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            • 1.
              Chinese President Xi Jinping urged development of the country's forestry(林业)while attending a voluntary tree planting in Beijing.Xi,also general secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee,visited an afforestation(植树)site in Beijing's Daxing District and planted six saplings(树苗)of different varieties at the site on April 5th,2016.
              Other top leaders,(A)_______Premier Li Keqiang as well as Zhang Dejiang,Yu Zhengsheng,Liu Yunshan,Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli,also attended the event.
              President Xi(B)______on officials at all levels to take the lead in voluntary tree planting campaigns(活动)to promote(促进)new development of planted trees①and,more,to,living,greener,make,environment,beautiful,people's.
              The president called for an altruistic(无私的)and down-to-earth spirit for much activities,citing(引用)the Chinese proverb② "people plant trees so their offspring(后代)can enjoy the shade."
              Xi told officials,volunteers and school children present the Mao Zedong issued(发布)the call of"greening the country"60 years ago,and the National People's Congress(代表大会)began the tree planting campaing 35 years ago at the behest(请求)of Deng Xiaoping.
              Over the years,China's forests have continues to grow at the fastest pace in the world this century,Xi noted.The president also stressed the environmental protection drive.

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