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            • 1. My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body was.I got different answers at different ages.
              When O was young,I thought sound was very important to us,so I said,”My ears,Mum.”But she shook her head and said no.Several years passed,and she asked me again.I believed that I got the right answer after thinking it over.So I told her,”sight is very important to everyone,so it must be our eyes.”But she told me I was wrong.I tried many times after that,but her answer was always the same.Till last year,my grandma died.Everybody was crying,everybody was hurt.My mom looked at me and asked me with tears in her eyes,”Do you know the answer now?”I was syrprised when she asked me this question then.”My son,the answer is your shoulder,Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on(倾诉对象).”
              Finally,I realized all she hoped is that I can have enough love and friends so that I will have a shoulder to cry on when I need it.”

              61.According to the passage,     are the most important part of the body.
              62.The writer gave     to the same question at different ages.
              A.the sanme answer  
              B.different answers  
              C.four answers  
              D.the right answer
              63.The underlined word“sight”means    in Chinese.
              64.    gave the right answer to the question at last.
              A.The writer’s father  
              B.The writer’s mother   
              C.The write  
              D.The writer’s grandma
              65.The writer got the right answer on the day when    
              A.his grandma died   
              B.somebody was hurt   
              C.his mother was crying  
              D.he was young.
            • 2. My father used to work in the city and seldom stayed at home.But he would come back help to harvest(收割) rice every year.
              One autumn,he promised to help our neighbor,who lost his arms in a traffic accident in 1999,to harvest his rice.After Father harvested our town,his little rice picker broke.What’s worse,he had to return to work the next day because his partner was ill in hospital.It meant that Father wouldn’t be back in a few days.It now seemed impossible to help out the neighbor.
              Father told us that be wouldn’t let the neighbor’s rice rot( 糜烂) in the field.He decided to harvest it by hand without a machine.“If tonight’s weather is clear,I think I can do it.”added my father.In fact,he was rather tired after a day’s harvest work.
              After dinner,Father had a short rest and made his way to the field.A full moon was glowing (发光) in the sky and the weather was cold but clear.He spent the whole night keeping his word.
              I would never forget the image(画面):Father was cutting rice in the light of the harvest moon.Behind him,row after row of rice stocks(秸秆) stood at attention,showing respect for a man who kept his word.

              61.Did Father always stay with the family?    
              62.What happened to the neighbor in 1999?    
              63.Why was Father required to return to work?    
              64.How did Father help the neighbor harvest rice in the field?    
              65.How long did Father spend in harvesting the neighbor’s rice?    
            • 3. When I was at school,I had a classmate whose name was Ted.Ted and I were in the same class.He sat next to me.He had serious problems in communicating with others.We always had to guess what he was saying.Besides,most of my classmates did not like to play with him because his hands and shirts were always dirty.I told him several times a day to wash his hands.I tried to let him know the importance of being clean.But he just could not hear.I really disliked him.But I didn't know how to change him.
              One day,our teacher Miss Hsieh walked to Ted.She said nothing.She took Ted to the washroom.Miss Hsieh washed his hands slowly and told Ted that he should keep himself clean.She did that every day for one week.Finally,Ted understood what Miss Hsieh wanted him to do.
              Miss Hsieh's love gave me a good example.When I an doing my job,I always teach my students by showing them the right ways to do things.I always remember to give them more time to learn and to grow up.I'd like to say thanks to Miss Hsieh because I learn a lot from her.
              51.We always had to guess what Ted was saying because he spoke too fast.    
              52.Sometimes Ted's hands and shirts were dirty.    
              53.The writer and Miss Hsieh told Ted to keep himself clean,but Ted refused to do so.    
              54.At last,Ted could understand what Miss Hsieh wanted him to do.    
              55.Miss Hsieh is really a good teacher.    
            • 4. “A wise old owl sat on an oak.The more he saw,the less he spoke,the more he heard.Why aren't we like that wise old bird?---Edward H.Richards
              We all need to learn to listen well.Listening is a learned skill,the same as speaking in public.It just takes much longer to learn!Listening is a skill we should be practicing every day.And I mean active listening,not just listening when it is convenient to us.
              Listening shows others that they are important.It's a sign of respect(尊重).If someone listen to you carefully when you are talking,it shows that they are really interested in what you are saying.
              How do you practice listening?Here are some basic rules:
              Put down whatever is in your hands.Are you in the middle of writing something?Put down the pen and fold you hands.Are you reading something?Close it so that it will be impossible for you to look down and start reading again.Then put it down.
              Turn off your computer.The computer will distract you from your job at hand-listening.
              Face the person you are speaking with.Facing the person you are speaking with will help you focus completely on listening.It will also make the person feel that you find what he is saying important.
              Mind your body language.Learning into the speaker will show interest.Crossing your arms in front of your chest shows disagreements.Looking around the room shows you have no interest.Tapping your fingers tells the speaker that you are really too busy for him.Looking at that speaker in the eye tells him that he is important.
              Lstening completely.Do not start making comments after the first few words.Do not start thingking about your reply in your mind.Pay attention to the speaker.Really listen to what he is telling you.

              42.The author repeats Edward's words in the 1st paragraph to    
              A.make readers laugh
              B.help show his view
              C.make readers relaxed
              D.dsiagree with Edward's idea
              43.The 3rd paragraph is mainly about    
              A.how to listen to people
              B.the importance of listening
              C.how to show respect for the speaker
              D.the method of making people listen to you
              44.The underlinded word“distract
              ”in the 6th paragraph means“    ”.
              45.To practice our listening skill,we    
              A.shouldn't look at the speaker in the eye
              B.should cross our arms in front of our chests
              C.shouldn't express our own opinions before the speaker finishes
              D.should think about how to reply to the speaker when he's speaking.
            • 5. Time management is the greatest challenge for me in high school.I have to take good care of my subjects,activities,social life and rest.I was often angry with my family members just because I didn’t plan my time well.For example,I might shout at them for troubling me when I was working.And sometimes I might say something bad to them when I missed deadlines,even if it was actually my fault for cramming everything in(把所有的事情堆积起来) at the last minute.
              As time goes by,I realize that time management is very important in our everyday life.The best advice to deal with time management is“break it into bits”.It’s really important for you to learn how to break a big project into small,manageable tasks.Then you can work progressively and have a sense of achievement whenever you’ve done with a small part.
              Another piece of advice is to plan a timetable for yourself.It doesn’t have to be the one that you follow completely.It’s just there to serve as a guide.You can compare your actual timetable with the planned one to see how well you actually use your time.The final suggestion is to always set deadlines for yourself.

              61.Why was the writer angry with the family members?    
              A.The writer was weak in subjects.
              B.The writer didn’t plan the time well.
              C.The writer had no chance to plan activities.
              D.The writer’s social life was boring.
              62.For the writer,what’s the best advice to manage time?    
              A.To miss deadliness.
              B.To cram everything in at the last minute.
              C.To break a big project into bits.
              D.To follow the timetable completely.
              63.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?    
              A.The writer studies in a university.
              B.It’s impossible to break a big project into small tasks.
              C.The writer always knows how to manage time well.
              D.A timetable can serve you as a guide.
              64.How many pieces of advice does the writer give?    
              65.What’s the best title for the passage?    
              A.A sense of Achievement
              B.Time management
              C.A Timetable Planning
              D.Deadline Setting.
            • 6. (2015•玉林)One morning a boy went home with his father.They noticed a pair of old  shoes by the roadside.They thought the shoes might be a poor man’s.In fact,the owner of the shoes was working in the field nearby,and he had nearly finished his work.
              The boy said to his father,“Let’s play a trick on the man-we hide his shoes,and wait to see what he will do when he can’t find them.”
              “My boy,we should never have fun by tricking other people like that,”answered his father.“Instead,let’s put a coin in each of the shoes,and watch he will do.”
              The boy did so,and then they hid nearby.
              The man soon back to get h is shoes,but when he put his foot into one of his shoes,he felt something in it.He bent(弯曲)down and found the coin.
              Surprise appeared on his face.He looked at the coin for a minute,and then looked around,but nobody could be seen.He then went on to put on the other shoe,but he was even more surprised to find the second coin.
              He then went down on his knees,looked up to the sky and said thanks aloud.He said his wife was ill and his children were hungry.He wanted to buy some bread for them.
              The boy was deeply moved.
              “Now,”said his father,“you must be much more pleased than if you had played your trick.”
              The boy replied,“You have taught me a lesson which I’ll never forget.Now I understand these words,which I didn’t understand before:It is more blessed(神圣的)to give than to receive.”

              49.How did the boy want to deal with the shoes at first?    
              A.To hide the shoes.
              B.To steal the shoes.
              C.To put coins in the shoes.
              D.To return the shoes.
              50.How many coins did the man find?    
              51.What would the man do after he got the coins?He would    
              A.give them to his wife
              B.buy a pair of new shoes
              C.give them back to the boy
              D.buy some bread for his family
              52.At last,the boy knew    
              A.it was funny to play tricks
              B.it was good to help each other
              C.it was better to give than to receive
              D.it was wrong to put coins in the shoes.
            • 7. 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答所提问题.
              When I was new in junior high school,I knew no one.Most students talked only to people they knew,so I felt lonely.I had to come home crying.Mother asked me what the worst time was and I said it was at lunch time.
              She said,“You are not the only lonely person.There are others that are alone.Tomorrow I want you to look around the lunchroom to see if other people are eating by themselves.I want you to go to one of them and ask if you can join him or her.”
              The next day,I did look around and asked the person who was already sitting alone.The young girl was very happy.I shared my story with the girl and the next day we met for lunch and found some other people who were alone.This began a very interesting approach(接近) to life.
              The lessons that I learned from that experience have stayed with me all my life.I have few problems approaching new people.I learned that I am not alone.Most people are just like you and me.We all want to be noticed,and to have someone to be interested in listening to us.

              46.When was the writer’sworst time in junior high school?    
              47.Did mother think the writer was the only lonely person?    
              48.What did the writer do after talking with the young girl?    
              49.The writer has few problems approaching new people in her life,does she?    
              50.What’s your opinion about friends?    
            • 8. One  day Frank was walking with his mother when they came toa pretty garden.
              Frank lookedin,and saw that it had clean g'ravel(碎石)walks and beautiful flowers.
              He called to his other and said,Mum,come and look at this pretty garden.1wish
              I might open the gate,and walk in.”
              The gardener (园丁)heard what Frank said,and kindly invited him and his mother to
              come into the garden.
              Frank's mother thanked the man.Then she said to her son,“Frank,if I take you to
              walk in  this garden,you must take care not to medclle(乱动)with anything in it.”
              Frank  walked along the tidy gravel walks,and looked at everything,but touched
              nothing that he saw.
              He did not  step on any of the borders(草坪边的狭长花坛),and was careful that his
              clothes should not rush the tops of the flowers so that he might not break them.
              The gar denerwas much pleased(满意的)with Frank,because he was so careful to behave
              well.He showed him the seeds,and told him the name of many of the flowers and plants.
              While Frank was admiring the beauty of a flower,a little boy came to the gate,and
              finding it locked,he shook it hard.But it would not open.Then he said,“Let me in.Let me in.Will you not let me in this garden?“
              “No,“said the gardener,“I will let you in,Tom.When I let you in yesterday,you meddled with  my flowers,and pulled some of my fruit.I do not choose to let a boy into my garden who meddles with the plants.“
              Tom looked ashamed,and when he found that the gardener would not let him in,he
              went slowly away.
              Frank saw and felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with what does
              not belong to him.
              He and his motherthen continued their walk in the garden,and enjoyed the day very
              much.Before they left,the gardener gave each of them some pretty flowers.
              36.Frank couldn't see     in the garden.
              A.seeds         B.fruit                   C.flowers               D.animals
              37.Tom did everything except.    
              A.meddling with the flowers            B.pulling some fruit
              C.admiring the beauty of plants        D.shaking the door hard
              38.Which is NOT true about Frank?.    
              A.He touched nothing in the garden
              B.He didn't step on the borders of the garden
              C.He didn't have a good time in the garden
              D.He tried not to brush the top of the flowers with his clothes
              39.The gardener didn't.    
              A.show Frank any seeds
              B.let Tom in the garden a second time
              C.give Frank and his mother any flowers
              D.tell Frank the names of many of the flowers
              40.We can learn from the story that.    
              A.it is bad manners to break flowers
              B.you'll be happy if you're friendly to others
              C.no one wants to make friends with sel.fish.(自私的)  people
              D.you may be happy if you don't meddle with the things of others.
            • 9. On a hot July afternoon,my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store.We had bought many things.I was feeling really tired as I was carrying our shopping bag.I decided to throw something away.I was walking towards a dustbin(垃圾箱) when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us.He walked to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it.
              I  suddenly felt very sorry because I was going to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy.I walked up to him and gave the drink and some bread to hi,which surprised him.The man looked at me in surprise and took what I gave him.A big smile appeared on his face.I felt I couldn′t be happier with myself.But then he said.”Wow,this is my lucky day!”
              With that,he thanked me happily and started off on his bike.I even heard him singing as he rode away.I got a warm feeling inside.I now understand what it means by the saying”Giving in getting.”
              Though it was only a little action,I got and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month.Everyone in the world needs help.Everyone can give help  and everyone can be helped.
              The look of the man′s happiness appears in my mind whenever I have the chance to do something nice.

              66.When did the story happen?    
              A.On a winter afternoon                    
              B.On a summer morning.
              C.On a summer afternoon                  
              D.On a winter morning.
              67.Why did the writer want to throw away the new drink at first?    
              A.Because he didn′t like it                 
              B.Because it was too heavy
              C.Because it was not delicious             
              D.Because he wanted to help others
              68.Who might the poor man gibe the drink to?    
              A.His son        
              B.His wife        
              C.His mother      
              D.His daughter
              69.From the passage,we can infer (推断) that    
              A.the poor man had two sons
              B.the writer liked throwing things away
              C.the poor man knew the writer a long time ago
              D.the writer will do something good more in the rest of his life
              70.What is the best title of this passage?    
              A.A Poor Man                     
              B.A  Story of a Dustbin
              C.My Son′s Lucky Day             
              D.The Power of Kindness.
            • 10. (2015•永州)Life is not easy,so I'd like to say,“When anything happens,believe in yourself.“When I was a young boy,I was sad and I could do nothing.Later,something happened and it changed my life.It was a speech contest.My mother asked me to take part in it.What a terrible idea!It meant I had to speak before all the teachers and students of my school.
              “Come on,boy.Believe in yourself.You are sure to win the contest,“said my mother.Then my mother and I talked about many different topics.At last I chose the topic“Believe in yourself“.I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times.With my mother's great love,I did well in the contest.I could hardly believe my ears when the news came that I had won the used to look down on me,now all said“Congratulatings“to me.My mother hugged me and cried excitedly.
                Since then,everything has changed for me.When I do anything,I try to tell myself to be confident(自信的).I can succeed!

              41.What was the write like at first?    
              A.He was shy   
              B.He was outgoing    
              C.He was noisy.
              42.How did the writer feel when his classmates laughed at him?    
              A.He felt happy    
              B.He felt excited   
              C.He felt sad
              43.According to the passage,the writer and his mother talked about    before his speech.
              A.many topics     
              B.many famous people   
              C.many stories
              44.What does“look down“mean in the passage?    
              45.After the speech contest,the writer    
              A.changed nothing    
              B.changed himself    
              C.changed others.
