优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Around the world, people have different traditional foods to celebrate different festivals. Traditional foods also show a new year of good luck and good health.

              An English Christmas dinner has a meal of turkey, and it also has pies and plum puddings(李子布丁). In_____  (1)  _____(法国), Christmas is celebrated with bread, cookies and cakes. In Germany, Christmas dessert is a cake filled with___  (2)  _____(树叶).

              In southern parts of Indian, there is a three-day festival in mid-January called Pongal. It____  (3)   ____(包括) rice and a dish of rice cooked with sugar that is shared with relatives and friends.

              Japan celebrates New Year with a seven-day festival. It begins from _____  (4)  (一月)1st. Food is prepared before the festival so people donˈt need to cook ____  (5)  _____(在…期间)the festival. Sometimes they even go to the restaurants___  (6)   ____(在旁边) their houses. On New Yearˈs Day, various dishes called Osechi Ryori(御节料理)are served-each dish is a wish for the New Year. So people are ____  (7)  ____(不常) absent from preparing it.

              In most Asian countries, the New Year begins with the first Chinese Lunar month. Each place has its ____  (8)   ___(特别的)food to welcome the coming year. They celebrate it by____  (9)  ___(出产) lots of delicious food. Foods with lucky names are popular, such as fish, which sounds like "surplus(剩余) . From the first day of Chinese Lunar calendar, they usually give others a treat. Parents always warn the children to speak____  (10)  ___(客气地).They take an active part in celebrating the new year.

