优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. A: You looked worried, Peter.
              B:I am, Mr Woods. (1)
              A: You said you liked English. (2)
              B:I can"t get the pronunciation right.
              A: (3) Why don"t you borrow the teacher"s tapes? You can listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you.
              B: (4) But what about all the new words ? I forget a lot of new words.
              A: You can write the new words in your notebook and study them at home. (5)
              B: That might really help! Thanks.

              A. That"s a good idea.
              B. How do you study English?
              C. You can even study in the bus on the way to school.
              D. I"m having trouble learning English.
              E. Well, listening to the pop music is the best way.
              F. Well, listening can help.
              G. What"s the problem?
            • 2.
              parent ,tell , called , world , together , start ,after , with ,shop , newspaper , cry
              Most people buy lots of presents just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They start a special day (1) "Buy Nothing Day." They don"t want anyone to go (2) on that day. Buy Nothing Day is on November 29. It is (3) Thanksgiving. Often, before Christmas we see many ads. in (4) and on TV (5) us to"buy, buy, buy!" The idea for Buy Nothing Day (6) in Vancouver, Canada. Now people all over the (7) celebrate Buy Nothing Day. In California, the U.S, (8) and children get (9) to read stories, sing songs and draw pictures. The children talk about (10) they can"t get many toys.
            • 3.


              Information Sheet

              (1). Americans are taught to be ________ when they are children.

              (2). They say that time goes ________ when they are having a good time.

              (3). When a person is dying, people say he is living on a ________ time.

              (4). Americans have to work ________ hours a week.

              (5). Time can ________ money and lots of things to Americans.

            • 4.







              Love music, want to be a (3)_

              Be good at

              Playing the guitar and _(4)_

              Things to do

              An _(5)__ and a music show

            • 5.


              (1) Where does the woman want to go?
              (2) Which bus can the woman take?


              A.The hospital.        
              B.The bank.         
              C.The museum.
            • 6. 昨天你到时,我已睡着了三小时。   (asleep )


            • 7. It’s my great ______________ ( please ) to do something for you .
            • 8.
              The doctor asked me to take some m_________ after lunch.
            • 9.

              听第四段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。

              (1) How is the weather tomorrow ?
              (2) What are they going to take to the beach?
            • 10.
              Sometimes the ________ is out for shopping by bike.
