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            • 1.
              Tips for Writing Better Articles
              (1) A common problem is that we don't like to rewrite.In fact,rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes,like grammar and spelling mistakes.Rewriting makes our writing better,though it takes more time and more work. ______
              (2) When we are not sure which word is the right one for a sentence,look it up in a dictionary.Many of us choose words in a hurry and don't take the time to decide if they are proper.Good word choices are necessary for good writing. ______
              (3) Making a list is necessary for writing a good article.Such a list includes:Is there a proper title?Have we explained every point?Are all the parts of the article included?This can help us to make sure that we have covered everything. ______
              (4) If we want people to believe what we write,we must make sure our facts are true.We should use dependable facts. ______
              (5) Sometimes it's easier to find problems with spelling,word usage(用法) and grammar when we read aloud.Reading aloud helps us not only find out our problems but also develop our writing.
              Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage. ______
              A.Make good word choices.
              B.Prepare a list.
              C.Collect information.
              D.Check facts.
              E.Read aloud.
            • 2.
              A little boy invited his mother to his school's first teacher-parent meeting.He never thought that she would agree.But she showed up.He felt worried.Although she was a beautiful woman,there was a scar (疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her face.
              To his surprise,the boy saw other people having a good talk with his mother at the meeting.But he felt sorry for his mother's face and sat in a chair far from his mother.Just at that moment,he heard a talk between his mother and his teacher.
              "How did you get the scar on your face?"the teacher asked.She replied,"When my son was a baby,his room caught on fire one day.Everybody was too afraid to go in,so I went in and ran towards his bed.At that time I saw a beam(横梁)coming down and I placed myself over him to try to protect him.I was knocked.But luckily,a fireman saved both of us."She touched the scar."This scar will be here forever,but I have never regretted what I did for my son.You see,he is strong and healthy now."
              Hearing that,the little boy ran to his mother with tears in his eyes.He hugged her and held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.
              Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Only one word for each blank.
              At a boy's first teacher-parent meeting,he never thought his mother would agree to come.But his mother(71) ______ and had a good talk with other people.He was very(72) ______ to see that.He felt sorry because there was a scar on the whole right side of his mother's face.He sat far from his mother.Just(73) ______ ,a talk between his teacher and his mother changed his mind.He learned that the scar on his mother's face was left(74) ______ of saving him and his mother didn't regret doing that.Hearing this,the boy was so moved that he ran to his mother and gave her
              A(75) ______ .
            • 3.
              Have you ever seen a hitchhiker(搭便车的旅行者)standing by the side of a road?Now drivers in Canada might see(51) ______ unusual hitchhiker; a hitchhiking robot.
              One of its inventors,David Harris Smith,has hitched across Canada three times.Smith and a friend,Frauke Zeller,have built Hitchbot because they wanted(52)(see) if people would stop and give the robot a lift and talk to it.The robot can chat about things it has learned,and about(53) ______ (it) trip.You might think it's a joke,(54) ______ Smith and Zeller's experiment has a serious point:can robots and people get along?
              Hitchbot(55) ______ (begin) its journey in Nova Scotia in July.It has already completed a third of its 6,000-mile trip to Victoria.More than 57,000people are following its journey(56) ______ (close) on Facebook and Twitter,and travelers have posted lots of(57) ______ (photo) on the websites.Hitchbot has also done some shopping,eaten motor oil,and had fun with travelers.Nobody knows(58) ______ it will finish its journey.It might be(59) ______ (long) than expected,but Zeller and Smith want Hitch to get(60) ______ many rides as it can.It hasn't been in a self-driving car yet,but anything is possible!
            • 4.
              Pandas are now a symbol of China.Many people around the world (81)l ______ pandas,too.Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests.Another 300 or so live in 2008 or research centers in China and other countries.Pandas do not have many babies,maybe only one every two years.The babies often (82)d ______ from illnesses and do not live very long.Adult pandas (83)s ______ more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo.Many years (84)a ______ ,there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China,but then humans started to (85)c ______ down these forests.As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems,pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies.Luckily,Chinese government is taking actions to protect pandas.
            • 5.
              A:Hello!(51) ______ ?
              B:Yes,this is Frank speaking.Oh,John?
              A:Yes.Have you seen the movie The Monkey King?
              B:(52) ______ .What about you?
              A:I haven't,either.But my brother saw it last week.He said it was great.
              A:I hope I can have a chance to see it.
              B:Here comes the chance.I've got two tickets for this movie at Wanda Cinema tomorrow.
              (53) ______ ?
              B:Wow!I'd love to.(54) ______ ?
              A:Sure.First you got to Shuguang Supermarket,then take the lift to the 8th floor.You can find the cinema there.
              B:By the way,(55) ______ ?
              A.Let's meet at the cinema gate at 6:40 p.m.The film will start at 7:00 p.m.
              B.OK.See you tomorrow.
              A:See you.
            • 6.
              ______ .
            • 7.
              ______ together.
            • 8.
              Excuse me, ______ .
            • 9.
              Lisa:Hey,Jane.(1) ______
              Lisa:Yeah,it's a dancing party.
              Jane:(2) ______
              Lisa:Do you want to go with me?
              Jane:Can I?I don't really know Susan.
              Lisa:(3) ______ She said I could invite a friend.
              Jane:Ok,then.I'd love to go.(4) ______
              Lisa:On Saturday night.
              Jane:Wow,that's the day after tomorrow!I need to get a new dress.
              Lisa:(5) ______ There's a clothes shop near here.Let's go there after work.
              Jane:Sounds good!

              B.I hope not.
              C.No problem.
              D.What a shame!
              E.Sounds like fun.
              F.When exactly is it?
              G.My friend Susan is having a party this weekend.
            • 10.
              China is a great country with a long history,It has its own special cultures.Do you know some of them?
              66It is a special dance that has been popular for centuries in china.Over ten people work together to wave a dragon made of paper or cloth.People in many places organize this activity to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
              67It is a kind of fighting style that has developed over the centuries in China.Many people practice it to keep healthy,More and more foreigners are crazy about it.The movie called kung Fu Panda is welcome all over the world.
              68It is a singing performance,People regard it as one of the cultural treasures of China.It mixes music,drama and acrobatics(戏剧和杂技)together.Mei Lanfang is one of the greatest performers.
              69It is one of the oldest artistic traditions in China.The painters make the pictures with soft brushes,If the painter is famous,the work with his seal(印章)will be much more valuable.
              70It is perhaps the most popular board game played by millions of people in China.Two players play it on a board with 32pieces.The player who catches the enemy General can win the game.
              A.Chinese Chess        
              B.Chinese Painting        
              C.The Dragon Dance    
              D.Chinese kung fu       
              E.Beijing Opera.
