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            • 1. My Big Day There were about 15 kids there for audition(试镜)when we arrived. I had been u (1) about being late on this Big Day, but the bus, which moved slowly all the way, woke up and almost galloped for the last half mile. Dad and I jumped off and ran to 171 High Street. I had e (2) a shiny building but what I saw was a broken ancient door. And the room into which we all crowded was dark and didn"t have enough chairs. A boy was p (3) his audition piece loudly, unaware of everyone else in the room. Most of the kids were in jeans, but a few dressed seriously cool as if they spent every day on film sets and lunching with s (4) . I felt a bit embarrassed about my dressing.
              A girl called us away, one by one, to be auditioned. I breathed deeply and slowly as I had learned to do - ever since my first part in the school play, when I was extremely nervous and n (5) forgot everything I had memorized. I repeated my speech to myself with all the pauses and emphasizes in the right places. I knew I was good. I really wanted this part, I wanted to pay Dad back for all the work he"d done for me. I wanted to make him proud of me. And I know I could do it.
              Suddenly, there it was my n (6) ! I followed the girl down a corridor into a large room with three men and a woman sitting
              "How tall are you?" he asked.
              "I"m 1.6 metres." I said, trembling slightly.
              The man looked at the woman and I saw him s (7) his head.
              The woman turned to me and said. "I"m so sorry. That"s just a bit too tall for this part. They should have told you"
            • 2. SEPT 10 is a day for us to say thank you to teachers. But next year we might do it on (1)a______day. A  draft amendment( 修 正 案 草 案 )on education laws proposes( 提 议 )to (2)m______Teachers' Day to Sept 28, which is believed to be the birthday of Confucius (551-479 BC).
                  The Chinese mainland started to (3)c______Teachers' Day in 1985. There was no special reason why Sept 10 was chosen.
                  But many people think it's not a good choice.
                  Teachers are always too busy on Sept 10, because the new (4)t______starts at the beginning of the month. If the day is at the end of September, it will be near the National Day and teachers can enjoy the two holidays(5)t______
                  Besides, people think Teachers' Day should fall on a day with a special historical and cultural (6)m______.
                  That's why Sept 28 is a good choice.
                  Confucius is an important educationalist and philosopher in Chinese history. His ideas help shape our values. He tells us to love our family and respect(尊敬)the elderly.
                  More importantly, Confucius started China's  private education (7)s______. There were 3,.000 students  who ever learned by Confucius. It is said that twenty-two of them had leaned six arts, and Confucius spoke highly of ten of them. Chinese people name him as the "best teacher in ancient times" and a "model teacher for generations"
                  Currently, the State Council( 国 务 院 )is collecting (8)p______opinion on the change.
                  In an online survey on sina.com, 65 percent of people supported the change as of sept 10. But about 3l percent were (9)a______it. They believed it is nothing but formalism( 形 式 主 义 ).
                  Zhang Feiran, 13, from Changsha, Hunan gave his teachers cards as gifts on Sept 10.
                  "To me, it doesn't mater which day is Teachers' Day. It's just a day to remind ( 提 醒 )me (10)o______every year to be grateful to teachers," he said.
            • 3.
              A. designed     B. equal   C. attracted      D. traditional  E. metal
              The Eiffel Tower is an important landmark of Paris and it is one of the world's most famous monuments (纪念建筑). Every year over 7 million visitors are(1)______by it.
                  The Eiffel Tower was(2)______for taking part in the World's Fair - a celebration held in Paris between May and October, 1889. Before it was built, however, several French artists didn't think it was proper to build such a strange(3)______tower in Paris, the capital of France. They believed that it wouldn't match the(4)______ beauty of Paris's other famous monuments, such as the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe.
            • 4.
              A. view B. in charge of C. exhibition D. height E. based on
              However, the engineer (1) the project was confident that people would come to enjoy his project. With the (2) of 300 metres, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest man-made structure in the world at that time.
              The tower opened to the public on the 6th May, and the (3) was a great success. Over 28 million visitors came to the World"s Fair and 1,896, 987 visitors climbed the tower. Since then, over 250 million people have enjoyed the (4) of Paris from the tower"s balconies.
              Later, Paris officials decided that the tower served as an effective communications tower.
            • 5.
              One evening after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher called a family meeting. "We"ve got something important to tell you." Mr. Thatcher said. "You see, your mother has been offered a job as co-director of a television station in a big city. After thinking long and hard about it, we"ve concluded that the right d (1) is to move to that city."
              Kenny looked shocked, while his sister Edith breathlessly started asking when they would be moving.
              "It"s s (2) , but exciting!" Edith said.
              "We can"t go - I can"t leave all my friends. I"d rather stay here and live with Tony Strong!" Kenny said.
              The Thatchers hoped that by the time they moved in August, Kenny would get more used to the i (3) of leaving. However, he showed no signs of a (4) the news and didn"t want to pack his belongings.
              When the morning of the move arrived, Kenny was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tony Strong"s house, but Mrs. Strong said she hadn"t seen Kenny.
              Actually Kenny had started walking over to Tony Strong"s house. There was an empty room in the Strongs" house. Kenny thought maybe he could h (5) there for a few days. If his family couldn"t find him, they would have to move without him. Then he could still stay with his friends.
              But something happened on the way as Kenny walked past all the f (6) places of the neighbourhood: the fence that he and his mother painted, the tree that he and his sister used to climb, the park where he and his father took evening walks together. How much would these mean without his family? Kenny didn"t take the time to answer that question but hurried back to his house i (7) . He wondered if there were any moving boxes of the right size to hold his record collection.
            • 6.
              so, relax, agree,different, few, too,introduce, go, depend, kind
              I have been a reader since I could remember. My mother was the first person who (1) me to books. She brought home a (2) book for me every week. I love all (3) books, even books with (4) or no words. I could pick up a picnic book and spend hours on it. I like reading, (5) I often go to the bookstore to buy books with my mom. I think reading is interesting and (6) . If you sit down with a good book to read, you will (7) into a different world for a few hours. You will experience different feelings and stories. It just (8) on what you are reading.
              Some people say they are (9) busy to read a book. I don"t (10) . You always have time to do your favorite things, right? Now turn off the TV, open a book and enjoy it.
            • 7. "Wow! What a surprise!" I thought as the airplane rose suddenly into the air. I (1)
              (fly) alone for the first time in my life. At that time, the voices of those who said I would neverlearn to fly seemed so far away. I loved to fly. I believed I could learn.
              I began flying lessons at the age of 14. At that time no one (2) (allow) to make his first solo(单独的) flight unless he or she reached 16. So I had to wait two long years. I used that time (3) (practice) the basic skills of flying. It wasn"t always easy, and many times I (4) (come) home feeling discouraged and thinking maybe everyone was right-I would never learn to fly. But by the next day, I wanted to try again.
              As I climbed higher and higher, everything on the ground (5) (become) miniatures(缩微模型). Houses, cars, and trees all looked like tiny toys. The sky was blue and the view was incredible. That day was my 16th birthday, and I (6) (make) three perfect takeoffs and landings. It was one of the happiest days of my life.
              Today, 40years later, I (7) still ______ . I (8)(fly) ______ single- and twin-engine airplanes, jets, biplanes, and seaplanes. Now I teach other people how to fly. When I watch my own students" first solo flights, I (8) (understand) the joy on their faces.
              Seeing them always brings me back to my sweet 16th birthday. I learn that no matter how many people tell you that you can"t do something, if you believe yourself, you (9)
              (achieve) your dream.
            • 8. Charms of Yangzhou Gardens
                  Throughout history, Yangzhou has been famous for its gardens. As early as in the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bi, King of the State of Wu, began to build gardens in  Guangling. In the Qing Dynasty came another high point of Yangzhou gardens. There was a popular saying during that time "Yangzhou Gardens are the best in China". Among the gardens, the Slender West Lake, Ge Garden and He Garden are the most famous.
                  The Slender West Lake
                  The Slender West Lake lies in the northwestern part of Yangzhou, with its south gate facing Rainbow Bridge Road. It is about 123.6hectares in area. It was named AAAAA Tourist Area in 2010. The Slender West Lake is an outstanding representative of the lake gardens in China. The waterways connect many attractions, including the Great Bridge, Xuyuan Garden, the Small Golden Hill, the Five-pavilion Bridge and the Twenty-four Bridge. In a word, the Slender West Lake represents not only the beauty of natural landscape but also the culture of the old city.
                  Ge Garden
                  As an outstanding private garden in Jiangnan(South-of-Yangtze-River part), one of the top four gardens in China, a National AAAA Tourist Area, Ge Gareden is in the northeast of the ancient Yangzhou City. Bamboo is the spirit of Ge Garden. You can enjoy all kinds of bamboos in Ge Garden. In total, there are more than 60types of bamboo and nearly 20,000bamboos in the garden. Even the name of the garden was from bamboo leaves which are like Chinese character "ge" in the moonlight.
                  He Garden
                  He Garden is the best protected ancient private garden in Yangzhou. It is also a National AAAA Tourist Area with four parts: the East Garden, the West Garden, the Residential Area, and Pian Shi Shan Fang. He Garden proudly has four Number Ones. Its corridor(走廊) which divides the back garden into the eastern and western parts won the Number One Corridor in the World. The lattice (格子)windows in the corridor got the title of Number One Windows in the world. The Shuixin Pavilion in the west garden is known as Number One Pavilion in the World. Pian Shi Fang, which locates in the southeast of He Garden, is called Number One Rockery(假山) in the World.
              Charms of Yangzhou Gardens
              Long(1) ______ of Yangzhou Gardens ◆ Yangzhou Gardens have been famous (2) ______ history in China since the Western Han Dynasty. There was a popular saying during that time "Yangzhou Gardens are the best in China".
              The Slender West Lake ◆Rainbow Bridge Road is in (3) ______ of its south gate.
              ◆It(4) ______ an area of about 123.6hectares.
              ◆There are many places of(5) ______  along its waterways.
              ◆It represents both the history and the culture.
              The Ge Garden ◆It is among the top four(6) ______  gardens.
              ◆You can enjoy(7) ______  sixty types of bamboo in it.
              ◆It was named after the (8) ______ of bamboo leaves.
              The He Garden ◆It is(9) ______ up of four parts.
              ◆It is famous for its (10) ______ Number Ones.
            • 9.
              other, showed, after, patient, from, knowledge, terrible, another, competition, over, before, invented
              Now, mobile phones are becoming more and more helpful, especially some new apps. In fact, it is really difficult for people to make apps(应用软件). They need lots of (1) that you don"t know. But some middle school students are inventing their own apps. Recently, an app (2) for middle school students was held in Shanghai, China. A group of middle school students from all around China (3) their inventions at the competition.
              Zhang Shanlin, a student from WFLMS, has (4) an app called Health Helper. His app is very useful. It tells people when and how to do exercise every day.
              Chen Jing is a student from Beijing. The air in Beijing is often (5) , so he invents an app that can calculate(计算)PM 2.5. In this way, he can know whether the air is bad or not by his mobile phone (6) he goes out.
              " It is not easy to make an app. You have to be really (7) and careful. Sometimes, you have to try (8) and over again. But I enjoy doing it," said Zhang Yuqi, (9) student from WFLMS. Many interesting apps have left a deep impression(印象)on the engineers (10) Sohu and other companies at the competition.
              What kind of app do you want to make? You may try to make one, too.
            • 10. One day an American boy Tom went to London to visit his friend Simon. Simon told him that he lived on the first floor. When Tom arrived, he went straight to the first floor of the building. But he was told there was no Simon on that floor. Do you know why?
              In fact, the British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans call the second floor.
              The story shows that there are a few culture differences between Britain and America, though they both speak English.
              First, the British usually hide their feelings. They seldom start a conversation with strangers. For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are more active and easier to talk with.
              Second, the British and Americans may use different terms for many things. The British usually use football, eraser and mail while Americans prefer to use soccer, rubber and post.

              Though the British and Americans both speak English, there are many (66)______ (67)______ between them. For example, the first floor in Britain is the (68)______ floor in America. The British often keep (69)______ on the train while Americans may like to talk with strangers. What's more, they may use different terms for the (70)______ thing, such as football in Britain and soccer in America.
