优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A: Hi, Kate. How are you? How was your party?

              B:Iˈm fine, thanks. _________(1)________.Why didnˈt you come?

              A: Iˈm sorry. I really wanted to, but I had a cold last weekend.

              B : Iˈm sorry to hear that. Are you OK now?

              A: Yes, thanks._________(2)________?

              B: Well, we had lots of food—chicken, pizza, salad. . .

              A : Did you have a birthday cake?

              B : Yes, a big chocolate one.

              A: _________(3)________?

              B: It was amazing! Danˈs brother used to be a DJ,so he brought a lot of CDs with him. We danced till 9 oˈclock

              A: But you hate dancing!

              B: _________(4)________. But now I enjoy it.

              A: Oh, I see. _________(5)________.

              B: At about half past nine.

              A : Well, it sounds as if you really had a good time.

              B: Yes, I felt very happy.






            • 2.

              A:Morning!  (1)  ?

              B:Yes,please. I want to join your club.

              A:We have three clubs—the sports club,the music club and the art club.   (2)  ?

              B:I want to join the music club.

              A:The music club?  (3)  ?

              B:No,I can't.

              A:Well,what can you do?

              B:  (4)  ?

              A:I see.  (5)  ?

              B:Well,thank you.

            • 3.
              It ’ s raining very heavily.(改为感叹句)

              ________ _________ it is raining! 

            • 4.

              A: Hi, Mary! _  (1)  _?

              B: I went to the charity concert last night. There were so many people there.

              A:   (2)  _?

              B: I went with my parents.

              A: _  (3)  _?

              B: Wonderful. Many famous singers sang at the concert. They tried to raise money.

              A: _  (4)  __?

              B: They raised more than 50,000 yuan.

              A: Wow, that's a lot of money. What will they do with the money?

              B:   (5)  _. You know some children in those poor areas can't go to school, especially girls. I think everyone should help them.

              A: Yes. I agree with you.

              (1) ________

              (2) ________

              (3) ________

              (4) ________

              (5) ________

            • 5.
              A:Well,Linda,we're coming to the end of this week.I almost can't wait for the holiday.
              B:Me,too.Tom,   (1)  ?
              A:I'm going to climb the hills with my classmates.   (2)   and have a good rest.How about you?
              B:   (3)   .You know he has a big farm in the countryside.
              A:It's great.Do you often go to see him?
              B:Yes.If I am free,I will go there.The air is so fresh and everything is so quiet and clean.Will you be free next weekend?   (4)  ?
              A:I'd love to,but I'm afraid I won't have time.   (5)   and repair the floor of our house.I have to help him.
              B:I see.Maybe you won't be free until summer vacation.
              A.Would you like to go there with me?
              B.My father is going to paint the wall.
              C.I think I can forget about all the hard work.
              D.Would you like to say something about it?
              E.What are you going to do this Sunday?
              F.I'm going to visit my uncle.
              G.Mr.Brown will give us the lesson at four in the afternoon.

              (1) ___________

              (2) ___________
              (3) ___________
              (4) ___________
              (5) ___________
            • 6.

              A: Hi, Jack!

              B: Hi, Mary. Oh, you look tired.   (1)  ?

              A: I stayed up late last night. I didn't get enough sleep.

              B: You are too tired.   (2)  ? Let's go to the zoo this weekend.

              A: I went there last month. How about Jiangyang Park?

              B: That sounds great. Flowers are coming out now.

              A:   (3)  ?

              B: By bus. No. 167 bus can take us there.

              A: OK.   (4)  ?

              B: Your sister Lucy? We went bike riding last summer.

              A: Yes.   (5)  .

              B: Great! I'm glad to see her again.

              A: OK. See you at 7:30 this Saturday.

              B: See you.

              (1)  ________

              (2)  ________
              (3)  ________
              (4)  ________

              (5)  ________

            • 7.


              A:Do you want to be famous?

              B:No, I don’t think so.

              A:  (1)     ?

              B: Well, there are many reasons.

              A: For example?

              B: For example, I don’t want too much attention, and  (2)     .

              A:  (3)     ?

              B: The biggest problem about being famous is that I can’t hang out with my good friends.

              A: Do you know there are many advantages of being famous?

              B: Of course I do. If I am famous, I will be able to make lots of money. Therefore, (4)     

              A: Sounds reasonable. Okay, thank you for your time.

              B:  (5)     .

            • 8.

              W: Excuse me.   (1)  ? We are hungry (饥饿的).

              M: Yes, there is. It’s next to the police station.

              W:   (2)  ?

              M: Sure. First, Go along Center Street and turn left at the first crossing. Then go straight and cross three blocks.

              W:   (3)  ?

              M: It only takes you about five minutes to get there.

              W:   (4)  ?

              M: Yes, you can take the No.3 bus and get off at Wanda Stop, then walk about 50 meters.   (5)  .

              W: Thank you very much.

              M: You are welcome.

            • 9.

              A: What do you want to be  w__(1)____ you   g___(2)__ up?

                B: I want to be a doctor.

                A: Wow! That sounds cool. But it’s also difficult. How are you going to do that?

                B: I’m going to study  m___(3)_____at a   u_____(4)_____.

                A: When are you going to start?.

                B: I’m going to start when I finish high school and   c___(5)___.


            • 10.


              Mr. Zheng: What are you looking for?

              Li Xin:        (1)   I am interested in history these days. I want to know something about Zheng Chenggong. Oh, you are a history lover.   (2)   that he did?

              Mr. Zheng: Sure. He recovered Taiwan in 1662 without the help of the government.

              Li Xin:      (3)  

              Mr. Zheng: It was true, and   (4)  

              Li Xin:    What a pity! But all Chinese will remember him forever   (5)  .

              Mr. Zheng: You’re right. You’ll know more after you finish reading the books about him.

              (1) _____
              A. Is that so?        
              B. Could you tell me some things
              C. I’m looking for a history book.          
              D. because of his great contribution
              E. he lost his sister in the battle.
              F  Anything else?

              G  How great!

              (2) _____
              A. Is that so?        
              B. Could you tell me some things
              C. I’m looking for a history book.          
              D. because of his great contribution
              E. he lost his sister in the battle.
              F  Anything else?

              G  How great!

              (3) _____
              A. Is that so?        
              B. Could you tell me some things
              C. I’m looking for a history book.          
              D. because of his great contribution
              E. he lost his sister in the battle.
              F  Anything else?

              G  How great!

              (4) _____
              A. Is that so?        
              B. Could you tell me some things
              C. I’m looking for a history book.          
              D. because of his great contribution
              E. he lost his sister in the battle.
              F  Anything else?

              G  How great!

              (5) _____
              A. Is that so?        
              B. Could you tell me some things
              C. I’m looking for a history book.          
              D. because of his great contribution
              E. he lost his sister in the battle.
              F  Anything else?

              G  How great!

