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            • 1. We need to be responsible(有责任心的)for our environment.Being a frugal costmer(节俭的消费者)is one way to help.But,what exactly does that mean?
                Use it up
                You can use things up instead of wasting them,Press the last bit of toothpaste(牙膏)out of the tube,use the last little piece of soap.DOn't throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box.
                You do not always need to have new things.Suppose there are holes in your socks.Mend them and wear them longer.You don’t have to have the latest telephone until the old one doesn’t work anymore.Then you get a new one.(72)Think twice before replacing something that still works.
                When something you want is not on hand look for something else that you already have to take its place.Suppose you are preparing your lunch for tomorrow and want a better sandwich.However,there is not any butter in your home.Have a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese.With a little thought,you can make something do,instead of buy something new.
                Do without
                Think about all those things that you would like to have.Do you really need them?How long will you really play with that new toy?Make a list of things that you want.Delete the things that you don’t really need,so you can save a lot of resources(资源).
              71.When can you get a new telephone according to the passage?     
              72.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.    
              73.What should you do if you don’t have butter for a sandwich at home?    
              A.Wear it out
              B.Make it out
              C.Make it do
              75.Give a title(题目)to the passage.    
            • 2. (2014•福州)Smartphone,poor sight
              Look around and you’ll see people busy on their smartphones.Smartphones do make our lives easier.But have you ever thought about what they mean to you eyes?
              According to a study,half of British people own smartphones and they spend an average of two hours a day using them.There has been a 35% increase in the number of people in the UK who suffer from shortsightedness since smartphones were introduced there in 1997.
              Staring at smartphones for long time gives you dry eyes.When looking at something in the distance,your eyes automatically blink a certain number of times.However,when you look at things closer  to your face,the blinking slows down.This reduces the amount of tears and causes discomfort in your eyes.Another bad habit is using  smartphones in dark rooms before going to sleep.If you look at a bright screen while your pupils become larger,too much light enters your eyes.This can do harm to the eyes and cause a disease called glaucoma.
              While you’re probably not going to stop using to your smartphone,there are a few things you can do to protect your eyes.Hold  your phone at least 30continues away from your eyes when using it.Take a break every hour and try the following:look at something at least five meters from you and then focus on the tip of your nose.Repeat this several times.It should reduce the discomfort in your eyes.
              66.The article is mainly about    
              A.the rules to obey when using smartphones
              B.the harm that smartphones do to users’s eyes.
              C.the reason why teenager get shortsightedness
              D.advantages and disadvantages of smartphones
              67.From Paragraph 2,we learn that    
              A.half of the British people began to smartphones 17years ago
              B,each of the British people spends two hours a day on smartphones
              C.more British people have suffered from shortsightedness since 1997
              D.the number of British people who own smartphones increases by 35%
              68.according  to Paragraph 3,using smartphones improperly may cause    
              A.too many blinks    B.more tears in the eyes
              C.smaller pupils     D.dry eyes and glaucoma
              69.Which  of the following is suggested by the writer?    
              A.Don’t use the phone for over an hour without a break.
              B.Hold the phone at learn half a meter away from the eyes.
              C.Turn off your phone for a couple of hours every day.
              D.Look at something green far away for several minutes.
              70.This article is written to advise people    
              A.not to buy smartphones   B.to stop using smartphones
              C.to make full use of smartphones  D.to use smartphones properly.
            • 3. Make Yourself Safe Before You Go
              Cars are lots of fun,but they can always be dangerous.(34)We have to be careful when we are driving them.It's always a good habit to put on your seat belt (安全带).Why?Think about this example:
              Put an egg on a skateboard(滑板)and give it a push.If the skateboard hits a stone,the egg will fly through the air,hit the ground and break just because of the sudden stop.
              Now think what will happen if you tie the egg to the skateboard.When the skateboard hits a stone,it will stay safely on the skateboard.(35)This example shows why you should wear a seat belt in a car
            • 4. Qi Haoran,a Junior 1 student,was quite busy over the past winter vacation-and not just with homework.Qi,together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign (“光盘行动”).
              The 11students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food.“Excuse me,do you know that 950million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat?Please don’t waste food.”They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
              The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January.It calls on people to reduce food waste.
              China in these years had serious problems with wasted food.CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200million people for a year.
              Chinese people are well known for being hospitable (好客的) and generous(大方的).Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.
              Luckily,the campaign has got the support of many.In a restaurant in Xinjiang,the owner give the guests who have eaten all that they ordered a sticker (贴花).People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10stickers.More than 750restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers (剩饭剩菜) home
              To reduce food waste is a big task,and it needs time.It’s important that everyone does their bit,just like Qi.Did you finish your meals today?

              66.What did the 11students do in the winter vacation?    
              A.The helped each other with homework.
              B.They opened a restaurant together.
              C.They volunteered for a campaign.
              D.They collected money from customers in restaurants.
              67.In this passage the underlined word“call on”means    
              A.打电话      B.号召      C.拜访     D.叫喊
              68.The Clean Your Plate Campaign calls on people to    
              A.do volunteer work           B.work part time in restaurants
              C.cut down on food waste       D.wash your plates after dinner
              69.From Paragraphs 4-5,we learn that    
              A.wasting food is a serious problem in China
              B.Chinese people waste the most food in the world
              C.Chinese people want to show off that they are rich
              D.most Chinese people are afraid of losing face at the table
              70.What did the restaurant in Beijing do to support the campaign?    
              A.The owner would have dinner with those who had eaten up their food.
              B.It offered a free meal to the guests who had finished all their food ten times.
              C.It gave stickers to the guests who ordered small dishes.
              D.It encouraged customers to take leftovers home.
            • 5. This is a story from a meeting held by some people and two things in nature.We call it the Four-Sided Talk.Let's“listen to“everyone carefully and find out what they think.
              We know a little about the environment problems.Hearing what all of you said,we’ve decided to protect the earth and love the earth.We’ve also made the June 5th World Environment Day.
              We have lived on the earth since ancient times.The earth is our home.We have done some harm to our home!From now on,we should make full use of the resources on the earth and protect the earth.Let’s try our best!

              61.What doesn't the old tree tell us    
              A.He's afraid to be cut down some day.B.He has fewer and fewer friends.
              C.The trees have the longest lives in the world.D.He has lived for thousands of years.
              62.What's the meaning of the underlined word“disasters““    
              A.神话         B.奇迹        C.财富     D.灾难
              63.Why do some people get sick after drinking the water from the river    
              A.Because the river is polluted.
              B.Because the river makes the earth more beautiful.
              C.Because the river can only offer water to animals.
              D.Because there are too many animals and plants in the river.
              64.What have the United Nations made up their minds to do from the passage    
              A.Set an Earth Protecting Day.B.Protect and love the earth.
              C.Hold an international meeting.D.Find out what is making the pollution.
              65.What will people do according to the passage    
              ①Over-use the resources.②Make good use of the resources.
              ③Start a global group.④Protect the earth.
            • 6. Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful,popular way to keep fit.It has many followers around the world.There are many kinds of yoga.You may have heard of“hot yoga”before.Now,in India,a new kind of yoga,water yoga,is becoming more and more popular among the local people.
                 In the city of Agra,people practice yoga in water.It is more difficult to practice yoga in water than on land.But practicing yoga in water can be good for your flexibility (灵活性).
                 Harish Chaturvedi,a lawyer,teaches people water yoga for free-even the poor people can learn from him.“Water yoga can become more popular than other kind of yoga,because the body does not get tired so quickly,”he said.“Everybody can learn to swim,but if they learn yoga at the same time,they will never feel tired.”
              “The level of Oxygen(氧气) is very high in water,and you will not have any breathing problem,”he added.
                 Harish believes that water yoga really helps people to keep away from illness.He mainly trains children.He has classes at the swimming pool of a local sportsroom regularly.Many children are interested in it and come to team from him.
              “Harish is very good at performing yoga in water,”said Sudhir Narayan,a water yoga student.“He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing.”

              61.What is Harish Chaturvedi?    
              A.A teacher.
              B.A lawyer.
              C.A doctor.
              D.A swimmer.
              62.Why is water yoga more popular than others?    
              A.Because you can learn to swim at the same time.
              B.Because you don’t get tired so quickly.
              C.Because it can keep people fat.
              D.Both A and B.
              63.The underlined phrase“for free”in the passage means    
              64.There are more_______than _______ in Harish’s yogaclass.    
              A.children; adults  
              B.adults; children     
              C.women; men    
              D.olds; adults
              65.What can be the best title of the passage?    
              A.Ways to keep fit                 
              B.Water yoga in India
              C.Hot yoga in the world            
              D.Harish Chaturvedi and his classes.
            • 7. What does it mean to be green?“Green“is more than just a color.It also means taking special steps to protect the environment-the water,the land,and the air we breathe.Why green?Plants are green,and without them the earth wouldn't be such a lovely home for us human  beings.
                 Sometimes people call ours a“throwaway society“.That means we are always throwing away old things and buying new ones.Many times,if you no longer need something,someone else just might need it.For example,if your brother is old enough not to play with his plastic bike,why not give it to another family who has a little kid so that they don't need to buy one?And one less large plastic toy doesn't need to be produced.
                 Recycling(回收利用) has never been easier.Many organization will pick it up right in front of your house and some towns even require(要求) it.Tell your mom or dad you want to become“Chief of Make sure you encourage everyone in your house to think whether things can be reused or recycled before they're thrown away.
                 Almost everyone likes traveling.But next time before you travel around the world,take a look at your own backyard.Is there a place where you could plant a tree or put in a little fruit or vegetable garden?If so,get there and get your hands dirty.Then you can watch with pride as your tree takes root,and your garden plants grow into big plants full of ripe,red tomatoes of tiny,juicy blueberries.Who knew being green would taste so good?

              56.In the first paragraph,the writer introduces the topic of the passage by    
              A.telling an interesting story 
              B.explaining the word“green“
              C.giving some special examples
              57.In a“throwaway“society,    
              A.people shouldn't produce any plastic things
              B.people can get anything they want from others
              C.people always throw away the used things and buy new ones
              58.To be“Chiefof Recycling“,you should    
              A.recycle things all by yourself
              B.ask your family to use the old things all the time
              C.find a place to keep the things that can be recycled
              59.You are advised to run a fruit or vegetable garden in order to    
              A.create a green environment 
              B.make a lot of money
              C.get your hands dirty
              60.The purpose of the passage is to tell us that    
              A.we must enjoy the nature
              B.we had better eat more green food
              C.we should protect our environment.
            • 8. Wang Yan,a 15-year-old Chinese girl,likes eating snacks very much.She prefers cream biscuits,McDonald’s food,KFC chicken.As a result,she has become overweight.
              Today in China,there are many children like Wang Yan.Health experts say that children should have healthy eating habits.First,they must eat regular meals and begin with a healthy breakfast.Second,they should have different kinds of foods,such as fruit,vegetables,grain,eggs,milk and meat.Third,children shouldn’t eat too much junk food.It’s delicious,but eating it often is bad for their health.If children do as the experts say,they won’t become overweight.They will be healthier.Students won’t become tired at school,and they will have enough energy to study hard.

              61.Why has Wang Yan become overweight    
              A.Because she doesn’t like sports.B.Because she likes eating vegetables
              C.Because she likes eating snacks.D.Because she likes eating fruit.
              62.How many pieces of advice do health experts give in this passage    
              63.What kind of food are good for our health according to the passage    
              A.Milk,fruit,KFC chicken.B.Cream biscuits,McDonald’s hamburgers and KFC chicken.
              C.Packages of biscuits.D.fruit,vegetables,grain,eggs,milk and meat.
              64.What will be the result if we do as the experts say?We will be    
              A.overweight.B.healthier.C.tired at schoolD.confident.
              65.What does the writer think of junk food    
            • 9. Mike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute,Indiana.Last year,he taught his students about the world’s rain forests.They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food,wood,and medicine.
              Destruction of the world’s rain forests is a serious problem.Unluckily,rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80acres per minute!As part of a class project,Myers’students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America.They paid﹩25per acre.The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed.The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real rain forest.
              So last June,Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river.They saw alligators and crocodiles.In the middle of the week,a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest.“The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest.They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at e us,”one of the students said,“It was a great learning experience for all of us,”said Myers.
              Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving the plants,animals,food,and culture.During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities.They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding,and visited Costa Rica’s active volcano.
              Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.

              36.How much did Myers’students pay for the rain forest they bought?    
              A.﹩25                 B.﹩75            C.﹩80           D.﹩2000
              37.What did Myers and his students do at the beginning of the trip?    
              A.They went into the rain forest.
              B.They bought acres of rain forest.
              C.They took a boat ride down a river.
              D.They visited Costa Rica’s active volcano.
              38.The word“Destruction”in paragraph 2probably means“the process of being    .”
              A.destroyed           B.developed        C.described       D.discovered.
              39.When the monkeys saw Myers and his students,they    
              A.felt excited     B.felt angry      C.jumped off the trees    D.left the rain forest
              40.The passage mainly shows that Myers and his students    
              A.did something to protect rain forest
              B.wanted to buy the rain forest in Costa Rica
              C.were interested in the culture of Costa Rica
              D.went to the rain forest for various fun activities.
            • 10. A recently study found people’s lives are made shorter in North China.It is showed the lifeexpectancy(平均寿命)had been cut down by 5.5 years there.Researchers think that the heavy air pollution in China should be to blame(承担责任).It’s really the truth.Our government has already done something.However,it doesn’t seem to work so well.
              “Air pollution in China is doing harm to people’s health.The harm is much more serious than we can imagine,”said ChenYuyu of Beijing University,one of researchers of this study.
                Dirty air brings serious problems in NorthChina.In January this year,the air pollution was worse than that in other places.That was caused by rising temperature and waste gas(废气) from coal heating.
                Chinese government should strongly fight against air pollution.They should think of more proper ways to deal with the problem.People should be encouraged to take buses,ride bicycles or walk,instead of driving cars.The factories that pollute heavily should be closed.
              “We need to improve our environment,although it might be expensive.Protecting our environment means protecting ourselves,”Li Hongbin,another researcher of the study said.

              53.The passage above may come from a(n)    
              54.Which of the following is LiHongbin’s idea?    
              A.The life expectancy had been cut by 5.5 years.
              B.Chinese government should close some factories that pollute heavily.
              C.People need to make pollution less,although it might cost a lot.
              D.The air problem brings us serious problems.
              55.What’s the main idea of the passage?    
              A.Air pollution in North China is caused by waste gas.
              B.To save the environment,our government should do something more.
              C.The temperature becomes higher and higher in North China.
              D.How air pollution in North China is caused.
