优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1) 为了赶上早班车,明早我们最好早点起床

              We ______________ up early tomorrow morning in ______________ the early bus.

              (2) Leo现在吃得更多,锻炼得更少,所以他比以前重了很多。

              Leo eats more and ______________ now, so he is ______________ than before.

              (3) 我哥哥昨晚讲了一些有趣的笑话,逗得我们哈哈大笑。

              Yesterday evening my brother____________ jokes and made us ____________.

              (4) 在动物园,他们看见一个小熊猫喝了她妈妈的奶。

              They saw _______________ drink _______________ milk in the zoo.

              (5) 请把这张图片张贴在墙上。

               _________________ the picture __________________ please.

            • 2.


            • 3.

              help   a piece of   clothes   become   you

              Here are some   (1)   advice on how  (2)  the most popular student in class. Be  (3)  to everyone and do it happily. Be active and have a positive attitude towards life. Develop confidence in   (4)  . Stay clean and wear flesh  (5)   . Respect others and you will be a person that can be trusted.






            • 4.

              (1) exercise, good


              (2) road, rules


              (3) terrible, headache


              (4) who, answer


              (5) want, grow up


            • 5.

              Complete the sentences with proper forms of the words given.

              (1)The road to ________ (successful) is never straight.

              (2) If you know the answer, please ______ (raise) your right hand.

              (3) It will take me more time ______ (finish) reading such a thick book.

              (4) The children enjoyed _______ (they) in the park yesterday.

              (5)My uncle lives on the _______ (twelve) floor of the building.

              (6)The government expects to make a ________ (decide) soon.

              (7)This coat is the _______ (cheap) of all.

              (8) Nobody except you ______ ( be ) often late for school.

              (9)Norman Bethune gave his life to ______ (help) the Chinese people.

              (10) It is _____ (harm) to your health to drink too much.

            • 6.

              —I think ________ (最好的放松方式就是与朋友和家人一起度过时光).

              —Me. too. (spend)

            • 7. We don't know ________ it next. Let' s go and ask Mr Li.
              A.how to do
              B.what to do
              C.whether do
              D.to do which one
            • 8. —Excuse me, could you tell me ____ a scarf?

                     —Sure! You can go to the second floor.


              A.to where buy
              B.where to buy
              C.to buy where
              D.where should I buy
            • 9.

              but, laugh, smile, what, topic, and, well, change, who, win, happy, one

              Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself”.

              When I was a young boy, I was too shy to talk to anyone. My classmates often    66    at me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, something happened,    67    it changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to take part in it.    68     a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak in front of all the teachers and students of my school!

              “Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to    69   .” Then mother and I talked about many different    70   . At last I chose the topic “Believe in yourself”. I tried my   71    to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times. With my mother’s help, I did well in the contest. I could hardly believe my ears when the news came that I had won the    72    place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students.  The classmates     73    once looked down on me, now all said “Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged me and cried    74   . Since then, everything has   75    for me. When I do something, I try to believe in myself and I will succeed at last. This is true not only for a person but also for a country.

            • 10.

                   It is Saturday today. Many stores are at great sales.

                   Lisa is in Justin Store with her mother because they     64     (sell) all their clothes and food at very good price.

                   First they buy clothes. The clothes in the store     65     (be) very cool. They buy a jacket for Lisa’s brother and Lisa’s mother     66     (buy) a sweater for herself (她自己). It is nice. The color is black. But Lisa     67     (not like) the color. She likes red.

                   Then they go to see the food. Lisa wants     68     (eat) hamburgers. She chooses (挑选) two. They are 2 dollars. They     69     (not have) fruit at home. So they buy some pears.

                   Do you need clothes and food? Come and     70     (see) clothes and food in Justin Store, too!

