优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.



            • 2.

              Cambridge is a small city on the east of England.    

              It has about 120,000 peoples. It’s on the River Cam.  


              There is lots of old buildings and churches.         


              It’s famous as Cambridge University.              


              London is the capital of the UK, with seven millions  


              people, but it is bigger than Cambridge and         


              it’s busy than Cambridge .London is in the          


              south of England and its on the River Thames.       


              The river is 36 kilometers long. London is a old city.  


              It’s about 2,000 year old. It is famous for Big Ben,   


              Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. 

              (1) __________
              (2) __________
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              (6)  ___________
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              (8) __________
              (9) ___________
              (10) ___________
            • 3.

              1.It is on Sunday today. Early in the morning my            

              2.classmate and I went to Xi Shan by bus to plant            

              3.trees. As soon as we got there, we began work.            

              4.Some were digging, some were planted, and there were  

              5.still some watering. Both of us were trying hard to           

              6.plant as much as we could. All of us were afraid of          

              7.falling behind. Before work, we were wet all over. Looking

              8.at the lines of young tree, we forgot our tiredness. We      

              9.came back at 12.we all think it is good of us to take        

              10.part out this kind of physical labor(体力劳动).                   

            • 4.


               A dog had the piece of meat in his                                                 (1)         

              mouth. As he was walked on a bridge,                                                  (2)         

              he looked up and saw himself. He                                                       (3)         

              thought it was other dog. That dog had a                                            (4)         

              piece of meat in his mouth, either. He                                                  (5)         

              said to himself : “I wanted to eat more                                                 (6)         

              meat, I must get my meat. Then                                                         (7)         

              I can have three pieces.” He opened                                                     (8)         

              his mouth and barked. His meat fall down                                            (9)         

              into the river. Finally, he had something to eat.                     (10)         

            • 5.


                There will have a basketball                  (1)_______

               matches next week. I’m looking forward       (2)_______

              to watch the match.                          (3)________

              I and my classmatesare going to               (4)________

               watching our favourite team.                   (5)________

              We’re going to meet others fans                 (6)_________

              and make some new friend.                   (7)_______

              We are all going to wear the team shirt

               and we are going to cheer those player           (8)________   

              I hope they will win the match. I will

              enjoy oneself. Will you                       (9)________

              goingto watch the match with me?            (10)________

              (1) ________
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              (7) ________
              (8) ________
              (9) ________
              (10) ________
