优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              This is                in our country.

            • 2.

              Dear Abby,

               How are you? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you. I have been offer a scholarship at a

              university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam for it,

              but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However, my parents are not happy about it. They

              are strongly against I going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole

              year and they are afraid I will feel alone. They can’t imagine a girl so young living alone.

              They advise me to studying  in the capital instead. Then I’ll be able to continued with living them.

              What can I persuade them to accept the fact that I have grown up?

                                                                            Best wishes        

            • 3.

              (1)Emily likes E________(欧洲) culture which is different from hers.

              (2) He is always ___________ (表扬) by his teacher.

              (3)Don’t drive a car after you drink a lot of wine. It’s a______(违反)the rules.

              (4)This scientist has been working on i________(昆虫)all the time.

              (5)Do you know why the teacher was so angry and p________ (惩罚) him?

            • 4.

              (1)Lang Lang is t________ in playing the piano.

              (2)I think there will he more ________(污染) in 50 years.

              (3)Parents play important r________ in their children's lives.

              (4)We had a________(讨论) about our favorite movies in class yesterday.

              (5)Many t________ like to wear jeans at school.

              (6)How will you ________ (庆祝) your birthday?

              (7)Koalas sleep d________ the day, but they get up and eat leaves at night.

              (8)It's ________ (possible) for me to finish the work alone. I need some help.

              (9)There are already 3 boys ________ (study)in the classroom at 8 o'clock in the morning.

              (10)-Can you help me with my Chinese this weekend?

              -C________, I'm glad to.

            • 5.

              (1)After school my brother usually ________(上一节艺术课)for two hours.

              (2)Please ________ him ________ (发电子邮件到) LPN @ 163. com

              (3)How about having a picnic ________(星期六下午), Mom?

              (4)Our ________(学校开放日) is on September 22nd.

              (5)—Can I help you ?—Yes, please. I want ________(一件上学穿的T桖衫)

            • 6.


              Please                these letters before you finish your today’s work.

            • 7. 句子翻译
              (1) 他穿蓝色衣服看起来神气吗?


              (2) 为了保护那些处境危险的野生动物,政府制定了法律来阻止人们砍伐树木。


              (3) 请你尽可能清楚地写下答案。


              (4) 你最好不要独自去看医生。


              (5) 顺便问一下,你去过美国多少次?


            • 8.
              (1) He practices ________________ English every day.
              (2) I felt ____________________ about the good news. (3) Who ___________________ basketball in 1891? (4) He is going away for at ________________ a week. (5) Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep _____________________.
