优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. The writer mentions the statement on the AASA Website to ______ .
              A. explain the reason to hold the e-day program
              B. show the difficulty of running the e-day program
              C. suggest the government should spend more money on education
              D. explain why some students can't afford computers for online classes
              A.explain the reason to hold the e-day program
              B.show the difficulty of running the e-day program
              C.suggest the government should spend more money on education
              D.explain why some students can't afford computers for online classes
            • 2. What is the main idea of the story? ______
              A. High school students like learning about traditional Chinese culture.
              B. The new curriculum standards focus more on traditional Chinese culture.
              C. China is making efforts to become an educational power.
              D. People's interest in traditional Chinese culture is growing.
              A.High school students like learning about traditional Chinese culture.
              B.The new curriculum standards focus more on traditional Chinese culture.
              C.China is making efforts to become an educational power.
              D.People's interest in traditional Chinese culture is growing.
            • 3. We can infer from the passage that ______ .
              A. words and sentence structures are only a small part of language learning
              B. a difficult book is good for language learning
              C. a student in Grade 7who keep reading a lot after school can improve a lot
              D. reading with ideas is more important than reading a lot
              A.words and sentence structures are only a small part of language learning
              B.a difficult book is good for language learning
              C.a student in Grade 7who keep reading a lot after school can improve a lot
              D.reading with ideas is more important than reading a lot
            • 4.
              Dear Merry,
              Recently,I have trouble with my study.
              In school I can't listen to teachers carefully because I always feel tired and sleepy.I don't spend time with friends after class either because I think it's a waste of time.I even miss writing some answers in the test.
              At home,I can't get my homework done every night.My parents don't let me stay up.So
              I have to get up early the next morning to finish it.Lately,I even get a bad headache.
              How can I solve these problems?
              Dear Liu Ya,
              When you have trouble listening to teachers carefully in class, you can ask your teachers or deskmate to remind you often.Then spending time talking about many different things with friends can make you happy.It's not a waste of time.As for homework,when it's hard to get finished,one thing you can try is setting goals for yourself.Ask your parents to help you.You must take a break,especially if you don't feel well.You might be surprised but a short break can help you get more done!Lastly,if you don't worry and have enough sleep,your headache will leave you.

              (1) Liu Ya wrote the letter to Merry in order to ______ .
              A. ask for help
              B. express worries
              C. share her experience
              (2) Liu Ya doesn't want to stay with friends after class because ______ .
              A. she needs to sleep
              B. she thinks it's a waste of time
              C. she has trouble with her classmates
              (3) Merry thinks ______ .
              A. taking a break is necessary
              B. being with parents is helpful
              C. setting goals by parents is important
              (4) According to the underlined part,what might Liu Ya's teacher say?
              A. Sleep for a minute.
              B. Listen carefully.
              C. Stop talking.
              (5) From Liu Ya's letter,we can find that she is too ______ .
              A. passive
              B. proud
              C. stressed.
            • 5. What’s the advantage of interdisciplinary classes according to Liang Jingjing?
              A. It helps her connect physics and chemistry to each other.
              B. It makes her fully understand the poem through painting.
              C. It improves her creative skills in physical experiment.
              D. It teaches her how to get the egg out of the bottle.
              A.It helps her connect physics and chemistry to each other.
              B.It makes her fully understand the poem through painting.
              C.It improves her creative skills in physical experiment.
              D.It teaches her how to get the egg out of the bottle.
            • 6.


                   When we ask readers, teachers and students what their biggest problems are in reading English newspapers, almost everyone immediately answers “vocabulary”! It is true that some readers are probably to find many new words, but that is not really a “problem”. We hope to show you a good way to increase your vocabulary.

                    One way to do this is, of course, to make a great effort to learn new vocabulary by using your dictionary. Look up a large number of new words you meet in the newspaper. That is not the method (方法) we are going to talk about, however. In fact, overusing the dictionary is not good for your understanding of the stories. It slows down your reading speed so much that it is difficult to see how ideas fit together. Instead, we are going to suggest very useful ways for increasing your vocabulary and your reading comprehension (理解) at the same time.

                   One of the fastest way to build your vocabulary through the newspaper is on a “topic by topic” basis (基础). You can do this by reading stories with similar topics. You can also follow an interesting story for several days or more. You will begin to see a group of words commonly associated (有联系的) with the topic.

                     The other way we suggest is to use context to learn vocabulary. Sometimes you can guess the meaning of the new words with the help of the sentences around them. Also, some newspapers are made to be understood easily. Stories are written for general audience, not for experts. And there are also several photographs besides the stories.

              (1) What is the popular problem we meet when we read English newspapers?
              A. The topics are too hard to understand.  
              B. There are so many new words.
              C. Grammar is the biggest problem.     
              D. The writing style is too new for us.
              (2) What is the most common way we use when we meet some new vocabularies?
              A. Ask teachers for help.                  
              B. Leave them alone.
              C. Look them up in the dictionary. 
              D. Try to understand them with the help of the topic.
              (3) __________ is one of the ways that the writer suggests in the passage.
              A. Reading stories with similar topic      
              B. Reading dictionaries
              C. Reading as much as possible         
              D. Reading different kinds of stories
              (4) What does the underlined word “context” mean in Chinese?
              A. 读者             B. 买方         C. 作家             D. 上下文
              (5) What is the best topic for this passage?   
              A. How to read English newspapers      
              B. How to improve your English
              C. How to use the dictionary           
              D. How to learn new vocabularies   
            • 7.
              Now,as we know,people who get better education can always get jobs with more money.In other words,they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education don't.It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs.But this isn't accepted by all people.
              Some people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life to get education only for a way of living.This was probably one of the earliest reasons of education.In fact,if education is just a way of making a living,people don't need to spend so much time in school.People can get education for a living in a short time.Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone.Even language and math need not be taught in detail(详细地),either.Here it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.
              Education is well-rounded and it is mainly for improving a man.It is not only to teach him to speak,read and write,but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilities.After that,it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human.Education is to make a man lead a better life.Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music,read good books,watch plays and most of them take an interest in the world.
              I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education,but certainly not the most important or the main reason.
              (1) People with little education usually ______ .
              A. spend a long time in school
              B. have a good chance to get a job
              C. spend the best years to choose jobs
              D. have fewer chances to get a good job
              (2) The underlined word"well-rounded"in the passage means" ______ "in Chinese.
              A. 圆满的
              B. 崭新的
              C. 全面的
              D. 公平的
              (3) It is expected that educated people will be able to ______ .
              A. take an interest in the whole world
              B. accept education as a way of living
              C. develop their abilities to make plays
              D. learn subjects like language and math
              (4) The passage mainly tells us that ______ .
              A. all subjects are so important for a way of living
              B. people can get education in a short time
              C. people should be able to get better paying jobs
              D. education should make a man improve.
            • 8.

              Volunteering is really great. It can help make a difference in the community and even the world. It can also be an opportunity(机会) to meet new people and learn new skills. If you’d like to give something to a cause besides money, consider lending your time and talents to organizations that are important to you.

              Below are some suggestions to guide you on how to volunteer.

              Tip1. Consider why you want to volunteer. Do you want to help the world or the community? Do you want to build your own skills or make new friends? Ask yourself these questions before volunteering. It can help you choose the right direction for your volunteer work.

              Tip2. Look for volunteer work that suits your skills and interests. If the volunteer work is above your ability or doesn’t interest you, you will have no enthusiasm(激情) to do it well.

              Tip3. Get some training. Some volunteer work calls for some special skills. You need to get some training in order to do a good job.

              Tip4. Start with something small. If you already have a busy schedule, you can volunteer for an hour or two every week or perhaps one day every month. If you keep on doing that, you might be surprised how much you can accomplish.

              Tip5. Try not to give up. You will face some difficulties in the volunteer work. At that time, you should not give up. Instead, you can seek help from other teammates.

              Tip6. Have fun. You will accomplish more if you love what you do. Besides, your enthusiasm will influence others.

              After reading these suggestions, why not sign up for some volunteer work in your school or in your community?

              (1) By asking yourself why you want to volunteer, you can _________.
              A. help the world or your community .                
              B. learn new skills.
              C. find the right thing for yourself to do.              
              D. succeed in making new friends.
              (2) The sentence which is underlined(下划线) means _________.
              A. you should make good use of your time
              B. you can use a little of your time for volunteering if you are busy
              C. you can give up volunteering if you are busy
              D. you should volunteer for a long time no matter how busy you are
              (3) The word “accomplish” means “________.”
              A. organize         B. get        
              C. achieve         D. manage
              (4) The main idea of the article is _________.
              A. some suggestions on how to volunteer                                            
              B. why you should do some volunteer work
              C. what volunteer work you can do                        
              D. volunteering is really great
            • 9.
              According to a recent survey,most of the students say that they don't like math.In almost every country and every grade,students always have to learn math,however,other subjects like art are not compulsory(强制性的).How does this happen?Why can't students avoid learning math while they hate it?
              A high school student called Jack in California once asked,"What good does learning math bring us?Do we really need math in our daily life?Will our life be harder without math?As we know,computers have reached every corner of our life.They can be used to compute numbers more quickly and accurately(精确地).They can be used to store information as much as possible.Don't you think learning math at school is a waste of time and energy?"
              However,educational experts say math can do more than just adding and subtracting (减)numbers.Learning math is not so much about counting as it is about learning to think logically(逻辑地) and improving your ability of solving problems.Of course,Jack was right that we can use computers to add and count numbers,but how can we know how to use the computer without the ability of thinking logically?We should keep it in mind that computers are only tools when we solve problems.How to solve the problems mostly depends on ourselves.
              Let's take a cook as an example.If you are asked to serve dinner to one hundred people at a time,how should you divide your materials so that you can finish the job in the shortest time?If you want to turn to(求助于) a computer,can it really help you out?To solve this problem,you will have to input(输入) your ideas into the computer and get the solution.In our daily life,we often face such situations,the ability to think logically will help you get a reasonable answer and solve your problem.
              (1) What does the writer mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 1? ______
              A. Most students hate learning math.
              B. Most students prefer art to math.
              C. It is unnecessary to learn math.
              D. Math is learnt in almost every country.
              (2) What does Jack think of learning math at school? ______
              A. Boring.
              B. Difficult.
              C. Useless.
              D. Popular.
              (3) Educational experts think ______ .
              A. math is more important than any other subject
              B. learning math helps us improve our mind
              C. math is being widely used in people's daily life
              D. humans are much cleverer than computers
              (4) The example in the last paragraph is used to tell us ______ .
              A. it is difficult to become a good cook
              B. we have to solve our problems by ourselves
              C. a cook can serve many people at a time
              D. computers can help cooks solve problems
              (5) What's the best title of the passage? ______
              A. Is Learning Math Really Unnecessary?
              B. Students Want to Give up Learning Math.
              C. Math is Becoming Less Interesting.
              D. Math is More Useful than Computers.
