优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)Why did Michael get up early on March 5th?

              Because he was too _________ to fall asleep.

              (2)Where did he go that day?

              He went to Garden _________ and visited the old people.

              (3)How did he arrive there?

              He arrived there _________.

              (4)What activities did he and his cousins do there?

              They helped the old clean the windows and sweep the floor. Some read newspapers and some _________ magic tricks.

              (5)How often will they go there?

              They plan to go there _________ a month.

            • 2.

              Lu Xun is one of the great writers of modern China.___(1)____

              He were born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, in 1881.  ___(2)_____

              At first, Lu Xun hoped helping the Chinese people become    ____(3)____

              healthy and strong, so he decided to be an doctor.          _____(4)_

              After a little years, he started to write short stories because        ____(5)____ 

              he wanted to teach people about society. One of her most      _(6)______

              famous story is The True Story of Ah Q. It describes                ____(7)____

              the hardly life of Ah Q and                       ___(8)__

              make people think about society.              ___(9)_____

              At the 1920s, people began to translate his works into English.   ___(10)____

               (1)________ (2)_________ (3)________ (4)_________(5)__________  (6)________ (7)_________ (8)________ (9)_________(10)__________ 

            • 3.

              你能想出好办法来保护孩子们不感冒吗?( protect)

              Could you come up with some good ways____________________________

            • 4.





                 The Huaihe River has been serious polluted. Day and night millions of ton of waste water is being poured into it from hundreds of factories. The waste water is harmfully. At present     there is no fish on it. The river water cannot be drink. People in either bank have to dig wells get drinking water. The Huaihe River is such dirty and poisonous that people don’t dare swim in it. Something must be done to stopping the pollution. The government and the people near the river must try clear the water as soon as possible. Now special attention has been pay to the pollution by the government and scientist. The pollution will be prevented in the near future.

            • 5.
              Different countries have different national _______(旗帜).
            • 6.

              The ___________(organize) often try their best to donate money to people in need.

            • 7.
              ---So many _______ there, most of them are fond of fruit juice.

                ---Let’s go to see_______more of fruit juice they need.


              A.woman players; how much            
              B.women player; how many bottles                    
              C.women players; how many bottles     
              D.women player; how much
            • 8.

              (1)After he failed the exam, Jim made a right _________ to give up playing computer games. (decide)

              (2) My grandparents used to live on the _________ floor, but now they live on the first floor. (nine)

              (3) Such an important problem should be discussed _________ by all of you. (serious)

              (4) Jenny is a careful and kind person, we always get _________ from her. (warm)

              (5)John had a terrible cold yesterday, so he was _________ to finish the work on time.(able)

              (6)I saw that the old man was fat and had no hair, and had a gentle and simple look on his __________________ face. (peace)

              (7) —What do you think of that restaurant?

              —I can’t stand it. The food there is the _________ I have ever tasted. (bad)

              (8) I know my kids are not perfect either, and if I can accept my imperfections, I have to Accept _________ , too. (their)

            • 9.

              (1)His pet dog’s d________(死亡) made him very sad.

              (2)There are 50 p___________(乘客) on the bus.

              (3)Our teacher never a________ (允许) us to shout in class.

              (4)I don’t want to do my homework. I want to watch TV i_______(反而).

              (5)Neither of us wanted to say a word, we waked in s________ (沉默) by the river.

              (6)When I got to school, I r________(意识到)I left my homemork at home.

              (7)My cousin borrows my things without r__________(归还) them..

              (8)He didn't know the i_____________(重要性) of learning English.

              (9)I heard the news with much s_____________(满意).

              (10)You can i________ (想象) how happy I was when I heard the good news.

            • 10.


                  I ________ a mouse, but it ________ ________ quickly.


                  ________ ________ she ________ her keys last weekend?


                  Linda ________ ________ late last night to study ________ the math test.


                  It’s not right to ________ ________ your parents.


                  I ________ the visitors ________ the butterflies’ ________ ________ last weekend.

