to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese villages. Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the legend of the blond-haired, blue-eyed tribes of China started.

              Some historians believe that the people of Kashmir were taken away from their country Israel. They were prisoners of war almost 2800 years ago. People say that these people travelled along the Silk Road. They kept their Jewish way of life for a long time.

              During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable things and new ideas. It included people and trading goods from different areas. All these peoples travelled the Silk Road, and they shared goods, stories, languages, and cultures.

              In modern times, the old Silk Road routes are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horsed. There is even a Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples.

              (1) It is clear that ______.

              A. the Silk Road was divided into Europe, Africa and Asia.

              B. Roman soldiers would like to travel along the Silk Road.

              C. people could travel to different countries along the Silk Road 

              D. people shared only silk on the Silk Road

              (2) The underlined word “ Merchants” in the passage probably means ______.

              A. foreigners           B. businessmen            
              C. soldiers                  D. prisoners

              (3) According to the passage, ______.

              A. the Silk Road began with the wars. 

              B. the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers in China.

              C. people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago 

              D. people from Israel were not included among people on the Silk Road

              (4) The old Silk Road routes are still used because ______.

              A. there are many old stories about them 

              B. the historians and scientists think highly of them 

              C. China will make good use of the Silk Road again 

              D. people can keep on traveling and trading along them

              (5) The best title for the passage can be ______.

              A. Stories along the Silk Road                     
              B. Silk Route Museum 

              C. Trade for Silk                                        
              D. The West and the Far East

            • 4.

              No one knows when the first kite was made. The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China. Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king. He decided to dig a tunnel (隊道)into the king’s palace. He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length (长度)of its string (线).In this way, he could determine how long the tunnel should be.His men in the tunnel took the kite string with them. When they reached the end of the string, they knew to dig up.

              Kites have been flown in Japan for hundreds of years. In the 1700s, kites were flown in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest. They were also flown to send good wishes to couples who had their first son. Today in Japan, kites are often flown as part of a celebration, such as the beginning of a new year. And kite festivals are held each year in many parts of the country.

              Kites have been used for scientific purposes in the western world. In 1752,Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity. In the 1890s,Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite to test ideas about flight. From 1898 until 1933,the United States Weather Bureau (气象局) used box kites to collect weather data. The Wright brothers also experimented (试验)with kites. What they learnt helped them make the first airplane flight in 1903.

              (1) Why did Han Xin want to dig a tunnel?
              A. To pull down the palace.
              B. To fight against the king.
              C. To search for the king’s treasure.
              D. To find out the length of the kite string.
              (2) What does the underlined word “ determine” in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese?
              A. 测定    B. 选择    C. 了解    D. 考察
              (3) One of the purposes of flying kites in Japan is_.
              A. to give thanks for a good harvest in summer
              B. to express good wishes to the first-born daughter
              C. to celebrate the beginning of a new year
              D. to hold kite festivals all over the country
              (4) When did the United States Weather Bureau begin to use box kites?
              A. In 1752. B. In 1898. C. In 1903. D. In 1933.
              (5) What would be the best title for the text?
              A. The History of Kites
              B. The Experiments of Kites
              C. The Invention of a Kite
              D. The First Record of a Kite
            • 5.

              One day, an American man Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his flat(公寓) was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building. But a man told him that there was no Rick on that floor. Do you know why?

              In fact, the British(英国人) call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above(在...之上) the ground floor is the first floor, but Americans would call it the second floor.

              The story shows that there are a few culture differences between Britain and America, though the British and Americans both speak English.

              The British don’t like showing their feelings. They hardly start a small talk with strangers(陌生人). For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite different. They’re more active(活跃的) and easier to talk with.

              The British and Americans may use different terms for many things. The British usually use “football”, “eraser” and “mail” while Americans prefer to use “soccer”, “rubber” and “post”.

              (1) Simon went to London to __________.

              A. visit his friend      B. spend his holiday   
              C. study English       D. have a meeting

              (2) Which picture shows us where Rick’s flat was?





              (3) According to the passage, the British usually spend their time _______ on the train.

              A. playing cards                              
              B. talking loudly        

              C. doing some reading
              D. singing and dancing

              (4) What does the underlined word “term” mean in Chinese in the passage?

              A. 成果                  B. 学期                 
              C. 会议                     D. 用语

              (5) What’s the best title for the passage?

              A. Differences in British and American culture   
              B. A funny story about Simon

              C. Small talk in Britain and America                 
              D. British people and American people

            • 6.

              New York is the biggest city of the USA. A long time ago, it was called Lenapehoking. In 1626, Dutch people bought the land for only $24! They called it New Amsterdam. Then in 1664, the British took it over and changed the name to New York.

                New York had an excellent harbour(港口). Many people from all over the world came by sea and landed in New York. These people wanted a better life. New York seemed to give them that. By 1835, New York became the largest city in the United States. New York City used to have five smaller towns but now they are all part of the same city. They are Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island.

                Today, New York is home to millions of people from all over the world. These different cultures make New York an exciting place to visit. There's much to do in New York. You can take a helicopter(直升飞机)riding through the city, ride horses in Central Park, see a movie in the afternoon and watch the sunset(日落)over the Brooklyn Bridge. Don't worry if you get hungry. Some restaurants are open 24 hours a day!

              (1) A long time ago, many people came to New York ________.

              A. by train                          
              B. because it was beautiful

              C. to look for a better life    
              D. to travel

              (2) New York became the largest city in the United States ________.

              A. about three hundred years ago

              B. over two hundred years ago

              C. about one hundred and eighty years ago

              D. one hundred years ago

              (3) The writer suggests that the tourists watch the sunset in ________.

              A. Brooklyn          B. Queens             
              C. the Bronx          D. Staten Island

              (4) Which of the following is NOT true about New York?

              A. The city got the name “New York” in 1664.

              B. New York is a big and exciting city.

              C. New York has five smaller towns now.

              D. Americans were the rulers of the city in the 17th century.

              (5) What can’t you do in New York?

              A. Taking a helicopter riding through the city.

              B. Riding horses in Central Park.

              C. Seeing a movie in the afternoon.

              D. Climbing mountains.

            • 7.

              Some people say extreme(极限)sports are dangerous—and they’re probably right—but hey, if you’re not afraid of getting hurt, you might as well do it with style! It is reported that regular sports are not completely safer than extreme ones. Here is an introduction to three new extreme sports.


              South Africa and Jacksonville, Florida, the USA are the two homes of ostrich racing. Why do some guys like to attend this extreme sport? The show is that sometimes four or even ten ostriches are marching forward at a time, and this is seriously strange. For the supporters, there’s a chance to ride an ostrich. Although if you don’t want to be bitten or kicked, you can use carts(木车)like ostriches for racing instead.

              ·BASE Jumping

              BASE represents several words—Buildings, Spans, Earth. Spans mean bridges and Earth means cliffs(悬崖), but then the beauty of BASE jumping is that it’s just launching(发射)yourself from anywhere possible with a parachute(降落伞)ready to go.

              Although BASE jumping dates back to 1978, it has been popular quite a lot recently because there are pieces of videos on the Internet and every jump is a new possibility.

              ·Bird Man Suits

              The bird man suit has a few names—the flying squirrel suit, wing-suit and bat-suit. It’s a specially designed suit that lets you glide(滑翔)through the air at controlled speeds—adding a little extra to your usual skydiving experience. This is probably the closest we are going to fly. If combining(结合)this with BASE jumping, you’ll get some serious death-defying(挑战死亡的)excited feelings.

              (1) According to the passage, why is ostrich racing seriously strange?

              A. Because ostriches may bite and kick people.

              B. Because supporters have chances to ride ostriches.

              C. Because four or even ten ostriches are marching forward at a time.

              D. Because it has two homes, South Africa and Jacksonville, Florida, the USA.

              (2) The following places are suitable for BASE jumping except ________.

              A. the Little Mermaid B. Mount Fuji

              C. the Leaning Tower of Pisa D. the Tower Bridge

              (3) What is NOT the function of the bird man suit?

              A. It helps control flying speed.

              B. It helps squirrels and bats fly.

              C. It helps people experience gliding through the air.

              D. It can help people get serious death-defying excited feelings.

            • 8.
              If you love reading books,you must know about the book The Little Prince.It's a famous novel written by a French writer.As one of the best-selling books in history,it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects (方言).Now.around seventy years after the birth of the book,an American director has found a way to make it into a 3D animated film (动画片).
              The book tells the story of a pilot,called The Aviator,who crashes (撞击) into the desert and meets a young prince there.However,in the film,the story starts years after the crash when The Aviator is much older.He has got a new neighbor called The Little Girl,whose mother wants her to got ready to enter the grown-up world.Slowly The Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by writing it down and sending her a page at a time.The pages are complete with the pictures in the book,speaking about his time in the desert and taking The Little Girl lo an amazing world where anything is possible.
              China is the first country the world to see the film in two versions-in Chinese and English.The film shows The Little Cirl's life and tells The Little Prince's story at the same time in a beautiful way.
              Huang lei,who voices the film together with his 9-year-old daughter,says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most adults in this stressed-out society.
              "The most touching part is that every one of us was a good-natured kid like The Little Prince,and it's a pity that this good characteristic (品质)goes away as time flies,"he says.

              (1) The novel The Little Prince was written in the ______
              A. 1900s
              B. 1940s
              C. 1990s
              D. 2010s
              (2) The book The Little Prince is one of the best-selling books in history because ______
              A. you must know about it if you love reading books
              B. it shows The Little Prince's story in a beautiful way
              C. it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects
              D. the director has made it into a 3D animated film.
              (3) How does The Little Girl get to know the story of The Little Prince? ______
              A. She reads the pages that The Aviator writes and sends to her.
              B. Her mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world.
              C. The Aviator takes her to an amazing world.
              D. She moves home next to The Avitor.
              (4) What does the underlined word" good-natured"mean? ______
              A. kind.
              B. friendly
              C. helpful
              D. all above.
              (5) According to the passage,which is Huang Lei's opinion? ______
              A. He doesn't believe the good characteristic is lost as we grow older in this stressed-out society.
              B. He thinks all of us should keep our better nature and never let it disappear.
              C. He feels excited because he can see the film in two versions first.
              D. He and his daughter voice the film together.
            • 9.

              Every year, in late March or early April, a boat race takes place on the Thames River, England. This boat race is an event between the two most famous and also the oldest universities in Britain the Oxford (牛津大学) and the Cambridge (剑桥大学).

                 The idea for the boat race between the universities came from two friends—Charles Merivale, a student at Cambridge, and his friend Charles Wordsworth who was at Oxford. They decided to set up a boat race between the two universities. On March 12, 1829, Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford first.

                 When the first boat race took place in a small town by Thames, eight students from each university became the competitors. Crowds of twenty thousand travelled to watch. It was so exciting. And the Oxford was clear winners. Later on, not only did the students from the two universities take part, but also some social groups attended the event. By 1845, with the small town becoming too crowded, the boat race had moved six miles up to the village—Putney. From 1856 on, the race has been held every year except war years. This boat race is considered to be “the world's oldest sporting challenge”.

                 The race is four and a quarter miles in just 20 minutes and the competitors often face difficulties. It usually takes six months for the two teams to prepare for the big day. In the past, the Oxford was mostly the winners. But things have changed from 1993 on. The Cambridge has won more.


              (1) The boat race takes place between the Oxford and the Cambridge.
              A. T B. F
              (2) On March 12, 1829, Oxford sent a challenge to Cambridge first.
              A. T B. F
              (3) Eight students from each university became the competitors of the first boat race.
              A. T B. F
              (4) From 1856 on, the boat race has been held every year with no stop.
              A. T B. F
              (5) It usually takes six months for the two teams to prepare for the boat race.
              A. T B. F
            • 10.

                                             Festival             By China Daily May 5th 






               Chinese New Year

              Thanksgiving Day

               Boy’s Day




              January or


              The forth

              Thursday in November

               May 5th

              October 31th

              December 25th



               The USA


               The USA

              Western countries


              On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕), all the family

               members come back to their hometown. This is a

               happy moment. When they

              enjoy the

              meal, they

              give each

              other the best wishes for the coming year.

              The most

              important of

              the celebration is a traditional dinner with

              foods that

              come from

              North America. The meal includes turkey, sweet potatoes and

              so on.

              On this day, parents will

              hang a

              special flags

              for their

              sons. The


              flags mean


              children paint their

              faces to look like monsters (妖怪 ).

              Then they

              carry boxes

              or bags from house to

              house and

              say, “Trick

              or treat!”

              The adults

              put money or

              candy in

              their bags.

              On Christmas Eve children

              put stockings(长袜) at the end of their beds. When

              they wake up the next day,

              they can not wait to open the presents in their


              (1) The most important celebration of Thanksgiving Day is_______.
              A. the best wishes for the coming year. 
              B. giving children candy .  
              C. a traditional dinner
              D. hang special flags.
              (2) Of all the festivals below, _______ comes last in a year.
              A. Chinese New Year B. Halloween C. Christmas D. Boy’s Day
              (3) The symbol of Chinese New Year is_______.
              A. turkey B. stockings C. pumpkins D. dumplings
              (4) There are _______festivals in the USA in the form.
              A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
              (5) From the form we know that now in _______people are celebrating a festival.
              A. Canada B. China
              C. the USA D. Japan                               
