优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              We were going to play against a team from a country school .They didn’t come   (1)  the match nearly began .They looked    (2)  than we thought .The wore dirty T-shirts and blue jeans and looked like farm boys .We thought they    (3)   saw a basketball before .We felt that we didn’t    (4)  any practice to play with such a team .It was very late so they couldn’t have any time to practice .The match began ,one of our boys    (5)   the ball and he tried to give it to another one . But from out of nowhere a boy in a T-shirt    (6)   the ball and he quickly and beautifully got the ball into our basket and had two points .They    (7)  us .They had another two points in a minute .Soon it was all over .The country team   (8)  the match .Of course we knew that there was still another team    (9)   than any good team .But the important lesson we learn this time was : One can’t tell a man or a team by the    (10)   . 

            • 2.

              A teacher was asking a student some questions , but the student   (1)   answer any of them . The teacher decided to give him some   (2)   questions so that he could get  (3)   of them right .“Who was Beethoven (贝多芬) ?” the teacher asked . The student   (4)   for some time and said , “ A king . ” “   (5)  . He was a musician , ” the teacher said . She was getting a little  (6)    now ,   (7)   she was trying not to show it . “Who was the first president of the USA ?” asked she . The student thought for a long time , but he didn’t say   (8)   . The teacher was very angry and   (9)    , “ George Washington(乔治·华盛顿)! ” The student got up and walked to the door .“ Come Back !” the teacher said , “ I   (10)    you to go .” “ Oh , I’m sorry ,” the student said , “ I thought you called the next student .”

            • 3.

               My family ____(1)____ a restaurant in L.A. where I have to work as a waitress. One Friday night, I was working late and everyone was ____(2)___. I was just about to leave when my mom ___(3)____ me over to the kitchen.

                 “There's still someone at one of the ____(4)____ tables”, my mom said.

                 “Well, kick him out.”

                 “We are not kicking him out. He's a young boy about your ___(5)____, and he seems sad.” She put a piece of cake on the plate and ___(6)____ it to me. “Here, go give this to him and try to cheer him up. I'll see you at home.”

                 “Ugh, fine.” I said.

                 I walked ____(7)____ to the table and couldn't believe my eyes. It was Justin Bieber, and he did seem sad.

                 “Um, hi,” I said, smiling.

                 “Hi,” he said.

                 “Here's a piece of cake.”


                 “Is something wrong?” I asked.

                 “Not ____(8)___,” he sighed. “It's just that it's Friday night and instead of hanging out with friends or going out like a normal teenager, I'm eating ____(9)____.”

                 “Well, I guess I'm not normal teen either because this is ___(10)____ I spend my Fridays.”

                 Justin smiled.

                 “Working? Well, maybe you can take a break and we abnormal (not normal) teens can ___(11)____ the piece of cake.”

                 “Like a date?” I smiled.

                 “So would you say this is your dream date?” he asked.

                 “No,” I said. “Look, I don't ____(12)____ if you are Justin Bieber. My dream date would be slow dancing with my date.”

                 “Then let's slow dance,” Justin said.

                 Justin ____(13)____ his song “First Dance” on his phone and walked toward me. I ____(14)____ his hand and we started dancing.

                 “Is this your dream date?”

                 “Yeah,” I said. “But why do you want this to be my dream date?”

                 “Because you are my dream date.”

                 We smiled at ____(15)____.

            • 4.

              My life is always filled with sadness and little joy. However, no matter what happens, I can always face it bravely.

                 Last year, I couldn’t believe the  (1)   that I was allowed to enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed to my home and told my parents. But my father didn’t seem as   (2)  as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn’t help  (3)   .

                  I knew very well what my family was   (4)  . My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a hard life and I couldn’t continue my schooling. I felt so upset but I could say  (5)   to my parents. I decided to help my father with his work  (6)  my family.

                 To my surprise, things completely changed   (7)   the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family with some money, which had been  (8)  by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always have a dream.” With tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school.

                I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. Whenever I meet difficulties, I always  (9)  my teacher and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter  (10)  hard life is. Just as a great man says, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.”

            • 5.

              Once there were two camels — a mother camel and her son. One day, they walked   (1)   a desert (沙漠). They were   (2)   water and grass.

                 The son asked, "What do water and grass look like, Morn?" His mother answered, "Water looks like the sky, blue and clear. While grass is green,   (3)   and nice."

                 After they walked for a day and a night, the son suddenly  (4)  , "Look! Morn, there is water and grass over there!"

                 "It's   (5)  , my boy! It's the dessert."

                 The water and grass were on the left, (6),the desert was on the right. But  (6)   the mother camel was blind (瞎的) in her left eye, she could only see a sea of yellow sand with her right eye. So she didn't  (7)   what the young camel said.

                 The next day they went on walking. The young camel found a second oasis (绿洲), but his mother  (8)   did not believe him. She said   (9)  , "No, that's not an oasis, but a desert. I have more knowledge and experience (经验) than you. You are wrong again. You   (10)  listen to me."

                 The young camel didn't   (11)   with his mother. And he was a little impatient, too. So when he saw an oasis for the third time, he left his mother without   (12)   her. He ran to the grass and ate his  (13)  . But his poor mother was still walking on and she was still  (14)  and thirsty.

            • 6.

              There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad looking. It was growing by itself enjoying every day and saying to the  (1)  "When shall I grow up?" And the sun would say "  (2)  . Each time I touch you, you grow a little." She was so  (3)  . Because she would have a chance  (4)  beauty to this corner of sand. And this is  (5)  she wanted to do bring a little bit of beauty to this world.

              One day the hunter came by and  (6)  her. She was going to die and she felt so sad. Not because she was dying  (7)  because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of  (8)  to this corner of the desert.

              The great spirit saw her, and was listening. Indeed, he said. She should be living. And he reached down and touched her and   (9)   her life.

              And she grew up to be a beautiful flower and this corner of the desert became so beautiful    (10)   her.

              A young flower in the desert is not for their beauty of the world instead of clinging to(点缀) a corner. What should we learn from her?

            • 7.

              Subway hero

               It was 12:15 p.m. on 18th May, 2016.Forty-year-old Earl Brown was waiting for the train at the subway station in New York City. His two sons, aged five and eight, were with him at the time.

                  Suddenly, a sick young man fell down on the platform(站台). The man, 24-year-old James Wilson, got up, but then   (1)   again —this time, onto the track(轨道) between the two rails. A train was coming into the station. It was a   (2)   moment, and an accident seemed to be about to happen. The young man’s life was going to be in danger if the train did not stop. Everybody on the platform was very worried about the young man as his life could be gone in a few   (3)   .

                  But Mr. Brown stayed calm. He looked at the man, and looked at the space that the man was in. It was about half a meter   (4)   . He thought to himself, "The train is going to travel over the man. If he tries to get up, the train will definitely kill him. However, the young man will be OK if he lies on the ground and doesn’t move." At this time, Mr. Brown knew he had to make a tough   (5)  , and it would be very important for this young man.

                  Without further hesitation (犹豫), Mr. Brown jumped onto the track. He   (6)   on top of Mr. Wilson, and kept him down on the ground inside the subway track. The train driver saw both of them. He was terrified, but there was no way for him to   (7)   in time. The train travelled over the two men before it was finally stopped.

                  The people on the platform were shocked to see what had happened. When Mr. Brown heard them shouting, he shouted, "We’re fine, but tell my sons I’m OK." People on the platform clapped(鼓掌) and cheered their  (8)  —they were amazed at Mr. Brown’s courage and bravery. Subway staffs helped the two men walk out of the track safely. An ambulance(救护车) arrived and took Mr. Wilson to the nearest hospital. Luckily, there was nothing serious with him.

                  In a radio interview, Mr. Brown was asked why he was so brave when the accident happened. He   (9)   said, "My coat got dirty but that’s it." He added, "I’m not a brave man and I was terribly afraid of it too. I just saw someone who needed help at that time. It was the   (10)   thing to do, so I did it."

            • 8.

              Mr. White was a doctor. One day a young man came to see him. The young man told him that he had a bad   (1)  . Mr. White examined him   (2)   but found nothing. So Mr. White said to the young man, “You are very   (3)  . There is nothing wrong with your head, young man.”_  (4)  _ the young man still felt painful. Mr. White asked   (5)   there was something that troubled him. The young man said that he borrowed 5,000   (6)   his cousin, but he had no money to return. Mr. White gave him some advice. A few days   (7)  , the young man came to Mr. White again. He said that he felt well. In the afternoon of the same day,   (8)   young man came to see Mr. White. He was well with his body, too. The young man said to Mr. White, “I am the cousin of the young man you  (9)   this morning. Could you give me some advice   (10)   away from my troubles?”

            • 9.

                Many useful machines were  (1)   by inventors. These machines have   (2)  the world a lot. There are many great inventors in the world, and Watt was one of them.

                 Watt was English. When he was a child, he liked to ask questions and he was always  (3)   hard. One day, he was sitting in the kitchen with his grandmother, he   (4)   a kettle(水壶)on the stove(火炉). Soon steam(蒸汽)began to come   (5)   the kettle and the lid (盖子) was shaking. Watt asked what was in the kettle. His grandmother said, "Water, my child."

                 "But I know there's  (6)  in it. It pushes the lid up." said Watt. His grandmother told him that it was only steam. He asked his grandmother, "  (7)   does the steam come from? "His grandmother said that it tame from hot water. Watt said to   (8)  , "The steam is very strong. It can push things. The steam will he much   (9)   it there's more water."

                 Later, Watt tried hard and made steam   (10)   for people. He invented the first engine.

            • 10.

              Planting flowers is my favorite   (1)  because I can learn something new from it.

              I bought a flower pot (盆) and some flower seeds (种子) last week. Then I put some seeds in the pot. After a few days,   (2)   happened. But I didn’t give up watering. Another ten days later, I   (3)  the young plants come out. I felt very   (4)  because I could grow something.

              Just like growing flowers, we can also plant happiness. Our life is   (5)   an empty (空的) pot. We have lots of things to do, but we   (6)  do them. That means we lose many things. What are the   (7)   things?Yes, they’re the seeds of   (8)  , love and dreams.

              What should we plant in life? If we plant negative thoughts (消极思想) inside our   (9)  , we will feel sad in the future days; If we plant seeds of hope, we will get   (10)  .

