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            • 1. Your schooldays should be good and happy days of your life. How can they be useful to you? You can do these things.
                  Be active (积极的) at school. Don't always say things are difficult or boring to your school life and your school subjects. Join lots of activities. Put up your hands quickly in class. Go around the school with a big smile.
                  Remember to eat breakfast. If you don't eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. If you go to bed late and don't have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. Play enough sports every day in order to (为了) keep your body strong.
                  Face the problem. Do not say you will do things tomorrow. You cannot finish the race if you rest all the time. Everyone fails some exams, and has bad days. Don't make small problems very big and important. Don't forget to ask for help. You are young, and no one thinks you must do everything quite well!
                  Don't spend time lying in bed on Saturday or Sunday morning. Go and play sports, get together with friends in the park, it is relaxing. If you don't want to go out, you may read a book, practice English or help your mom with housework.
                  Follow our advice (建议), and have a happy school life!
              Title: (1) ______  to have a good school life

              Be active at school
              Be (2) ______  in school life and school subjects. Join lots of activities.
              Make yourselves happy.
              (3) ______ Eat breakfast every morning.
              Go to bed early.
              Take a lot of daily exercise.
              Face the problem Ask for help if you can't solve your problem, because you are (4) ______  young ______  nobody thinks you must do everything quite well.
              Spend the weekend Get out with friends (5) ______  yourself.
              You can read books and help your mother with the housework.
            • 2. Clothing is a language. We can look at traditional clothing to know more about culture.
                    Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress. The three colors-red, gold and green, are commonly used in the clothing. The first color stand for the blood of millions of people who fought for freedom; the second , rich resources of the African earth; and the third, the grassland of home.
                    Because clothing has strong social meanings, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothes, or to dress in the wrong way. For example, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband(腰带) differently according to the importance of the social event. Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose(宽松) clothing. The temperature there can be very high during the daytime but very low at night, so it requires that the clothing are comfortable for daily life.
                     Today although more and more young people like wearing Western clothes, especially in big cities in Africa, traditional African dress is still quite important. This is because it has deep culture meanings.

              Traditional dress in Africa
              Different colors The three most(1) ______  colors used in clothing are red, gold and green.
              Different colors (2) ______  for different things.
              Social meanings Because clothing has strong social meanings, people have to choose what to wear
              (3) ______ .
              Woman in Ghana even wear different waistbands according to how (4) ______
              the event is.
              Everyday life Because the temperature (5) ______ greatly, clothes are usually loose and comfortable.
              Though Western clothes are popular with young people in some areas, traditional clothes are still of great importance.
            • 3. ______ Black
            • 4. It is reported that school accidents,such as food poisoning (食物中毒),fires,electricity and traffic,kill more primary and middle school students than anything else.So we must learn how to protect ourselves better.Here are some tips for keeping safety in mind every day.
              On our way home or to school:Wait for the green traffic light,and look left and right before we cross the road.We"d better wear bright-color clothes,so the drivers can see us easily.Don"t believe strange people in the street.
              At school:When students around us begin to push each other,we need to stand still and try to hold onto something,or stay in a corner until the crowd(人群) leaves.If we fall down in a moving crowd,use both hands to cover the head.Lean(倾斜) to one side,curl up (蜷缩) our body and bend (弯曲) the legs.
              In a fire:Stay calm.Leave the classroom quickly under the instructions of the teachers.Smoke can be more dangerous than fire,so use a piece of cloth to cover our mouth and nose.What will we do if the clothes burn?Remember not to run!Drop and fall to the ground.Then roll!It will make the fire go out(熄灭).
              For eating:Wash fruits carefully before eating them.Check the expiration dates (保质期) on the packages of the snacks,and if it smells bad,don"t eat it.
              Topic:Keep safety in (1) every day
              Fact It"s (2) that school accidents kill more students than anything else.
              Safety Tips On the way •Wait for the green light,look on both (3) before we cross the road.
              •Wear bright colors.
              •Don"t believe (4) people in the street
              At school •We need to stand still and try to hold onto something,or stay in a corner (5) the crowd leaves.
              •We"d better (6) our head with both hands,lean to one side,curl up our body and bend our legs.
              In a fire •Stay calm.Follow the teachers" (7) and leave quickly.
              •Cover our mouth and nose by (8) a piece of cloth.
              •Drop to the ground and roll over and over to (9) out the fire.
              For eating •Wash fruits carefully before we eat them.
              •Check the expiration dates.Don"t eat the food that (10) bad.
            • 5. Hobbies are activities(活动), which we do in our free time. There are so many kinds of hobbies one can choose for his or her own. Some hobbies are really expensive, and some are even dangerous.
              The most popular hobbies in our country are as follows:
              Collecting hobbies We can collect a lot of things. Usually people collect the stamps, postcards or coins. Some people collect unusual things like old cars, old motorbikes or other interesting things, which could be very expensive.
              Art hobbies Going to the theatre, concert(音乐会), opera; playing some instrument ( the most popular instrument is guitar ); painting, writing, poetry. There are many clubs-such as singing, dancing, etc.
              Sports games Everybody do some sport activities-sport can keep us fit. Many students are members of a sports club-basketball, volleyball or swimming.
              The other popular hobby is watching TV or a video, playing computer or video games, but it is not so good for your eyes and your mind. Many people here like to spend their free time reading books, magazines and newspapers. Some people like listening to music better. Going out can be very expensive now.
              Many students would like to make use of their hobbies in their future jobs, e.g. working with computer, but it is not so easy. Hobbies are very important for everybody. A man would be very poor without a hobby and would not be pleased.
              Title (1) for Us to Choose From
              Introduction There are many hobbies one can choose: expensive or dangerous.
              (2) body
              Collecting hobbies Many people like (3) stamps, postcards or coins.
              Some people like to collect (4) things, such as old cars, old motorbikes, etc.
              Art hobbies We can go to the theatre, concert or opera.
              We can also learn to play some instrument.
              Some have (5) painting, writing or poetry.
              Going to (6) for entertainment(娱乐)is also very interesting.
              Sports games We can take part in some sports activities or (7) sports clubs.
              Other hobbies Watching TV or a video and playing computer or video games are interesting things to do, but not too much, for they may be (8) for our eyes and mind.
              We can choose to (9) or enjoy music for pleasure.
              Conclusion For many students hobbies are (10) for their future jobs.
              Hobbies are important for everyone, without which we would be poor and not pleased.
            • 6. 阅读短文,根据其内容补全下面表格.(每小题1分,满分5分)
              Homework can be a headache for kids and teenagers as well as for their parents.The following are some tips to make homework time more effective(有效的).
              ◆No TV.Kids should not watch TV while doing homework.
              ◆The radio is OK.Some studies have shown that having the radio on teenagers" favorite music station can help kids learn better.
              ◆Make fixed(固定的)hours.There should be a fixed timetable for homework.In this way,the kids can plan their time and make sure they get their homework done every day.
              ◆Make telephone rules.Don"t let the kids use the telephone when they are doing their homework.However,sometimes it becomes necessary to use the telephone.For example,they call the classmates up to make sure about homework and answer other questions about homework.
              ◆Find out a good study area.First,find out a right place for your children to do their homework,usually in their rooms.And then make it convenient(方便的)for studying.Prepare enough studying tools,such as pencils,pens,paper and books.

              How to better use the homework time
              No TV Kids should not (1) when they do their homework.
              The radio id OK Kids can (2) by having the radio on teenagers"favorite music staion
              Make fixed house Kids can (3) and make sure they finish their homework on time.
              Make (4) Kids shouldn"t use the telephone unless it;s necessary.
              Find out a good study area. Do homework in (5)
            • 7. ______ He likes stories about history.
            • 8. Jia Meng used to keep a diary (日记) in Chinese. But one year ago, the 14-year-old girl from Hei Longjiang began to write her diary in English, because Jia found her mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed the language because her mother can't read English. "It's like killing two birds with one stone." said Jia, "My privacy (隐私) became safe and my English improves a lot."
                  Jia's mother is not the only mom who reads her child's diary. Recently, Renmin University of China had a national survey among over 2, 3000 parents. The results show that  40% of parents read their children's secrets. That's why, like Jia, many teenagers try to find ways to protect(保护) their privacy.
                  Wu Lei, 15, of Shanxi, keeps a diary, too. But he doesn't write in on paper. He writes online which he thinks is perfectly safe because his parents "know nothing about the Internet."
                  Lu Huan, 13, of Guangdong, said her parents always secretly listened to the talk between her friends and her on the telephone in their room. To solve this problem, Lu asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone.
                  "Parents want to know what is going on in their children's lives," said Shao Xiazhen, a teenage expert in Beijing. " But sometimes they go about it the wrong way." Shao suggested to teenagers that instead of hiding their secrets, talking to parents is a better solution. "If your parents know that you are safe, they'll let you keep your secrets. And if you understand each other better, there may be no need to protect privacy."
              Title: Is it(1) ______  to protect privacy or not?
              Fact It's reported that 49% of the parents, that is to say,  nearly(2) ______  of the parents read their children's secrets.
              Examples Jia Meng used to keep a diary in Chinese but now she has changed the language into English.
              To stop parents from reading his diary,Wu Lei never writes on paper. (3) ______ , he writes his diary online.
              Lu Huan asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone because tiiey listened to her talk with her friends on the telephone in their room.
              (4) ______ Since parents (5) ______   what is happening in children's lives, a social worker advises that talking to parents should be much better than hiding the secrets.
            • 9. Everyone wants their skin(皮肤) to look good.If your skin is clear and healthy,it makes you feel good about yourself.How do you get great skin?Here are some ways:
              Protect(保护)your skin against the sun.
              Wear a hat to protect your face.A wide hat is best,as it will protect your ears and neck as well.
              If you are going to be outside,especially in the sun,you should put on sun cream(防晒霜) in summer.
              Stay in the shade whenever you are able to.
              How to wash your skin?
              Wash your body all over once a day.Use a mild soap and warm water to wash your body.
              Wash your face using a face cloth and soap or cleaning cream,and then wash with cool ater.Twice a day is enough,as too much cleaning can hurt your skin.
              What else should you do?
              Remember to drink lots of water,for your skin loves it.
              Regular exercise is good for your skin.
              Eating healthy food is good for your skin,too.
              Title:How to (1) great skin
              Why we should
              protect skin
              Clear and healthy skin makes you feel good about yourself.

              Some (2)
              to protect skin
              Protect your skin against the sun (3) a wide hat to protect your face,ears and necks.
              •It"s necessary to put on sun cream in summer if you are be (4)
              •Stay in the shade whenever you are able to.
              How to wash your skin •Wash your body once a day (5) mild soap and (6) water.
              •Wash your face (7) a day,too much cleaning can hurt your skin.
              What ______ things you should do •Remember to drink (8) water.
              •Regular exercise is good for your skin.
              •Eating (9) food is good for your skin.
            • 10. It"s very important to know the relation between children and sports. Parents should know that sports play an important part in the development of a child. First, they get physical exercise. So they are healthier and stronger when they grow up. Second, they become more outgoing. Third, they get to know the importance of working hard.
              When parents choose a sport for their children, they should remember the following things. First, the special skills that the sport needs should not be too hard. Second, don"t push(逼) the child to take up a sport that he or she doesn"t like. It is also important to remember not to push a child too hard to play a game. The child should learn a game and develop it at his or her own speed(速度). This will also give him or her the chance(机会) to choose a right sport.
              Remember to choose a sport that fits the children"s age and know the children"s ideas on any sport.
              The relation between children and sports
              Sports play an important part in (1) Children are healthier and stronger.
              Children become more outgoing.
              Children get to know (2)
              Things that parents should remember when they choose a sport for a child. The special skills that the sport needs should not be too hard.
              Don"t push the child to (3)
              Don"t push a child too hard (4)
