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            • 1.

              you / what/do/can/job (?)


            • 2.

              see, do , how, you, colour, many


            • 3.

              it’s , delicious, of , full, food


            • 4.

              Li Ming , morning, to , Jack , take, market, the


            • 5.


              How, lovely                                                                           

            • 6.

              think, is, easy, math, I (连成一个句子)


            • 7.

              For years, some people have called for the circuses to stop using elephants in their shows. Elephants at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum&Bailey Circus performed their last show on May 1, 2016.

                During the performances, the elephants danced, balanced on each other’s backs, sat on their back legs, and pretended to sleep.

                Elephants have been used in show business in the United States for a long time. The tradition started in the early 1800s with“Old Bet”, an elephant owned by Hackaliah Bailey. Bailey put the elephant in a traveling show and people paid money to see it . In 1882, showman P.T. Barnum added the huge African elephant “Jumbo”   A    his show, which he called “ The Greatest Show on Earth”.

              ① Over the years ,elephants in circuses have been trained to do a lot of tricks. These tricks include playing baseball, riding bicycles and playing musical instruments.

               Ringling Bros.’ retired elephants now live at the circus’ Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida. ② home, the , is , about, to, 40 elephants center.

              The end of elephants performances at the Ringling Bros. shows the change in how Americans see the animals. Now they don’t see elephants   B   circus performers; they want to see them in a natural environement, instead of in a circus or zoo. Will other circuses follow Ringling Bros.’ example and retire their elephants? It is possible.

              任务一: 请在文中A、B两处的横线上填入一个适当的词。

              (1) A.         B.           .


              (2)                             .

              任务三:请将文中 处的斜体部分练成句子。

              (3)                                .

              任务四: 请根据短文回答问题。

              (4) When did the elephants at the Ringling Bros. perform their last show?


              (5) 任务五:请给短文拟一个标题。(10词以内)


            • 8.

              would, drink, like, you, something, to


            • 9.

              collect, fun                                                                             

            • 10.
              ______ ?
