优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I hid the long black bag in the garage (车库) two days ago. Tonight, in the dark, I would finally take it away. If everything went OK, it would be done by morning. But I had to be sure no one, not even my wife, saw me.

              It was more difficult to get away from the party than I expected. I said that the children were tired and needed to get to bed. It was partly true. But the main reason for leaving was that I wanted to complete my plan.

              First I had to get the kids to sleep. That was never easy at any time and tonight it was even more difficult. The eldest one wanted to know why we left the party early. I told him 10:30 pm was not early. As usual, I read them a bed time story, but I had to stop myself reading too quickly or they would learn my secret.

              Silence finally came, and feeling like a thief (小偷) in the night, I went out of the house and into the garage. Taking one end, I pulled the bag out from its hiding place and took it into the garden. I was worried that my neighbours might see me and call the police.

              It was already eleven o’clock. By the light of the moon I started working, trying to make as little noise as possible. And that was not easy with a saw (锯子) and a hammer (锤子).

              After much hard work, I finally completed my work. I looked down at my watch. It was exactly 4:00 am. Then I went inside to have a shower and get a few hours of sleep. It wouldn’t be long now before the kids would rush into my room and wake me up to tell me about the new tree-house Father Christmas brought them this year.

              (1) Why did the man feel nervous?


              A. He left the party too late.                     
              B. He was afraid of the darkness.


              C. He didn’t know where the black bag was.      
              D. He worried that others would know his secret.
              (2) The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to_______.


              A. thieves              B. parents                    
              C. children                    D. neighbours
              (3) In what order did the man do the following?

              a. Read the kids a story.                     b. Had a shower.                 c. Worked in the moonlight.  

              d. Pulled the bag from the garage.      e. Went to a party.


              A. e-d-a-b-c                
              B. e-a-d-c-b                
              C. a-b-e-d-c                       
              D. a-e-d-c-b
              (4) How would the children feel when they saw the man’s work?


              A. Interested.         B. Excited.                   
              C. Tired.                      D. Angry.
            • 2.

              I'm Sophia. On Sunday morning, I usually get up very late. I wash my face and then go out to do morning exercises. After I have breakfast, I often go to a shopping centre(中心). It's not far from my home.

                      I like shopping there very much, but I don't like shopping with my son. He likes running around. It's difficult to look after him in the shopping centre. I don't like shopping with my friends, either(也). It usually takes too much time to buy things with them because they never buy the first thing they see. They always go to other shops to find the same thing cheaper(更便宜的).

                      I like going shopping with my husband. When I don't know which one to choose, he will help me. I don't like buying food in small shops or markets. I like buying it in supermarkets, because it is fresh and cheap.

              (1) Sophia often goes to the shopping centre                .


              A. before breakfast                                                        
              B. after breakfast       
              C. on Saturday afternoon                                              
              D. on Sunday afternoon
              (2) The underlined words "look after" mean "                " in Chinese.


              A. 看望                              
              B. 照看                              
              C. 教育                               
              D. 抛弃
              (3) Sophia likes shopping                .


              A. alone                                                                             
              B. with her friends       
              C. with her son                                                                 
              D. with her husband
              (4) Sophia likes to buy food in                .


              A. small shops                                                                 
              B. supermarkets       
              C. small markets                                                              
              D. shopping centres
              (5) From the passage, we know                .


              A. Sophia's son can help her buy things     
              B. Sophia's friends like to buy expensive things       
              C. Sophia's friends like to compare the prices of the things       
              D. Sophia walks a long way from her home to the shopping centre
            • 3.

               Long long ago, there was a snail(蜗牛)and a tortoise(乌龟)under a tree. They were neighbors. One day, the tortoise had a fever(发烧)and the snail wanted to help him to get some medicine(药) He said goodbye to the tortoise and left the house.Three hours passed, but the snail didnˈt come back.The tortoise said to himself, “Why doesnˈt he get back? I feel so terrible(极坏的).” Just at that time, the snail answered, “Take it easy.I am running as fast as I can.Please wait for some time.” Six hours later, the snail didnˈt come back yet. But the tortoise was well and he went out to look for the snail.

                In front of the door, the snail was running and running as quickly as he could.

              (1) One day, the snail left the house to ________.

              A. say goodbye to the tortoise

              B. look for some food

              C. visit his neighbors

              D. get some medicine for the tortoise

              (2) After three hours, the snail ________.

              A. came back slowly

              B. ran as slowly as he could

              C. still lay under the tree

              D. went far away from the house

              (3) The underlined sentence in the passage means“________”

              A. donˈt worry

              B. be careful

              C. hold on

              D. donˈt be afraid

              (4) Six hours later, the tortoise ________.

              A. felt well

              B. felt even worse

              C. died slowly

              D. went out for food

              (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?

              A. The snail and the tortoise both lived in a tree.

              B. The snail and the tortoise didnˈt get well with each other.

              C. The snail couldnˈt run fast.

              D. The snail wanted to fool (愚弄) the tortoise.

            • 4.

              A crow wanted to drink, but he couldn’t find water. He looked here and there. At last he cried, “I can see a jar(瓶子) and there is some water in it.”He tried to get the water, but he couldn’t.“How can I get the water?” he cried, “I can put my beak(鸟嘴)quite close to it.”But he still couldn’t drink.“What can I do? I want to drink.”

              He looked around, and then he picked up a small stone(石头) in his beak and carried it to the jar of water and dropped it into the jar.“Soon the water will be higher in the jar, and I can drink,” said the crow.

              So he began to do that until the water was high enough to drink.

              (1) What was the crow looking for? ____

              A. Jar.                      B. Water.
              C. Food.                         D. Meat.

              (2) Why didn’t he drink right now(马上)?___

              A. He wasn’t very thirsty.
              B. No water was in the jar.

              C. He didn’t want to drink it.
              D. The water wasn’t high enough.

              (3) What’s the English meaning of “drop”?___

              A. put...into...           B. take...to...
              C. carry...to...            D. put...on...

              (4) Why did he pick up the stone?___

              A. He was hungry.
              B. He wanted to put it into the jar.
              C. He wanted to make his beak strong.
              D. He was playing a game.

              (5) Which title(题目) do you think is the best?___

              A. A Clever Crow B. A Thirsty Crow
              C. A Crow and A Jar of Water D. A Crow and Stones

            • 5.
              On February 9th, 2013, Sarah Darling was walking along the street when she met a homeless man named Billy Ray Harris. She reached into her change purse, emptied out all the coins she had and gave them to the homeless man. Neither of them realized that this small generous act(举动) would change their lives.
                    Sarah didn't realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring that she had put in her change purse earlier until the next morning. She and her husband, Bill Krejci, rushed to see if they could find Billy. The homeless man was not only in the same place, but also immediately returned the ring. The grateful couple paid him back for his honesty by emptying out their pockets of all the money they had.
                   Bill Krejci, a web designer, felt that he needed to do something more for this amazingly honest man. So on February 18th, he set up a special page(网页) to raise money for him. In just four days, Billy received over $85,000 and there seems to be no end yet.
                   That is not enough. Billy is living with a person who is generous instead of living in the streets. And that's not all—Thanks to the news report, he got together again with his elder brother, Edwin Harris who he had been unable to find for 27 years.
                   All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing—returning something that didn’t belong to him.
              (1) When did Sarah realize that she had also given Billy her diamond ring?
              A. On February 9th, 2013.
              B. On February 10th, 2013.
              C. On February 18th, 2013.
              D. On February 22nd, 2013.
              (2) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
              A. Billy is living with a generous person.
              B. Billy has found his brother.
              C. Billy bought a diamond ring.
              D. Billy appeared in the news report.
              (3) The underlined word “That” in Paragraph 4 refers to(指代)“________”.
              A. returning the ring B. setting up a page
              C. living in the streets D. receiving money
              (4) What's the main idea of the passage?
              A. A generous woman changed her own life.
              B. A kind man set up a special page.
              C. A homeless man returned diamond ring.
              D. Many people donated much money.
              (5) From this story, we know that ________.

              A. helping others is helping ourselves      
              B. helping those in trouble is sometimes not necessary

              C. life is not that easy                   
              D. we should always help old people
            • 6.

              Cars make our lives more convenient. But they can also be a problem, especially fossil fuel(化石燃料).

              Cars make our lives more convenient. But they can also be a problem, especially fossil fuel cars, which are a major cause of air pollution.To improve the environment, many countries are developing electric vehicles(EVs, 电动车). Among them, China is taking a leading role and has created the world’s largest EV market, according to the Wall Street Journal. Last year, over 40 percent of the 753,000 EVs sold worldwide were sold in China, more than twice as many as the number sold in the United States, according to the International Energy Agency.Chinese drivers are already big fans of EVs. Chinese auto companies(汽车公司)including BYD and BAIC rankamong the top in the world in EV sales.

              “Charging(充电)an electric car is cheaper than filling up a fossil fuel car with gas,” said Wu Hao, who bought an electric car from BAIC this year. However, there are still some problems. It can be hard to find charging piles(充电桩)and the cars can’t go far before needing to be recharged. Some of these problems are being solved. In 2014, China had 31,000 charging piles, according to Xinhua News Agency. Now China has the world’s largest EV charging network, with more than 167,000 charging piles in total, according to the Economic Daily.

              Developing EVs is one of many efforts China has made to reduce pressure on its environment after the government promised to stop increases in carbon dioxide emissions (排放量)by 2030.

              “As China goes, so will the world’s auto industry,” the Wall Street Journal said.

              (1) Why did China make great efforts to develop EVs?

              A. To take a leading role in the world market.

              B. To reduce the air pollution.

              C. To be popular with Chinese drivers.

              D. To get the top in the world in EV sales.

              (2) How many charging piles did China have in 2014?

              A. 40                                
              B. 753,000                 
              C. 167,000                 
              D. 31,000

              (3) What does the underline word “rank” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

              A. 控制                             B. 位列                     
              C. 监测                      D. 掌握

              (4) From the passage, we can know ____.

              A. the cars can’t go far after being charged

              B. there are no more problems with Evs

              C. the Evs increases the carbon dioxide emissions

              D. the world’s auto industry will develop as China does

              (5) The passage is written mainly to ____.

              A. describe the problems of EVs

              B. explain the largest EV market

              C. introduce the development of EVs in China

              D. show the future of the world’s auto industry

            • 7.

              At my primary school, I was one of the smartest kids there. I never studied, but always got perfect scores. I thought I was born clever. At least I believed so. I was alsoa prodigyin music according to myself. I could sing better than almost everyone else in my school. I was pretty sure that once I got to sixth grade, everyone would be surprised by me.

                But actually, they weren’t.

                When I arrived at my new class, I couldn’t wait to show everyone what I could do. However, there was always someone else who could do better. My grades began to suffer. More talented girls often sang solo (独唱). I believed I wasn’t smart. I believed I wasn’t talented. I believed I was a failure.

              Over the next two years, I had to work very hard. Every prize for the singing competition was given to me for hard work and effort. Grades were still very low but improving little by little. I worked really hard. However, I was never the best at everything.

              I haven’t realized until recently that I really don’t have to be the best at everything. I was too hard on myself. In fact, when I did badly in a test, my classmates never laughed at me.

                 No one is perfect. There will probably always be someone better than me at something. Anyway, there are about seven billion people in this world. I will never be the number one at everything, and that’s really okay.

              (1) What does “a prodigy” probably mean in English?
              A. A smart kid. B. A crazy fan.
              C. A common child. D. A lazy girl.
              (2) When the writer was at the new class, __________.
              A. she lost her interest in music
              B. she had difficulty in learning
              C. she surprised everyone in solos
              D. she got separated from friends
              (3) What happened to the writer during the next two years?
              A. She won many prizes without any effort.
              B. She found the best way to become perfect.
              C. She gave up trying because of the low scores.
              D. She failed to be perfect though she worked hard.
              (4) Which would be the best title for this passage?
              A. When I wasn’t perfect.
              B. My past life as a young girl.
              C. Hard work doesn’t work.
              D. What to do when you’re not perfect.
            • 8.
               Mr.Brown had to go to his camp at Pine Tree Valley,which is in the middle of the mountains in California.
               It snowed heavily and Mr.Brown knew it would be hard to climb to the camp,but Lady Gray was strong,and used to it.
               Lady Gray was Mr.Brown's pet horse,and carried him everywhere.She was always happy when her master was in the saddle.
               But today the snow was very deep and soon Mr.Brown had to get off,throw away the saddle,and lead her.
               In places the snow was so deep and soft,that they sank above their knees.Late in the afternoon they reached the camp nearly exhausted,and it was several days before they were able to return.
               The snow was still deep and Mr.Brown knew he must go back on snow-shoes,but he was afraid Lady Gray would have to be left behind.
               Finally one person suggested making  her  some snow-shoes.They cut four round pieces of board,twelve inches across,and fastened them on with rope.Lady Gray seemed to understand what they were for and tried very hard to walk in them.
               She was very awkward(笨拙的)at first and could hardly stand up,but by practicing a little every day she was soon able to manage nicely.
               So Mr.Brown and Lady Gray both returned on snow-shoes,and how every one did laugh when they saw them.
               But Lady Gray never could have done it if she had not tried.

              (1) The relationship between Mr.Brown and Lady Gray is ______.
              A. a couple B. master and worker
              C. father and daughter D. master and pet
              (2) The Chinese meaning of the word"saddle"is ______.
              A. 马背 B. 马鞍 C. 车厢 D. 笼子
              (3) "Her"in"Finally one of the men suggested making her"refers to(指的是) ______.
              A. Mr.Brown's horse B. The shoe maker
              C. Mr.Brown's neighbor D. Mrs.Brown
              (4) Lady Gray felt          on show-shoes after practicing a little every day.
              A. awkward B. nicely C. easy D. hard
              (5) Finally Mr.Brown and Lady Gray both returned ______.
              A. by horse B. in a cart by dogs
              C. on snow-shoes D. by skiing
            • 9.
              Mike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute, Indiana.  Last year, he taught his students about the world’s rain forests.  They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food, wood, and medicine.
                Destructionof the world’s rain forests is a serious problem.  Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute!  As part of a class project, Myers’ students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America. They paid $25 per acre. The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed. The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real rain forest.
                So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river. They saw alligators and crocodiles.  In the middle of the week, a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest. “The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest.  They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at us,”one of the students said,“It was a great learning experience for all of us,”said Myers.
                Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving the plants, animals, food, and culture.  During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities.They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding, and visited Costa Rica’s active volcano.
               Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.
              (1) Myers’students paid       for the rain forest they bought?
              A. $25 B. $75 C. $80 D. $2000
              (2) At the beginning of the trip, Myers and his students         ?
              A. went into the rain forest.
              B. bought acres of rain forest.
              C. took a boat ride down a river.
              D. visited Costa Rica’s active volcano.
              (3) The word “Destruction” in paragraph 2 probably means“the process of being ________.”
              A. destroyed B. developed C. described D. discovered.
              (4) When the monkeys saw Myers and his students, they ________.
              A. felt excited B. felt angry
              C. jumped off the trees D. left the rain forest
              (5) The passage mainly shows that Myers and his students ________.
              A. did something to protect rain forest
              B. wanted to buy the rain forest in Costa Rica
              C. were interested in the culture of Costa Rica
              D. went to the rain forest for various fun activities
            • 10.

              You’ve got plenty of emails from your mom,and maybe even a few from dear old grandma. But have you ever received a message from a river?

              Now,Ireland’s River Lee is sending out much information,thanks to wireless(无线的) technology. In a program called the DEPLOY project,scientists have put some sensors(传感器) in rivers that can find pollution levels.

              Instead of asking scientists to collect water samples several times a day,the government can now examine pollution levels in the water,and find out if there is anything polluted entering the river. This makes it much easier for scientists to protect the environment,since problems can be discovered before a serious pollution accident really happens.

              People in the area can also receive free reports from the river,so that they can find out whether the water is safe for swimming or boating on a certain day. And people can also know if the water is clear enough for them to drink and use.

              The DEPLOY project has not only started in Ireland,also the same programs have started in thousands of places around the U.S. Now you live in a world in which you could receive information with your mobile phone about environment. The technology should help to make us know more about the pollution that surrounds us—which just might get us all a little more involved with trying to clean up our world.


              How do scientists find pollution levels in rivers?

              A. By putting sensors in rivers.
              B. By using mobile phones.
              C. By boating or swimming.
              D. By surfing the Internet.

              The underlined word “samples” in the passage means “_______” in Chinese.

              A. 样品 B. 有机物 C. 无机物 D. 示范

              The DEPLOY project is a project that cares for ________.

              A. weather B. environment C. industry D. study

              Which of the following is TRUE?

              A. The DEPLOY project has only started in the United States.
              B. The DEPLOY project tells us how to keep the air and water clean.
              C. The DEPLOY project helps us live in a world with clear air.
              D. You can receive information about environment with your phone.
