优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               Damin usually (A) sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work. First, he ties a piece of grass around their necks(B)为了阻止它们吃大鱼. Then when Damin’s boat (C)_________ the right place in the river, he pushes (D)them into river. Damin uses(E) several was to attract fish. During the day, he jumps up and down on his boat. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat. (F)The fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin. (G)______ net are required for this type of fhishing.

            • 2.

              Do you want to see animals? Well, the New Star Zoo is really a good place for you. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. Let’s see koalas(树袋熊)first. The koalas come from Australia. They are very quiet(安静的) and clever. People like them very much. The pandas from China are cute. Many people like these black and white animals. There’s a tiger withhertwo sons in the zoo. They are from the USA. They’re quiet and interesting, but they are dangerous. The giraffes come fromAfrica. They’re beautiful. The lions are also fromAfrica. They are really dangerous, too. Many people don’t like them. They always sleep in the day. 

              You can also see many other kinds of animals in the zoo. Have a good time there.

            • 3.

              Both the British and Americans speak English. However, there are several differences between American and British English. For example, the the word they use in daily life are not the same. The British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans call the second floor. Once you go to British and America, you may notice other differences. The British usually hide their feelings. They don’t often start a talk with strangers. On the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are more active and easier to talk with.


            • 4.

               " Can I have a glass of hot water?" This is a very (A) common question for Chinese customers in a restaurant. But if you go abroad, you may find that meals in the West tend to come with tall glasses of ice water. Are you curious(好奇的) about this difference?

                 For most Chinese people, drinking hot water is part of everyday life. More importantly, it is strongly connected with traditional Chinese medicine. One idea suggests that water of a warm temperature is (B)对健康有益处, especially for the stomach. It also helps to stop digestion(消化) problems.

                 But for many Western people, they drink cold water even in (C) ________. One possible reason is that in Western countries people can drink water directly from the tap, rather than having to boil it. And it's not only drinking water that they have cold. After exercise, it's OK to jump into a cold shower, to bring the heart rate down.

                 However, (D) there is one thing agreed by both the East and the West: One can cool down by drinking a hot drink in summer. (E) As sweating is a good way to cool off in summer, hot drink makes you hotter and you begin to sweat.

                 Of course, it doesn't matter if you drink hot or cold water. The more comfortable your body (F) ________, the better it is.

            • 5.

              Wei Hua is a high school student and he is very healthy. He does exercise every day. He doesitusually when he comes home after school. Wei Hua’s eating habits are also very healthy. He tries to eat more vegetables, usually ten to eleven times a week. He eats fruit and drinks milk every day. Of course, he loves junk food, too. But he tries to eat it only once a week. He usually keeps eight or nine hours sleep every day. So you see, he looks very healthy and happy. And his good lifestyle(生活方式) helps him become clever, too. Eating healthy food and doing exercise help him to study better.


            • 6.

                Jack is twenty years old. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o’clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After supper, he goes to bed early. His grandma lived downstairs and was satisfied with(满意) him.

              One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to go to his house. And he bought some fruit and drinks for her. They talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future. They talked for a long time.

              “Have a look at your watch, please!” said the girl.“What time is it now?”

              “Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jack.

              “Where’s yours?”

              I left it at home.”

              Suddenly, Jack began to stamp(踏) his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

              The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “It’s twelve o’clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”

            • 7.

              Just as I came back home, I heard a sound coming from the bedroom upstairs—it was from my favorite violin.


              (1) I rushed upstairs and saw a boy in dirty clothes pulling my violin down. At first sight, I found a new pair of shoes missing. It seemed he was surely a thief.

              However, when I saw his eyes full of fear, my anger disappeared. I smiled and asked, “Are you Mr. Ram’s student Rubens? I’m his butler(男管家). I’ve heard Mr. Ram say his student will come. It must be you.”

              “Has my teacher gone out?” the boy said, “I think I’d better visit him again in a while.”

              I nodded and then (2) I asked him, “Do you like playing the violin?

              “Yes, but (3) I’m too poor to afford one.” the boy replied.

              “Then, I’ll give you this violin.” The boy looked at me surprisingly, but he picked up the violin. While going out of the room, he suddenly saw a huge photo of me playing the violin at the Grand Theatre of Sydney on the wall. His face turned pale. He stood there for a moment and ran out. He must have understood what had happened because no master(主人)would put up the butler’s photo on the wall of his living room.

              A few years later, at a music competition in Melbourne, I was invited to be the judge(评委). Finally, (4)一个叫做Merritt的小提琴表演者赢得了第一名。

              After the prize-giving, Merritt ran to me holding a violin box, his face red, and asked, “Mr. Brian, do you still know me? You gave me the violin, which I have treasured ever since! Today, I want to say sorry and give (5) it back to you without regret…”

              He was just the “Mr. Ram’s student”!


            • 8.

              Many Chinese students don’t pay much attention to spoken English at school. A. They think it necessary to practice speaking English in class, but not out of class. Here is a story to show you how important it is to speak the English language freely in everyday life.

              A foreigner (外国人) once got hungry and went into a restaurant in London. He sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers into it and took them out again in order to express that he wanted something to eat. But he could not speak English. The waiter soon brought a cup of tea. The man shook (摇动) his head. The waiter then took away the tea and brought a cup of coffee. The man again shook his head. He tried again and again, but B. he wasn’t able to make the waiter understand him. Finally another man came in. he spoke English clearly and fluently. In a few minutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table before him. So you see how important it is to master (掌握) a foreign language.

