优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              Jim is my friend, now he studies in the US

              Three years have passed  since Jim          __(1)__

               goes  to the US. He likes travelling, so        __(2)__

              he has visited most of the sight  of America.   __(3)_____

              Then he has learned some America  culture.   ___(4)____

              Jim thinks that every day he can make a progress ___(5)__

               on  his speaking. In the US,he has to depend    __(6)__

               to himself,                                      ___(7)__

              and he has formed close relationship  with       __(8)____

              his classmates. His teachers are satisfying with him. ___(9)___

              They say they are pride of Jim.                 __(10)__

            • 2.

              In western countries, Christmas Day is the most important        

              daysin the year.                                         1. _________

              On Christmas Day, bells rang everywhere. People sing      2. __________

              and dance day and night. Most families

              buy presents to their children.                              3. __________

              People also put presents in their children’ stockings(长筒袜).   4. __________

              In many places Father Christmas himself

              brings presents to us. He is a kind old man.                    5. _________

              Christmas is also a time for people enjoy all kind of food.        6. _________

              Andsome poor people have no food to eat.                    7. _________

              They even dead of cold and hunger on Christmas Day.           8. _________

              Have you looked the story “A little Match Girl”? She            9. _________

              died in the morning of Christmas Day.                        10. _________

            • 3.


              Bob was only seven year old. One night Bob was at home alone _____(1)_____

              while his parents were out for a party. He had stayed lonely before, ____(2)______

              so he wasn’t afraid. As he waited for his parents to return to home, _____(3)______

              he watched a film on TV. His eyes became heavier and heavy as  _____(4)______

              time passed by.SuddenBob heard the window being opened slowly. _____(5)______

              Bob was such afraid that he could not move.                   _____(6)______                  

               He know that he couldn’t lose his head and began to think        _____(7)______

              howhe could do. Bob’s guitar were standing in the             _____(8)______

              corner next the TV. “Wait, I know what I can do,” thought Bob.   _____(9)______                                               

              He beat on his guitar as hard as he could. The sound was so terribly _____(10)______

              that Bob surprised even himself. He also surprised the man in the window,

              who ran away as fast as possible. How clever he was!

