优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)I have three ping-pong balls, but he only_______ (have) one.

              (2) There _______ (be) a book and some pens on the desk.

              (3) This is Tom. _______ (he) mother is our English teacher.

              (4) How much are _______ (that) socks?

              (5)Jack likes fruit, but he _______ (not like) vegetables.

            • 2.


              (1).We all agree that Mr. Green is an ________ [ʌndətændɪŋ] teacher.

              (2).As friends, we should ________ [trʌst] and help each other.

              (3). My grandmother doesn't feel well and I tried to make her sit ________ [kʌmfərtəbli].

              (4).We found that only fifteen p ________ of our students exercise every day.

              (5).I think I am a ________ to make my dream come true if I work hard.

              (6).My mother likes to follow the soap operas and see what h ________ next.

              (7).Some people ________ (可能) ask how Mickey Mouse became so popular.

              (8).It is ________ (危险的) for children to play with fire in winter.

              (9).Did you buy ________ (某样东西) special on your vacation?

              (10).My father and I ________ (决定) to go back to hometown yesterday afternoon.

            • 3.

              have,nine, look, they, library

              (1) Bob is nine years old. May 1st is his ________ birthday. (2) There are two _________ in our school, I like reading books there. (3) The sweater _________ nice. I ’ll take it. (4) We like apples, and we eat _______ every day to keep healthy. (5) I have a blue jacket and my sister ________ a red jacket.
            • 4.

              (1)I go to the zoo once a month. (对划线部分提问)

              ________ ________ do you go to the zoo?

              (2)Tom is popular with his classmates. He is more outgoing than Sam. (变同义句)

              Sam is ________ ________ ________ ________ Tom in his class.

              (3)My father bought a computer yesterday. (变为否定句)

              My father ________ ________ a computer yesterday.

              (4)I will go to the concert tonight and I will have a good time. (用If连接两句话)

              If I ________ to the concert tonight, I ________ have a good time.

              (5)I can't stand talk shows.

              ________ do you ________ talk shows?

            • 5.



              Wechat ________________________________ for people to communicate with each other.


              Wufeng and Yidu ________________________their tea.


              Mike ________________ to watch the soccer game last night, he is kind of tired now.


              We________________________ Tu Youyou because she won the Nobel Prize.


              Not only ________________ to others at school, she also helps her parents a lot at home.

            • 6.


              (1)Look! There are many ________ (sheep) eating grass on the hill.

              (2)Who do you think is the most ________ (success) Chinese male swimmer in Olympic history?

              (3)We are very sorry to hear that the accident caused the ________ (die) of the old man.

              (4)Every year ________ (thousand) of visitors come to Baligou to enjoy the beauty of nature.

              (5)Could you give us some ________ (suggest) on how to protect ourselves from an earthquake?


              be interested in, take care of, wake to, take part in, stay away from

              (1)He canˈt go with you tomorrow, because he has to ________ an important meeting.

              (2)I ________ classical music three years ago, but my brother wasnˈt.

              (3)To keep fit, we had better ________ the unhealthy lifestyle.

              (4)When he ________ the next morning, he found something strange around him.

              (5)The boy always ________ himself when his mother is away on business.

            • 7.

               rain   something   famous  grade   busy 

              (1) Thanksgiving is the _________ travel holiday of the year in America. (2) Remember to study for knowledge and not study for getting good _______. (3) Taizhou is becoming a civilized(文明的) city, so we must do _______ useful to protect the environment. (4) Hangzhou is more and more ________ around the world because of the G20. (5) If it _______ (rain) tomorrow, my father will take me to school in his car.
            • 8.

              完成句子 根据语用提示,完成句子

              (1) Tom告诉你以后树会越来越少,他可以这样说:

              ____________________________________________ in the future.

              (2) 你想邀请Lily来参加你的生日派对,你可以这样邀约她:

              __________________________________________________, Lily?

              (3) 你想知道同桌Ken对体育节目的看法,你可以这样问他:


              (4) 你期待大学牛业后可以去上海上作,你可以这样告诉妈妈:

              ______________________________________ after I finish college.

              (5) Anna告诉你中山公园离她家最近,她可以这样说:

              Zhongshan Park _________________________________________.

              (6) 你想问妈妈如何做奶昔,你可以这样问她:


              (7) 爸爸想知道你是否想看达人秀,他可以这样问你:


              (8) 你想知道Claire每周会上几次钢琴课,你可以这样问她:

              _________________________________________________ Claire?

              (9) Helen想知道你旅途中有没有遇到有趣的人,她可以这样问你:

              ____________________________________________ on your trip?

              (10) Jeff告诉你他周末得去看医生,他可以这样说:

              ___________________________________________ on weekends.

            • 9.

              (1) Every teacher ____________(希望) us students to study hard and get good results.

              (2)The more careful you are, the __________ (少) mistakes you’ll make.

              (3)America was ____________(发现) by Columbus in 1492.

              (4)--- How do you like the film?  

                      --- It’s the second most_____(兴奋) film that I’ve watched.

              (5)Don’t play in the street. It’s d_______(not safe)

            • 10.

              (1). There are some_______________ (different) between Western food and Chinese Food.

              (2). I always get up ___________________ (early) than my wife.

              (3). When I work for a long time, I will get b_________(厌倦).

              (4). Bob works hard. He t_________ (努力) to be a good student.

              (5). He wants to learn Chinese c___________ (文化).

