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            • 1.

              to  city  five  deal  heavy  know  however  rapid  large  many

              In January 2018, the world’s population was about 7.4 billion.   (1)  than 4.5 billion people live in Asia now. That’s over half of the world’s population.

              China has the   (2)   population in the world, and about one   (3)   of the people in the world live in China.

              On one hand, because of large population, there’s less living space for each family. And it’s difficult for lots of people to find jobs. The large population also causes many other difficulties for the whole nation. For example, we are short of energy and water. Most   (4)   are more crowded than before, and the traffic is much   (5)  . The large population has become a serious problem.

              On the other hand,   (6)  , population aging problem in China is getting serious. A report says that China will become the world’s most aged society in 2030.

              The Chinese government is taking measures to solve the problem of ageing  population. One is   (7)   as the Two-child policy. It has worked well in   (8)   with China’s population. Thanks   (9)  the policy, China is developing quickly and people’s living conditions(条件) are improving   (10)  , However, the population problem is still serious in China. We still have a long way to go.

              (1) ______

              (2) ______

              (3) ______

              (4) ______

              (5) ______

              (6) ______

              (7) ______

              (8) ______

              (9) ______

              (10) ______

            • 2.


              always talk count I below friend or people send free around and

              Next time youˈre in a public place, take a look around you. And     (1)   how many people are using their phones. I can tell you now that it is probably more than half, whether youˈre on a bus, in a car,    (2)    simply walking down the street.

                   Iˈm not saying that I am not an example of this, but it .   (3)   mazes (使惊愕) me how people can spend so much time on their phones without    (4)    to others. Has it gone too far?

                   Recently, my smart phone broke and had to be       (5)   off for repair for a week or so. I had to use a really old, basic phone just to keep me in touch with my family and    (6)  . All I could do on this phone was to send text messages, make calls and play one game. And I loved it. I loved being   (7)   from the Internet, and I really didnˈt mind not having updates (更新) about what my friends were doing. It allowed    (8)  to spend more time enjoying my time in London and watching the people    (9)    me and really see what was going on.

                   However, I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back I would be one of those   (10)   once again. Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and forget I ever got my smart phone back.

            • 3.


              How do you turn interests into a business?Mohammed Ali,15,a teen gamer from UK,is a good example. At the age of 12,he learned how to code (编程)  (1)  using YouTube and even made his own video game.Users have to pay 5.99 pounds per month to play the game.He has already made 30.000 pounds.He also makes websites,which will be   (2)  to the public in August. Ali has saved lots of money for his future university costs and  (3)  bought two sofas for his familyˈs living room."When I first started  (4)  money.I thought Iˈd just spend it all.

              Then I thought.why should I   (5)  it all?I can save most of it in the bank,because I want to do more in the future."he said. He became interested in computers when his parents bought him   (6)  at the age of 6.He often played video games on his computer.But   (7)  he played so many games,he decided to make his own.In 2012,he made his own game called Project 2006 after working on it for seven   (8)  It was a role-playing game and more than 3.000 people are members.After   (9)  game became popular,he started a website-making business.
                   In the future,he   (10)  to go to university and study computer science.He plans to study computer science,not business because he thinks he has got a lot of experience in business already.

            • 4.

              if,  any,  and,  at,  smell,  heavy,  be,  happy,  with,  much,  she,  but


               A poor girl was selling flowers in the street on Christmas Eve. Her parents were ill, so she had to get money for food. The girl felt cold and hungry. She stopped in front of a beautiful house. The girl knocked   (1)   the door and a man came out. She asked   (2)  he needed some flowers. The man said he didn’t want   (3)  .She left the house and felt tired. She sat down at the foot of a tall wall. She looked at the flowers. The flowers   (4)  very nice. She suddenly had an unusual feeling. She felt she became light,   (5)   slowly she began to fly into the sky. At last she found   (6)   on the clouds. A group of people were coming to meet her. At the head of them   (7)  her granny. Granny gave her lots of beautiful clothes and delicious food. The girl laughed   (8)  .

              The snow was very   (9)  that night. The girl died   (10)  a smile on her face. From then on, people in the beautiful house began to sing Christmas songs and enjoyed themselves.

              (1) _____

              (2) _____

              (3) _____

              (4) _____

              (5) _____

              (6) _____
              (7) _____

              (8) _____

              (9) _____

              (10) _____

            • 5.

              I, so, know, nervous, Jimmy, but, happy, with, answer, understand, look, much

               Nine-year-old Jimmy was given a task in school to write a story on “My family’s ancestors   (祖先) ”. The purpose was for the kids to   (1)  their family history. 

               In search of some   (2)  for his task, Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course  (3)   nothing about the reason why Jimmy asked such questions.

               When she was asked , “Granny, where did I come from?” his grandma was quite   (4)  Why didn’t he ask his parents?  She had to be quite careful when talking  (5)  a kid about such a subject. She wanted to save time,   (6)   she replied, “Well, sweetie, the stork (鹳鸟)brought you.” She said no   (7)   , hoping that subject would be dropped until Jimmy’s

              parents came back.

                   “So where did Mom come from?”

                   “ The stork brought her also.”

                   “ Well, then where did you come from?”

                   “ The stork brought  (8)   too, sweetie.”

                   “ All right, thanks, Granny.”

                     (9)   grandmother did not think anything more about his questions. Three days late,

               When she was tidying up and  (10)  at Jimmy’s desk, she read the first sentence of his paper,“For three generations(辈) there have been no natural births in our family.”

              (1) __________

              (2) __________

              (3) __________

              (4) __________

              (5) __________

              (6) __________

              (7) __________

              (8) __________

              (9) __________

              (10) __________

            • 6.

              two discuss close show to since trust for last important truth idea

              Hangzhou is a beautiful city in eastern China. It is well-known as a wonderful sightseeing place  (1)   people from all over the world. Some people thought the G20 Summit (G20峰会) should be held in Beijing or Shanghai. But Hangzhou won the  (2)   of the governmemt. It held the G20 Summit on September 4th, 2016 sucessfully. The G20 Summit   (3)   for two days.

                 The expert from Moscow said, “ The G20 Summit is held in China. It shows the respect for China’s great success.” Some countries   (4)   that China has become a main economic country. It largely helps the economic development of the world.

                 The G20 Summit is a forum (论坛) that 20 countries, such as America, Japan, Russia, German and Australia, get together and  (5)   some issues. As the  (6)  largest economic of the world, China has a strong influence on the global development. China is an example to many developing countries, including Russia. These developing countries are  (7)   learning from China’s footsteps.

                (8)  __   the global financial crisis (经济危机) in 2008, G20 members have taken many measures to develop their economy. This time, China is expected to come up with some good ideas for the global economy. China has said, “Strong world trade and investment (投资) are  (9)   for development.” China has lots of good   (10)   and won’t let the world down.

              (1) _________
              (2) __________
              (3) __________
              (4) __________

              (5) __________

              (6) ________
              (7) _________
              (8) _________
              (9) __________

              (10) __________

            • 7.

                        online     have     watch     in           but        

                        back      safe      quick     anywhere     learn     


              More and more people are_____(1)_____ the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail____(2)____ and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone, ____(3)____in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world____(4)____ seconds(秒). E-mail is easy to use and it____(5)____ time and money. It serves(服务) for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail____(6)_____.

              Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers_____(7)_____ computers? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of____(8)_____. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at online libraries and____(9)_____ lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something, they will ask other students____(10)_____ or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more popular indeed.

              (1) ___________
              (2) ___________
              (3) ___________
              (4) ___________
              (5) ___________
              (6) ___________
              (7) ___________
              (8) ___________
              (9) ___________
              (10) ___________
            • 8.

              Summer means hot weather, more outdoor activities(户外活动), all   (1)  of fruit and vegetables. How can we keep healthy in this season?Here are some good ideas.

                 • Eat and drink   (2)  .

                 What is healthy to eat in summer? Fresh and light (清淡的)food. Fish is healthy food. It can make you strong. Colorful fruit and   (3)   are good for your eyes. What about the drink? Water is the excellent drink to let you   (4)   cool in hot summer.

              •Play water sports to keep cool.   

              Do water sports like  (5)   and other water sports.   (6)   can keep you cool and healthy at the same time.

                 •   (7)   enough sleep.

              The day is long and the night is   (8)    insummer. But we still need enough sleep. Students need sleep    (9)   they are tired. Students usually need nine   (10)  sleep every night.

              (1) _________
              (2) _________
              (3) _________
              (4) _________
              (5) _________
              (6) _________
              (7) _________
              (8) _________
              (9) _________
              (10) _________
            • 9.


              fruit    some    sport    watch   volleyball

              and     health    eat      don’t    boring


              Are you healthy? What kind of food do you like? Some boys and girls   71     like vegetables. They don’t have carrots for lunch   72    they don’t have tomatoes for dinner. But vegetables and    73    are good for us. They are    74    food. You can eat   75    of them every day.  76    are good for you, too. But some boys and girls don’t play sports—they only    77    them on TV.

              “Play soccer? Oh, it sounds   78   . Play    79   ? Oh, it sounds difficult.” If (如果) you want to be healthy,    80    vegetables and play sports every day!

            • 10.

              search for;  be unable to;   be filled with;   miss;   so much for;

              crash against ;  be famous for;  north;   hear of;  go to bed

