优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              It is March, 2050. 

              Frank and Mary wake up in their house and turn on the computer to w  (1)  the news.

              When they watch the news, Frank and Mary t  (2)   their weight control pills(减肥药), and a  (3)   one of the talking machines to make coffee for them. Then Frank e  (4)   the study to have a meeting with his workmates around the world. He is a computer engineer working for some companies.

              Mary also has a job and she is doing material study. Both she and Frank had an office desk in London, but in 2014 they d   (5)   to move to the seaside and work from home.
                  Frank and Mary have one c   (6)  , Louise, she goes to school only one day a week, to play with other students. There were no classrooms in 2030 b   (7)   there was not any need for them: communications systems(通信系统) make it easy to learn at home. Louise, now thirteen, is s   (8)   Chinese and Chinese is becoming as i   (9)   as English. Louise has many Chinese friends. They chat with each other by computer. The family doctor says Louise will   (10)   to at least 130. Her wish is to work for a few decades (十年) and then spend her time on music and painting.

              (1) ______

              (2) ______

              (3) ______

              (4) ______

              (5) ______

              (6) ______

              (7) ______

              (8) ______

              (9) ______

              (10) ______

            • 2.
              Everyone has a beautiful memory about school which is hard to forget. Among many things, relationships are   (1)   hardest to leave behind. Some schools try to stop students’ puppy love in different w   (2)  . Anything about “love” relationship is not allowed. For example, a middle school in Fu’an, Fujian Province forbids (禁止) boys and girls to sit together for meals and forbids boys   (3)   (看) girls for a long time. A middle school in Luohe, Henan Province sets rules   (4)   boys and girls should meet in bright places with at l   (5)  5 other classmates, and if they meet in private they will be asked   (6)   (回家)with parents for more than a week and even advised to leave school. A middle school in Jinan, Shandong Province forbids everyone to send food and gifts to or r   (7)  them fromthe opposite sex (异性). It also forbids students to help the opposite sex with bags and coats and requires a “44 cm” distance   (8)   boys and girls.
                Some students   (9)  (不满意)such rules. “Why should we have strict places for different sexes to eat? It’s not using bathrooms!” Some people who   (10)   (关心;在意) the intelligence development of the students say that they should be more   (11)  /kri'eitiv/ with fewer rules. For this, I’d like to say that middle school students are going t   (12)  puberty (青春期). It’s normal   (13)  them to have some feelings for the opposite sex. Schools should p   (14)   correct guidance and education   (15)   (而不是;代替) giving simple and cruel rules and asking the students to follow.   

              (1) __________

              (2) __________

              (3) __________

              (4) __________

              (5) __________

              (6) __________

              (7) __________

              (8) __________

              (9) __________

              (10) __________

              (11) __________

              (12) __________

              (13) __________

              (14) __________

              (15) __________

            • 3.

              One afternoon just before Christmas, an old kind man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy c  (1)   in front of a beautiful shop window. The old man a  (2)   why he was crying there.

                 The little boy said that he had lost the ten dollars given by his mother. When the old man h  (3)  this , he put his hand into his pocket and took o  (4)  a small wallet and gave him ten dollars. The little boy t  (5)  him and stopped crying and smiled. The old man walked away. An hour later, the old man was returning home by the same route. To his s  (6)  , he saw the same boy at the s  (7)   place. He went up to him and asked if he had lost his money a  (8)   The little boy said that he had found the l  (9)  ten dollars. He was waiting for him there. He wanted to r  (10)  the ten dollars to him.

            • 4.

              Last spring I was walking in a park. In front of me there was a mum and her 3 -year-old daughter. The little girl was holding a string(线),which had a balloon at the other e   (1)   .
                All of a sudden, a l   (1)  wind took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she would cry.
              But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon rise to the s   (2)  , she cheerfully shouted out, “Wow!” That little girl t   (3)  me something.
                 Later that day, I received a phone call from my friend; he told me an unexpected problem. I felt like r   (4)  with “Oh no, what should we do?” But remembering that little girl, I found m   (5)  saying: “Wow, that is interesting! How can I help you?”
                 One thing is for sure--life is always going to make us f   (6)   unexpected problems. However, how to deal with them is our choice. We can choose to be annoyed or i   (7)  .
               No matter what the situation is, a “Wow!” will always b   (8)  “Oh, no.”
                 So the next time you meet one of life's unexpected g   (9)  , remember that little girl and make it a “Wow!” experience. The “Wow!” always works.





















            • 5.

               I’m sure you all know how important recycling(回收) is. Recycling is when you collect old things and turn them into new things. It sounds like magic.  B  (1)   in fact it’s very scientific.

              How it all works? The first thing is to collect items that can be recycled. Soda cans are made out of metal. Some bottles of juice are made out of g  (2)  . Magazines and newspapers are made out of paper. Bags are made out of plastic. Many o  (3)  old things can be recycled,too.

              Let’s get back to the process(过程)of recycling. Once you put all your items in a recycling factory. There,the materials get separated. They go into d  (4)   piles. There are special machines that crush(挤压变形)each pile together. The materials c  (5)   into square cubes(立方体). They are really heavey. It is h  (6)   for humans to carry them. Companies buy these cubes and turn them into n  (7)   products.

              Now let’s take a closer look at how old paper is transformed(改变形态). First the paper is torn(撕)into tiny p  (8)  . Then a special water with chemicals is poured onto them. The fibers start to stick together. In time,a completely new roll of paper is c  (9)  ! If there were things written or printed on the first paper,they disappear.

              Recycling keeps our planet healthy. It reduces waste and saves money. It a  (10)   saves energy. You can do your part. So just remember the golden rule:always recycle your products!

              (1) ___________

              (2) ___________
              (3) ___________
              (4) ___________
              (5) ___________
              (6) ___________
              (7) ___________
              (8) ___________
              (9) ___________

              (10) ___________

            • 6.

              One day, Laurie saw the four March girls walking quietly through the garden. He followed t  (1)  . They went to some trees and sat there drawing and r  (2)   and sewing(缝纫). Laurie hid b  (3)   a tree and watched them, feeling sad he had no brothers or s  (4)  . A squirrel suddenly ran down the tree and Beth looked up. She saw Laurie and asked him to join them.

                He read to them while they drew and sewed. They talked about their d  (5)  .

                “I want to travel around the world and see lots of places. Then I’d like to become a famous musician,” said Laurie.

                “I’d like a lovely house, full of nice things——good food, pretty clothes, handsome furniture and pleasant people,” Meg said.

                “Wouldn’t you have a husband and some angelic children in your lovely house?” asked Laurie, with a bigs  (6)  on her face.

                “I said ‘pleasant people’, you know.” Meg c  (7)  tied up(绑好) her shoes as she spoke, so that no one saw her face.

                Jo continued, “I want to write books and get rich and famous. My works should be as f  (8)  as Laurie’s music.”

                “M  (9)  is to stay at home safe with Father and Mother, looking after the family. Nothing else. Since I had my little piano, I am perfectly satisfied(满意的),” said Beth quietly.

                Amy’s modest(谦虚的) wish was to go to Rome, do fine pictures, and be the best artist in the world.

                “Every one of us, but Beth, wants to be rich and famous. I want to k  (10)  if any of us will ever get our wishes,” said Laurie.

                They decided to meet in ten years to see if their dreams came true.

              (1)  _______________

              (2)  _______________

              (3)  _______________

              (4)  _______________

              (5)  _______________

              (6)  _______________

              (7)  _______________

              (8)  _______________

              (9)  _______________

              (10)  _______________

            • 7.

              Peter went into a restaurant because he was very hungry. The weather was cold and so he asked the waiter ___(1)___ (bring) him a bowl of hot soup. “What kind of soup, sir?” asked the waiter. “Chicken,” said Peter. “I feel like ___(2)___(drink) some thick chicken soup.” “No problem, sir.”

                  After a short time, the waiter came back with a bowl of hot soup. Peter looked at it and said, “I don’t think I ___(3)___(eat) the soup.” “Then, I’ll bring you some fish soup. I’m sure you ___(4)___(like) it. ” Ten minutes later, the waiter brought Peter a bowl of fish soup. After ___(5)___(look) at it, Peter said again that he couldn’t eat the soup. When the waiter was on his way to the kitchen, he met the head of the restaurant and ___(6)___(tell) him that Peter was very hard.

                 When he ___(7)___(hear) this, the boss went up to Peter and asked him politely, “Sir, I wonder if there ___(8)___(be) anything wrong with the soup .”“Nothing at all, but I ___(9)___(not see) the spoon but a knife and fork on the table since I came in.” Peter answered with a smile. Can you show me how ___(10)___(eat) the hot soup without it?”











            • 8.

              My mother likes shopping very much .Sometimes she is even c___(1)___  about shopping .She often makes a shopping l___(2)___ at the beginning of every month. The things include shorts , trousers, some pairs of s____(3)___  and so on. At the s__(4)___  time, she often stays in t_____(5)___  with here friends in other countries. Different countries have different c______(6)___  So they often talk about shopping experiences and different customs online. Sometimes  she i______(7)___  some foreign guests to our home.

              They have formed close f_____(8)___ _ with each other. Compared to going to the supermarket, my mother p__(9)___ _____ shopping online. She says that it can save her more time and money .She has lots of other things to do in her d___(10)___ ___ life. This is my mother who likes shopping.

              (1) ___________

              (2) ___________

              (3) ___________

              (4) ___________

              (5) ___________

              (6) ___________

              (7) ___________

              (8) ___________

              (9) ___________

              (10) ___________

            • 9.

              Steve was a twelve-year-old boy from a poor family. He never did his lessons and he never  p  (1)  his exam since the first grade. No one noticed Steve until Miss White, a beautiful teacher came. She said kindly to Steve many, many times:

                “Just try it! ONE WEEK!” He was unmoved.

              “You’re clever enough! You’ll see a change!” Nothing changed him.

              “Give y  (2)  a chance! Don’t g  (3)  up on your life!” Nothing happened.

              “Steve! Please! I care about you!” Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it! Someone cared about him? Steve became i  (4)   in his study and he wanted to give Miss White a s  (5)  .

              One Monday morning he arrived at school on t  (6)  , and he waited for Miss White to enter the classroom. She walked in with a smile. Miss White, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Steve hurried through the e  (7)  , and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of surprise, Miss White took his paper. She began to look it over. Steve walked back to his desk with his heart jumping. Miss White’s face was in shock! She looked  u  (8)  at Steve, then down, then up. Suddenly, her face broke into a smile. The  c  (9)  boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test!

              From that moment nothing was the same for Steve. Life at home remained the same, b  (10)   life at school greatly changed. He discovered that not only could he learn, but also he was good at it!

            • 10.

              Often the importance of having dinner with the whole family at the dinner table is strengthened. We are told that “a family that eats together stays together”; we even follow it by making the whole family sit in front of the television while eating. Is it right? Wrong. Television does nothing to help make family relationships better. In fact, it only widens the gap between the members of the family, especially parents and children. It’s thus better to sit at the dinner table. Family dinners should include another important part--conversations that create a pleasant atmosphere. However, it’s often difficult to start a conversation at a family dinner. Moreover, many people make the mistake of raising controversial (有争议的) topics at dinnertime, causing one or more members, or the whole family, to lose their appetite (胃口). So it is important to keep in mind some family dinner conversation ideas.

              It often serves well to start the conversation right before dinner so that setting the table and other housework may become less boring. Doing things together, whether it is talking or laying the table, can make family members feel interested so that there are no embarrassing moments when people are actually eating. You can also change the topic if you feel that it might start arguments and destroy everyone’s appetite.

              Children are usually very good at sharing information and don’t know exactly how to reply when you ask them questions like “How was school today?” So make sure you know more about them than just the fact that they go to school---like which book they are reading or movie they watched recently, or ask them about the extracurricular activities that they might be taking part in.

              Family dinners should be positive and conversations during dinnertime should encourage family members to eat well. All controversial topics should be avoided at dinnertime . In fact, if you have any funny stories that happened in your daily life, that’s the time when you can share with others. It is also a good idea to look back on your childhood memories with your family members. They, especially your children, will feel excited about the crazy, sometimes stupid things that you did as children. In short, there is much need to choose the right topics for family dinner conversations.

              (1) Television is useless to help strengthen family relationships. Actually, Watching TV while eating together makes_____________ the family members_________________.

              (2) Talking about something controversial while eating together results in the_________________ appetite. So , it’s better to start conversations that create_________________.

              (3) Begin to talk before dinner to make everyone feel_________________ doing the housework related to the dinner. Don’t talk about what may make family members _________________ each other and destroy their appetite.[

              (4) You need to have a good_________________ their activities so that you can talk with your children about what they did or are doing.You should make sure that everyone is _________________ eat well by your positive talking.

              (5) You should not say anything that is controversial. You can___________ what happens in your daily life with your family members or talk about your childhood stories with your family, which may be crazy or even stupid. In a word, it is_____________ choose the right topics at meals.

