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            • 1.

              Will books be replaced by the Internet?

                 Every morning, my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every day, I open my books in class and start my lessons. Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the photos of Kobe Bryant and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep.  (1)   

                 Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China. After its invention, people started to write on paper to make books. In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand.  (2)   So, few people had the chance to learn to read. 

                 Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties (朝代). Later, developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply. A trade in books resulted, and more people learned to read.   (3)    In a way, we can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century. 

                   (4)   A lot of information can be stored (存储) in different forms on the Internet than in books. And the machines that we use to read it are now small and light, often smaller and lighter than a single book, so they are easy to carry. 

                 Computers and the Internet are used in classrooms now, and newspapers and magazines are already read online.   (5)   Will books be replaced by the Internet? Let’s wait and see.


              (1) A. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future? 
              B. Knowledge and ideas spread faster than ever before.
              C. What happened after the printing technology developed?
              D. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.  
              E. Can we imagine life without paper or printing? 
              F. Although the Internet is young, it may become more powerful than printing.
              (2) A. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future? 
              B. Knowledge and ideas spread faster than ever before.
              C. What happened after the printing technology developed?
              D. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.  
              E. Can we imagine life without paper or printing? 
              F. Although the Internet is young, it may become more powerful than printing.
              (3) A. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future? 
              B. Knowledge and ideas spread faster than ever before.
              C. What happened after the printing technology developed?
              D. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.  
              E. Can we imagine life without paper or printing? 
              F. Although the Internet is young, it may become more powerful than printing.
              (4) A. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future? 
              B. Knowledge and ideas spread faster than ever before.
              C. What happened after the printing technology developed?
              D. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.  
              E. Can we imagine life without paper or printing? 
              F. Although the Internet is young, it may become more powerful than printing.
              (5) A. So what direction will traditional printing take in the future? 
              B. Knowledge and ideas spread faster than ever before.
              C. What happened after the printing technology developed?
              D. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.  
              E. Can we imagine life without paper or printing? 
              F. Although the Internet is young, it may become more powerful than printing.
            • 2.

              After a day’s hard work, an old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart. When he was near his house, the light on the cart suddenly went out.   (1)   He was near his home, and so he went along the road without a light. When a policeman saw this, he stopped the old carter.

              “Where’s your light?”asked the policeman.“No one may take a cart along a road at night without a light. You know that. You’ve broken the law now.” “I had a light,”said the old man,“  (2)  ” “I don’t believe what you said,”said the policeman.  (3)   “What’s your name and where do you live?”he asked.

                “Please don’t take my name,”said the old man.“My house is just there. You can see it from here.  (4)   I haven’t come far without a light.” “You came all the way without a light. What’s your name?” 

              The carter quickly took the policeman's hand and put it down on the top of the light. The light was still hot, and burnt the policeman’s hand. The policeman jumped  (5)  “Now, what do you think?”said the carter.“Did I come all the way without a light?”

              (1) ______
              A. but it has just gone out.
              B. and he was very angry.
              C. The carter tried but could not mend it.
              D. He took out a book and got ready to write.
              E. I had a light nearly the whole way.
              (2) ______

              A. but it has just gone out.
              B. and he was very angry.
              C. The carter tried but could not mend it.
              D. He took out a book and got ready to write.
              E. I had a light nearly the whole way.
              (3) ______

              A. but it has just gone out.
              B. and he was very angry.
              C. The carter tried but could not mend it.
              D. He took out a book and got ready to write.
              E. I had a light nearly the whole way.
              (4) ______

              A. but it has just gone out.
              B. and he was very angry.
              C. The carter tried but could not mend it.
              D. He took out a book and got ready to write.
              E. I had a light nearly the whole way.
              (5) ______

              A. but it has just gone out.
              B. and he was very angry.
              C. The carter tried but could not mend it.
              D. He took out a book and got ready to write.
              E. I had a light nearly the whole way.
            • 3.

              Have you heard about “Survival (生存) Holidays”?     86     Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.

              The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games.    87  

                  88    Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults, but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge.    89    Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.

              Many people think the survival activities are good for children.    90    Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives. 

              A. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change.

              B. Is “Survival Holidays” for children or parents?

              C. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned.

              D.“Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.

              E. Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea?

              F. Children are not comfortable with danger.

            • 4.

              Hip-hop Planet

                (1)    Countries like France, Brazil and even Japan have their own hip-hop culture. But where did this strange speaking-singing style come from? Many centuries ago, in West Africa, traditional storytellers played musical instruments while they were telling stories. When this tradition travelled from West Africa to the USA, it developed into different musical styles. For example, blues and jazz.  (2)  And in the 1970s, there were many poor areas in New York. There wasn’t any money for music lessons in schools, so kids made their own music. Teenagers Afrika and DJ Here played their records outside in the streets. Everybody joined in. MCs had rapping(说唱) competitions. Every week, there were talented new dancers, new DJs and new MCs. Hip-hop culture was born.

                (3)   It was 1980. I was at a party in New York. There was a young DJ at the party. He was playing records. While he was putting a record on, a kid picked up a microphone(话筒) and began tapping. Some other kids were break-dancing to the music. It was loud and boring, and I hated it. I like jazz better.

                (4)  Today’s successful American artists like Missy and her friend Tim heard it on the radio when they were growing up.

                The last time I heard hip-hop, I was in West Africa.  (5)   I was going to interview a traditional storyteller when I met a young hip-hop artist, He told me there are hundreds of rap groups in Africa today. We live on a hip-hop planet. 


              (1) ________
              A.  I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.
              B.  You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.
              C.  I was writing a book about African-Americans.
              D. Many Americans gave music lessons to poor children.
              E. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.
              F.  During the 1980s, hip-hop became popular all over the USA.
              G. Some people don’t like hip-hop because of its spoken words.
              (2) ________
              A.  I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.
              B.  You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.
              C.  I was writing a book about African-Americans.
              D. Many Americans gave music lessons to poor children.
              E. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.
              F.  During the 1980s, hip-hop became popular all over the USA.
              G. Some people don’t like hip-hop because of its spoken words.
              (3) ________
              A.  I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.
              B.  You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.
              C.  I was writing a book about African-Americans.
              D. Many Americans gave music lessons to poor children.
              E. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.
              F.  During the 1980s, hip-hop became popular all over the USA.
              G. Some people don’t like hip-hop because of its spoken words.
              (4) ________
              A.  I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.
              B.  You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.
              C.  I was writing a book about African-Americans.
              D. Many Americans gave music lessons to poor children.
              E. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.
              F.  During the 1980s, hip-hop became popular all over the USA.
              G. Some people don’t like hip-hop because of its spoken words.
              (5) ________
              A.  I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.
              B.  You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.
              C.  I was writing a book about African-Americans.
              D. Many Americans gave music lessons to poor children.
              E. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.
              F.  During the 1980s, hip-hop became popular all over the USA.
              G. Some people don’t like hip-hop because of its spoken words.
