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            • 1.

              if,  any,  and,  at,  smell,  heavy,  be,  happy,  with,  much,  she,  but


               A poor girl was selling flowers in the street on Christmas Eve. Her parents were ill, so she had to get money for food. The girl felt cold and hungry. She stopped in front of a beautiful house. The girl knocked   (1)   the door and a man came out. She asked   (2)  he needed some flowers. The man said he didn’t want   (3)  .She left the house and felt tired. She sat down at the foot of a tall wall. She looked at the flowers. The flowers   (4)  very nice. She suddenly had an unusual feeling. She felt she became light,   (5)   slowly she began to fly into the sky. At last she found   (6)   on the clouds. A group of people were coming to meet her. At the head of them   (7)  her granny. Granny gave her lots of beautiful clothes and delicious food. The girl laughed   (8)  .

              The snow was very   (9)  that night. The girl died   (10)  a smile on her face. From then on, people in the beautiful house began to sing Christmas songs and enjoyed themselves.

              (1) _____

              (2) _____

              (3) _____

              (4) _____

              (5) _____

              (6) _____
              (7) _____

              (8) _____

              (9) _____

              (10) _____

            • 2.

              copy,  work , meet , lie , go , wake , wear , watch, come , do , become 

              Mr. Beckman   (1)   in a company for nearly twenty years. His job is   (2)   all the documents the manager writes. His office is on the first floor and the light in it is always poor unless it’s fine. So his sight   (3)   shorter several years ago. He has to wear a pair of glasses when he’s working. Of course, it brought him a lot of trouble. He can’t see anything clearly without glasses. Sometimes he can’t recognize his wife when they   (4)  with each other in the street.

              The man looked tired this evening. After supper he   (5)   to bed while his family  (6)  TV. Mrs. Beckman didn’t turn off the television until the interesting TV play was over. She came into their bedroom in the dark at half past ten. As soon as she   (7)   down, there was a great noise under the bed. She understood a mouse came in again. She jumped off and had to turn on the light and tried to beat it with a stick. She made some noise and it made her husband   (8)  up.

              “You have never worn glasses when you were sleeping before,” the woman said in surprise. “But why are  you   (9)  them this time?”

              “Well, dear,” said the man. “I had a lot of dreams last night. I saw my late parents, but I couldn’t see them clearly. So I have   (10)  so!”

              (1) _____

              (2) _____

              (3) _____

              (4) _____

              (5) _____

              (6) _____

              (7) _____

              (8) _____

              (9) _____

              (10) _____

            • 3.

              as, like, other, smile, laugh, make, easy, friend, who, you, sing, one

              Before you make friends, you have to decide _(  (1)  )__ you want to make friends with. Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kinds of things _(  (2)  )_ they do. That doesn’t mean you have to be exactly(完全) like each other. Try talking to your classmates at lunch. You will find at least one’s interests are the same as _(  (3)  )_.

              The best way to make a friend is _(  (4)  )_ when you meet someone for _(  (5)  )_ time. When you smile, people think you are _(  (6)  )_ and easy to talk to. One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about them. Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Who’s their favorite _(7)_, where do they live, who’s their teacher, what do they do after school are all good questions to start a conversation. If you show an interest in _(  (7)  )_ and are kind and nice, you will make good friends _(  (8)  )_. Remember everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who’re nice to them.

                After   (9)    (10)    (11)   some friends, you can share the same interests. It’s always fun to plan activities together.

              (1) ________

              (2) ________

              (3) ________

              (4) ________

              (5) ________

              (6) ________

              (7) ________

              (8) ________

              (9) ________

              (10) ________

            • 4.


              Being a fit and healthy person is very important for lots of people today. In fact, some people like running and exercising so much that they love keeping track of it.

              (1)to fitness apps and gadgets (小机械装置), people can measure (测量) every step they take, what they eat and every calorie they burn. They might wear a special watch on their wrist, shoes on their (2) or use different apps on their phone to measure their movements. (3), once they have done that they post it on social media. All of their friends can see where they have (4), what activities theyˈve done or what they had for lunch. Sounds familiar?

              Doctor Daniel Kraft from the United States makes gadgets for people like this. He told the Digital Health Summit that these people (5) become the norm (常态) in the future.

              And I think heˈs right. I can see the world of (6) and fitness changing around me every day.

              One of my friends, named Anna Palmer, is always (7) the latest fitness gadgets. Her favorite is an app called Argus. She uses it on her phone to measure her steps, heart rate and amount of calories she has (8). She always posts these things, and pictures of (9)exercising, on social media. “It’s nice to know exactly how much exercise you have done, rather than guess,” she said, “That way I can keep pushing myself to improve.”

              Also, my friends in China use WeChat to (10) how many steps theyˈve taken each day. There are very competitive about this!











            • 5.

              while  important   protect  easy  world  be  visit  provide  fame  and

                               Liaohe Nature Reserve (保护区)

              LIaohe nature Reserve in Panjin is one of the  (1)  most important wetlands and the biggest wetlands in Asia. The reserve covers the large area of Panjin. The area   (2)   food and home for wildlife. It is an ideal (理想的)home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.

              Many birds live comfortably in Liaohe Nature Reserve all year round,   (3)   some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can   (4)   catch them for food. Panjin   (5)   “the home of the cranes” (丹顶鹤)for a long time. There are 16 crane species in the world. Eight of them are in China. Red-crowned cranes whose number is very small in the world are among them. Every spring and summer red-crownd cranes come to Liaohe Nature Reserve, and Panjin is  (6)   for them.

              Every year many  (7)  come to Liaohe Nature Reserve to watch birds. Photography lovers come to take photos of them, too. This year, members of a Bird Watching Club came to study the birds in Liaohe Nature Reserve  (8)   the changes in their numbers.

              The club does a bird count once a year. Many people do not understand the   (9)  of the wetlands. So they hope this information will help people understand and make them actively take action   (10)   wildlife.

              (1) ________

              (2) ________

              (3) ________

              (4) ________

              (5) ________

              (6) ________

              (7) ________

              (8) ________

              (9) ________

              (10) ________

            • 6.

              Summer means hot weather, more outdoor activities(户外活动), all   (1)  of fruit and vegetables. How can we keep healthy in this season?Here are some good ideas.

                 • Eat and drink   (2)  .

                 What is healthy to eat in summer? Fresh and light (清淡的)food. Fish is healthy food. It can make you strong. Colorful fruit and   (3)   are good for your eyes. What about the drink? Water is the excellent drink to let you   (4)   cool in hot summer.

              •Play water sports to keep cool.   

              Do water sports like  (5)   and other water sports.   (6)   can keep you cool and healthy at the same time.

                 •   (7)   enough sleep.

              The day is long and the night is   (8)    insummer. But we still need enough sleep. Students need sleep    (9)   they are tired. Students usually need nine   (10)  sleep every night.

              (1) _________
              (2) _________
              (3) _________
              (4) _________
              (5) _________
              (6) _________
              (7) _________
              (8) _________
              (9) _________
              (10) _________
            • 7.

              where   prefer   one   hand    like   while   relax  attention    spare    collect    matter    special

              A hobby is an interesting way of spending your free time. There are so many different hobbies for different people to choose. Some hobbies are very popular,   (1)   others are quite unusual. You may choose (2)that you are interested in. You may enjoy   (3) things such as stamps, stones, foreign coins and so on.

              If you like to work with your   (4) , you may enjoy model making and paper cutting, which both need great   (5)  in detail. Or you may enjoy creative hobbies,   (6)  painting and writing. Many people   (7)    outdoor activities to indoor activities. They get great pleasure from sailing, cycling and so on, which they can enjoy with others.

              _(8) you live, there is always a hobby for you to choose. The hobby can help you feel  (9) after your daily work. The hobby can give you many hours of pleasure and make your   (10)  time interesting and creative. The hobby can bring you happiness, knowledge and friendship.

            • 8.

              they, one, support, up, interest, plenty of, go, talk, both, when


              Dear Mom and Dad,

              The time has come.I'm graduating from junior high school and I thank you   (1)  for all your help during these 15 years.I still remember when you used to say,"You can be whatever you want".I'm so proudthat you are my parents ,especially when I hear my classmates say they don't like   (2)  .You always try to help and that's important to me.I'm glad that you   (3)   me when I decide to do anything.
              Dad ,I remember   (4)  you first took me fishing.I loved going even though I didn't catch any fish.I also remember when I   (5)  back to Mom, you would chat with me and find out the reason.Now I realizeyou were only trying to show me the right way.When I cried, you would always be there to try to cheer me   (6)  .How hardworking you are! You are not   (7)  in fame(名声) and wealth.You take good care of my grandparents.You do some shopping with Mom on Sundays.That's what I call a good ‘loving and caring’ dad.
              Mom,I still remember you spent   (8)  time teaching me how to pronounce a word, how to understand something that I saw for the   (9)  time and how to be polite to others.I enjoy   (10)  out with you and having our happy time every Friday night.And I hope that never changes.I'm glad we do a lot together.
              I am thankful to you, Dad and Mom.Thank you for bringing me up.Love always,

            • 9.

              care  unless  wonder  way  another  make  take deep show afraid so happy

                  It seems that Americans are much happier to help strangers than Chinese. Once I walked on the street and tried to find my____(1)____ to my hotel. I stopped and____(2)____ out my map and began searching for the right way. Then a lady came to me with a friendly smile.1 was____  (1)  ___ if l was in her way. The lady asked," Do you need any help ? Ican____(4)____ you the way." I was very surprised. In China, most people won't give you a hand ____  (2)  ____ you ask. I said yes to her. She carefully explained the direction to me.1 was___  (3)  ____moved by her warm attitude(态度).

              After experiencing____(7)____ many things like that in the US,I thought about the situation in China. My teacher in China told me that several years ago he went to____(8)____ city by himself. After a whole day's hard work at a factory, he bought a pancake at a stall(摊位).___(9)___he later found out that it had gone bad. Since then, he has been very__  (4)  __ to buy food at the little stalls.

                  Chinese people are more vigilant(警惕的)to strangers because they are afraid to get hurt. But many American people believe that if you love others first, you will be loved, I think we should learn. from this attitude.





















            • 10.


               fan call host never friend play break up them little

              Wang Feng is one of the most famous rock stars in China.I love his music even though I speak very ___(1)_____ Chinese.Of course, I look ___(2)_____ the English translations of his songs on the website (网站)so I can understand their meanings.

              Wang Feng was born in a musical family on June 29,1971 in Beijing.He started___(3)_____ the violin when he is five. In 1994, he founded(成立) the band No.43 Baojia Street. Unluckily,the band finally___(4)_____ up and Wang Feng started his solo career(独唱生涯).

              Wang Feng writes his own songs. He once wrote a beautiful song ___(5)_____ Our Dream for Beijing Olympics in 2008. In this song he described how happy the Chinese people felt to ____(6)____ the Olympics.

              If youˈve ___(7)_____ heard of Wang Feng before, I wish you could try to listen to his songs. I believe you will enjoy ___(8)____ for years. For all those who are already the ___(9)_____ of Wang Feng,it will be great to hear from you as well.Iˈd like to make ___(10)____ with all of you.

