优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              BRT in Yichang _____________ .

            • 2.


              (1)The kids are too young, so it's really hard for them to look after t________ well. Please try to help them when it's necessary.

              (2)Although Tom was h________ than his brother Tim, his morn gave food to Tim first because he was younger and needed more care.

              (3)It's best to keep q________ when the teacher is talking. If you speak, the teacher will be angry.

              (4)Mitchell needed to take some m________ three times a day because she had the flu. Her doctor also told her to drink lots of water every day.

              (5)It was sunny last Sunday. My friends and I r________ bicycles to Mount Qingcheng. We had a fun time together.

            • 3.


              (1). Be careful! There is __________(破碎的)glass on the floor.

              (2). Alice was ______ (紧跟) the white rabbit.

              (3).I think we made ________________(错误) in the test.

              (4).Mary will ____________(可能)go to New York in the autumn.

              (5).Some of the countries like eating with ________________(筷子), like China.

              (6).Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers of the _____________(/'twentiəθ/) century.

              (7). When you ______ (/ə'ksept/) a present in China, you must use both hands.

              (8).We should protect the wild animals in ____________(/'deɪndʒə/).

              (9).Our art teacher is____________( /'priti/) friendly to her students.

              (10).It's the fastest way. _____________(/hau'evə/),it's also the most expensive.

            • 4.


              Tongling is a beautiful city with a long a history and colorful c________(文化).

               The old man felt even w_______(更差) than yesterday.

               I’m sorry I can’t a_____(接受) your gift.

               He d_____ (挖)a hole and put the young tree into it carefully.

               We should eat f______(新鲜的) fruit and vegetables every day.

            • 5.


              (1) Smoking too much leads to his ___________(疾病). (2) Missing the train today _________(that is to say)waiting for tomorrow’s for him. (3) I didn’t do well in the exam and he did even_________(糟糕). (4) You may send him a letter at one of his email __________(地址). (5) My room is a little small, I can’t find enough ______(room) for my piano.
            • 6.

              (1) What should I do? Could you please give me some a_______(建议)?

              (2) He p_______ (表扬) the boy and kissed him.

              (3) He drives too fast. His wife is worried about his s______(安全).

              (4) His homework was c________ (完成) just now. He can have a rest.

              (5) My watch doesn’t work. I want to get it r_______(修理).

            • 7.

              (1)Lang Lang is t________ in playing the piano.

              (2)I think there will he more ________(污染) in 50 years.

              (3)Parents play important r________ in their children's lives.

              (4)We had a________(讨论) about our favorite movies in class yesterday.

              (5)Many t________ like to wear jeans at school.

              (6)How will you ________ (庆祝) your birthday?

              (7)Koalas sleep d________ the day, but they get up and eat leaves at night.

              (8)It's ________ (possible) for me to finish the work alone. I need some help.

              (9)There are already 3 boys ________ (study)in the classroom at 8 o'clock in the morning.

              (10)-Can you help me with my Chinese this weekend?

              -C________, I'm glad to.

            • 8.


              (1)My house is close to a supermarket. It's very c________ for me to shop.

              (2)He didn't know it's i________ to stick his fork into a big piece of meat.

              (3)It's said that the price of chicken has d________ by 2 yuan a kilo. It's much cheaper than before.

              (4)I think the i________ population is one of the greatest challenges today. More food is needed.

              (5)More and more aged people are enjoying their healthy and colorful life which leads to the p________ of square dance.

            • 9.

              (1)To be good at the game,you need a reasonable level of i________.

                   (2)The boy l________ in bed came from Zongbei middle school..

                   (3)You e________ has led me to a clear understanding of this short message about science.

                   (4)One day the firemen a________ discovered the cause of the fire and decide to search it.

                   (5)I hope to enter No.7 middle school that can bring me a r________ future.

            • 10. 用英语拼写下列单词。

              1饥饿的­ __________________          2想知道,琢磨 _______________ 

              3决定,选定_________________        4在任何地方___________________ 

              5没有一个,毫不 _______________     6牙科医生_____________________

              7两个都 ______________________      8真正,确定 _________________________

              9伸手,到达,抵达__________________ 10应该,应当________________________ 

              11获胜者__________________________ 12家务劳动_______________________


