优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              polite            able            ugly            wife            discuss 

              (1) The more she makes up, the ___________ she becomes.

              (2) They have just had a _________ about where to spend their holidays.

              (3) When the guest entered the hall, Mrs Smith stood up and greeted him _______.

              (4) He was so tired out that he found himself ________ to move out of the hotel.

              (5) Some husbands care less about their _________ feelings and seldom help them do housework.

            • 2.

              luck    brush   visit   country    rain

              (1) They are from different _______, some from Canada, some from the USA, some from China.

              (2) My uncle lost his bag yesterday . _________ , a boy found it and gave it back to him this morning .

              (3) Jenny often______ her teeth twice a day.

              (4) No one likes the________ day.

              (5) There are many_________in India because it has so many interesting places.

            • 3.

              live, invent, electronically, main, search

              (1) Customers to this shop are ________ tourists.
              (2) There are many useful ________ in our daily life.
              (3) The photos can be seen by many people, even those ________ in other countries.
              (4) Helen became an ________ engineer.
              (5) The computer can be used ________ for information.
            • 4.

              healthy,  visit,  educate,  hear,  twenty

            • 5.

              hero  one   play   student  real

            • 6.

               nineteen    expected     except     chance     wise

            • 7.

               patient   heavy    care    we    ninety

            • 8.


              (1) This year’s Spring Festival is on the _________  of February.
              (2) Our cat is dark grey, and        tail is white.
              (3) People would have to wear boots that are _______ designed on Mars.
              (4) Children like to knock on their _________ doors and shout “trick or treat” in Halloween.
              (5) He is an __________(active) boy so he seldom takes part in activities.
            • 9.



              51. While playing the game, Tom and I hid           in the bush.


              52. His poor eyesight made him           to see the words on the blackboard clearly.


              53. The young super star’s sudden           is a great loss to the film industry.


              54. The villagers are fighting against the             flood that they have ever had in the past fifty years.


              55. —Whose bags are these?  —Maybe they are those           .

            • 10.


              heavy   they    fair    blind    rise  

              (1) Can you say something about the idea of __________?
              (2) When I woke up, the sun was __________.
              (3) Look! How _________ it is raining outside!
              (4) The two brothers kept all the gold and silk for _____________.
              (5) The poor boy is ____________ in his left eye.
