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            • 1. Mrs.Jackson is an American doctor.She is now in China.She works in a children's hospital in Chongqing.She is also learning Chinese medicine there.She likes Chinese medicine very much.She loves to work for children.She works hard in the day and reads English books on Chinese medicine at night.She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends.Now she can speak some Chinese.She can read some Chinese,too.
              Her husband,Mr.Jackson,is a teacher.He teaches English in a middle school in Chongqing.He works hard,too.He works from Monday to Friday.He teaches three classes every day.he wants to make more money.

              46.The Jacksons are from England.    
              47.Mrs.Jackson works in a children's hospital in Shanghai.    
              48.Mrs.Jackson is learning Chinese now.    
              49.Mr.Jackson is an English teacher    
              50.Mr.Jackson doesn't work hard.    
            • 2. 阅读下文并回答问题.
              This summer,Xu Haoming is going to leave the school.He really misses the days he has passed with his friends in the school.He especially misses the unusual experience in Junior Two.
              His school held an art festival last may.There were many interesting activities during the whole month.They could draw pictures on T-shirts,cook dishes or take nice pictures with their own cameras.Xu enjoyed drawing,so he took part in drawing pictures on T-shirts.
              The last day of the festival was the show time for all the activities.The students got together on the playground.Drawing pictures on T-shirts started at 2p.m.as the last show.They were given 2hours to draw what they liked.Xu drew a monkey on his T-shirt,because it was his favorite animal.Then they put on their own T-shirts.When Xu wore the T-shirt with the cute monkey,his classmates all said he looked cool.He felt so proud,though no prize went to him.

              66.Does Xu Haoming miss the experience in Junior Two?    
              67.When did Xu’s school hold an art festival    
              68.What did Xu Haoming draw on his T-shirt?    
            • 3. My name is Belinda Black.I’m 13years old and I come from Mount Elm Sheep Station in South Australia.I’ve got two sisters-Jeffers is 11and Lisa is 7.We’re all pupils at the school of the air.The school of the air is actually a school for children who live in the outback,and who are in a place which doesn’t have a local school.Our teacher is at Port Augusta,a city which is about 160kilometers away.Most people in South Australia live in big cities,but there are some people who live on farms in the outback.My mother lived in Mel bourse before she met my father,so she knows about city life.She says she thinks it’s safer here,because there’s no traffic,no noise,no pollution,not many people and lots of space.In the mornings,we go to our classroom at 8:45.It’s really just a small wooden building.When we get there,we turn on the radio and listen to what we should do.And from then until 12,we just do our normal lessons.In the afternoons,our mum makes us do some homework-well,not homework,but extra work.We send our exercise books to our teachers on Friday night and they mark them every Monday and Tuesday,and then they send them back again.We get them when the email arrives every Wednesday.
              We also talk to our teacher once a week for 10minutes.She tells us if we’re making progress.We also use the Internet and the telephone to contact our teachers more quickly,but it’s still the radio which is the most important way of doing our lessons.

              46.The passage mainly talks about        
              A.The school of the air.
              B.The school of the countryside.
              C.The school of the farm.
              D.The school of the city.
              47.Why do Belinda and her sisters study at home?       
              A.Because they use the internet and the telephone to contact their teachers more quickly.
              B.Because she wants to stay with her sisters at home.
              C.Because there is no school in the place where they live.
              D.Because their teacher is at Port Augusta that,which is about 160kilometers away.
              48.The good points of being a pupil at their school are the following except that    
              A.there are not many people and they are safer          
              B.they can neither see traffic nor listen to noise 
              C.they have lots of unpolluted space 
              D.they have many classmates
              49.How long does the school day last?     
              A.From 8:45until 12:00.
              B.All day long.
              C.The whole afternoon.
              D.Two hours.
              50.How often do they receive instructions from their teacher?        
              A.Twice a week.
              B.Four times a month.
              C.Once a day.
              D.Three times a month.
            • 4. Around the world,summer vacation means long days,sunshine,swimming,sleeping in and,most importantly,no school.
              Hundreds of years ago,students took the summer off to help their parents in the fields.Today,though,summers are full of fun¾no work.A summer vacation means so many opportunities for kids:extra closes,sports,hobbies or catching up on studies.
              If you’re lucky,during the weeks away from school,you can volunteer,travel or go to a camp.It’s time to do a part-time job to learn a new skill.You may hang out with friends all day.Some kids just kick off their shoes and jump into rivers and swimming pools.
              If you’re not so lucky,summer vacation may mean summer school¾a long,hot summer inside the classroom.
              Whatever your plans,make this summer a good one.Take on a project.Learn something!Help someone!Make this summer one to remember.

              96.What does summer vacation mean all over the world?    
              A.Long days.B.Activities.C.No school.D.All above.
              97.What did students do in their summer vacation hundreds of years ago?    
              A.They studied in extra class.B.They worked in the fields.
              C.They volunteered.D.They went abroad.
              98.Do students need to go to the classroom in summer vacation?    
              A.No,they don’t.B.Yes,of course.
              C.Maybe,some will.D.Sure,they will.
              99.If you want to learn a new skill,you may    
              A.do a part-time job                     B.sleep
              C.kick off your shoes                     D.jump into rivers
              100.What is the best title for this passage?    
              A.World of Summer.B.The History of Summer.
              C.Unlucky Summer.D.Old Summer.
            • 5. 阅读短文,然后在文后表格内完成内容摘要.
              Now,we’re getting happier and happier.But in fact,everyone worries.How do you deal with your worries?Whether your worries are big or small,you can take these three steps to do with them:
              1.Try to find out what you’re worried about.
              Sometimes,you will know what you’re worried about.Other times,you might not.Try to find it out first; if you can’t,you can ask for help.
              2.Think of ways to make it better.
              There is always something you can do to help you feel less worried.Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won’t solve your problem.
              If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend,you might write down all the things you could do:write a not to him or her,invite him or her to a basketball game,say sorry to him or her,etc.Once you have a list of things you could do,you can choose the one that gets your friend back.
              3.Ask for help.
              When you’re worried,it can help t o find someone to talk to.You can ask your parents,friends,or teachers for help.
              Title:How to deal with   61     
              Fact    62         
              Ways   63      
              Think of ways to make it better.
              Reason:Worrying is no fun and it won’t solve problems.
            • 6. 阅读短文,并按要求完成76~80题.
              As the Internet becomes more popular,many older media (媒体) businesses are dying out.But TV seems to be doing OK.In fact,it's doing better than OK.Though the Internet is popular in the world,television continues to draw more and more people all over the world to many of its programs.Hundreds of millions turn to TV to watch World Cup soccer,Olympic Games and Discoveries.
              In many places,increasing numbers of people can watch more TV than before.Ten years ago,only 44% of British homes had satellite or cable TV(卫星或有线电视).Toda y,more than 93% do.More importantly,recent studies show that people are spending more time watching TV.Surprisingly,this is even true of young people between the ages of 8 and 18.Today's television industry has given so many choices.As a result,people can watch more of the things they like 24 hours a day.
              The technology behind television has also improved.The big boxes that once filled living rooms are gone.Today's TV screens are thinner and thinner,yet the pictures are better and better.TVs are also moving from living rooms into kitchens and vehicles.
              For years,TVs have also been used as video game players.But now they have been used in a few new ways.Many televisions can connect to the Internet and record programs.They also let people watch two programs at the same time.Today the most modern television has been on the way of development.
              The Internet is the main challenge (挑战) for television now.But TV industry has shown that television will be important for years to come.
              76.Studies show that people are spending more time watching TV than before.    
              77.Many televisions can    the Internet and record programs.
              78.Where are TVs moving from living rooms?    
              79.What is the main challenge for television?    
            • 7. For most people,the word“fashion (时尚)“means“clothes“.But people may ask the question,“What clothes are in fashion?“And they use the word“fashionable“in the same way:
              “She was wearing a fashionable coat.His shirt was really a fashionable colour.“
              But of course there are fashions in many things,not only in clothes.There are fashions in holidays,in restaurants,in films and books.There are even fashions in school subjects,jobs…and in languages.
              Fashions change as time goes.If you look at pictures of people or things from the past,you will see that fashions have always changed.An English house of 1750was different from one of 1650.A fashionable man in 1780looked very different from his grandson in 1860.
              Today fashions change very quickly.Some of this is natural.We hear about things much more quickly than in the past.Newspapers,radios,telephones and television send information from one country to another in a few hours.
              New fashions mean that people will buy new things,so you see there is money in fashion.
              46.Most people think that“fashion“means    
              A.subjects          B.holidays         C.books           D.clothes
              47.By     we can see that fashions change as time goes.
              A.finding a job                        B.looking at pictures
              C.eating in a restaurant                  D.wearing a fashionable coat
              48.In the 5th paragraph the writer mentions     kinds of ways to send information.
              A.three            B.four            C.five              D.six
              49.“There is money in fashion“means    
              A.people like fashion and money         B.fashionable things are expensive
              C.one can make money through fashion    D.a fashionable man makes much money
              50.The passage is mainly about    
              A.the changes of fashions               B.the kinds of colours
              C.the money in fashion                 D.the differences between houses.
            • 8. 阅读C篇材料,按要求完成下列各题.
              When I was a child,my parents always told me that I should never talk to strangers.This was part of a whole list of things I should never do:Never acce pt food or candy from strangers,never get in a car with strangers,and so on.
              But if we didn’t start a conversation with strangers,we,d never make new friends.We,d never get a job.①We may miss the joy that comes from talking with strangers. And the more people you know,the more chances you can find.
              The following passage offers you some advice on how to ②break the ice
              Don,t just stare at your shoes.Go and say“Hi”to that new guy.It will be easier to break the ice if you know more about different cultures.
              British:Beautiful day,isn’t it?
              The weather in Britain is changeable.So,it’s one of the topics the British care most about.And there’s a simple rule:Say“Yes”whether you agree with the person’s idea on the weather or not.③That’s because the British start a conversation using the weather so that they can continue their talk.
              French:Where did yo u go on holiday?
              To talk with a French person,the safest way is to ask about his or her last holiday.French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months.French employees(雇员)get more than six weeks of holidays per year.
              American:So,where are you from?
              The US is so big and people move so often that location is always a source (来源) of talk.You can try to find a connection with the place they’re from.For example,if someone’s from Los Angeles,you could say:“Oh,I have a friend who studied there.”
              That’s because the British start a conversation using the weather    their talk.
              64.What do you usually talk about to start a conversation with a French person?
              65.What is the main idea of the passage?
            • 9. Almost all of us have unpleasant habits.We all want to get rid of(摆脱) them,but we don't know proper ways.Here’s some advice.
              ●Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some behavior.Look at the reasons very often.
              ●It's clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits.If you get angry easily,for example,you can go out for a walk.
              ●Decide what you'll do to reward(奖励) yourself if you really get rid of your bad habits.
              ●If you get too heavy,keep junk food out of your house.
              ●Bad habits develop over years,so you can't get rid of them very soon.So you should be patient.
              ●Don't be afraid to ask others for support.You can talk to your friends,family or other people.When you talk to them,they might be able to provide some advice that you can’t get from yourself.

              How to Get Rid of Bad Habits
              Make a listWrite down(66)      you want to get rid of your bad habits.
              Join in some activitiesYou’d better do something else when you want to stop your bad habits.
              Give yourself a rewardDecide how to reward yourself if you(67)     in getting rid of your bad habits.
              Keep off your bad habitsStay away from (68)      if you want to be thinner.
              Be patientIt’s(69)      to get rid of a bad habit in a short time.
              Ask for  helpWhen you talk to others,they may give you(70)    
            • 10. The building is shaking.A woman with a baby in her arms is trying to open the door,but fails.Finding no way,she rushes into her bedroom and there they survive  the earthquake.
              In a factory building,as the workshop floor swings under the terrible shaking,workers run for safety.Some hide(隐藏) under the machines and survive,but others who try to run outside are killed by the falling ceilings.
              These scenes,played by actors and actresses,are from a film of science education《Making a Split Second Decision》shown in 1998on China Central TV in memory of Tangshan Earthquake.
              By studying actual cases in the earthquake areas and scientific experiments,experts(专家)find that buildings remain untouched for the first 12seconds of an earthquake.
              In this short time,one has the best chance of surviving an earthquake by staying near the inside walls,in bedrooms and under beds,experts concluded in the film.“Earthquakes seem to catch the lives of those who run,”said many survivors in the earthquake areas,describing how their friends were killed on the doorways or along the stair steps as they tried to get out of the building.
              Their advice was proved in the film,“Take a hiding-place where you are rather than run,unless you are sure you can reach a safe open place in ten seconds.”

              70.The word“survive”appears in the passage several times.It probably means     in Chinese.
              A.遇难    B.幸存     C.恐惧     D.摇晃
              71.The workers who tried to run outside the building died because    .
              A.the factory building was shaking terribly
              B.they were making a film
              C.they didn’t have enough time to run outside
              D.they were too nervous
              72.The passage suggests that you should     when an earthquake happens.
              A.cry for help
              B.not move and lie on the floor at once
              C.run down the steps as fast as you can
              D.find a safe place and hide in at once or run out in ten seconds
              73.Where can we probably find this passage?    
              A.In a magazine          B.In an advertisement
              C.In a history book      D.In a poster.
