优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I often have some ________(sausage), bread and milk for breakfast in the morning. 

            • 2.
              (1) O_________ the door please. I want to get in.
              (2) We can see many s__________ in the sky (天空) at night.
              (3) In China, spring returns in M____________, the third month of a year.
              (4) There are about two ___________(千) students in this school.
              (5) The bottle is __________(满的) of water.
              (6) His elder sister works in a big company and she is a _________ [ˈmænɪdʒə(r)].
              (7) It is his ____________(four) time to come to Beijing.
              (8) If you must go, at least wait till it stops _______________(rain).
              (9) From then on, ____________(kite) flying became a very popular activity.
              (10) He ____________(wake) up and found himself alone in a long low hall.


