优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              Everyone has a beautiful memory about school which is hard to forget. Among many things, relationships are   (1)   hardest to leave behind. Some schools try to stop students’ puppy love in different w   (2)  . Anything about “love” relationship is not allowed. For example, a middle school in Fu’an, Fujian Province forbids (禁止) boys and girls to sit together for meals and forbids boys   (3)   (看) girls for a long time. A middle school in Luohe, Henan Province sets rules   (4)   boys and girls should meet in bright places with at l   (5)  5 other classmates, and if they meet in private they will be asked   (6)   (回家)with parents for more than a week and even advised to leave school. A middle school in Jinan, Shandong Province forbids everyone to send food and gifts to or r   (7)  them fromthe opposite sex (异性). It also forbids students to help the opposite sex with bags and coats and requires a “44 cm” distance   (8)   boys and girls.
                Some students   (9)  (不满意)such rules. “Why should we have strict places for different sexes to eat? It’s not using bathrooms!” Some people who   (10)   (关心;在意) the intelligence development of the students say that they should be more   (11)  /kri'eitiv/ with fewer rules. For this, I’d like to say that middle school students are going t   (12)  puberty (青春期). It’s normal   (13)  them to have some feelings for the opposite sex. Schools should p   (14)   correct guidance and education   (15)   (而不是;代替) giving simple and cruel rules and asking the students to follow.   

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            • 2.

              One afternoon just before Christmas, an old kind man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy c  (1)   in front of a beautiful shop window. The old man a  (2)   why he was crying there.

                 The little boy said that he had lost the ten dollars given by his mother. When the old man h  (3)  this , he put his hand into his pocket and took o  (4)  a small wallet and gave him ten dollars. The little boy t  (5)  him and stopped crying and smiled. The old man walked away. An hour later, the old man was returning home by the same route. To his s  (6)  , he saw the same boy at the s  (7)   place. He went up to him and asked if he had lost his money a  (8)   The little boy said that he had found the l  (9)  ten dollars. He was waiting for him there. He wanted to r  (10)  the ten dollars to him.

            • 3.


              How important is shopping to you? How much time do you spend buying things? In the future, how much time will you spend in movie theaters, at amusement parks, at shopping malls, or at convenience stores?When you a   (1)   it all up, you will probably see you spend a lot of your l  (2)   consuming(消费)things. Consuming products is not necessarily bad. H  (3)  , if we spend too much time doing it, we should look at it carefully.

              I_  (4)   that you have a week off from school, but you cannot spend any money ----- no shopping, no movies, no eating out.How would you spend your time?What things would bring you h_  (5)  ?Perhaps you would take a walk with your best friend. Perhaps you would help a child read. Or you might spend time with your family.

              When we look back, it is l  (6)   that non-consuming experiences will be our most important m  (7)  . Why? Non-consuming activities are a_  (8)   , not passive. For example, each person who r  (9)  to a child will have a different experience. The experience changes with the reader, the child, and the book. Similarly, when you have a conversation with a friend, you are actively creating an experience. The conversation that you have with your friend cannot be experienced or recreated by anyone else. You make the experience y_  (10)  











            • 4.


              Once there was a beggar sleeping on the street. One day, he met a painter who was very poor. Soon the painter f __(1)_ sick because he worried too much. Before his death, the painter gave the beggar a painting, on which there were a pair of hands and a smiling face.The beggar was wild with j_(2)_ because he heard some painters became famous after death. So he started w_(3)_for one day to sell the painting at a high price. One year passed, two years passed, and he had waited for many years, but the painter didn’t become famous. Later, the beggar left this world with r_(4)_.

               Dramatically, another beggar got the same painting. He came to u_(5)_the painting. He didn’t think much, but laughed h_(6)_for a whole day instead. Since then, he no longer begged from others, but began m_(7)_money with his hands. After a few years, he had o_(8)_his house, his family and a smiling face.

               In fact, sometimes wealth does not m_(9)_money; it may be beside us. But if you don’t know how to d_(10)_it and dig it in the ordinary life, you might be “poor” all your life.

            • 5.

              Dear Deborah,

                (1)  T     to you, we are able to have a comfortable “home” for our children to live and learn in this year. Last Monday, Michael and his sister, Janet, celebrated Michael’s 9th birthday with a cake and cards in the nice place. There was a look of   (2)  j     on their lovely faces. Thank you for your kind gift of $1,000 to Children’s Residential Services of Greater Boston. For the  (3)  h      children like Michael and Janet in our center, your  (4)  k        makes a difference to them.

                (5)  W      your help, we’ll buy new computers for our children in a day or two. The children can’t   (6)  w     to use the computers to do their homework and talk with their friends!

              The computers are parts of our Excellence in Service Campaign that will  (7)  m    our “home”even nicer for Michael, Janet and their new friends.

              We   (8)  w       like you to visit our “home”, so you can meet our children. We love to  (9)   s    you around our “home”, and the children enjoy meeting visitors. One or two might even show you what they can do with their new computers.

              Janet Teebs, our development director (负责人), is going to  (10)   s    up a visit for you, or to answer any question you may have. Please call her at 520-446-0912, or e-mail her at janetteebs@CRS.com.

              Again, thank you for all you did for our children. You are a part of their lives too.


              Malcolm Wexter

              Executive Director

            • 6.

              My hometown is a village in Henan. Many years ago, it’s small but quiet. All my   (1)   /ˈrelətɪvz/ lived nearby. But we were too poor at that time. We had no TVs, no cars. We didn’t have any modern   (2)  (machine) to do farm work. So many people left for the city to find jobs. They hoped to   (3)   their life. Few people wanted to go back home.

              But nowadays, the   (4)  /sɪtjʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n/ has changed rapidly. With the development of China, great changes have   (5)   (take) place in my hometown. More and more new factories are being built. We can work near our houses. Children go to new schools. The old can get good   (6)  care in the new hospital. We can relax in the park in our   (7)   time. The environment has also changed a lot. We can   (8)  (hard)find litters on the street. Many families use the Internet to do business. Our   (9)  (communicate) with the outside world is easy and quick.

              Thanks to the   (10)  /ˈgʌvənmənt/, people in my hometown are having a rich life now. And we are sure our hometown will become better and better.

              (1) _______
              (2) ________
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            • 7.

                Do you like sandwiches? I like them very much. Do you know how to ____  (1)  _____ a turkey sandwich? Let’s have a try.First,_____  (2)  ____two spoons of butter on a piece of bread.Next,____(3)______ an onion and a tomato. Add them to the bread .Then, add three pieces of turkey and put one spoon of relish on the turkey._____  (3)  ____,put another piece of bread on the top. The great turkey sandwich is ready. You can ____  (4)  _____ it now.











            • 8.

                  Libraries give kids a quiet and safe place to read and learn. For over 100 years, libraries have played an important r  (1)  in Americans’ education. But how are these book-filled buildings c  (2)  with the times? You may be surprised to find out.

                  Benjamin Franklin famously f  (3)   America’s first lending library in 1731. But the public library system got its biggest development in the American history in the late 1800’s. Businessman Andrew Carnegie donated millions of dollars to help build free public libraries a  (4)  the country. Between 1886 and 1919, Carnegie’s donations helped build 1,679 new libraries.

                  Carnegie believed that libraries could o  (5)   the chances to Americans, young and old. He knew that the more libraries there were, the m  (6)  people would have opportunities to read and use books, speeches and news. 

                  If you can easily find a public library in your c  (7)  , you’ll get more chances. After all, the United States has 9,225 public libraries. Today, libraries keep growing. Seven tenths of the libraries have free Internet. It provides much more i  (8)  and opportunities to ask for jobs online.

                  Libraries are also teaching kids about the fun of reading. The new program Read! Build! Play! adds reading into playtime. As kids listen to a book that is being read aloud, they use Legos (乐高积木) to build images(图像) from the story h  (9)  . Today’s libraries are always looking for creative programs to bring people into the library.

                  Benjamin Franklin o  (10)  said, “The doors of wisdom(智慧) are never shut.” As long as the doors of public libraries are open, what he said is most certainly correct!

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            • 9.


              The Waste of Worry

              Do you remember being afraid of monsters at night as a child? But as you grow up, you know that there are no monsters, right? We always have f    (1)   and worries about things that are not real. The crazy thing is that worry and fear make you r     (2)   from something that isnˈt even chasing you.

              Englandˈs former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, said that whenever he started to worry, heˈd remember a man who said on his death bed “I’ve had a lot of t  (3)       in my life — and most of it never h   (4)        !” You see, itˈs not work that kills people, but worry.

              When you fear the future, you’re w ___(5)    the present. Worry seems like a rocking chair: it keeps   you going, but you don’t get anywhere! And if you canˈt help worrying, remember that worrying canˈt help you either .

              If you’re fearful, you’ll find something to be fearful about. That’s whythe former American President, Franklin Roosevelt, said: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

              Many of us are afraid of what others think; but if we knew howseldomthey think about us, we’d know we needn’t worry.

              So whatever you’re afraid of or worrying about, ask yourself, “Is it real? And if it is real, howwill worrying about it help me? Is it something I can change? If not, how can I best deal with it?”

            • 10.

              Where is the true home of hamburger?

              The kind of beef we see in hamburgers , minced(切碎)beef, was possibly invented by Mongolians over 800 years ago. But who first put the beef between pieces of bread and called it a hamburger? Three different cities in the United States all say that they were the first to invent America’s favorite food.

              Some people say that Fletcher Davis, from Athens, invented hamburgers. “Old Dave,” as people called him, was selling minced beef sandwiches in his lunch bar as early as the 1880s. Some years later, they say that a group of Germans called①his sandwich a “hamburger ” because people from the German city of Hamburger ate this kind of beef.

              Other people believe that the hamburger came from a different American city.②coincidentally, its name was also Hamburg. The Menches brothers were selling pork sandwiches at a fair in 1885, but when there was no more pork, they used minced beef and gave it a new name, the “hamburger”.

              The third possible inventor of the hamburger was Charlie Nagreen, also known as “Hamburger Charlie,” from Seymour. He said that in 1885 he invented the world’s first hamburgers. Seymour now celebrates the invention of the hamburger every year. In 1989, it was the home of the world’s largest ever burger—over 2,500kg!

              (1) 任务一请根据短文内容,完成句子。每空一词。(2分)

              There are three American cities in this passage. They are Athens,           And            .

              When there was no more         at the1885 fair, the Menches brothers used minced beef         .

              (2) 任务二请根据短文内容,用英语表达 ①处划线单词his 所指代的内容。(1分)                                        
              (3) 任务三请根据短文内容,猜测②处划线单词coincidentally 的中文意思。 将其字母代号填写在答题卡上。(1分)                    
              A 幸运地   B 碰巧地   C 相反地
              (4) 任务四请根据短文内容, 回答问题。(1分)

              How often is the invention the hamburger celebrated in Seymour?                                             .

              (5) 任务五请从文中找出与Mongolians possibly invented minced beef a long time ago. 意思相近的句子。

              (1分)                                                                                                                                  .

              (6) 任务六请用英语简要概括出本文的主旨大意,不超过10个词。(2分)

               It ‘s mainly about                                                                 .

