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            • 1.

              The romance novel Me Before You tells a story that you might never forget. It is the latest bestseller by British writer Jojo Moyes. The book has been made into a movie. British actress Emilia Clark and actor Sam Caflin play the lead roles in the movie.

                  There are two main characters in this book. One is Louisa Clark, or Lou, a girl who has lost her job at a cafe. The other is William Traynor, or Will, a young man who has become disabled after a motorcycle accident.

                  Lou ends up taking a job where she has to take care of Will. At first, they donˈt like each other very much. However, they gradually become good friends. But this happiness only lasts a few days.

                  While I read the book, I couldnˈt help but notice its language. There were a lot of descriptions to show what the characters are feeling. There are also many detailed descriptions of the environments around the characters. For example, Moyes writes "I saw it was bigger than I had imagined, red brick with a double front…",describing how surprised Lou is when she sees Willˈs house for the first time.

                  At the end of the book, Will writes "Just live well, just live" in a letter. This short line is the last thing that Will writes to Lou. It shows Willˈs deep feelings about life. He wants her to live life to the utmost(竭尽全力)-the very thing he had wanted to do before he had his accident.

              (1) What do we know about the book Me Before You?

              A. It is about childhood memories.

              B. It has been made into a movie.

              C. It has one main character.

              D. It was written by a US writer.

              (2) Which of the following is TRUE about William Traynor?

              A. He was born with a disability.

              B. He lost his arms in a car accident.

              C. He knew Louisa Clark before the accident.

              D. He became disabled after an accident.

              (3) Why did the writer write this story?

              A. To introduce a book. B. To advertise a movie.

              C. To introduce a writer. D. To tell a love story.

            • 2. Researchers have discovered the first Earth-sized planet.It was first marked by scientists'using NASA's Kepler telescope(望远镜),so it's called Kepler-186f.It lies about 500light years from Earth and goes around its star.The planet is the right distance from its star for water:not too close or not too far.Water is one important condition that scientists guess is necessary for life.So it could have water and possible life.It's called a true Earth cousin.
              "This planet is an Earth cousin,not an Earth twin,"said Barclay,who is among a team of scientists reporting on the discovery in the magazine Science this week.
              "It's very exciting to find a planet similar to the Earth,"Barclay said."It's not easy work because things change as we get more measurements."
              Scientists don't know anything about the air of Kepler-186f,but it will be a task for future telescopes which can study for chemicals that have something to do with life.
              "It's possible for life to live in this planet,but that doesn't mean there is life in it,"Barclay said.
              So far,scientists have found nearly 1,800planets in the universe.
              "The past year has seen a lot of progress in the search for Earth-like planets.Kepler-186f is very important because it is the first planet that is the same temperature and is almost the same size as Earth,"scientist David Charbonneau wrote in an email.
              48.Scientists have already found about     planets now.
              C. 1,800
              49.Which of the following about Kepler-186f is NOT true according to the passage?    
              A.It could have water and possible life,so perhaps we might live there.
              B.It's almost as hot as and as large as Earth.
              C.In the future,scientists will study the chemicals of it by telescope.
              D.It's an Earth-like planet.
              50.We can probably read this article in    
              A.a story book
              B.a newspaper
              C.a text book
              D.a sport magazine
              51.What is the best title of the passage?    
              A.Space research.
              B.Journey to space.
              C.Is there water and possible life in Kepler-186f?
              D.Scientists discover the most Earth-like planet.
            • 3.

              Below are some suggestions given by the English children posted on the website   about how to help Africa. Which one do you think is the best? 

              I think health is the most important thing. We need to make sure that the money we give is
              spent wisely. The money should be spent first on clean water supplies and better health care. 
                                                                                           -----Robin, aged 16, Birmingham

              I think the most important thing is to improve the education of the African countries. 
              There is an old saying,"If you give a man a fish, youˈll feed him for a day. If you teach him 
              how to fish, youˈll feed him for a lifetime." We need to help people to help themselves, not
              just throw money at the problem when it appears.
                                                                                           -----Rebecca, aged 15, Liverpool

              People seem to give a lot more money to charity when there is a sudden, huge disaster (灾难) like the earthquake. Itˈs good for people to do so, but I also think that everyone should give a small part of their salary (工资) to charity. If everyone did that, it would make a big difference. 
                                                                                    -----Mary, aged 14, Stratford

              Giving money to charity can help, but itˈs not the final answer. I think what these 
              countries need is a good government. 
                                                                                    -----Bethany, aged 16, Newcastle

              The best thing we can do is to send experts like engineers, doctors and teachers to 
              help the people to help themselves.
                                                                                      -----Robert, aged 16, Cardiff

            • 4.
              How time flies!The 9th graders are going to graduate soon.We invite them to write about their school memories.Let's share some of them.-Ms.Rosen
              Favourite memory:Moving to this school last year and meeting new friends
              Unpleasant memory:Being the"new girl"
              Favourite teacher:Ms.Rosen.I like her interesting classes.
              Advice:School can he fun if you do your best
              Favourite memory:School trips,Singing competitions
              Unpleasant memory:Project homework
              Favourite teacher:Ms.Williams.She treats each student equally
              Advice:work hard and fun will come
              Favourite memory:Meeting new friends.The weekends
              Unpleasant memory:Tests
              Favourite teacher:Mr.Taylor.He helps me with my lessons
              Advice:Oncc you fall behind,keep trying till you catch up
              Favourite memory:Being with new people.Fun classes
              Unpleasant memory:The loss of a new watch
              Favourite teacher:Ms.Rosen.She helped me through hard times
              Advice:Hard work brings success
              (1) Who dislikes tests among the four students? ______ .
              A. Brita
              B. Jay
              C. Rocky
              D. Angel
              (2) How many of the four students mentioned Ms.Rosen? ______
              A. One
              B. Two
              C. Three
              D. Four
              (3) What can we learn from the given information above? ______
              A. The four students will be in Grade 9 next term.
              B. The four students do not enjoy school very much.
              C. The four students all think it's important to work hard
              D. Their favourite memories are all about trips.
            • 5.

              An astronaut’s work may sound exciting, but living in space isn’t as fun as you think. The website www.space.com lists the disadvantages of living in space. Here are some of them.

                When astronauts work outside the station during spacewalks, they have to wear special gloves. The gloves are very tight. They can hurt the astronauts’ fingernails(手指甲) and even make them fall off.

                In space, you don’t have many choices in what you eat. It’s hard to get fresh fruits and vegetables. It is not OK to eat bread because it leaves crumbs(碎屑). Crumbs could fly around everywhere.

                In space, it is impossible to have a good shower because water can fly all over the ship and break the machines. Astronauts have to use a special water-shooting(喷水) gun and a washcloth.

                Astronauts lose their bone strength quickly during their stay in space. So far, there is no way to solve this problem. They do exercise while they’re in space to try to keep their bones strong as long as possible.

                Perhaps the hardest part of life in space is the feeling of loneliness. Astronauts sometimes have to spend weeks and even months away from Earth. They miss their friends and families.

              (1) People think the life in space is _________.
              A. fun B. difficult C. terrible D. lonely
              (2) What may hurt astronauts’ fingernails while working in space?
              A. Washcloth. B. The water-shooting gun
              C. The special gloves.  D. Crumbs.
              (3) How do the astronauts keep their bones strong in space?
              A. By playing games. B. By doing exercise.
              C. By taking a good rest. D. By walking in space.
              (4) What’s the hardest part of life for astronauts in space?
              A. They have to stay alone in space.
              B. They feel very lonely.
              C. They have no friends.
              D. They have no families.
            • 6.

              As kids, we learn how to write, maybe play a musical instrument and draw. So why don’t we learn to code(编码) computer programs too? What coding has in common with writing, playing music and creating art is that it lets you bring your ideas to life. Coding is all about creativity and that’s why I love it.

              Creating with code

              CoderDojo helps young people around the world to learn computer programming for free. When I went to my first CoderDojo class in Dublin City University in Ireland, at age nine, I didn’t know anything about coding or even what it was. But I remember making my very first web page that first day, and being surprised that I could create such a thing. It was a great feeling that I think every young person should experience!

              By going to CoderDojo every week, I learned how to make websites, apps and games. One of my apps is called Auto-Journalist. It can help journalists(记者) and interviewees do interviews even if they are both really busy or live in different time zones. It is still in development, and it first appeared at an event called Coolest Projects Awards, where young people get to show the public what they have created with code. It’s so much fun to share one’s creations, and to see what everyone else has made too.

              Learning environment

              For the past three years I have also been helping to teach other young people at CoderDojo DCU. In recent years I have also noticed many more girls attending CoderDojo DCU to try out coding. This has a lot to do with the CoderDojo girls’ classes—girls and young women take part in it with their friends, and it doesn’t feel like coding is a “boy thing”. It is really wonderful to see this, because we need more girls and women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). It’s a good way to learn more about technology.

              Start early

              One of the main things I have learned in the last few years is that coding is not only for adults, coding is for young people, too. And when you are a child, it is a great time to start coding, because your imagination is the limit(限制) for what you can create!

              Want to learn more? Find out if there is a CoderDojo near you at www.coderdojo.com or set one up yourself! Also check out Code.org which has lots of fun drag-and-drop coding games.

            • 7.

              Have you ever had dreams about building a robot?Or putting together a spaceship?Or even seeing your face made out of chocolate?If you have a 3-D printer,your dream will come true.

                  All the users have to design an object on the computer and choose a material to print.The printers print in hundreds of different materials including glass,sugar and even skin!When the user presses“print”,the 3-D printer spreads the material layer(层)and like magic the object is produced.

                  The first 3-D printer was invented in 1986 by an American.Charles Hull.But 3-D printing has only become cheap enough recently for most people to use.Designers now use 3-D printing to create unusual things.The Dutch artist Dirk Vander Kooj prints furniture made from old fridges.And doctors have used 3-D printing to print human body parts!The Telegraph reported((每日电讯报》in February that scientists from Cornell Medical College even printed a man-made ear.

                  But like a lot of new technologies,if 3-D printing gets into the wrong hands,it Can be dangerous.In 2011 a group of four men in the US used 3-D printing to produce ATM skimmers(提款机盗刷器).These were placed on an ATM and stole over $400,000 from users of the ATM.It is terrible to think that criminals like them might one day use a 3-D printer to print a gun.

                  But for better or for worse,3-D printing has been put into use.In a few years,you'll probably be wondering how you could ever live without your 3-D printer!

            • 8.

              Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their homework was to perform one act of random(任意的) kindness. His students did not understand the homework and didn’t know what to do, but the professor would not answer their questions. He encouraged his students to work it out for themselves.

              One week later, the students entered the classroom excited to share their stories. One student told of giving away blankets to the homeless. Another reported on helping a dog to find its owner, and another student had been trying to find a long, lost friend. Students were energized (给予活力) by the homework assignment(任务) and wanted other people to be kind too. With the support of local businesses, the students made stickers (张贴物) to put on cars that invited people to do something kind for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind——not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.

              Since then, similar kindness activities have been started in schools around the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week, around November 13th, to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform a different kind act, such as making a new friend, helping someone, doing community service, or raising money for a charity. Students learn to consider other people and thank about how small actions can make the world a better place.

              (1) The professor’s homework was to ask his students ________.
              A. to write about kindness                     
              B. to be kind to strangers
              C. to spend time helping others            
              D. to go out to raise money
              (2) We learn from the passage that ________.
              A. Chuck’s students are not clever enough 
              B. the students didn’t do Chuck’s homework
              C. Chuck Wall is an unusual teacher                      
              D. no students enjoyed Chuck’s homework
              (3) It is certain that ________.
              A. the students got good grades in Chuck’s class
              B. kindness activities are not widely accepted
              C. Chuck Wall was not good at designing homework
              D. the students only helped people they knew
              (4) In kindness activities, students learn ________.
              A. to deal with difficult things          
              B. to do great things every day
              C. to know about the world             
              D. to consider other people
            • 9.

              Which university is the best in the world? To answer this question, university rankings (排名) may be helpful. Recently, Times Higher Education, a London educational magazine, made a list of 100 universities with the best reputation (声誉).

                  Harvard University sits on top. Massachusetts Institute of Technology comes in second and Stanford University makes the top three. China's Tsinghua and Peking University are ranked 36th and 41st place.

                  Rankings can guide us when we choose a university. But it is not the only important reason. Learning about which university has the best course yon want to study is also important. Some universities may not rank highly overall but will have great courses. In China, architectural (建筑) design is the best course in Tianjin University, which is among the best in China. Mathematics at Zhejiang University also has a great reputation. In the US, New York University is famous for their philosophy (哲学) course.

                  Besides, selecting a university is not only an academic (学术的) choice. For those who are going to study abroad, they also need to think about if their personality will fit the campus culture.

                  Some universities such as Stanford and Duke are proud of their "high-tech culture". Their libraries are full of advanced facilities. They bring lots of convenience to the users. Other universities pride themselves on their "green campuses". For example, in the University of Minnesota, the US, students and teachers work with the local community to keep their environment nice and clean. The University of Iowa is No. l in the US for parties. Many students enjoy talking and drinking in the bar.

                  Are you ready to find your dream university? Remember, the early bird catches the worm.


              (1) Which university is the third in the list?
              A. Harvard University.
              B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
              C. Stanford University.
              D. Tsinghua University.
              (2) Which course is the best in Tianjin University?
              A. Architectural design. B. Mathematics.
              C. Philosophy. D. Machinery.
              (3) What does the underlined word "facilities" mean in Chinese?
              A. 特点 B. 设施 C. 文化 D. 氛围
              (4) Which of the following statements is NOT true?
              A. The library in Duke is full of "high-tech" facilities.
              B. The University of Minnesota, the US has a clean campus.
              C. Stanford University is a university with a green campus culture.
              D. Students in the University of Iowa like having parties.
              (5) What is the main idea of this passage?
              A. University rankings are very important.
              B. Introduction of some good universities.
              C. Which university is the best in the world.
              D. How to choose a good and right university.
            • 10.
              New Technology Revolutionizes(变革) LearningMore and more people believe that technologies are great for learning.Today,such teaching tools as iPads are used in a lot of courses,including language,history and science.
              Many teachers are supporters of using iPads in language learning.They say that students now have much more time for discussion in the classroom.Instead of spending valuable class time listening to texts or watching teaching videos,students can do this on their own and come to class prepared for discussion.
              The teachers also say that iPads allow students to learn at their own pace. Some students might listen to a dialogue only once and understand it,so they can save time for doing other things.Other students,however,might need to listen to the same dialogue again and again to understand it.Using iPads is especially helpful to students who are learning a language at different paces.
              The students who are using the new tool in some courses are also happy.They believe that using iPads is a more enjoyable way to learn (such as listening to stories and watching movies).The class has become much more interesting and creative.
              There are other advantages for students.By using iPads,they can pay more attention to the material and learn more.Teaching notes are stored in their iPads and are easy to find.Some students spend more time studying now."I can listen to my language material or watch teaching videos on the bus,instead of having to wait until I get home,"a student explained.
              Many adults complain that technologies such as iPads are doing harm to students.They worry that students might use iPads to download teaching notes and use them to cheat during exams.Some believe that iPads may separate students from each other.If a student spends more time watching videos on an iPad,he will have fewer opportunities to have face-to-face communication with others.
              However,technologies are already a part of most students'day-to-day lives.As for cheating,teachers can ask students to hand in their iPads when they take exams.Education needs to make changes with the times as technology is playing an important part.We should look forward to a wonderful future when iPads and other technologies can add a lot to the classroom.
              (1) What does the expression" at their own pace"in Paragraph 3probably mean? ______
              A. According to their own timetable.
              B. Without their teachers'help.
              C. Because of their wonderful goals.
              D. Against their parents'hope.
              (2) From the passage we can learn that ______ .
              A. students with iPads have less discussion in class
              B. students get more fun from learning with iPads
              C. iPads help students save time waiting for buses
              D. iPads prevent students from cheating in exams
              (3) The writer probably agrees that ______ .
              A. teachers can take control of students'learning
              B. exam results depend a lot on now technology
              C. technology in education has a bright future
              D. note-taking is as helpful as video-watching
              (4) Where does the passage possibly come from? ______
              A. A shopping advertisement
              B. A science fiction
              C. An education magazine
              D. A textbook.
