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            • 1. Dr.Wade is my hero.He saved my life when I could have died.He saved lots of children’s lives.He worked hard and studied a lot to get the job he has got now.He has done very difficult operations.He has to work almost every day at the hospital.He has studied the heart and got his MD(医学博士)at Queens University.He is a great doctor and he is easy to talk to.
              He is willing to take a risk to save someone’s life.He saved my life from a heart attack when I was in hospital.He worked very hard to find out what exactly was wrong with my heart and why it wasn’t working properly.
              He went out of his way  for someone like me and my parents,because he had to explain to them what was wrong with me and did lots of different tests to find the medicine to cure me.His life has made a difference in the lives of others.I saw him look after many other children in hospital and help them get well.Also,he is always there helping by teaching other doctors about being heart specialists(专家).He works very hard to keep others alive.You can phone him anytime and he will phone you back as soon as possible to see how he can help you.He has a group of medical workers who make his appointments(预约)  and make sure you get the medicine that Dr.Wade tells them to give you.

              53.From the passage,we know that the writer once got a(n)    
              A.lung          B.heart        C.eye      D.stomach
              54.The doctor got his MD at    
              A.Tsinghua University      B.Harvard University
              C.Queens University        D.Beijing University
              55.The underlined phrase“went out of his way“probably means    
              A.宽以待人    B.竭尽全力    C.马虎应付    D.黔驴技穷
              56.We can learn from the passage that the doctor    
              A.was difficult to talk with  
              B.saved the writer’s life easily
              C.helped several doctors become heart specialists
              D.wasn’t willing to save some serious patients
              57.Which one of the following sentences is WRONG    
              A.Dr.Wade is the writer’s hero.
              B.The doctor saved the writer’s life.
              C.The doctor saved many children’s lives.
              D.The doctor saved the lives of the writer’s parents.
            • 2. Martin Lynch,an American businessman,had been going on vacation to a small Mexican fishing village for a number of ears.One morning while going for a walk along 
              the beach,he saw his friend Pablo Perez,a local fisherman.Martin watched Pablo unload his boat and pack the fish in a box.
              Martin noticed Pablo was smiling and looked very happy.He could also see several large fish in the boat.Martin greeted Pablo and asked how long it took to catch the fish.“Just a few hours,”replied Pablo.Martin asked,“Why didn’t you stay longer and catch more fish?”“I have enough for my family,”Pablo said.“And what do you do with the rest of your day?”asked Martin.“I take a nap,play with my children,spend time with my wife,and go into the village to see my friends and play cards,I have a full and busy life.”Martin explained that if Pablo worked longer hours and caught more fish,he could make more money.With the extra money,Pablo could buy more boats and catch money more fish.By selling the fish,Pablo could open his own factory and sell direct to supermarkets.
              “Then what?”asked Pablo.“Well you would probably have to move to Mexico City to run the business.Finally,you would be able to sell your business and make millions of dollars,”replied Martin.“How long will that take?”asked Pablo.
              Martin thought for a while and said it would probably take at least 15years.
              “And then what”asked Pablo.
              “Well,that’s the best part,”Martin said.“You will be able to retire,buy a house near the ocean,sleep longer,play with your children,spend more time with your wife,see your friends,and play cards.”

              66.What is the story mainly about?    
              A.A businessman and a fisherman have become friends.
              B.A businessman learns how to fish from a fisherman.
              C.A businessman wants to become a businessman.
              D.A businessman gives advice to a fisherman.
              67.What makes the Mexican fisherman happy is    
              A.many friends to visit him
              B.a full and busy life
              C.more boats and more fish
              D.the house near the ocean
              68.How can the fisherman make more money in the businessman’s view?    
              A.By buying a supermarket.
              B.To move to Mexico City.
              C.By selling his own business.
              D.To work longer and catch more fish.
              69.The underlined word“unload”in the passage means    
              A.put …into               B.take …away from
              C.break down               D.set off
              70.We can infer from the passage that    
              A.the fisherman will stay the same with his life
              B.the fisherman will leave the village for Mexico City
              C.the business man will buy the fisherman’s boat
              D.it takes all day for the fisherman to catch large fish.
            • 3.
              Welcome to Reading Explorer!
              In this book,you’ll travel the world,explore different cultures and discover interesting topics.You’ll also become a better reader!
              Reading will be easier-and you’ll understand more-if you ask yourself these questions:
              What do I already know?
              •Before you read,look at the photos,instructions,charts and maps.Ask yourself:
              What do already know about this topic?
              •Think about the language you know-or may need to know-to understand the topic.
              What do I want to learn?
              •Look at the title and headings.
              Ask yourself:What is this passage about?What will I learn?
              •As you read,check your  prediction
              What have I learned?
              •As you read,take notes.Use them to help you answer questions about the passage.
              •Write down words you learn in a vocabulary notebook.
              How can I learn more?
              •Practice your reading skills and vocabulary in the Review Units.
              •Explore the topics by watching the videos in class,or at home using the CD-ROM.
              Now you’re ready to explore your world!

              31.Where can you probably find the passage?    
              A.At the end of a magazine.
              B.At the top of a map
              C.At the beginning of a book.
              D.At the bottom of a guidebook.
              32.The underlined word“prediction”probably means    
              A.the place you are going to visit               B.the vocabulary you find in a notebook
              C.the time you have spent in reading             D.the thing you think is going to happen.
              33.In the Review Units you can    
              A.watch the videos at home                    B.discover many interesting topics
              C.practice reading skills and vocabulary      D.enjoy the photos,charts and maps.
            • 4. In April,2013,I visited Yangzhou.
              Ge Garden is verybeautiful and peaceful.The ticket has a map on the back of it that I didn’tnoticed until I had already left.But to be honest,I don’t think that map isvery useful because it isn’t very clear and detailed.In my opinion,it’sbetter to improve it.Compared with Ge Garden,the map on the back of theticket for He Garden is much clearer,more detailed and more useful.However,in the room that has the picture of the family members,there is only Chinese,no English,so my advice is to add English in interesting places.I got lost inthe Slender West Lake.I spent about 30 minutes just trying to get out of onearea.I think they need more signs posted along the trails.I like the SlenderWest Lake best,as she is so pretty!The ladies that were sweeping were verysweet.They always smiled at me and said hello,so it was nice.
              Taking a taxi is the most efficient(有效率的) and quickest wayto get around Yangzhou.I didn’t have a problem getting to the places which I’dlike to go to while using a taxi.The driver was very friendly.The fare isn’ttoo high,either.But I didn’t enjoy taking the bus.The bus ride to theMastixia Bay (茱萸湾公园) tooklong although I only had to pay one yuan.It was also hard finding where Bus 32was.I tried asking some people in English but they couldn’t understand me,soI had to ask in simple Chinese that I only know buy that still didn’t work.Ispent about one hour walking around the city to look for Bus 32.The tricycle(三轮车) wasnice,but it was a little too expensive for a small distance.Maybe I was ripped off by the guy who rodefor me,but it was an enjoyable ride.I felt like I was part of the garden citymore.
              Over all I amsatisfied with Yangzhou and will recommend it to others.
              34.How many places of interest are mentioned in the passage?    
              A.Three            B.Four             C.Five             D.Six
              35.The underlinedphrase“ripped off”in Paragraph 3 may mean“    ”.
              A.优惠            B.退款            C.骗钱            D.免费
              36.Which of thefollowing I NOT the writher’s advice?    
              A.English should be added in interestingplaces.
              B.Everyone in Yangzhou should speak English.
              C.The Slender West Lake needs more signs alongthe trails.
              D.The maps on the tickets for Ge Garden needimproving.
              37.We can infer(推断) the passage may be written by    
              A.a foreign visitor                    B.a ladysweeping in the park
              C.a taxidriver                        D.a guyriding a tricycle.
            • 5. Dear Emma,
                  Your problem is like a circle.The harder you study,the less time you have to make friends and the less friendly you look to your classmates.The fewer friends you have,the harder you study to make yourself feel better.
                  Try to break this bad circle.Perhaps you are afraid of meeting new people,because you are too shy or too serious.You are not.Everyone has a fun side to his character.Posh your shy side away and show your classmates how much fun you can be.
                  Look at your classmates.Are there any people with whom you feel you have a lot in common?
                  First,smile at your classmates.Do this as often as you can,until your classmates become used to your smiles and smile in return.
                  Next,talk to your classmates.Do this between classes or during your lunch break.You may find it easier to start by talking to people when they are alone.
                  Perhaps you could ask a classmate about your studies.They are likely to respond (回应) in a very positive way.People like to feel important and helpful.
              There must be someone else in your class who is also quiet.It might be easier to try to talk with him or her.Your problem is mainly about confidence.Smile first,talk next and slowly you will make friends.Once you have more confidence,you can make as many friends as you want.
              51.The cause (原因) of Emma's problem might be that    
              A.her classmates don't like her                
              B.she doesn't like her classmates
              C.she doesn't like to feel important and helpful   
              D.she spends all her time on her study
              52.The editor suggests Emma should talk to someone else in her class who is also quiet because    
              A.it might be easier to try to talk with him or her
              B.he or she is likely to respond in a very positive way
              C.he or she is always full of confidence
              D.he or she likes smiling at her
              53.The editor mainly tells Emma about how to    
              A.talk to classmates      B.make friends      
              C.improve her study     D.be confident.
            • 6. Many years ago,there was an old man who had four sons.He wanted his sons to learn not to judge(判断) things too quickly.So he told them to go and look at a pear tree.It was far away from his home.The first son went in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the youngest son in autumn.
              When the sons came back,the old man asked them to say what they had seen.
              The first son complained the tree was ugly.The second son said the tree was covered with buds and full of hope.The third son said the tree was full of green leaves.They looked so beautiful,and it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen.The youngest son said that the tree was bowed down with heavy fruits.It was full of life and fulfillment(收获).
              The man explained that all of his sons were right,but each of them had seen just one season of the tree.He told them that they couldn't judge a tree or a person by only one season.“If you give up when it's winter,you will miss the hope of your spring,the beauty of your summer,and the fulfillment of your autumn.“said the old man
              It is true that we shouldn't let the hard season break the happiness of the other seasons.Never give up during the difficult days and better times are sure to come some day.

              66.Why did the old man ask his sons to look at the pear tree?    
                  A.Because he liked.eating pears.
                  B.Because the tree was important to his family.
                  C.Because he wanted to teach them not to judge things too quickly.
                  D.Because his sons didn't judge things quickly.
              67.The fourth son went to see the tree in.    
                  A.Spring           B.Summer       C.Autumn          D.Winter
              68.The underlined word“buds“probably means    in Chinese. 
                  A.叶子        B.枝条     C.果实       D.花蕾
              69.Which of the following is true?       
               A.The pear tree was near his home.
                  B.The third son said the tree was beautiful.
                  C.The four sons all liked the tree.
                  D.Even you give up in winter,you can still get hope in other seasons
              70.What's the main idea of this passage?        
                  A.Don't judge a life by one difficult season.
                  B.Father's love is great.
                  C.Every tree has four seasons.
                  D.Life is different for everyone.
            • 7. (2011•深圳)Fish and apple soup?Yes,and you won't believe how delicious it is.This first came out of a restaurant in Singapore,but it is now very popular as the soup du jour in Chinese restaurants.Ingredients (serves 4):
              (1).Whole fish
              4-6ginger slices (姜片)
              1bunch of spring onions,cut into pierces
              1red tomato,cut into 8pierces,oil.salt and pepper
              l.Remove the bones from the fish.
              2Pour oil into a pan.Fly the ginger slices,and the spring onions Add the fish hones and oil.
              3.Add enough water and boil it for about 15to 20minutes,
              4.Add theapples,the fish and the tomato.When the apples go soft,ads salt and pepper.

              36.This passage is probably    
              A.a poem B.a piece of news C.a story D.a recipe
              37.The name of the soup in Chinese restaurants is    
              A.du jour soup D.tomato soup C.union soup D.ginger soup
              38.The underlined word“quartered“means    
              A.榨汁 B.切成四份 C.洗净 D.炸碎
              39.If you want to cook the soup for 8people,you will need     red tomatoes.
              A.1   B.2   C.3     D.4
              40.In what order should you add the ingredients while cooking the soup?    
              A.apples,fish and tomato-ginger slices and spring onions-oil-fish bones
              B.oil-fish bones-ginger slices and spring onions-apples,fish and tomato
              C.oil-ginger slices and spring onions-fish bones-apples,fish and tomato
              D.ginger slices and spring onions-fish bones-apples,fish and tomato-oil.
            • 8. When Daniel woke up yesterday morning,he found he was a bit late for school,so he started running to catch the bus.Moments later,he saw a dog,but not its lead.He tripped over the lead and fell down.He jumped up quickly,went on running and got on the bus.After a while an old coach broke down in the middle of the road,and the driver couldn’t move it.It was eight o’clock,the middle of the rush hour,so it soon created a terrible traffic jam.The bus driver tried to go round the coach.Unfortunately a taxi was coming in the opposite direction.The driver tried to stop the taxi,but he couldn’t prevent the accident-the taxi crashed into the front of the bus!Luckily nobody was hurt.
                   When Daniel finally got to school out of breath,the Science lesson had been on for five minutes.Daniel said sorry to the teacher and sat at his desk.He reached out for his school bag-no,it was nowhere to be found.
              “Where is my school bag?”Daniel was puzzled.Suddenly he realized that he had left it on the bus.Bad luck!

              34.What does the underlined word“tripped”mean?    
              A.扔掉       B.拣起      C.绊,绊倒    D.跨越
              35.What is the order of the accident?    
              ①A taxi was coming in the opposite direction
              ②The bus driver went round the coach.
              ③An old coach broke down.
              ④The taxi crashed into the bus.
              36.What is the best title for this passage?    
              A.An unlucky day                 B.A happy day out
              C.A traffic accident             D.A strict teacher.
            • 9. At the end of the wedding party for Monica and Nick,Monica's mother gave her a new bank saving passbook (存折)as a present.She advised her to put some money in the bank when they had happy things in their life and wrote them down in the passbook.She told her to keep it as a record of her marriage (婚姻).
              Monica shared her mother's idea with Nick.The following were their deposits (存款)after some time:
              *7 February:﹩300,first birthday,celebration for Nick after we got married
              *15 April:﹩500,Monica got a better job
              However,after years,they began to quarrel (争吵)every day.One day Monica told her mother that they could not live together any longer and agreed to divorce.Her mother said,“Just do whatever you want to.But before that,take out all the money in the passbook and spend it.“
              So Monica went to the bank.While she was waiting,she took a look at the passbook record.Suddenly the happiness in the past came up to her mind.She went back home,handed the passbook to Nick and asked him to spend the money before getting divorced.
              The next day,Nick gave the passbook back to Monica.She found a new deposit of 5,000 with the words,“This is the day I notice how much I love you and how much happiness you've brought me.”

              48.At the end of the wedding party,Monica's mother gave her    
              B.a better job
              C.a birthday card        
              D.a bank saving passbook
              49.The underlined word“divorce“in the passage means    
              50.Which is the correct order of the following?    
              a.Monica got married.
              b.Nick made a new deposit of $ 5,000.
              c.They began to quarrel with each other.
              d.Monica went to the bank but returned without doing anything.
              51.From die passage we can infer (推断)that    
              A.Monica left her husband in the end
              B.they loved each other again as before
              C.what Monicals mother did was not helpful
              D.Monica and Nick spent all the money in the passbook.
            • 10. Flossie may be the most popular teacher at Hylands School in Essex,UK.All the students
              (A)______ her even though she can't talk.Flossie is in fact a 10-month-old dog.
              How does Flossie help in class?On workdays,(B)she spends two or three hours listening to students read at the school library.Foreign language classes have become more fun as students learn dog commands (命令) in French and Spanish.Flossie also helps with road safety skills(C) when students take walks with her.And teachers use her friendly nature(天性) to help students not to be afraid of animals.
              Studies show that children feel more comfortable when(D)they read to pets.So the school
              brought in the dog in September to help students read.Flossie is not an ordinary (普通 ) dog.She goes to Sunday training classes and is one of the(E)top dogs.
              Jacob Wicks,an 11-year-old student,said,“Reading to her could be helpful(F)______ dogs don't make bad comments(评论)like people do.“

              82.将文中划线部分 (B)改写为:
              it    her two or three hours to     to students read at the school library.
              85.在文中找出两个描述 Flossie 的形容词:        
