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            • 1. (2017•潍坊模拟)23April is World Book and Copyright Day(世界读书日).The Day is celebrated by a growing number of people in the world and has made them discover,make the best use of books.Books are windows onto different cultures and tools for dialogue.
              Do you like reading books?Which would you prefer?E-books(电子书) or printed books?
              In recent years,more and more people like e-books rather than printed books.But there are still many people who enjoy printed books.That depends on the people's reading habits and where they read them.For example,when parents read to their children and people share books with others,most people will choose printed books.
              There is a survey.When some 16-year-old students are asked which they would choose when they want to get a book quickly,when they read while traveling,and when they read in bed,here is their choice.Please read the figure(图表) and try to get some information.
              41.     students who are surveyed like printed books when they read in bed.
              42.According to the passage,most people would choose e-books for    
              B.reading to the children
              C.sharing with others
              D.both B and C
              43.From the passage we can learn that    
              A.more and more people are studying how to read books effectively(有效地)
              B.it's not a good habit for people to read e-books
              C.according to the figure,most of the surveyed students like printed books
              D.the survey was made by some students.
            • 2.
              Language is a gift belonging to humans.People learn their own language to express(66)    and understand others.Have you learnt another language besides CHinese?Of course,English.It's(67)    spoken in the world.Successful language learners often watch English programs on TV and listen to English songs.(68)    with others in the English Corner also benefits them.Can you (69)    their favorite way of increasing the vocabulary?Let me tell you.It's to read at (70)    three English articles a week.If you want to learn English well,try these methods.
            • 3. Wikipedia is an online free encyclopedia.There are more than 38 million articles about society,history,culture,music,science,technology,geography and so on.On this website,people can find articles about almost everything in the world.Wikipedia has also developed 292 language versions for people to read in their own languages.
              Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger started this encyclopedia project on 9th March,2000.It was called Nupedia at first.and all the articles were written and checked by experts.Wales thought that the websitc should be a place where its users could not only find information but also share what they knew.So they tried to use a wiki systen(wiki is a Hawaiian word"wee kee wee kee"which firstly meant"quick").On 10th January,2001,they began a new project to improve Nupedia.On 15th January.2001,the new online encyclopedia named Wikipedia was set up.Wikipedia achieved a great success.
              According to the Alexa Traffic Rank report on 22nd May,2016,Wikipedia is the seventh most popular website in the world.Every single user helps to make this popular free encyclopedia.

              26.Wikipedia is    
              A.a book  
              B.a library  
              C.a report  
              D.a website
              27.Wikipedia was set up on    
              A.9th March,2000      
              B.10th January,2001
              C.15th January,2001   
              D.22nd May,2016
              28.What can pepole use Wikipedia to do?    
              A.To read novels.
              B.To search for information
              C.To listen to music.
              C.To read Alexa Traffic Rank.
            • 4. Co-operation(合作)is always needed when we make a project that the teacher gives you.
              First,discuss all we would like to do with our classmates.Choose one of the members to write down what we're talking about.Then,with the idea we get,list all we want.Everyone shares the duty for the project.We can collect information not only from books but also on the Internet.Making a survey and doing a research are also good ways.After that,all the members put what has been found together.Try to make the project more well-organized.In the end,we can give a report in front of our class to show the result of our hard work.
              We need (76)     when we make a project.

              How to do it?
              First,discuss with our classmates and (77)    one member write down what we're talking about.
                  Second,collect and (78)     all we want.Making a survey and doing a research are also good ways.
                  After that,put what has been found together and(79)    the project more well-organized.
                  In the end,(80)    the result of our hard work by giving a report
            • 5. Welcome to our idiom (习语) corner!

              to feel very happy and excited (especially when sth.good has happened)
              e.g.Jenny is walking on air because her friend invited her to the school dance.She can't wait to go.
              an unknown person who enters a race and gets a good grade

              e.g.Did you hear about the dark horse in the running race yesterday?It was his first race and he finished in the top ten.
              to act quickly,without thinking

              e.g.I hate working with Mary.She's quick on the trigger and always ready to get mad.
              to encourage sb.to do sth.(especially sth.They shouldn't do)

              e.g.When your classmate eggs you on to copy his test paper,you should say"no"to him.

              54.Picture    can be chosen to express"to do something without thinking".

              55.We can't believe Robert won this watch.He's really    
              A.a walking man      
              B.a trigger    
              C.a dark horse    
              D.an egg
              56.The Chinese meaning to the idiom"to walk on air"is probably"    ".
              57.The writer didn't use    to help the readers understand the idioms above.
              A.explanations (解释)    
            • 6. "I will think of it."It is easy to say this,but do you know what great things have come from thinking?

              Sir Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden when he saw an apple fall from a tree.He began to think and tried to find out why the apple fell.Then he discovered how the sun,moon,and stars are kept in their places.
              A boy named James Watt sat quietly by the fire,watching the lid of the kettle move up and down.He wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the lid.From that time he went on thinking and thinking.And when he became a man,he improved the steam engine (蒸汽机) so much that it could easily do the work of many horses.
              James Ferguson was a poor boy.Once,seeing the inside of a watch,he wondered."Why should I not make a watch?"But how could he get the materials to make the mainspring (钟表的主发条)?He soon found he could make it with whalebone (鲸骨).He then made a wooden clock which kept good time.His motto (座右铭) was"I will think of it."And he made his thoughts useful to himself and the world.
              Boys and girls,when you have a difficult lesson to learn,don't lose heart,and don't ask someone for help before helping yourselves.Think,and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.

              21.From the passage,we know that some great things come from    
              22.The idea of Isaac Newton's discovery was from    
              A.the falling of an apple
              B.the cleaning of a garden
              C.the falling of a tree
              D.the moving of a lid
              23.The achievement of James Watt was that he    
              A.kept thinking
              B.found the steam in the kettle
              C.improved the steam engine much
              D.watched the lid move up and down
              24.The right order of the following sentences is    
              ①James Ferguson made a wooden clock.
              ②James Ferguson saw the inside of a watch.
              ③James Ferguson made the mainspring with whalebone.
              25.What is the main idea of the passage?    
              A.Learn to ask for help.
              B.A difficult lesson to learn.
              C.It is easy to say"I will think of it."
              D.Think,and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.
            • 7. We can't remember clearly since when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table.This happens a lot,especially when we eat out.Once a dish comes,instead of lifting our chopsticks,we take out our mobiles and click.Later,we post the photos onto Weibo or Wechat,waiting to be"liked".Then we check our mobiles from time to time during the meal,to see whether we get"liked"or not.We just cannot leave our mobiles for only a meal.
              Does that sound familiar to you?Do you do that often?If not,how do you feel when others do that when having dinner with you?
              A recent study suggests that what we are used to doing is not so good.Spending time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant.To test this,some researchers did an experiment.Some people were asked to take photos before they could enjoy food.As a result,it showed that the more photos they took,         .So,why not stop taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you?
              Besides the scientific result,there are also some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals.After posting the photos onto the Internet,one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many times."Does everyone like my photos?I hope a lot of people like them!"It seems that your mobile secretly calls your name all the time,even when you are with real people.
              So,next time you go out to have dinner with your family or friends,how about not taking photos of food?Let the food be delicious as it is and share your life with people around you.Trust me,it will be a wonderful time.

              61.From the passage,what happens a lot at the dinner table nowadays?    
              A.People talk about their Weibo or WeChat.
              B.People learn from each other how to cook dishes.
              C.People like taking photos with friends or families.
              D.People take photos of food and post them before eating.
              62.Which of the following can be put in the    in Paragraph 3?
              A.the less cheerful they became
              B.the less delicious the food seemed to them
              C.the more interested they were in the food
              D.the more"liked"they got on Weibo or Wechat
              63.What does the fourth paragraph talk about?    
              A.The reasons for checking your mobiles.
              B.The ways of posting the photos onto the Internet.
              C.The tips (提示)of making others like your photos on the Weibo.
              D.Some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals.
              64.Which of the following is the writer's opinion?    
              A.We take out our mobiles and click when a dish comes.
              B.We check our mobiles from time to time during the meal.
              C.Spending time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant.
              D.Some people were asked to take photos before they could enjoy food.
              65.What can we learn from the passage?    
              A.Take photos of food in order to have a wonderful life.
              B.Take photos of delicious food and share them with others.
              C.Remember to have dinner with our family and friends at home.
              D.Enjoy the life with people around us instead of taking photos of food.
            • 8. A Play:Four Butterflies(蝴蝶)
              Characters:Red Butterfly (RB),Green Butterfly (GB),Green Tree (GT),Rose (R),
              Grandpa Sun (GS)
              Look!There are four butterflies in the garden.One is red,one is yellow,one is green,and the other one is white.They play games and dance together every day,and they are very happy.One day,it’s fine.Four butterflies are playing a game in the garden.Suddenly it is full of dark clouds and it begins to rain hard.
              1.GB:Oh,it’s raining hard.Green Tree is over there.She can help us.
              GB:Green Tree,our wings are wet.Please let us stay under your leaves.
              GT:Green Butterfly,I like you.We have the same color.You can come in,but the other three butterflies must go away.
              GB:No,thank you.We are good friends.We love each other and must stay together.
              RB:Rose is over there.She can help us.
              2.RB:Rose,our wings are wet.Please let us stay under your leaves.
              R:Red Butterfly,I like you.We have the same color.You can come in,but the other three butterflies must go away.
              RB:No,thank you.We are good friends.We love each other and must stay together.
              3.GS:What good friends they are!This is a real friendship.I must help them.
              The sun drives the clouds away and asks the rain to stop.Soon the sun gives off bright light and
              dries up their wings.
              4.Four butterflies:Oh,the sun comes out.Our wings are dry.Let’s play and dance again.

              56.How many butterflies are there in the garden?    
              A.One butterfly.
              B.Two butterflies.
              C.Three butterflies          
              D.Four butterflies
              57.What are the butterflies doing when it starts to rain?    
              A.They are flying.
              B.They are dancing.
              C.They are playing a game.
              D.They are staying under the leaves.
              58.Whom do the butterflies ask for help?    
              A.Green Tree.
              C.Green Tree and Rose.
              D.Green Tree,Rose and Grandpa Sun.
              59.Who helps the butterflies at last?    
              A.Rose.    B.Grandpa Sun.
              C.Rain.    D.Dark clouds.
              60.What is the main idea of the play?    
              A.Butterflies cannot fly if their wings are wet.
              B.The four butterflies are sisters and brothers.
              C.Grandpa often helps others.
              D.A real friendship means that friends stay together when they are in trouble.
            • 9. What’s the secret of being a great friend?Here are some tips to help you be a nice friend.
              Laugh and cry together.
              Laughing with a friend is the best,but sometimes it’s crying that brings you closer together.Don’t be afraid to be yourself with your friends.Share your true feelings-you may learn that your friends feel the same way.As a result,friends will understand each other better.
              Be a thoughtful gift giver.
              Gift-giving isn’t just for birthdays or holidays-it can be a fun way of making your friends feel special!But don’t buy expensive presents-be creative!Making things shows you care,because you put time and thought into your gifts.Bake him favorite cookies,write him a poem,or draw something special for him.Small thoughtful gifts,such as picking a flower for a friend who is sick,just might cheer him up.
              Stand up for him.
              It’s hard to watch someone laugh at a friend.But don’t just stand there,do something about it!You can find a creative way to solve the problem to make others look at your friend differently.Other times,you need to show your courage and support him-he needs you.It may be not easy,but it’s what a good friend should do!
            • 10. Helen is a teenager who has growing problems.She posts her problems on her blog and gets a lot of advice from other bloggers.

              Helen:My parents are annoying.They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy,keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes.They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night!None of my friends have got such parents.What should I do?
              Why do you think you're the only one with parents like that?All parents are the same.They want us to look like them.Sometimes it's really annoying.They don't understand that fashions have changed in the last 30 years!
              Hi,Helen.I think you should do what your parents ask.They're much older than you and you  should take their advice.It's their house you live in and their money you spend.
                                                                       Emily,New Zealand,
              Helen,why should your parents do all the washing-up?You should help around the house---it's only fair.
              I don't see why you are so unhappy.Your parents act like that because you are the one they love and care about.We share housework in my family.I even wash the car for my father.And I get paid for that.
              41.From the blog we know that Helen has problems with her    
              A.parents        B.friends            C.schoolwork      D.holiday plan
              42.--     gets money by washing his (her) father's ear.
              A.Helen           B.Emily             C.Tom             D.Victoria
              43.--      of the 4blotters have different opinions from Helen.
              A.One             B.Two              C.Three            D.Four.
