优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Students don't always get along well with their teachers. Sometimes they try to get out of a class to escape(逃离) a teacher they don't like. Here is some advice to solve this problem.

              ●Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this teacher?" If you don't worship his or her personality (性格) or lessons, you can find out what he or she is good at.. Focus on(聚焦) that part of the teacher's personality, and use him or her as a tool for learning. You'll not only get more knowledge in that subject, but also a closer relationship with your teacher! It may help you understand each other better.

              ●Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips, tools, and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better. If you're too shy to talk to another student, study his or her actions and behavior(行为) in the classroom and try to follow them.

              ●If you still can't get along, make an appointment with the school guidance counselor(辅导员). He or she will offer many tips and suggestions for you to get out of difficult teacher relationships. Sometimes a guidance counselor can be a mediator(调解员) between you and the teacher. That means they can help you and your teachers get rid of (摆脱)the bad impression(印象) on each other.

              ●If your relationship problems can't be solved in school, it's time to tell your parents. They can meet with your teacher and try to work it out.

              Teachers are there for more than just knowledge, and they know about more than just their subject. They can help you learn how to be a lifelong learner and a helpful adult.

              (1) What does the underlined word "worship" mean in the passage?

              A. to want to have very much.        
              B. to love and respect very much.

              C. to talk about a lot.               
              D. to make friends with.

              (2) What can we know from Paragraph 2?

              A. There must be something good in every teacher for you to learn from.

              B. Good relationship with your teachers is very important.

              C. Finding what the teachers are good at can't help you get along with them.

              D. Understanding each other is the only way to solve every problem.

              (3) What can we infer(推测)from the passage?

              A. Every teacher has a great influence on his students.

              B. A teacher will hate the students who don't like him/her.

              C. Teachers are very helpful for a student's development.

              D. Parents cannot help if their children don't get along with teachers.

              (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?

              A. How to solve problems at school.

              B. How to develop friendship with our classmates.

              C. How to get a good relationship with our teachers.

              D. How to follow the top students' actions and behaviors.

            • 2.

              Once there was a piano player in a bar(酒吧). People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.

               "I don’t sing," said the man.

               But the lady told the waiter, "I’m tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!"

               The waiter shouted across the room, "Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song!"

               So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!

               He had talent he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

              You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.

              (1) The lady asked the player to sing a song because __________.

              A. she had paid him for this                            
              B. she wanted to have a change

              C. she knew him very well
              D. she enjoyed his singing

              (2) Nat King Cole succeeded because __________.

              A. the lady helped him a lot       
              B. he continued to play in the bar 

              C. he caught the chance
              D. he stopped playing the piano

              (3) The underlined words "sitting on" in the passage probably mean "__________".

              A. fail to realize B. forget to use
              C. try to develop D. manage to show

              (4) Which could be the best title for the passage?

              A. Sing in the Bar    B. Achieve Success in Life

              C. Never Lose Heart    D. Find Your Hidden Talent 

            • 3.

              A teacher cleared off his desk and placed on top of it a few things. One of them was an empty mason jar(玻璃瓶). He filled the jar with golf balls until he could fit no more. He looked at the classroom and asked his students if they agreed that the jar is full. Every student agreed that the jar was really full.

              The teacher then picked up a box of small pebbles(卵石) and poured them into the jar with the golf balls. The pebbles filled all of the openings in between the golf balls. He asked the students if the jar was full. Once again, they agreed.

              Now the teacher picked up a bag of sand and poured it into the jar. The sand filled in all of the empty space left between the golf balls and pebbles. He asked the class again if the jar was full. The students agreed again.

              The teacher said, "I want you to know that this jar represents your life," he started. "The golf balls represent the important things: your family, health, friends…The pebbles represent the other things in life, such as your job, house and car. The sand is every small thing . If you put the sand in first, there is no room for the pebbles or golf balls.The same goes for life. If you spend all of your time on the small things, you will never have room for the things that are most important.

                 Pay attention to the important things in your life. You should know there will always be time to clean the house or go shopping.

              (1) Which of the following stands for the “pebble” according to the passage?

              A. Your problems. B. Your broken bike.
              C. Your promotion. D. Your life.

              (2) From the passage we know that _______.

              A. the teacher is too strict with the students

              B. we should spend more time on cleaning

              C. the water filled openings between sand and pebbles

              D. life should have enough room for golf balls

              (3) In this passage the underlined word “represents” probably means “ _______”.

              A. discusses B. protects C. explains D. stands for

              (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?

              A. How to make your life busy.
              B. What the real life should be.

              C. The order of life’s important things.
              D. How to use your time in a proper way.

            • 4.

              Blake threw the toy across the room. It broke into pieces. “Blake!” his mom shouted. ”  (1)   did you do that?” She took him to the corner of the room and made him face the wall. “You have to stay here for fifteen minutes and think about what you did. The broken pieces can   (2)  someone.”

              When fifteen minutes had passed, he turned around and said sorry to his mom, and then he was  (3)   to go out to play. His mom walked over to the corner where Blake had faced and   (4)   her hands on the wall. “A frog,” she said in surprise. She smiled and   (5)   to do something surprising.

              While he was gone, his mum got busy with her  (6)  . The hours passed quickly and soon Blake was home again. It was supper time. His mom put the plates of food on the table. Blake just   (7)   his. “I don’t like salad. I hate it.” He wasn’t   (8)  .

              “Just try it. I didn’t give you much.”

              “No, I don’t want salad.”

              Mom was   (9)  . “You go and stand in the corner for five minutes and think about how lucky you are to have  (10)  .”

              When Blake got to the corner, he started to smile. “Frogs!” He looked at the wall. His mom had   (11)  the green frogs on the wall, each sitting on a lily pad, their long tongues sticking out, trying to   (12)   flies. Blake laughed. When it was time for his coming back, he still stayed at the corner.

              “Why hasn’t Blake come back to eat his supper?” Dad wondered.

              “He must be  (13)   the frogs.” Mum laughed. “Go and look.”

              They both got up and went into the other room. “He   (14)   to spend so much time these days facing the wall. I thought it might make it a little less   (15)   for him.”

              “That’s a gift of love,” Dad said, smiling.

              (1) A. When B. How C. Why D. Where
              (2) A. kill B. hurt C. shoot D. pollute
              (3) A. allows B. invited C. refused D. reminded
              (4) A. cleaned B. waved C. rubbed D. reached
              (5) A. forget B. decided C. pretended D. meant
              (6) A. housework B. project C. exhibition D. business
              (7) A. waited for B. gave away C. ate up D. stared at
              (8) A. hungry B. serious C. polite D. pleased
              (9) A. silent B. nervous C. angry D. embarrassed
              (10) A. food B. fun C. clothes D. money
              (11) A. bought B. placed C. painted D. raised
              (12) A. touch B. protest C. taste D. catch
              (13) A. drawing B. enjoying C. counting D. feeding
              (14) A. prefers B. offers C. seems D. disagrees
              (15) A. boring B. interesting C. disappointing D. inspiring
            • 5.

              Many people likeanimals. So theykeep(饲养)  (1)   as pets. Usually people like tokeep dogs, cats, fishes and   (2)   animals as their pets.Many young people keep animals  (3)   they think these animals are   (4)  . Some old people keep petsbecause  (5)  children don’t live   (6)   them and they   (7)   lonely(孤独的).

              Mr. Li is an old man.He is apetdoctor (医生). He is friendlyto all people and their pets. Peopleinthe neighborhood love  (8)   very much.People usually call him “The Pet Doctor”. Whenpeople’spets are sick(生病的),they oftenask Mr. Li for   (9)  . Mr. Li can always help the sickpets get well soon. So he is   (10)   popularin the neighborhood.

              (1) A. animals      B. sports        
              C. music                       D. gift
              (2) A. any                B. other        
              C. another                    D. others
              (3) A. so                 B. but          
              C. or                            D. because
              (4) A. strict               B. scary        
              C. cute                         D. afraid
              (5) A. their           B. they            
              C. your                        D. our
              (6) A. on                 B. for          
              C. with                         D. over
              (7) A. feel          B. look               
              C. sound                       D. taste
              (8) A. she                B. her                
              C. he                            D. him
              (9) A. work B. help C. job                      D. dream
              (10) A. never        B. a little       
              C. always                     D. kind of
            • 6.

              Once upon a time,a hippo(河马)lived in a river next to a big tree.

              One day,a bird came and nested(筑巢)in the tree.The songs of the bird filled the hippo with so much envy(羡慕)that he couldn’t think of anything else.Every day he would think why he wasn’t born to be a bird even though the bird told him many times he was so lucky to be so big and such a good swimmer.

              Finally,the hippo made up his mind that he would come out of the river,climb the tree and start singing.However,when he tried to climb the tree,it was very clear that the hippo didn’t have wings,nor claws to climb with.

              Realizing that he would never climb up the tree,he angrily hit the tree until it came crashing to the ground.Then he stepped onto the leaves of the fallen tree,and began singing.

              Unfortunately,hippos can’t sing,either.All that came from his mouth were terrible noises,and when the other animals heard this,they all came around to make fun of the hippo.

              He was so ashamed by this.He also felt bad about having knocked the tree over.He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again,and look after it until it completely recovered.(康复).

              (1) The hippo envied the bird because       
              A. he could fly high
              B. he could build a nest
              C. he could sing well
              D. he could live in the tree
              (2) After reading this passage,we know       
              A. the writer is telling us a true story
              B. the story happened on an autumn day
              C. the bird thought he was luckier than the hippo
              D. the hippo tried to do something against his nature.
              (3) The hippo in this story       
              A. was happy all the time
              B. did not respect his friends
              C. liked to talk a lot but did nothing
              D. corrected his mistake when he realized it
              (4) From the passage,we can infer(推断) that the hippo would     aftersuch an experience.
              A. be a good singer
              B. be good at climbing trees
              C. stop envying the bird
              D. not make friends with other animals
              (5) The best title of this passage may be“       ”.
              A. The hippo that wished to sing
              B. The tree that was knocked over
              C. The bird that wished to swim
              D. The animals that were in high spirits.
            • 7.
              At one of the school in London, the students can go into town in the afternoon. But they must   (1)   to the school before six. One afternoon, Bob went to see a film. When he came back to the school, the school gate had already been closed. He went around the building to   (2)  door. That one was closed, too. Then he saw an open window on the   (3)  floor. It was the   (4)  office, Bob looked   (5)   the room, but no one was in. He quickly   (6)   into the room. Just then he heard a voice. Bob looked round and hid himself   (7)   a chair. Then the headteacher came in and sat down on the chair. He read a book for an hour. At last the headteacher stood up and went towards the door. “Thank goodness, he didn't   (8)  me.” Bob thought.   (9)  he left the room, the headteacher spoke to the chair, “Would you please   (10)  the lights when you leave?”
              (1) A. come                 B. go                      
              C. return                D. get
              (2) A. the other           B. another             
              C. small                  D. open
              (3) A. first                     B. second             
              C. third                   D. fourth
              (4) A. teacher's           B. headteacher's 
              C. door keeper's     D. students'
              (5) A. at                        B. out of                
              C. into                    D. from
              (6) A. climbed             B. went                  
              C. ran                     D. jumped
              (7) A. behind            B. in front of      
              C. beside            D. under
              (8) A. see                     B. hear                  
              C. catch                 D. find
              (9) A. As soon as       B. After                  
              C. Before               D. When
              (10) A. turn up              B. turn on             
              C. turn down         D. turn off 
            • 8.


                There were three big fish in the lake.One of them,Demo,was wise;another one,Jimmy,was half-wise;Martin,the third one,was stupid.
              Some fishermen came to the bank of the lake with their nets.The three fish saw them.
              Demo decided at once to leave,to make the long and difficult trip to the ocean.He thought,"I won't discuss with these two about this.They love this place so much that they call it home and will stay on.How silly they are!They still haven't realized we are in great danger now.Their ignorance will cost them their lives."
              Seeing the wise fish had left,Jimmy thought,"My guide has gone and now I've lost my chance to escape."He felt sorry for it and then thought,"What can I do to save myself from these men and their nets?Perhaps I should pretend(假装)to be already dead,giving myself totally to the water."So he did that.He went up and down with the water,helpless,within arm's reach of the fishermen.
              "Look at this!The best and biggest fish is dead."One of the men lifted him by the tail,and threw him up on the ground.He rolled(滚动)over and over and moved secretly toward the water,and then,back in.
              The third fish was aimlessly jumping about,trying to escape with his speed and cleverness.The net,of course,finally closed around him,and as he lay in the hot frying-pan bed,he thought,"If I get out of this,I'll never live again in the limits of the lake.Next time,the ocean!I'll make it my home."
              (1) The passage is a ______
              A. diary
              B. story
              C. notice D. poem
              (2) The underlined word"ignorance"in the passage means" ______ "in Chinese.
              A. 冲动
              B. 勇气
              C. 锻炼 D. 愚昧
              (3) Jimmy thought that he could escape from the fishermen by ______.
              A. traveling to the ocean
              B. pretending to be dead
              C. jumping here and there
              D. asking others for help
              (4) Who was caught by the fishermen at last? ______
              A. Demo
              B. Jimmy.
              C. Martin. D. Nobody
              (5) What can we learn from the passage? ______
              A. It is important to make proper changes in time.
              B. Good chances are always given to the honest.
              C. The stupid can also succeed with great efforts.
              D. We shouldn’t change for ever.


               What would the world be like if cars could drive themselves?Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner,or a car full of passengers who are reading,listening to music or even sleeping.But none of them are worried about the road ahead.
              Well,all of this could be the future of driving.There are several companies,including Google,working on driverless cars.So far,no Google self-driven car has gotten a traffic ticket,but some of them have been in accidents when other cars hit them.
              These cars are now still in the testing stages.But,if the tests are successful,these electric self-driven cars could be put into use very soon.
              The cars already have many features(特点)allowing them to take the place of drivers during certain situations.Some features include cars being able to park themselves,or slow down when they notice objects close by.They can also control the speed if there are dangerous conditions.
              Scientists and engineers believe,with the help of wireless(无线电的)signals,cameras and GPS,we are now at a stage where creating a safe self-driven car might be possible.
              The cause of deadly road accidents is usually careless drivers or dangerous conditions.The self-driven car may be able to prevent these.However,some people do not like the idea.American lawyer Whit Drake,for example,doesn't believe these cars are safe.He thinks that technologies can also be mistakes.
              (6) The main purpose of the first paragraph is to ______.
              A. make readers wonder about self-driven cars
              B. get readers to pay attention to road safety
              C. tell readers to keep away from heavy traffic
              D. tell people about the wireless signals.
              (7) The testing self-driven cars need ______ energy to run.
              A. solar
              B. nuclear
              C. electric D. cameras
              (8) From the passage,we know that the testing self-driven cars can already ______
              A. avoid being hit by other vehicles on roads
              B. control the speed in dangerous situations
              C. turn around when getting near objects
              D. go everywhere.
              (9) What might make the self-driven cars run safely according to the passage? ______
              b.wireless signals
              A. a,b,c
              B. a,b,d
              C. b,c,d D. a, c, d
              (10) What is Whit Drake's attitude(态度)toward the safety of the self-driven cars? ______
              A. He is sure about that.
              B. He believes it completely.
              C. He doesn't care about it.
              D. He has doubt about it.


              Using mobile phones in the daily lives of students has become common.However,how they use them has changed a lot in the last few years.Although phones are still widely used for communication,a recent survey shows that most students think chatting on mobile phones is now old-fashioned.
              Researchers interviewed 1000teens between 14and 19about their mobile phone habits.The findings were then compared to a 2010survey.The results are shown below:


              Mobile phone activities






              sending messages







              watching movies



              playing games



              listening to music



              suffering the internet



              Perhaps in the near future,mobile phone uses will change again and students may use them more in their lessons.However,the time spent on mobile phones should be controlled.Parents should encourage their kids to use their mobile phones more properly.
              (11) The most popular mobile phone activity in 2010was ______.
              A. Chatting.                                
              B. Talking.
              C. Playing games.                          
              D. Sending messages.
              (12) The percentage of time spent on communication in 2010was ______.
              A. 11%.              B. 28%.             
              C. 10%.              D. 49%.
              (13) Which were the first two most popular mobile phone activities in 2016? ______
              A. Chatting and talking.                    
              B. Talking and playing games.
              C. Playing games and listening to music.  
              D. Sending messages and watching movies.
              (14) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ______
              A. The number of students chatting on the mobile phones has reduced.
              B. Most students in 2016spent their time talking on the mobile phones.
              C. Fewer students are interested in playing games on the mobile phones.
              D. Listening music on mobile phones becomes less popular now.
              (15) The passage is a(an) ______.
              A. story              B. report            
              C. advertisement     D. opinion.
            • 9.

              We use our smart phones to carry out many tasks every day. Many of us have become so reliant on them. However, it is bad for our eyes and health to use too much phone.

                A study shows that smart phone owners usually start to use their phones early in the morning. They check personal e-mails and we chat. And before they get out of bed, many people often check the weather, read the news, and send a massage or two to friends. After getting up, they often takes photos of food themselves, and even whatever they can see with their phones They share their photos with their friends. The research finds that users pick up their phones more than 1,500 times to do different tasks in an average(通常的) week. And the smart phone users are on their phones for three hours and sixteen minutes a day. That is to say, people use their phone for almost one full day each week.

                  Using phones will take much time and it’s bad for our health. Many people stay up late to play phones. And mobile phones will influence our sleep. Without using the phones, many people will feel sad. Many owners also find they use their phones without realizing they’re doing so.

                    How do you think people use their phones too much?

              (1) The underline word “reliant” means__________
              A. dependent B. terrible C. enjoyable D. interested
              (2) Before getting up, many people use their phones to do tasks, not including______.
              A. checking weather B. sending massages
              C. reading news         D. taking phones.
              (3) How long do people use their phones a week?
              A. Almost three hours and sixteen minutes
              B. Almost six hours and thirty-two minutes     
              C. Almost twenty-four hours    
              D. Almost thirty-six hours. dependent  
              (4) Where can we probably read this text?
              A. In a newspaper   B. In a travel magazine 
              C. In a storybook   D. In a history book.
            • 10.

              What do you do in a situation like this? You’re calling dinner with friends at a nice restaurant. You’re having a great time when a phone rings at the table next to you. A man takes out his phone and starts talking loudly about problems he’s having with his girlfriend. He talks for almost ten minutes! This happens all the time-on buses, in restaurants, everywhere!

                Many people find cell phones useful in their daily lives. But we’ve all sat next to someone talking too loudly on a cell phone. You may want to tell the loudmouth to end the conversation, but let the management take care of those noisy customers. You can only control your own behavior. Here are a few rules:

                Off means off!Follow the rules of restaurants and other public places. If a sign says “turn off cell phones”, don’t use your phone. If you are allowed, speak softly and for a short time and try to move away from other people.

                Lights off, phone off!Never make calls in a theater or at the movies.

                Pay attention! Talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous. And watch where you’re going when you’re walking down the streets and talking on the phone.

                As more people use cell phones, things are only going to get worse. So, the next time you’re getting ready to make a call, stop and consider the people around you.

              (1) The man talking on the cell phone loudly in the restaurant will ________.
              A. talk for half an hour
              B. make other customers angry               
              C. pay more for his meal
              D. be driven out by the boss
              (2) Some people use cell phones in a rude way because____________.
              A. cell phones are common and available everywhere
              B. some public places allow them to do so
              C. they are proud of having cell phones
              D. they don’t consider the people around them
              (3) According to the passage, we shouldn’t make calls ___________.
              A. in restaurants B. on buses
              C. on the street D. at the movies
              (4) From the passage we can infer(推断)that __________.
              A. cell phones have become the most useful tool in our life
              B. people ought to turn cell phones off in a public places
              C. cell phones lead to people’s bad relationship
              D. public manners play an important role in our life
