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              Do you know Sweden(瑞典)?It is in the48  of Europe.It is the fourth largest49   in Europe with an area of 450, 000 square kilometers and the number of people is about 8.5 million. Over one third(三分之一) of them live in the three largest cities, c   50 Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo. More than half of Sweden is covered with trees. It is one of the richest countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Most51   gave up their farms and went into the cities. But now great 52    have taken place. Sweden is the country where the famous Nobel Prize(诺贝尔)are awarded. Many people who have visited Stockholm, the c   53  of Sweden, must have 54  two to three languages. Most of the Swedish people,men and women,

              55 and young, can speak English. So there is no p   56 to speak with them in English.

