优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1) 为了赶上早班车,明早我们最好早点起床

              We ______________ up early tomorrow morning in ______________ the early bus.

              (2) Leo现在吃得更多,锻炼得更少,所以他比以前重了很多。

              Leo eats more and ______________ now, so he is ______________ than before.

              (3) 我哥哥昨晚讲了一些有趣的笑话,逗得我们哈哈大笑。

              Yesterday evening my brother____________ jokes and made us ____________.

              (4) 在动物园,他们看见一个小熊猫喝了她妈妈的奶。

              They saw _______________ drink _______________ milk in the zoo.

              (5) 请把这张图片张贴在墙上。

               _________________ the picture __________________ please.

            • 2.

              There are five         (people) in his family.

              What nice pictures!All of         (they) look beautiful.

              Are those two both       (banana) trees.

              Can you give me some bottles of         (orange), please?

              I’m new here, let’s       (be)friends, OK?

              His father comes from a big ________ of seven kids.(family)

              Liu Ming doesn’t like Chinese at all,is he glad          (live) in Zhengzhou?

              My sister tells me to help      to the cake (I)

              What about       me the way to the children’s shop? (show)

              Your aunt is a bus driver ,how cool! can she     a car like this?(drive)

            • 3.

              —I think ________ (最好的放松方式就是与朋友和家人一起度过时光).

              —Me. too. (spend)

            • 4.


              (1)Mr Green enjoys_______________ (work) in China.

              (2)The _______________ (perform) is from Australia. He is also popular in China.

              (3)There are a lot of_______________ (visit) in Lijiang.

              (4)Chinese is_______________ (little) difficult than English.

              (5)Please tell him _______________(wash) his hands before meals.


              (1)Last Sunday we didn’t go out_______________(因为)the rain.

              (2)Did you write a(n) _______________(日记) yesterday?

              (3)It’s_______________(必要的)for us to exercise every day to keep healthy.

              (4)—Which_______________ (节目) do you like best?

                —Avenue of Stars.

              (5)You can ask the teacher for more_______________(信息). 

            • 5.


                Yesterday we interviewed ___________ about his time _____________ the environment.

            • 6.


              The government has tried to do something ________ ________ the small ________ all over the country.

            • 7.


              ________ ________ all of the photos are excellent, we are ________ ________ ________ that we cannot give ________ ________ everyone.

            • 8. 他盼望着收到他父母的来信.(hear)

              He expects _____________________________________________.

            • 9.

              你需要找一个搭档来练习英语。       (practice)

              You need to find a partner _____________________. 

            • 10.


              (1)  The TV set is so expensive that I canˈt afford ____________ (buy) it. (2)  Neither Li Ping nor his partners ____________ (see) the filmMonkey King:Hero is Back. (3)  The little boy gave an __________ (patient) reply and left in a hurry. (4)  Sometimes it is difficult for me to make a ____________(decide) by myself. (5) We should spend as much we can ___________ (do) something to protect our environment. (6)  He is a man full of ___________(wise). (7)  I don’t know what I should pay attention to _______________ (reduce) the pollution.
