优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              A.How much is it?
              B.Oh,yes.We have blue,yellow and white ones.
              C.Which one do you like?
              D.I'll take this one.
              E.Can I help you?
              A:(1) ______
              B:Yes,please.I want to buy a sweater.
              A:(2) ______ What about this one?
              B:I don't like black.Do you have other colors?
              A:Other colors?(3) ______
              B:Can I have a look at the yellow one?
              B:(4) ______
              B:OK.(5) ______ Here's the money.
            • 2.
              M:Can you tell me something about Chinese animal signs?
              W:Sure.In our Chinese lunar (1)c ______ ,there are twelve animal signs.Each animal sign represents a year.
              M:Do they (2)a ______ in order?
              W:Yes.There is a (3)f ______ order like a circle.The circle (4)r ______ every 12years.And it's said that people born under the same animal sign have similar personalities.
              M:It sounds (5)l ______ our star signs.Do you know anything about star signs?
              W:Yes.In your country,a year is (6)d ______ into twelve star signs.And your personality is (7)
              d ______ by your star sign.Right?
              M:You've got the point.So do you believe in animal signs or star signs?
              W:To be honest,I believe in (8)n ______ of them.I think nothing but I myself can (9)s ______ my life and future.
              M:I can't agree more.What you will be (10)d ______ on yourself.
            • 3.
              Jason and Bert are my two friends.Jason is an Australian boy.He comes from Sydney,Australia.He is a good student.And he always spends hiss(1) ______ time on study.At home he doesn't allow others to bother (打扰) him when he studies.If his sister is watching TV,he always makes hers(2) ______ it off.Of course,at school Jason is alwaysp(3) ______ by his teachers because of his good marks.
              Like me,Bert is English.Like me,Bert likes music.And he likes music that has greatl(4) ______ .When he's free,he spendsp(5) ______ of time on music.Because of this,wes(6) ______ together like glue.Wherever Bert goes,you can always find me.
              Which one do youp(7) ______ ,Jason or Bert?As for me,I like Bert better.
            • 4.
              A:Hi,Li Lei!What (1) ______ these?
              B:(2) ______ are tomatoes.Do you like (3) ______ ,Jim?
              A:No,I don't.
              B:(4) ______ is your favorite vegetable?
              A:My favorite vegetable is carrots.And my favorite (5) ______ is apples.How (6) ______ you?
              B:My favorite vegetables (7) ______ potatoes and tomatoes.And I like apples,(8) ______ .They are all (9) ______ food.They are good for us.
              A:Do you think fish is healthy food?
              B:Yes,I think so.But candy (糖果)(10) ______ healthy food.It's bad for us.
              A:I agree with you.
            • 5.
              "Have you finished your lesson,George?"Said Mr.Prentice to his son,who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.
              "No,father,"replied George,hanging down his head.
              "(77) ______ "
              "Because it is so difficult,father,I'm not sure that I shall never learn it.(78) ______ My memory is so bad."
              "If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next,do you think you would forget the date?"
              "(79) ______ "
              "You are good at skating,and flying your kite,and playing footballs,are you not?""Yes,father."
              "And you cannot learn your lesson!My dear boy,you are lying to yourself.(80) ______ ""But have I not tried,father?"again asked George.
              "(81) ______ Come,for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making,and give another effort to get your lesson ready.Be serious,and you will soon learn it."
              A.No,I'm pretty sure that I should not.
              B.You can learn as well as any one,if you will try.
              C.It is easy.
              D.Well,try again.
              E.Besides(而且),I could not remember it after I had learned it.
              F.If you don't pay more attention to your lessons you will never be fit for anything.
              G.Why not,my son?
            • 6.
              A:Here are all the clubs
              B:(1) ______ club do you want to(2) ______ ?
              A:I want to join the English club.How(3) ______ you'?
              B:Hmm.I want to join the(4) ______ club.Can you(5) ______ chess?
              A:No,I(6) ______ like chess.Do you like music?
              B.Oh,yes.I(7) ______ singing and dancing.I like music.
              A:Me,too.Let's join the(8) ______ club.
              B.I can also learn to(9) ______ the guitar in the music club.
              A:That's great!I think I can(10) ______ you with it.
              B.Thanks a lot.
            • 7.
              A:Is that a photo of your (1) ______ ?
              B:Yes,it is.
              A:Who's (2) ______ ?
              B:That's my grandpa.
              A:Is that (3) ______ mother?
              B:(4) ______ ,that's my aunt,my father's (5) ______ .
              A:(6) ______ this your mother?
              B:(7) ______ ,it is.
              A:Who's this man?Is he your (8) ______ ?
              B:No.(9) ______ my uncle.Uncle John is my father's (10) ______ .This is my father.
            • 8.
              A:Hey,Mike!(1) ______
              B:Kung Fu Panda 3.Did you watch it last weekend?
              A:Yes,I did.
              B:(2) ______
              A:It's boring.
              B:Boring?I think it's a great movie.I love it.
              A:(3) ______ It's too boring.
              B:(4){C} ______{C}
              A:The sitcom.
              B:(5){C} ______{C}
              A:Some funny stories.
              A.What do you think of it?
              B.Why don't you like it?
              C.But I can't stand it.
              D.What did you and Lisa talk about?
              E.How often do you watch it?
              F.Well,what do you like watching?
              G.What can you learn from it?
            • 9.
              Sandra:Do you like carrots?
              Tom:Yes,I( 1) ______ .
              Sandra:How about tomatoes?Do you (2) ______ tomatoes?
              Tom:Yes,I do.It's great!Do you like vegetables?
              Sandra:No,I (3) ______ like vegetables.Well,only salad.I like salad.But I like (4) ______ .I like bananas,oranges…
              Tom:How about apples?I don't like apples!
              Sandra:I like apples.And do you know what I really like?
              Tom:(5) ______ ?
            • 10.
              Sometimes going to sleep seems boring. There's so much more you want to do. But sleep is very important. Here is some advice to help you go to sleep quickly.
              ● Try to go to bed at the same time every night. This helps your body get into a routine(常规).
              ● (103) ______ . You can decide what's in the routine yourself, but make sure it's relaxing. You can take a warm shower (冲热水澡) or you can do some reading.
              ● Don't have a TV in your room. Studies show that children who have one in their rooms sleep less.
              ● (104) ______ . These can sometimes make it hard to fall asleep.
              ● Don't exercise just before going to be
              D. (105) ______ .
              ● Use your bed just for sleeping-not doing homework, reading, playing games or talking on the phone.
              If you have a hard time falling asleep for more than one or two nights, tell your mum or dad. They can help you solve(解决) your sleep problems. (106) ______ . Then you'll be ready to sleep.
              A. In fact, just talking about it with them is enough-it can help you relax.
              B. Do exercise earlier in the day-it can help you sleep better.
              C. Follow a good bedtime routine.
              D. Don't watch scary(恐怖的) TV shows or movies close to bedtime.
              E. I don't like sleep at all.
