优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              — Who is that man talking to our English teacher over there?

              — He is Mr Brown, _____ European working in _____ Anhui Normal University

              A.an; the             
              B.a; a           
              C.an; /          
              D.a; / 
            • 2.
              Don’t worry too much about _____mistakes. They are _____ natural part of learning.


              A./; the            
              B.the; /         
              C./; a           
              D.the; the
            • 3.


              I have a twin sister, Kitty. She has long hair than me. But I don't like long   (1)   hair. Many people think we must have lots of thing in common. But this is not  (2)  true.When my parents ’friends come to our home, Kitty often sits there and said   (3)  nothing, but I like to talk with they, so she is quieter than me. Kitty likes   (4)  reading, drawing and cooking. I just like running and playing the basketball.    (5)          She has many hobbies than me, but she is not as strong and active as me. Because  (6)  Kitty do better than me at school, my parents often say to me, “Although Kitty    (7)  is younger than you, you must learns from her. “However, we are the same    (8)   at many ways. For example, we all like eating fast food, going shopping and  (9)  listening pop music.  (10)  

            • 4.

              Such                   polluted air really makes people feel sick. They are thirsty for                  heavy rain.

              A.the; /
              B./; a
              C.the; the     
              D.the; a
            • 5.

              All over the world, people enjoy sports. Sports 

              are good for people’s healthy. Many people like to           56 __________

              watch others play games. They buys tickets or turn     57__________

              on their TV sets or may be online to watch.           58__________

               Sports change with the season. People play different  59__________

              games in different seasons. Sometimes he play inside   60__________

              the room. Sometimes they play outside. We could play  61__________

              sports here and there. Some sports∧ rather interesting,62_________

              butpeople everywhere like them. Football, for example, 63_________

               is a popular in the world. People from different countries64_________

              cannot understand(理解) each other, or after a game they65________

              often become very friendly to each other.

            • 6.

              He gave me _______useful advice,but I thought it was _____useless answer.

            • 7.

              What ________ exciting news! Our school won the first prize.

            • 8.

              -What ______fine weather it is!

               -Yeah! Let’s go boating on the Jinghu Lake.

            • 9.

              Tom is _____ 8-year-old boy in _____Yi Fu Primary School.

              A.a ;the     
              B.the ;a         
              D.an; the
            • 10.
              Mr. Smith is _____ old man and he usually walks his dog after _____ supper.
              A.a; the          
              B.an; a          
              C.an; \           
              D.the; \
