优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              go,              play,              watch,           big,                      crowd,          is,

              friendly,         feel,              little,              comfortable,         two,              meet

              My best friend is Mary. She is     66     than me, so she has more friends. She is much     67     hard-working, so I always get better grades than she does. We both like     68     movies, and we go to Sun Cinema     69     a week. It’s     70     there and we can buy tickets very quickly. We can sit the most     71     there because they have the     72     seats. Yesterday we     73     to Sun Cinema again, but there     74     no tickets left. This made us     75     unhappy.

              66.________   67.________    68.________    69.________   70.________

              71.________   72.________    73.________    74.________   75.________

            • 2.

              Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people.

              Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find the lost children. (61)And some of the dogs can help the blind.

              There is a kind of dog. His name is Seeing Eye dog. (62)Now we can see this kind of dog all over the world. They are working for the blind. The Seeing Eye dog is strong and easy to train. He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to take his trainer across busy streets. (63) The dog has many things to learn. ……的尽头 (64) the training school he must take tests. When he passes the test, the Seeing Eye dog will do things by himself.

              Now he can help the blind people. The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month learning to work and live together. (65)

              61 .将(61)处划线词线译成中文。                                                           

              62 .In Chinese, “Seeing Eye dog”means                                                    

              63 .对(63)处划线部分提问。                                                

              64 .将(64)处划线词组译成英语。                                                       

              65 .找出(65)句中的错误并改正。                                                  

            • 3.

              Nobody can make clear whether the modern inventions help us more or be the opposite. For example, the mobile phones(手机), most people have one. Mobile phones were invented to help people connect with each other by calling at the very beginning. But now their functions (64) ________ (get) more and more. The original purpose of the invention (65) ________ (change) a lot for many years since the first mobile phone came out. You (66) ______ (watch) TV or movies on it. You can read, play games, take photos, listen to the music, buy things and chat with others on it. So, you can often see Phone Freaks(手机控;手机迷) (67) ________ (play) with a mobile phone on a bus, on a train, on a subway, in the office and even at table. Many young people spend so much time (68) ______ (fix) their eyes on the phone that they become unhealthy, get shock(休克) and even die. Experts find out that using phones too much has caused serious loss of vision(视力下降) among the kids in schools. And it will get much worse when they get older. They warn the teenagers (69) ________ (not use) it too much.

                  So, next time when you take out your mobile phone, do you think you should refuse (70)______ (be) a Phone Freak?

            • 4.

                     Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the nine o’clock Mystery North American. Black bears are shy animals. They are fearful by nature, and will usually run away if they see or hear people. Because of this , it can be difficult for scientists to learn about these animals.

                  In order to study black bears, researchers from New Jersey, USA, catch bears and use drugs to help them go to sleep. Researchers then work out the size and the weight of the bear, take blood to test for diseases, remove a tooth and take it to the lab to find out its age. From these studies, researchers want to find out how many bears live in New Jersey, how long they live, and how many babies they produce.

                   83 But in Minnesota(明尼苏达州), USA, researchers study bears that are completely awake. The bears know the researchers’ voices and they are not afraid of the research team. With the help of a few grapes to keep the bears busy, researchers can touch them to check their hearts, look at their teeth, and do other jobs. Researchers can also walk or sit with bears for hours and make videos to learn about their everyday lives.

                     In both places, the main purpose is the same—to make sure there is a healthy population of black bears. 84 But the research methods and the kinds of information that researchers are able to collect are quite different.

            • 5.

              One day, an old lady(夫人) wanted to go to London to see her son. She got up early and (1)reached the small station at nine o'clock in the morning. Because this was her first trip to London, she didn't know the time. She was very worried. Just at that moment, she saw a little boy running to her, she stopped him and asked him what time the train would come and when the train would leave for London. The boy looked at the woman and said, "tu: tu: tu: tu: tu". just like firing a gun(开枪).Then he ran away. The old lady was very surprised and got angry. She wanted to know why the boy played a joke on her(和她开玩笑). She sat in a chair and thought and thought. After a while, she began to smile. She couldn't help (2)________ (cry) out, "What a clever boy! He told me the time in such a way."

                  Do you know the time?

            • 6.

              When your feelings are bad,what can you do?Let me tell you a good way of solving this problem.If it is sunny outside,go out and stay in the sun for half an hour,and you will be better soon.

              Scientists believe that weather can affect people’s feelings.When the sun is shining,people often feel(A)______,but when it is cloudy,people often feel bad.

              Also,you should pay more attention to your health in different weather.

              For example,in hot summer,you should have more sleep.You can get up late in the cool morning.When the temperature is over 32℃,you should stop having sports outside.



            • 7.


              My first camping trip

                   I always wondered what it would be like to go camping. I love sports but this is one thing I didn’t do before. So when one of my classmates advised us to go camping for the holidays, I jumped with happiness.

                     The night before camping, I checked(检查) my bag, sleeping bag, water bottle, flashlight(手电筒), some clothes, some food. I was ready!

                    We got to the camp by bus early the next morning. There were twenty of us and we were divided(分开) into four groups. We played games to get to know one another better. After lunch, We learnt how to keep safe in the forest. We also played games that taught us to work with and trust others. In the evening, we walked for an hour in the forest. And at the end of the night, we had a big campfire. We sat around it, sang songs and told scary stories. This was certainly not my last camping trip!

              How did the writer feel when someone advised him to go camping?


              52 How did they reach the camp?


              53 How long did they walk in the forest in the evening?


              54  What did they do at the end of the night?


              55  Did the writer enjoy the camping trip?



              56 根据上下文补全对话。

              A: It rained heavily yesterday afternoon! 1______________________?

              B: No, I was not at home when it rained. 2_______________________?

              A: When it rained, I was reading a magazine at home. 3_______________________?

              B: I was playing basketball with my classmates.

              A: 4______________________________________?

              B: In the school playground. We stopped playing because of the heavy rain,

              A: 5______________________________________?

              B: Then we went to the dining hall and had something delicious.

              A: It seemed that you had a good afternoon.

              B: You’re right






            • 8.

              “ Green ” is more than just a color. It means that you should live to protect the environment — the water , the land and the air . You can be a green kid by following these steps .

              Reduce( 减少) it.

              When you use less of something , you do a good thing for the Earth . For example , a shorter shower means you use less water . (72) Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth .

              Reuse it .

              Many times , even if you don' t need something ,someone else might just need it . For example , if your younger sister does' t play with her bear toy , you can give (73) it to your neighbour. Try to change books, toys , even clothes with friends .

              Enjoy it .

              It 's true that pollution is a great problem now , (74) ____________ the Earth is still a beautiful and interesting place to explore (探索). Go for a hike (远足), visit nature centers , and gardens , climb mountains and take a boat in the rivers …. Outdoor activities are good for you . You can also plant trees ,collect reusable (可重复使用的)things …. Being a green kid is so easy .


              71How many steps ( to be a green kid ) are mentioned in the passage ? 


              72 将文中划线(72) 的句子译成汉语


              73文中划线 (73) 的 “it”指代的是什么? _____________________.

              74在文中划线部分(74)的 空白处填上一个恰当的连词使句子通顺完整,符合逻辑。_________

              75Give a proper title (题目) to the passage.


            • 9.



              Imagine you are living in a moving house. Inside the house, there is a small kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Everything you need is close at hand.
                 In the US, you can really see these moving houses on the road. They are called recreational vehicles (RVs, 房车). People call them houses on wheels. When it’s holiday time, the whole family often gets into this lovely house and goes out for a journey across the country.
                 Not like a real house, this home on the road is small for a family who has to spend every hour of every day together. But the best thing about it is that it changes your journey into a free exploration (探险).
                (2) You can drive as long as you like without worrying about finding hotels and restaurants. Or you can just stop somewhere nice and stay for a few weeks. You may also meet other families who are also on road trips. Together, you take out your tents and snacks. It’s camping time with a lot of talk and laughter!
                 Of course, RVs can be inconvenient (不便利的). (1)They can sometimes break down and you will spend time fixing them up. But this kind of road journey still wins people’s hearts because they can go wherever they want and whenever they would like.

              (1) 写出(1)划线句子的同义句.

              They can sometimes break down and it will________ you time ________ them up .

              (2) 翻译句子

              You can drive as long as you like without worrying about finding hotels and restaurants. _____________________________________________________________________________

              (3) Why does an RV road journey still win people’s hearts when there’s some inconvenience?


